Cover Image: Better Than the Movies

Better Than the Movies

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This was suggested for me but I couldnt get into it. I didn’t realize it was a young adult book. I’m sure for the right audience it’s a great read.

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Better Than the Movies is a story about two teens that were destined to be together. However, it starts off in the classic manner of boy loves the girl next door. And the girl next door despises the boy. They tease each other mercilessly never realizing what is right in front of each other.

I had this story figured out in the first chapter, as many of the other readers will as well. However, it was a fun book to just kind of sit back and enjoy. It was sweet and the characters finally figured out what they meant to each other all along.

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5 stars

Spring/Summer 2021 features the impending release of so many YA romances from some of the most well-known and lauded writers in the genre, and I have found most of the arcs I've read in this area wildly disappointing so far...until now.

_Better Than the Movies_ features Liz, who is on a mission to find love in the most swoon-worthy manner available. Her deceased mother was a super fan of romance, and Liz maintains a connection to her mother through her shared love for romantic movies but even more so through her personal commitment to star in one in her own life. She develops a plot very early in the novel to get her lifelong neighbor - Wes - to agree to help her land her lifelong crush, Michael, and hilarious and touching antics ensue from there.

There is so much to like about the novel as a whole. First, the characters are witty but still sound like teenagers. It's so refreshing to read teens who do not sound like world weary 40-year-olds. The relationships are layered and interesting to follow; there is great content happening in two potential love triangles, between best friends, between parents and kids, stepparents and kids, and even Liz and her deceased mother. The evolution of these connections - as well as other ancillary pods along the way - never feels overwhelming or slighted. The structure is also so fun. Every chapter begins with a quotation from a film (hence the title, in part), and this technique enhances the work instead of making it feel gimmicky. I also loved that this never got hypersexualized.

What I would have loved to see here is some more diverse representation. These characters read as very white and very hetero and cis. I am fully committed to reading ANYTHING Painter puts out next, but I hope there will be more opportunities for readers to see themselves in future characters.

I originally skipped the request on this one because I am not a huge fan of the comparable authors listed on the Goodreads blurb. If you have a similar reaction, know that you may agree with me on this: Painter is a much better read. Also, a special thanks to the rep who reached out on this one. Thanks for not letting me miss this stellar read!

Students and really everyone else will be getting an enthusiastic recommendation from me on this one. Enjoy!

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This was adorable.

I swoon for rom-coms, especially when they involve such awkward, AWKWARD characters. I literally live for anything awkward. And woof, is this book filled with awkward.

This follows Liz as she tries to find love in her neighborhood, and is full of hilarious conversations and some good, GOOD steamy romance. If you like even an OUNCE of rom-coms, pick this up. You won't be dissapointed.

Thank you Simon and Schuster and NetGalley for the e-arc!

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I completely adored this charming book. I got major #ToAllTheBoysILovedBefore vibes and I am here for it.
Each chapter starts with a quote from a rom com and if you are sucker for rom coms like I am then this is for you.
This is a sweet, relatable, at times hilarious and also heartbreaking YA book. YA books are hitting it out of the park in 2021 and this one is no exception.
Liz Buxbaum is rom com obsessed, but what everyone doesn’t realize is rom coms are what links her to her mother that died. After endearing so much pain at such a young age she just wants her life to be like the movies and find her happily ever after. She thinks her happiness has arrived in the form of Michael, her former neighbor and crush that has moved back in to town.
She seeks the help of her annoying neighbor Wes who agrees to fake a relationship to catch Michael’s eye but what happens when their plan works and she realizes maybe it isn’t Michael who she really wants to be with.
Painter writes in such a relatable way that took me back to high school and to the days of hanging in the neighborhood as kids playing ghosts in the graveyard. Please someone at #Netflix read this and turn it in to a movie stat!
Thank you so much to #NetGalley and #SimonandSchuster for an arc in exchange for an honest review
This book comes out May 4th!

