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Talk Bookish to Me

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Full of quick witty banter, chemistry, and steamy romance, Talk Bookish to Me is an impressive debut novel from Kate Bromley that is sure to delight romance readers. Kara has every writer's worst nightmare. A huge case of writer's block. As a bookstagrammer and a historical romance author, she is no stranger to stress however even as the deadline for her novel quickly approaches, she still can't seem to shake this writer's block. The sudden and unexpected appearance of her college sweet heart at her best friend's pre wedding party is sure to shake things up. It turns out that Ryan, her college sweet heart, just so happens to be childhood friends with Kara's best friends fiance. Ryan seems to be the missing inspiration that Kara has been so desperately seeking out to finish her new novel. Emotions run high as Ryan and Kara had a less than amicable breakup and their is still plenty of anger, and chemistry left between the two. Will the pair be able to overcome their past history of hurt and pain and find love together in the future? Or are the pair destined to part ways after the wedding?

Talk Bookish is the perfect second chance romance book for every book lover and aspiring writer to add to their summer reading list. Kara's passion for books and writing shines though and Ryan's continual support and encouragement for Kara's career was wonderful to see play out over the course of the story. The chemistry between Kara and Ryan is undeniable and the snarky, witty banter between the two as well as between the other character's in the story is delightfully humorous. The characters are complex and charming, with plenty of dram and snark of their own. The plot is engaging and fast paced,; seamlessly combining awkward new love, steamy chemistry, friends and family, while also touching on more sensitive topics such as loss. I highly recommend Talk Bookish to me for romance readers looking for a new author to add to their must read list.

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Ok - I have thoughts. But I have truly changed how I feel about this one so many times so bear with me.

When I heard they synopsis of this book, I knew it was one I needed to read ASAP. A bookstagrammer main character, and a romance book about books? Yes please.

I absolutely LOVED the first 70% of this book, then something happens (no spoilers) and not only was I not impressed with the way the novel progressed, but I feel like the last 30% was a completely different book. It went off the rails. A plot point was used that I’m never a fan of and it made me disappointed in the character.

I’m not going to lie - it was on track to be a five star read....and when I finished I debated three stars. After sitting with it for a few days I’m back to four stars because I did love the writing and the overall story.

I absolutely love the relationship between Kara and Ryan. They had everything I love in romance - witty banter, tension, sweet moments.

I definitely enjoyed the main character being a bookstagrammer. I only wish there was way more of it, like it was a huge, real part of who Kara was. It was just kind of there and didn’t really contribute to the story.

So - as you can see, lots of conflicting feelings, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s a book that has made me think a lot and I’ve had some great conversations about it. I’ll definitely be picking up the author’s next book!

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I love a good rom com when one of the main characters is in a bookish profession. In Kate Bromley's Talk Bookish to Me, the heroine is a romance author whose first love has unexpectedly shown up in her life after ten years and you can imagine the hijinks that ensue. The story was fun and SO funny and I had a good time reading it.

Here's the book's description:
Kara Sullivan is definitely not avoiding her deadline. After all, it's the week of her best friend's wedding and she's the maid of honor, so she's got lots of responsibilities. As a bestselling romance novelist with seven novels under her belt, she’s a pro and looming deadlines and writer’s block (which she definitely doesn’t have) don't scare her. She's just eager to support Cristina as she ties the knot with Jason.
But who should show up at Cristina and Jason's rehearsal dinner but Kara's college ex-boyfriend, (the gorgeous and infuriating) Ryan? Apparently, he’s one of Jason's childhood friends, and he's in the wedding party, too. Considering neither Kara nor Ryan were prepared to see each other again, it's decidedly a meet-NOT-cute. There is nothing cute about this situation, and a bit of notice to mentally prepare would’ve been nice, Cristina! However, when Kara sits down to write again the next day, her writers' block is suddenly gone. She has to wonder what’s changed. Are muses real…? And is Kara's muse...Ryan?

I really liked Kara. She was smart and funny and passionate about the romance genre. She was clearly a fantastic friend, having two equally amazing best friends, and was confident in herself. I liked that she was thirty and had her life together, for the most part. It's so great to see rom coms exploring heroines of all ages (and all everything, really) especially as I move towards being in my mid-thirties. She has her issues, as do we all, but they weren't manufactured flaws or outrageous - it all made sense. Short story long, she was a really great heroine.

