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His Hidden Wife

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Member Reviews

This is a psychological thriller with a lot of twists and turns. It truly kept me guessing.
I liked the premise of the story, but it took me a while to get into it. While I have read many books that alternate POVs, this one took a little to adjust to. Glad I stuck with the story. Enjoyed the ending,
I received an advance copy of this booking exchange for my honest review.

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I was mesmerized by this tale of the secrets lurking behind the beautiful facade of a picture perfect marriage, and what happens when that picture is disrupted. A great book!

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When Maya was 6, her mother died leaving her to be raised by her father, Stephen. Years later Maya is struggling with moving on with her life and when Stephen introduces Amy his new girlfriend to Maya the likeness to her mum is uncanny. Soon Maya is having flashbacks and things are starting to change in her world and not in a good way.
This was a good solid story and I enjoyed it, as I do with all of Wendy's books. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I couldn't really get into this book. A bit slow and the storyline was one I've read many times. That said, I've liked many of her other books so give it a go. It may not be for me but might be for you.

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I must say that I was very intrigued by the synopsis of the book when I request it but unfortunately I find this story very flat for my taste.
It was very slow and I really didn't understand the existence of the characters like Teresa or his first wife.. they didn't offer anything to the story really especially the background of Teresa which was very flat like the writer just put them so the book will be little bit longer because if you take them out the book was like short story.
Even the main characters were very little and unlikable, and their action was not very believable and pointless mostly, especially from the father. I understand very well the main idea behind the book and maybe it could be a good one but the way it was written it was confusing and without any suspense, even the twists was little bit silly and the most of them you see them coming. From the first pages you know that something wrong with specific characters because of actions and a decisions they make without any logic.

Thank you netgalley for the opportunity to read this digital copy for exchange of my honest opinion

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I’m annoyed as I really wanted to enjoy this book. Once I read the synopsis I requested this book and was looking forward to receiving it.......until I started it.
About a third of the way through I found myself either reading the words but not taking in the story or so confused with alternating chapters from different points of view.
I have read books where each chapter is told from a characters pint of view but in this book I kept having to go back to figure out who was who and what happened to them last.
I kept hoping the pace was going to pick up but it never did.
I hate leaving negative reviews but on this one I couldn’t do anything other than leaving my honest opinion.

Thank you to the publisher, author and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this novel.
I am not really sure if I liked this book or not. Its a very slow paced novel and picks up only at the last few chapters of the novel. Though the end is really good I wish I could connect more with the characters. I give it a 3 stars.

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I feel like this story has been told way too many times. We think someone is dead, they may or may not be, and we as readers are left trying to figure out what is true and what is not.

Meh. I have mixed feelings about this one and all the different points of view were difficult to keep up with. It felt very disorganized and the characters were unlikeable. It was so slow paced I couldn’t focus most of the time because it got so boring.

In my opinion, there will be better suspense/thriller reads than this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture as well as Wendy Clarke for this ARC they provided in exchange for my honest review. This book will be published on February 3, 2021.

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Wowwwwww this one was fantastic!!! Seriously I knew that this book was going to be a knockout! The characters were fantastic and this was such a good thrill.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. I really enjoyed this fast paced thriller, great characters and a great storyline, had me hooked until the very end

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I had the pleasure of reading this for my honest review from NetGalley, thank you. This story focuses on three characters, Maya being the main character of this read. Maya lives with her dad Stephen in a cliff top house surrounded by the sea. Maya's mother died when Maya was six years old, she has never known the truth about the death of her mother,all she has are happy memories of her childhood. All of her life she has wanted to know the truth but her dad has always kept it a secret. Stephen meets Amy and straight away he is smitten with her, he introduces Amy to his daughter but Maya can not accept another person in their life, Maya does not like Amy from the start, Amy reminds her of her mother, the same hair colour, the same likeliness. Then we have Theresa, Stephens work colleague, they work together in Stephen's clinic. Theresa is obsessed with Stephen, she will do anything to be close to him. This Story is based on Maya searching for answers towards her mother's death but now Amy has come into the picture, things do not go the way maya hoped for. This read will have you guessing, it is full of twists and mystery. I was glued from the start. I really enjoyed reading this, I am looking forward to reading more novels from this author. I rate this ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐

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Book was well written. Enjoy it. Finished in one sitting. Well definitely read more by this author. Thank you for letting me read the book. I would recommend this book who likes a good book.

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His Hidden Wife is a psychological thriller with a lot of twists. I enjoyed this book it was every well written and kept me turning the pages to see what was going to happen next, and the ending never saw that coming. Thank you Netgalley for this ARC .

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This book just couldn’t keep me engaged. It has the structure of a great story, but.....🤷🏼‍♀️. I don’t mind multiple POVs but maybe this just had too many “moving parts” or mini mysteries within a larger mystery.... Also, I’m a bit burnt out on England & the likes these days. Nothing personal AT ALL, I’d like to visit one day. But I just need one solid mystery here in the USA, I believe. I’m a bit worn out with all my “bloody” literary travels of late😂

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Great characters, a fantastic setting, and a psychological thriller all wrapped up in one!

Wendy Clarke’s newest thriller is exactly that- a thriller. I was drawn to the story and the ending blew my mind. Way to think outside of the box with this one!

Thank you for the advance copy!

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Wendy Clarke outdid herself with this mystery novel based upon a cast of characters who are so believable that you feel like you know them. Wonderful read that keep you interested the entire length of the book.

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What a brilliant psychological thriller it kept me gripped from the beginning and I couldn't put it down. The setting was perfect and made the story come to life. Dont want to give the plot away but it centres around Maya and her dad and something that happens in her childhood which she struggles to remember and he tries to protect her by keeping secrets, and there are many twists and turns before the truth is finally revealed. A fantastic read

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I did not enjoy this book at all. It's told from two points of view and it felt like there were two separate stories going on. The storyline was all over the place and none of the characters were likable. I found all the characters to be rather annoying. The story felt very disorganized because like I mentioned it was much two stories in one and they didn't really connect the best in the end. I liked the twist at the end but that about it. All the action happened in the last 10% of the book.

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Kind of entertaining, but a bit too convoluted. Enough stories around about psychologists whose personal lives are a mess. Been there done that. Writing okay, ending a bit ridiculous.

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Mayas mother mysteriously died when she was 6 leaving her to be brought up by her father, as an adult their relationship is close, to the extend of uncomfortable co-dependancy. When he brings home a girlfriend for the first time Maya is thrown and hostile as she struggles to understand how this new arrival is so like her monther. Her journey to discover what really happened on thsoe clifts all those years ago when her mother died begins.
I wanted to like this but found all of the characters extremely difficult to emphasise with, even the protagonist Maya, who behaves like a spoilt child rather than an adult for most of the book. The side storyline of her fathers co-worker was also a strange one, and I still cant work out what that brought to the nook.
Overall this is very much a slow burner of a book, which I struggled to stay engaged with.The twist at the end was good but im not sure for that that it was worth struggling through the rest of the book for. Maybe others would enjoy it more.

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