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Yes, I have said over and over again that I hate romances, so why on earth would I have requested this book when its cleary a romance. I'll tell you why, the cover. It has the characters in the poses of some of my favorite FAVORITE movies; Dirty Dancing, Bridgit Jones Diary, The Notebook and my ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE Say Anything "I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen"

This is a cliche Rom Com, your typical frenemies, best friends, lovers kind of thing. Every rom com cliche could be found in this book. Liz is in love with Michael who doesn't know she exsits. She never really got a long with the boy next door but finds herself befriending him to get Micheal as a prom date. Of course Liz and Wes develop feelings for each other.

By all means, I should hate this book. I have hated books like this in the past, I went into this book actually expecting to hate it but loving the cover. Guess what, I LOVED THIS BOOK!!! I loved every cliche detail in this book. I love the innocence of Liz and how honestly she falls for people. She's not perfect. Honestly there were times when I wanted to slap her, but that is because she's a teenager and she has real teenager flaws.

I have to hand it to Lynn Painter for this amazing, adorable story. I cant stress enough how much I adored it and found myself smiling as I read it.

Thank you so very much to Simon and Schuester and to #NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I didn’t want to put this book down! I started this book because it said it reminded them of a Kasie West novel and I wasn’t disappointed.

Liz is a hopeless romantic whose childhood crush, Matt, recently moved back to town. She enlists the help of her next door neighbor/nemesis, Wes, to help win Matt’s love. The price is the “parking spot” they fight over on a daily basis. But is Matt “the one” for Liz?

With rom-com movie lines starting every chapter and Liz’s love of music, you become nostalgic for the feel-goodness of these epic movies.

As a librarian, I can’t wait to book-talk this novel to my students!

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thank you simon & schuster books for young readers for sending me this arc, i love y’all!

five out of five stars for me!! this book is everything that i needed exactly when i needed it! this book follows the story of liz buxbaum trying to get her dream boy and working up a master plan with her next-door neighbor who she dreads, and i know the plot may seem cliché but it’s EVERYTHING! from the amazing playlists and songs mentioned in the book, to the growth in a bond we witness between liz and wes!! this is a top comfort read automatically, it reminds me of jen bennett’s books, but it’s also on its own category! lyn painters category! this story touched a little bit about grief, and processing it as well as giving a classic romantic story and i couldn’t get enough of it! i am obsessed and i already want to re-read it, so get this book when it comes out!!

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Better Than the Movies is FREAKING cute. I loved the book art at the beginning and end. I loved the quotes from familiar rom-coms as a starting point for each chapter. And I loved the tropes.
Liz is a quirky and fun teen. I would have adored her friendship at that age. She walks her own path to her self-created playlists and doesn't care too much what others think of her. Except maybe her childhood crush who just so happened to show back up right before prom. She enlists the help of her nemesis and boy-next-door Wes to get Michael's attention and a comedy of errors ensues.
This predictably amusing novel is the perfect blend of humor and teenage anxiety that I want in a YA. The pacing and storyline kept me turning pages and wanting more. I highly recommend for fans of Jenny Han and Sarah Dessen.
Thank you to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for the advanced copy. All thoughts are my own.

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**Review being published on Blog/Instagram April 29th**


Whole-heartedly. Such a cute young adult contemporary romance y’all.

This was utterly full of romantic cliches and I didn’t mind one bit. It was written beautifully and conveyed everything so well that I leaned into all of the obvious platitudes and felt myself breaking out in continual smiles over Liz and Wes.

Ohhh Liz and Wes. What chemistry from the get-go. You knew exactly where things were going and I appreciated the ride. Their witty banter, and soft moments made my heart flip and I love how things worked out for them. Liz definitely grew over the book and anything I was frustrated with her about was resolved. It made for a very quick read, I suprised myself at how fast I devoured this because the story kept making me want more.

I love the addition of movies and music. It was fun picturing this book with a movie flair and I think it’ll be fun to look up some of the songs mentioned throughout. I’m such a lover of love and the childhood friends / enemies to lovers vibe was perfect here. This is a happily ever after you should add to your TBR if you’re looking for something to give you warm fuzzies.