Ryan was also a great a point. You know how in romances and rom coms there's a moment where something goes TERRIBLY WRONG and the couple has to move past it in order to get their Happily Ever After? I was super pissed at the Terribly Wrong Thing. Like REALLY angry. I understood how they could move past it buuuut it made me not a fan of the character and their actions. It was sort of like, really? Was that really necessary? I mean, of course it was because it's fiction and there needed to be a Terribly Wrong Thing but I kinda wanted a different Thing. Other than the whole Thing, Ryan was a sweetheart. Smart and clearly head over heels in love with...his dog. (And, yes, Kara.) He had a bulldog named Duke who stole every scene he was in. It was adorable.

This does read a bit like a debut novel. There were pieces that didn't really connect but didn't take away from my enjoyment of the overall story. I was also totally over Kara being a bookstagrammer. And I say that as a blogger/bookstagrammer. I didn't think it added to the story and while I can understand bringing a bunch of books to stage at a beautiful location, I also found it to be a bit much. Plus she's a very accomplished author with several novels under her belt. That alone would allow her advanced copies - she didn't need to resort to bookstagram for free books. I'm aware this is an odd thing to be nitpicky about but, personally, it just rubbed me the wrong way.

Second chance romances have long been a favourite trope of mine but the shine had started to come off them in recent months. Talk Bookish to Me managed to polish the shine. I was so happy to hear about Kara and Ryan's initial relationship and read as they were thrown together again and tried to make things work a second time. It wasn't easy but it was a lot of fun to ride along with them as they figured it out.

I had a great time reading Talk Bookish to Me. Kate Bromley has written a debut novel that delighted me and had me laughing out loud on numerous occasions. I liked the bookish vibes and the second chance romance. I'm looking forward to seeing what Bromley writes next!

Where to buy Talk Bookish to Me: * Harlequin * Barnes & Noble * Amazon * Books-A-Million * Powell’s

Connect with the Author:
Website * Twitter * Instagram * Facebook * Goodreads

About the Author:
KATE BROMLEY lives in New York City with her husband, son, and her somewhat excessive collection of romance novels (It’s not hoarding if it’s books, right?). She was a preschool teacher for seven years and is now focusing full-time on combining her two great passions – writing swoon-worthy love stories and making people laugh. Talk Bookish to Me is her first novel.

*An egalley of this novel was provided by the publisher, Graydon House Books, in exchange for a review for the purpose of a blog tour. All opinions are honest and my own.*

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If you are in the mood for a somewhat spicy, contemporary romance……you need to read Talk Bookish to Me.
A quirky, fun story I enjoyed reading.
A second chance story with likeable characters. The main characters are Kara and Ryan who have some past history to overcome before they can go forward.
The humor within the story was funny and engaging.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Talk Bookish to Me by Kate Bromley
Available Now

Readers, this book is so much fun! It’s a super light and funny rom-com that will be a perfect book for a day at the beach or reading in the park. I found myself laughing out loud and the banter between characters is *chef’s kiss*!
Kara is a romance writer on a strict deadline for her next book. Frustrated by writer’s block, Kara is pouring her focus into being the best maid of honor her best friend could ask for. At the pre-wedding party, Kara runs into her college ex Ryan, the man who broke her heart and inspired her career as a romance novelist. Of course, Ryan just happens to be the best friend of the groom, a fact that no one knew about until that night. And wouldn’t you know it, fate keeps pushing Kara and Ryan together in unexpected ways, causing the two to rehash their past and try to move on as friends for the sake of the wedding.
And guess what? Sparks fly and Kara is suddenly inspired to write her novel! That’s right, Ryan is the breakthrough that Kara needed to get her novel done on time and before her long awaited trip to Italy. But how can a man who has so thoroughly broken her heart inspire such a steamy historical romance novel? How can the two maintain a civil relationship while also spending so much time together for the wedding? Why is he still so handsome and funny? Can you love a man’s dog more than him?
That’s right, there’s not just a complicated and super hot romance developing between Kara and Ryan. There’s also an adorable and loveable pooch who just wants to sleep on your bathroom floor and listen to Celine Dion.
I loved this book! It’s such a fun and light read that was entertaining from start to finish. The chemistry between Kara and Ryan was electric and their banter was beyond anything I’ve read before. As a booklover, I loved how much Kara loved her books and was completely unapologetic about her love of romance novels. Duke, our loveable goofball pooch, was a delight in this book. It’s quite possible that I loved Duke more than Ryan and I don’t feel bad about it at all. The final conflict in this book was such that I didn’t know how the author was going to be able to bring them back together but she really pulled it off. This is a great second-chance romance and I couldn’t recommend it more!

Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are definitely my own.

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was not a huge fan of this one. a few remarks early on i didn't like, but pushed through - dnf when cheating popped up. not my jam.

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ALK BOOKISH TO ME is the book-loving rom-com I have been waiting for. Bromley brings pure joy to the pages as she celebrates romance with heart, humor, and a bit of sassy banter.

In a debut novel, the reader never truly knows what they will get. Will the story fall flat even though the description shouts read me. Luckily for those who pick up TALK BOOKISH TO ME, you will not have to worry. The characters have wonderful chemistry, the writing flows effortlessly throughout the narrative, and Kara has the best type of realness to her. And the witty back and forth…oh how much I love good banter!

One of the things I love about having an author as the main character is that there is the potential to have a book within a book. Bromley crafted this perfectly. It was so fabulous to have a little historical romance break up the present-day interactions with the characters.

By the end, I went through all the emotions. TALK BOOKISH TO ME pulled me in from the premise and held me until the very last page. I cannot wait to read what the author has next.

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Reading a romance book about a romance book. Bromley shows us how to revamp the second chance romance trope. And normally, I would not touch this trope with a ten-foot pole. However, add a romance writer and bookstagrammer explaining the romance genre to her ex-boyfriend – well you got me!!!
Talk Bookish to Me is a funny romantic comedy about romance writer Kara Sullivan and her college ex-boyfriend Ryan Thompson. They have not seen each other in ten years since their shattering breakup. As they reunite at the pre-wedding festivities, the love-hate banter kicks off with a bang.
She is struggling with writer’s block and her best friend’s wedding; the last person she needs is her “horrible” ex - Ryan. However, Ryan may be the cure to her publisher’s looming deadline.
TALK BOOKISH TO ME is a romance novel within a novel. I love how the author walk the reader through the creation process of writing and included dialogue of the novel she is writing. I love how she explains the life of a bookstagrammer. I love how she explains the difference genres within romance. I love how Ryan is in awe of all the intricate details many people do not realize about genre.
The writing is excellent. The dialogue is engrossing. The heat factor is steamy. And the secrets are hair-raising and will leave you crushed and hurting.
While the story is heartfelt it is also a little unfortunate. I was horrified with Ryan’s secrets and disappointed in Kara’s actions in Italy. Even though you may find triggers within the story, for me it was not a deal breaker. Ryan as a character still had some growing up to do even after 10 years. You will love his bulldog DUKE more than Ryan – trust me. Slowly he and Kara find their HEA.
TALK BOOKISH TO ME is simply the best kind of “second chance romance”

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Talk Bookish to Me is such an enjoyable, light-hearted summer read! This is a beautifully-written, incredibly heartfelt story that you can easily fall in love with. The poignant plot design, lovable characters, and the genuine appreciation of the bookish world just makes my heart so full. I particularly adore the author's tentative way of depicting the character's love for bookstagram like the quote above. I mean, Kate's words are pure magic and reading her book is like sneaking a peak of the world of kaleidoscope.

Besides, I really, REALLY appreciate the Tom Hanks, Anna Kendrick, and Olivia Rodrigo's "Drivers License" references!!! Kate cleverly incorporates the elements of pop culture nowadays in her work and seriously, if that isn’t real genius, then I don’t what is. Her storytelling style is pretty unique—not too old-school and not too flowery—and it’s perfect for reeling the readers in from the very beginning to the end of the book.

The only thing I don’t really like, though, is the fact that the main characters, a.k.a. romance here, are actually exes. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends; I just don’t think it’s real chemistry between two exes. Of course, the romantic relationship works just fine in this book, and I do believe both protagonists have grown much more mature after having each other to complement themselves.

All in all, I’d recommend Talk Bookish to Me to all of you, so don’t forget to add the book to your summer TBR! I’ll also look forward to the author’s future works as I thoroughly enjoy reading her writing.

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Talk bookish to me was such a pleasant surprise. Books about people who love books always pique my interest and in this case, my high expectations were completely fulfilled. In this book, you can find bookish nerdyness, romance, friendship, a cute dog and an even cuter owner. I loved the characters, even Duke. Everyone added a little to the story. I loved the story too, it is not usual (at least not for me) to read about reunited ex’s with the right approach (and without toxicity). The banter between Kara and Ryan was the perfect amount, and so was the steamy/romance scenes ratio.
Overall, I deeply enjoyed the book, it was a nice surprise and it was the type of story I needed. It is fast-paced and a total page-turner, so make sure not to miss it.

