Member Reviews

My gosh! What a fantastic addition to the series! Thrilling, spine-numbing and completely engrossing. This is exactly THE kind of book that needs to be made into a TV series. Kill or Die isn't your usual spy story. Double agents are plenty but this is no cold war! Nor is it a competition between two powerful countries. A school where children are trained to be assassins and sent to work at various organizations; they are sleeper agents until activated. Activation involves a 'code word' which when spoken turns the agent into an assassin.

I loved the chase and the mind-blowing twist! I cannot wait to see how things are going to end for Michael and Neva, after all the next book will the final one in the series. Samantha Lee Howe is a master storyteller. Excellent writing and character development. I really loved the addition of new characters and their side stories.

Highly recommended!

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Book 2 in this ‘House Of Killers’ series and if you read Book 1 you will have been, like me, eagerly anticipating it
Have to say it’s a must to read Book 1 first as this is a carry on from it and would be confusing without knowing what had gone on before
The blurb describes the books as ‘Killing Eve Meets Jason Bourne’ amd
if that appeals to you you wont be able not to enjoy this and the previous book, it sums it up better than I could
Full on action all throughout, great writing and plots and accessible characters make it one of my favourite series’ and already looking forward to Book 3 due later this year
Exciting adventure mixed with thrilling chaos!

5 Stars

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Kill or Die by Samantha Lee Howe is the second book in a three-book series about a girl programmed to be an assassin from age five and the organization that did it. As a transitional story, it introduced me to many new characters that I imagine will play an essential role in the third book. These new characters took time away from Neva’s story, which I wished had not been so. Neva still intrigues me. With her programming, she is almost like a flesh and blood killer computer, but little pieces of the person she is outside the programming keep teasing me into wanting to spend more time with her, hoping that I will glean just a bit more about her. She is intricately developed with layers that have been created as the programming has broken down. I love how she is so strong, intelligent, and able to think three steps ahead of everyone else. I also love how the book ended with some unexpected twists and revelations that are as frustrating as they are jaw-dropping. I never saw them coming, and I always enjoy that. If you are looking for a new series that will give you more thrills than you could ever have hoped for. Kill or Die, and the series it is part of, is just what you want. Perfect for lovers of Jason Bourne and Killing Eve.

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I absolutely love this series featuring Michael a M15 agent and Neva a female assassin who's paths have crossed and they have now formed a personal relationship.

Kill or Die is book 2 and is even better than book one as you get to know Michael and Neva better than ever before.

The action is non stop. I found myself cheering on Neva and Michael at different points of the book and could not turn the pages fast enough to see how Book 2 would end.

I will be first in line for Book 3 !

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter for a fast paced hold your breath kind of read !

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I loved the first book in this trilogy and this time we get a better look at the characters. I like the fact that the chapters are told from different perspectives. A plot full of twists with lots of action. For 'Killing Eve' fans.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book for an honest review.

I loved the first book and I loved this one as well!! I loved all the different perspectives that were given in the book, you were really able to get the story from everyone’s point of view which I enjoyed quite a bit.

Once I started reading I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to know where it was all leading and I was very surprised by the ending. I cannot wait for July to read the last book in the trilogy and get all the answers.

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I really enjoyed the first book, House of Killers, and particularly Neva and Michael's stories. I liked this book but felt it weaker in terms of the plot which I think was stretching the credibility a little in terms of the Network's multi-media structure of purpose.

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4.5 stars rounded down to 4

House of Killers Trilogy Book

For disgraced MI5 agent Michael Kensington, the events of the last year have exploded his life like a fist closing around a grenade. For serial killer and career assassin Neva they brutally exposed how hers has irrevocably imploded. She ran. He didn't. But he refuses to give up on her. With a power vacuum gaping at the heart of his conglomerate that almost silenced them and a deadly web of rogue operatives spinning out of control, they soon realise the fight for freedom has only just begun.

Neva is the female assassin. Michael is the MI5 agent. Michael has been reinstated by the MI5 but he's lost their trust. Until his trust is regained, his apartment has been bugged and he is being followed. Neva is an assassin who has went rogue and is now playing by her own rules. I can.t say too much about this book as i would spoil it for potential readers.

The book is packed full of action and the pace is fast from the beginning. The chapters are told alternately by Michael and Neva who are strong willed characters. Filled with twists, I was hooked from the first page. I think this book was better than The House of Killers. I also recommend that you read The House of Killers first as I don't think this book can be read as a standalone.

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This is part 2 of the trilogy and it is just as exciting as book one. Neva is a female assassin and Michael an MI5 agent. It's hard to say much more without giving spoilers for book one. I'm still in awe of the book one twist.

I wasn't sure if this book would be as good but it was better. It really reminds me of Killing Eve and is just as crazy. Its a really fast paced read that has you turning the pages as fast as you can in this cat and mouse read. I'm looking forward to book three.

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In book two of the House of Killers series, disgraced MI5 agent Michael Kensington, has been reinstated, but they have made it clear they do not fully trust him yet. He is being tailed everywhere he goes, his apartment is bugged, and he is being kept off of the majority of the prime cases. Just as he is considering throwing in the towel, his former love & fellow career assassin Neva waltzes back into his life. A plane on the way to Singapore went missing and Neva is convinced it has ties to the Network. Not to mention, assassins are popping out of the woodwork left and right, also from the Network, trying to silence Neva and Michael. Michael has to decide where his loyalties lie - with Neva, who has always kept him safe, or with M15 and the job that he loves and believes in.

I love this series. I was so excited to get to read the second book in the series. If you have ever watched the series "Killing Eve", that is what I picture when I read this book. Michael is attracted to Neva even though he knows he shouldn't be, and they technically should be on opposite sides, so it is a kind of Eve and Villanelle relationship.. It is non-stop action from the first chapter to the last page. I read it in almost one sitting, because i didn't want to put it down. I think this is my favorite thriller series ever. If you enjoy a good spy thriller, or any kind of thriller for that matter, then this needs to be at the top of your TBR pile. I recommend reading the first book, The House of Killers first, so you know everything that is going on.

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Kill or Die is the second book in the House of Killers trilogy. Once again this novel is full of action from the beginning and just when you think you have worked out the plot, there’s another great twist to keep you guessing. Action packed and pacy this book will keep you entertained to the end. Thank you to NetGalley, One More Chapter and the author for the chance to review.

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I really enjoyed House of Killers so when I was invited to read this, I let out a pterodactyl screech of joy and immediately downloaded it. I am now seriously short on sleep and desperate for the conclusion. Kill or Die is told like the first book in alternating POV chapters from rogue ex-assassin Neva and disgraced MI5 agent Michael’s perspectives. It’s just as fast paced and tightly plotted as book one – hence the lack of sleep – and is absolutely the sort of espionage thriller I’ve been pining for most of most of my adult life. In particular I want more characters like Neva. No spoilers but they have both made a lot of enemies. This was absolutely brilliant. How long until book three, again?

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I received an advance copy from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Kill or Die is the second book in the triliogy, which follows Neva, a female assassin, a ruthless cold assassin, with no past, who goes rogue against her own organisation who trained her to kill anybody, no questions asked. The other main character is Michael, a loner with his own issues, who works for Archive a highly secretive part of MI5. Can’t expand on either of them too much without spoiling book one.

Again, each chapter is told from a different character’s point of view. We get to find out more on some of the secondary characters from the first book, which is great. This works well and helps maintain the pace. The book is action packed, with multiple threads and twists, that keep you on your toes. Each of the characters are well developed, with great voices.

I loved the first book and the second book is even better, cannot wait to read book 3 scheduled for release in July 2021.

Highly recommend this series.

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