Overall audience notes:
- Young adult contemporary romance
- Language: a little
- Romance: kisses and make-outs
- Trigger/Content Warnings: loss of a parent by car accident

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A cute, sweet, funny romance that embraces all of its tropes and celebrates popular rom-com films from the past thirty or so years. Though the main character is grappling with grief and some anxieties about her future after high school, the overall tone is light and joyous, perfect for a spring escape after a year of hard times. The set up launches us in right away and we know where the story is going, so we get to wait with eager anticipation as Liz realizes what we've known from chapter one: that the guy who has always seen and loved her is better than the one she has to lie to impress, and probably even better than the movies.

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Oh so swoon worthy! I absolutely adored this book. I am a complete sucker for rom-com movies and romance books so this one was perfect for me! The author did an amazing job creating this rom-com world within the book setting! Elizabeth, the lead character, is such a fun loving unique person. And the typical boy next door Wes just makes you love him right from the start. Between the quick and easy banter and the juxtaposition of their relationship, I loved following their journey to what might be their happily ever after!

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 stars

WOW. I think that this might now be my favorite contemporary romance book of all-time. I don't usually read romance books that often, but Better Than the Movies might change that because this was amazing.

To be honest, I was really surprised when I found out that this book is Painter's debut novel. I mean, the writing style did not feel amateur-ish at all, and I definitely hope that this receives widespread positive reviews when it is officially released.

Everything in this book felt natural. The characters and their interactions with each other felt natural, even though I did not particularly enjoy some of the main character's actions. However, I do recognize that everybody has flaws, and I still really liked Liz (and Wes and Michael and Helena). My gosh, I don't think there was anybody in Better Than the Movies that I did not like.

Considering that this book is classified as a rom-com, I should probably talk about the childhood-frenemies-to-lovers, kinda-fake-dating romance of Liz and Wes. That was so cute! I loved their banter. I loved how natural their conversation was. I loved all of the little things they said. I loved the slow-burn relationship, though I was sometimes like "JUST CONFESS THEIR FEELINGS ALREADY!"

Also, there were so many references to rom-coms (okay, I didn't understand some of them because I don't read/watch rom-coms that often) and popular songs (I died - in a good way - at every Taylor Swift or Adele mention). Now, whenever I hear "Someone Like You" by Adele or "New Year's Day" by Taylor Swift, I'm going to be thinking of this super cute, super enjoyable read!

Oh, and also, this book essentially spoils the entirety of The Great Gatsby, so if you haven't read that book yet and do not want spoilers, read The Great Gatsby first!

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This book was utterly delightful! It kept me totally invested throughout the whole book and I read this in one sitting! The characters were wonderful yet relatable. The story was just precious and you really felt connected to so many of the characters. Liz was a great character who grew throughout the book in so many ways. Her friendships and hardships were tangible and easy to relate to, she was quirky yet adorable. Wes was absolutely amazing, just a great character all the way around. The banter throughout this book is so enjoyable, you won't be able to help but just tear through this book.
The story moved along at a great pace, and the growth throughout the book was wonderful! Plus, the realization that maybe people do grow up to not be the same as you once thought was nice to see! I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish. Would highly recommend to anyone who likes a good story, rom-coms, or just likes reading!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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This was EXACTLY my cup of tea. I LOVE a good rom-com and Liz's story reads like one, includes references to some of my favorites and includes so many fantastic song references. Liz has been searching for the perfect rom-com romance since her first rom-com viewing as a child, with her mom. Now as a senior in high school, Liz is still struggling with the death of her mother and searching for that perfect relationship. When her old friend, Michael, comes back to town, Liz thinks that this could be it.... but she needs to enlist in the help of her nemesis and next door neighbor, Wes. The banter between Liz and Wes is fantastic, as is the way that the author paints the struggle through grief between a romantic and fun read. She tackles a lot of different issues and does it in a way that I felt was natural and flowed well. This was a swoony, fun read. If you are a fan of Kasie West or your favorite book is Anna and the French Kiss by Perkins, this book is for you! Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion. I can't wait to read more by this author!