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Kara Sullivan is a romance author and Bookstagrammer, but she hasn't written anything in her latest novel and her best friend is getting married. Her first love is in the wedding party, which is irritating but also inspires the steamy aspects of her novel. Her book needs a happily ever after, but maybe she could get a happily ever after of her own.

Kara is a fun character to follow, with a sharp sense of humor and a wicked way with words. She has two very close friends who snark with her too, and it's so much fun to read their interactions. They don't always pass the Bechdel test, as in addition to their personal problems they wind up talking about dating in general and Ryan in particular. It was a bad breakup in college, but nine years later there's still a lot of strong emotions simmering between them. He listens as she discusses her love of romance novels, writing them, and the tropes she enjoys. She's definitely a woman I want to be friends with!

The inevitable problem that drives them apart is a big one, and I don't blame any of the characters for being upset. It takes a grand romantic gesture to undo enough of the hurt to listen, and it's the kind of thing that Kara appreciates. This second chance romance is a lot of fun to read, as were the snippets of the historical romance novel that Kara was writing.

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I always, ALWAYS get excited when I see publisher emails with new books in it that are up for review. I never know what authors that I am going to get. So when I got the email for the summer books, I was excited to see a new author with the title Talk Bookish to Me. I am a huge book nerd. My to-be-read piles are off the charts and are constantly growing.

Kara is a romance author. She spends her day in a world of perfect endings. She got her heart broke in college by the love of her life and her first love. Imagine her surprise as the love of her life shows up at the wedding party of her best friend as the groom’s friend and groomsman. One thing leads to another and they are back to the way they used to be until the wedding when all things change and come to a screeching halt. This book was sooo good. It was a nice refreshing pace for me. I haven’t read a romance book in about 15 books. I have been on a fiction kick and reading a lot of other things. I loved the banter that the main character had. It made me giggle.

I felt the huge letdown that Kara felt when her world came crashing down again when things happened at the wedding. I have been in her shoes. When you think things are going to go one way and have your life planned out and then that comes to a screeching halt. I loved how the author wrote in bits and pieces of Kara’s book as she went. That must have been hard. Writing a story within a story. I loved that she went to Italy for 6 months and feel in love with the same person back home. It took her going away to realize that she really did love Ryan. I hope that this author writes more books in the future. I will definitely be reading them if she does.

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Give me a funny, sexy novel with books thrown in like Kate Bromley's Talk Bookish to Me, and all of the boxes are ticked for me.

Kara Sullivan is a 32 year-old romance novelist, successful in romance on the page, but not so much in her real life. She is maid of honor for her best friend Cristina, and it is wedding week, which means there is a lot to do.

At a pre-wedding party, Jason the groom is waiting for the arrival of his groomsmen. Kara is astonished when she turns around and comes face-to-face with the man who broke her heart in college- Ryan is one of Jason's best friends from childhood and he is standing in front of her.

Kara hasn't seen Ryan in ten years, and she can't believe he is in the wedding. When Ryan gets kicked out of his hotel because of his high-maintenance bulldog named Duke, Kara offers to let Ryan and Duke stay with her.

The banter between Kara and Ryan is snappy and often hilarious. I confess to laughing out loud more than once. The sexual tension can be cut with a knife, but Kara is leery about getting involved again with Ryan even as she finds herself attracted to him. On the plus side, the writer's block that has been plaguing her as her next deadline approaches seems to alieviated by Ryan being in her apartment.

Bromley knows how to write sexy scenes that will leave you hot and bothered. We also get to read excerpts from Kara's historical romance that in some ways mirror her new relationship with Ryan. If you are a big romance reader, you'll enjoy Kara explaining the genres, subgenres, and tropes of romance novels to Ryan.

The characters are interesting and I loved the New York City setting. Kara's references to specific NYC touchstones- dinner at Butter, brunch at The Smith, the digital lottery for Oklahoma! tickets- give a great sense of place.

If you're on Instagram, you'll recognize Kara's work as a bookstagrammer, she puts a lot of effort into making her photos look enticing. If you're a dog lover, Duke's antics and Ryan's comprehensive list of rules for caring for Duke will make you smile. (When did dogs become more involved to care for than children?)

Talk Bookish to Me reminded me of Stephanie Evanovich's novels- sassy and sexy. I loved so much about this book, it's a terrific read for the beach or back deck. I highly recommend it.

