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I loooove this serie. Bitterblue is such a lovely character and i love to see how she grows into this amazing strong women.

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Before requesting this preview (which I believed to be a complete ARC, my mistake. However, it would be great if that were clearer on NetGalley), it was my understanding that you could read the Graceling books as stand-aliens (though, you may be somewhat confused at first). Given that I read the Graceling many many years ago, and have essentially no recollection of it. I decided to give this book (preview) a try! Unfortunately, I was left confused. Understandably, this was just the beginning of the story, so it's entirely possible that it becomes easier to get a grasp on the world.

Because I couldn't remember the Graceling all that well, I thought it would be smart to re-read the novel. So, I did. As I do with many of the ARCs that I request (unknowingly signing myself up for a sequel to an already published book... but I'm decent enough to the point where I read the rest of the books in the series before reading the ARC). Anyways this review is a jumbled mess.

Overall findings:
-The preview of this book showed me, The Graceling Realm books may not be great stand alones
-I don't like the Graceling Realm

I apologize, to both myself and everyone involved, for requesting this ARC.

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I read the 48 page preview and I am so excited for this book to release next month! I read the first three books years ago.

There's a small amount of recap, to remind you who is who, which was nice. The characters are already loveable, their relationships are sweet and endearing.

I really enjoy seeing this book from Gideon's perspective, I find him funny and intriguing. I'm curious to learn more about him already.

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Ahoy there mateys!  "Can’t Wait Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.  Each Wednesday ye get to highlight a book that ye be really looking forward to.  I don't normally do memes here on me log, but I received this young adult fantasy eARC excerpt from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  I loved it and am now looking forward to readin' the full version when it be published.  The stats:

Title: winterkeep

Author: Kristin Cashore

Publisher: Dial Books

Publication Date: January 19, 2021 (hardback/ebook)

ISBN: 978-0803741508

Source: NetGalley

Well mateys.  I loved the Graceling realm when I was younger.  I reread those books over and over again.  Me reread as an adult was surprisingly not as good but I can't help but be fascinated by the world.  I was intrigued when I saw this new offering.  I wasn't sure at first if I would read it but was too curious and so got the excerpt to see what was happening.  I basically forgot it was an excerpt, got to the end, and was sad I didn't have more.

These books are said to be set up to be companion books that can be read in any order.  I disagree.  They build on each other.  A lot of what I read in book four would make a person lost if they didn't know what came before.  I did wish that this new book involved new characters but instead it deals with Bitterblue again.  However, I quickly wanted to know more about the new lands and people and plots brewing.  I will certainly be I certainly do want to know what happens next.  Arrr!

So lastly . . .

Thank you Dial Books!

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I love this series, and I'm so excited to dive back into this fantasy realm when Winterkeep is published. It's one of my all-time favorites, and I love the new covers that were recently released.

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Well this book will either delight fans of this series or sorely disappoint them. I had the opportunity to read a preview and it was fun revisiting Bitterblue now she's a Queen. Although as this story begins its Giddon the deposed Lord who appears to be the main protagonist and he's clearly in love with Bitterblue although firmly in the friend corner. Bitterblue gets word the two of her ambassadors didn't drown naturally and its looking likely that there's a strong reason for her to travel to Winterkeep to solve not one mystery but two !
It's hard to rate this as I'm keen to read more but not sure just how the story will progress. I like Giddon though and really want him to be happy. I think there will be much intrigue and political machinations as the book progresses and I do hope that there's an awful lot less of Bitterblues various exes but only time will tell.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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I read somewhere that you could read these books as a standalone....I can't tell if that's true or not and I suspect what I just read contained spoilers for the previous books.

I mentioning this for context of my feedback.

I love the cover, and am intrigued by the story's was good in the first chapter too. because Giddon had a purpose. A course of action that I was curious about and could follow along. But it got so slow and info dumpy starting at ch 2 and I was wondering when the plot was going to begin. It all felt like one of those sitcom episodes where the old casts return to the scene and everyone who knows them is screaming, while new viewers are waiting for the show to get on with it.

Who knows maybe if I start the series I'll think of this book differently????