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4/5 stars

I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Liz has always wanted a romance like the ones she sees in rom-coms. Naturally, when her childhood crush moves back to town right before prom, Liz thinks she's finally got a chance at that kind of relationship. But Michael (her crush) is close with Wes, Liz's annoying neighbor who has been her mortal enemy since they were kids. In order to get close to Michael again, Liz is going to need help--even if that help comes from Wes. As she and Wes strike a bargain to get Michael to take her to prom, Liz realizes that Wes isn't who she thought he was and that maybe she's dreaming of Happily Ever After with the wrong person.

After reading the description for this book, I really wanted to read it! I started it and struggled to get into it at first. I even considered dropping it once or twice. But the second half of the book got better, and I ended up really enjoying the ending! Wes was my favorite character! He definitely had some great moments in this book! I wish I could say I liked Liz, but I had some issues with her. I really hate when the plot of any book revolves around lying and treating their friends poorly, and this book had a whole lot of that. This largely contributed to me having a hard time with this story at the beginning. Like I said, I really enjoyed this book by the end, but I just wanted to mention that a lot of this plot involved that kind of stuff. Ultimately, I thought the ending was cute!

Readers who love a good rom-com would probably enjoy this book, especially since it has a lot of references to rom-coms!

Content warnings: grief, loss of parent, explicit language, maybe some sexual innuendos (I honestly can't remember, but I think there were a few!)

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I received this young adult novel as an ARC from NetGalley and I absolutely loved it! Wes and Lizzie have so much chemistry and framing their relationship with movie quotes is perfect. One of my favorite parts was how each chapter began with a movie quote. If you like books about enemies to lovers or learning to realize the love that is right in front of you, this is it.

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In "Better Than the Movies" by Lynn Painter, Liz and Wes are next door neighbors who have grown up together. Liz sees Wes as the annoying boy next door who tormented her as a child, while Wes is very cognizant of the lovely, delightful young lady Liz has become. Desperate to spend time with her, Wes agrees to help Liz win the affections of her dream prom date: the charming Michael. However, the more time Liz spends with Wes, she starts to rethink her choice. Painter did an excellent job of creating a cute YA romance, filled with humor and sparks.

I greatly enjoyed this book! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I love love, and I have always been a fan of rom-coms and happily ever afters. I was thrilled to read Lynn Painter's debut YA novel, Better Than the Movies. This book tells the story of Liz Buxbaum, a lover of all things romance who dreams of living her life inside the rom-coms she watched with her mother who had lost her life in a car accident. While Liz struggles with her senior year milestones without her mother, her childhood crush returns to town and it's clear that fate has brought them together so that Liz can have an ideal, perfect, rom-com worthy prom and end of the year...right?

This book was everything I wanted in a YA romance. The characters were sweet and portrayed in an age appropriate way, and I adored Liz's individuality and quirks. This one had all of my favorite tropes represented including enemies to lovers and fake dating. It was silly and sweet and swoon-worthy and I absolutely adored it. The chapters were headed with rom-com quotes and the book is finished with an included playlist which gave me all the feels. If you love love and rom-coms and YA romance, definitely pick this one up as soon as possible!

I was fortunate to receive an ARC of this title from the publisher via NetGalley which did not affect the contents of my review. All opinions are voluntary, honest, and my own.

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This book brought me so much joy. It was exactly what I needed to get me out of a reading slump.

When high school senior Liz finds out her childhood crush has moved back to town, she recruits the help of her annoying neighbor, Wes, in exchange for the best parking spot in front of their houses. But what if the annoying neighbor suddenly seems less... annoying? And more... attractive...? And maybe actually...nice?

I loved this book so much. I can't say enough good things about it. I loved all the characters. I think that's one of the reasons this book is so good--there's no "villain" or "mean girl." I pretty much enjoyed everyone. Even though it was "enemies-to-lovers," the enemy portion was more funny and less cruel or mean. It was just a generally pleasant book. I loved the overall story, even though I could see exactly where it was headed from the first page. It was touching and funny and romantic.

Thank you to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for my eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

5 stars - 10/10

CW/TW: grief (death of parent before book)

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