Thanks to Harlequin Books for putting me on their Summer 2021 Beach Reads Blog Tour.

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The description of Talk Bookish to Me, had me hooked. I couldn’t wait to dive. Unfortunately, that’s where my excitement ended. The voice was dry and characters a bit rude.

I wanted to feel the sparks of chemistry and a great second chance and enemies to lovers romance, but it fell flat. So many of threads seemed unecessary.

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Talk Bookish to Me is the story of a romance novelist who is thrown back into the path of her first love. When Kara Sullivan and her college sweetheart meet again for the first time in a decade, she has to work out if they’re better off apart, or if a second chance at romance is in store for them.

Kara lives in Manhattan and is a prolific romance author. Or she was; lately, she’s had trouble writing anything usable for her rapidly approaching deadline. She has a big vacation planned – that is, if she can ever get through wedding preparations for her best friend’s nuptials, for which she is the much put-upon made of honor. The last thing she was expecting is the reappearance of Ryan, her first love and her first heartbreak.

Still, seeing Ryan again seems to kickstart Kara’s writer-brain back to life somehow, and she’s able to actually make some progress. If Ryan sticks around long enough, maybe she can finish her novel on time, and maybe they actually have a shot this time. Given their past, if Ryan and Kara want a future, they have to forgive first. The question is, will they move forward, or keep making the same mistakes?

In terms of the plot, this book is a total mess. The story seems to have a clear trajectory at first, but at around the two-thirds mark, it completely goes off the rails and feels like it’s running on fumes for the rest of the book. The pacing is also all over the place; it’s mostly on an even keel for the first half, then completely loses its rhythm and never gets it back. While the characters are written to be likable and sometimes feel that way, their actions are pretty deplorable. Ryan in particular is supposed to be passionate and romantic, but he does some things usually seen as unforgivable in contemporary romance. He lies a lot and while the reader is supposed to sympathize, his actions are not understandable from a leading man. It doesn’t help that Ryan is full of excuses, the most annoying being ‘I did it because I love you so much.’

The dialogue has its amusing moments, but a lot of the characters sound the same. Most of them seem to be assigned stock personalities, Ryan’s main traits being ‘dog dad’ and ‘calls his love interest by her last name to be cheeky’. Kara’s family fluctuates between blandly supportive and vague internalized sexism, and she has two friends; one is The Very Pretty One and the other is Every Character Played by Zooey Deschanel, otherwise known as The Quirky One. I was so bored by Kara as a protagonist that I routinely forgot her name when I was reading this book.

The relationship between Ryan and Kara is by far the most interesting part of the novel, and while it was compelling, it failed to sell me on them as a couple. They both have a lot of baggage, much of which they’ve carried over from their adolescent relationship into their adult lives, and which never feels properly resolved. They both repeatedly refer to their past relationship as all-encompassing and a little obsessive, but it’s never established that they have created a new, healthier dynamic this time around. For a proper second chance romance, you need a couple who didn’t work out for a good reason, one that makes a lot of sense, and who make it work later because of how they’ve changed or how their lives have changed. That is not the case in this book.

What’s really disappointing about Talk Bookish to Me is that it takes so many great tropes and then fails to do anything special with them. It’s also an enemies-to-lovers story, and when that trope is done well, the animosity between the characters turns out to be unfounded, something they can move past, or based on misunderstandings. In this book, the characters have really good reasons to be angry with each other, and their issues are serious ones. Talk Bookish to Me is just not a good romance, and a trial to read. The characters are flat and even bland, the plot is a disaster, and the resolution will just make you angry.

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While I couldn’t personally connect with any of the characters in this, I did appreciate this book and found parts of it quite charming.

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Written by Kate Bromley, Talk Bookish to Me is marketed at a quick, witty, and fun romance. Since I was looking for a bit of a light read, it sounded like the perfect next book for me to pick up.

Kara Sullivan is a writer and a social media influencer. She spends most of her life wrapped up in the novels she writes or the tall tales she spins for her bookstagram account. However, the life she portrays is far from the life she has.

At the moment, she should be focusing on her latest novel and its looming deadline. Instead, she's helping her best friend prepare for her wedding, which means getting mentally prepared to see her ex-boyfriend again.

I went into Talk Bookish To Me, hoping for a fun, flirty, and quick read. Overall, that is exactly what I got. It wasn't a novel full of surprises, but then again, I wasn't expecting (or looking for) that. However, I didn't end up loving Kara's character as much as I had hoped.