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I only received a short preview of this book but what I read so far I loved. I am already hooked and can’t believe I now have to wait to read the rest! I’m a huge fan of Kristin Cashore and her previous books in this universe are all in my all time favourite books list. I’m excited to continue reading about Queen Bitterblue now she is older and further explore the politics and magic of this world. I already love the protagonist of this book Giddon and am very intrigued by his work with the Council. I will definitely be preordering this book!

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Thank you for the free excerpt from Netgalley! This is the fourth book in the Graceling series, featuring Bitterblue. I am so so so psyched for this sequel. I have been such a huge fan of this series, and Graceling was one of the book to really get me into YA Fantasy. Reading this excerpt just made me want more and I cannot wait to be able to read the whole thing!

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I'm a big fan of Kristin Cashore, and I've been really looking forward to reading more books in the Graceling series! I'm super excited to dive back into this world and see where my favorite characters are now.

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I have adored every other book in this series, and, judging from the excerpt, this next book will be no different. Once again, Cashore wields her poetic writing to tell a magical story. I cannot wait to see how the plot plays out in this novel.

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I have loved all the books in this series. I can't wait to read another. This was an excerpt. I'm intrigued and will try to be patient to be able to finish this book.

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For the past five years, Bitterblue has reigned as Queen of Monsea, heroically rebuilding her nation after her father's horrific rule. After learning about the land of Torla in the east, she sends envoys to the closest nation there: Winterkeep--a place where telepathic foxes bond with humans, and people fly across the sky in wondrous airships. I only read an an exert of this book and I enjoyed reading it.

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I’ve been an avid fan of this series since I first read Graceling ten years ago, so I was super excited to return to this world — and this short preview didn’t disappoint! There are already some political machinations and mysteries at play in the book, as well a re-introduction into some our most beloved characters from this world. I think the beginning of this book sets up an exciting story with the possibility of exploring new sides of characters we haven’t seen from this world, as well as continuing to entertain readers with intricate plots that unfold in exciting and unexpected ways. I can’t wait to see where this story goes!

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How exciting it is to finally be revisiting the world of GRACELING after so long! I fell in love with this series a long time ago, and I was excited to see this book appear on my radar (and on Netgalley!) While I'm sad this was only an excerpt, I'm glad I was able to read what I did before the book's release.

One thing is sure, I'm definitely going to have to re-read the first three books before I dive into the new one. It's been almost a decade since I first read Bitterblue, and I remember virtually nothing about the book. The beginning of Winterkeep as read in this excerpt reminded me a little of how the book was resolved, but not much in between (or how the other two books are connected.) So I will definitely be re-reading and I'll make sure to pick this book up when it comes out!

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Thank goodness there is only a month left til Winterkeep comes out because I'm now even more hyped. I've been in love with the Graceling Realm series for over 10 years and I get so happy every time Cashore takes us back. She is such an amazing writer and I'm happy to report, based on this sneak peek alone that she still has it. She swept me right back up and I enjoyed it. I'm intrigued at the new characters but I'll wait til I read the full book to pass final judgement but great start!

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Winterkeep has great potential. The reader is introduced to Giddon. He is smuggling a family over the border to safety because one of the daughters has come into her power. At the same time, 2 men in Bitterblue's service disappear at sea going to Winterkeep. The issue I have is that the writing is not fluid and it takes me time to decipher/envision what Cashore's writing style. Even though I find the writing style choppy the story is interesting. In this brief look provided by NetGalley several characters are introduced. Bitterblue, The Queen of Monsea . Giddon, a Duke that lost his title in his own country so is now in Monsea at service to Bitterblue. Hava, a spy for Bitterblue and also the sister. Two other characters that are off traveling. Even though this feels like a rough draft I look forward to seeing how the story unfolds.

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I loved the Graceling books, and I had hoped there would be a continuation to the series. I was thrilled to hear about Winterkeep earlier this year. This preview (chapters 1-3) has left me eager to read more! Continuing books in a series can often be disappointing, but the beginning of Winterkeep is strong. I'm looking forward to reading more!

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I have only read the excerpt offered by NetGalley and will have to wait until the release date to read the entire thing, but if the first few chapters are anything to go by, this is going to be a delightful continuation of the Graceling series. I love being back in this world with these characters and can't wait to read more!

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WOW!! I can’t wait for this book to come out! Kristen Cashore is one of my favorite writers. I absolutely love this series. This book has a really great start and I’m sure it will have an even better ending.

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