I want to mention that before I go any further, Talk Bookish To Me is 100% one of those books that plays with the 'book within a book' trope. The title and description probably made that obvious, but I wanted to add some clarity, just in case.

Personally, I don't mind that trope when done right. But I know that some readers hate it, so it seemed worth mentioning. Here, it was done in a lighthearted way, so it didn't bother me in the slightest.

What did bother me were some of the decisions characters made throughout this book. It made me want to take them by the shoulders, shake them, and give them a good yell until they understood the error of their ways.

So yeah, not quite the light read I was hoping for, not on that front, at least. Still, it was quick and distracting, so I can't complain too much.

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4.5 stars

I’m never 100% sure if an author who doesn’t have anything listed on Goodreads or Amazon or even their website is truly a debut author. There are so many ways to indie and self-publish these days. This seems to be a debut novel for this author, at least in mainstream publishing. It’s a wonderful start. The story flowed well and kept me engaged throughout.

The tension and chemistry Kara and Ryan have from the moment he walks in the room is palpable. As much as each wants to pretend they aren’t affected, they are both rocked to the core. I couldn’t help but root for the pair to work out whatever they needed to work out form their past, and I had just met them.

As an avid romance reader, I really enjoyed the little tidbits thrown in about the general view of romance books and Kara’s response to those views. Kara, after all, is a romance writer. She’s a great vessel for this author to use to get some points across. I believe other romance readers will enjoy her pride in her craft, and those who aren’t as in the know of the romance genre will learn a thing or two.

With this second chance romance there is a whole lot of missteps and some major push/pull between the main characters. There are times both Kara and Ryan aren’t the most likable people and make bad decisions, and I’m sure most will know what the climax is going to be, yet somehow they both still wiggled into my heart. I couldn’t help but forgive Ryan’s mistakes and Kara’s inflexible nature. They are both just hurting and looking for true love. Or, more importantly, true love with each other.

Here is where this story stands out. Right when the climax happens and you believe things will ramp up and you’ll get the resolution you’re looking for, things go in a different direction. Being as I’m a romance fan that wants my HEA and this book is marketed more as Chick Lit, where I’m not guaranteed my HEA, I got a bit nervous. And, truth be told, I wasn’t really sure if I was enjoying this turn of events. But it worked, and it worked well. I got my HEA, just not along the path I thought.

I’m looking forward to reading more from this author in the future. She knows how to tell a great tale.

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***I received an ebook copy from the publisher at no cost***

Kara Sullivan never thought she'd see Ryan Thompson again. The two exes did not part on good terms. As luck would have it, the two cross paths at Kara's best friend's wedding. Despite the disdain that lingers in the air between them, sparks start to fly almost immediately. Kara, a successful romance author, hasn't written a word in forever. But Ryan's reappearance in her life seems to change that. As the two spend more time together, the sparks start to ignite, and the words start to flow for Kara.

This was the perfect poolside read for me. It's got some angst but, for the most part, is light and extremely funny. There was plenty of laugh-out-loud banter, between the friend group but also between Kara and Ryan. There may be a bit of a sordid history between them but, there's also good memories and inside jokes. I breezed right through this story while on vacation and had a nice book hangover when I finished.

I really love the characters in here. Kara is sweet but also quite sassy. She's successful and has worked very hard to get to where she's at. She's also a bit stubborn at times but, all these traits meshed together made her a super relatable female character. Ryan is a charmer. He's handsome, a southern gent, and has a good sense of humor. Best of all, he's bffs with her bff's fiancé, and fits in perfectly with their social circle.

I liked the pace at which this story progressed. Things felt like they were moving along naturally and I appreciate that in a novel. There were a number of swoon worthy moments sprinkled throughout this story and, while it is fairly light on the angst, the angst is still there and ooooof, Bromley put a few cracks in my heart along the way. There are a few surprises that pop up as well, which I didn't see coming. They added to the story though, and kept me wanting more so I could know how things ended up for this cast of characters.

Oh and, another note -- I really enjoyed getting to read Kara's budding novel alongside the actual book. It was fun to see how Ryan inspired her and the different pieces of the new story she came up with as a result of the time they spent together.

If you like romantic comedies, you're going to love Talk Bookish to Me.

Five stars to this novel!

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This was an adorable story that would be great for this summer. I loved the characters and the romance. The witty humor was fantastic and the story was even better.

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