Member Reviews

Anyone who has a young woman for a daughter will want to pick up Dana Perino’s excellent book, Everything Will Be Okay: Life Lessons for Young Women (from a Former Young Woman). This is a feel-good book that gives young women the secret to being successful. It’s a fun book to read, even for those who aren’t young women anymore, but has interesting stories and suggestions for anyone to improve their chances of accomplishing their goals.

Perino, who is a beloved television personality on Fox News, is also an excellent writer. The prose is easy to follow and interesting enough to keep readers glued to the book. Perino makes it a light book with humor and fun vignettes to make the reading worthwhile.

Everyone, whether a younger or older woman, will benefit from this self-help book. It is geared to the younger set, but doesn’t talk down to them; rather implies that each reader has the ability to understand and follow the advice that will make them accomplished women.

All told, this excellent novel will make young women excited about their new and upcoming accomplishments. Perino’s delightful personality comes through and it makes readers love her even more. This novel is definitely recommended for every young person.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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Dana Perino's "The Everything Will Be Okay" is a breath of fresh air in the self-help genre. With her trademark wit and wisdom, the author, best known as a co-host on Fox News's "The Five," delivers a reassuring guide for navigating life's uncertainties. Perino combines personal anecdotes with practical advice, creating a book that feels like a heart-to-heart chat with a trusted friend.

What sets this book apart is Perino's authenticity and relatability. She doesn't claim to have all the answers but rather shares her own experiences and the lessons she's learned along the way. Whether addressing career challenges, personal setbacks, or global uncertainties, Perino's optimism shines through.

Her writing is engaging and accessible, making it easy for readers to connect with the material. "Everything Will Be Okay" is a collection of platitudes and a genuine toolkit for building resilience and embracing the unknown. Perino's uplifting message is a comforting reminder that no matter what life throws our way, everything will be okay. This book is a must-read if you're seeking a dose of positivity and practical advice.

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LOVE this book! Dana truly has a way of words and so eloquently and gives women a voice. Such a powerful book for young women and those aspiring to be more in life and in business. One of my favorite quotes is when she said, "“Having to make a decision isn’t a burden. Getting to make decisions is actually a blessing.” So powerful and inspiring. Highly recommend.

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“Everything Will Be Okay” is an invaluable guide for young women! It is extremely useful advice for all women. The author has shared her wealth of unique experiences and detailed the ways she handled all of them. I believe Dana is a valuable mentor and resource and know women will benefit from reading and utilizing her advice.

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Solid advice written in the tone of friendship and advice. Should be required reading before going to college. Lots of great points are made over the course of this book.

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I found myself being cheered up, laughing at places and soon realized I had friends I wanted to share this book with that would love it too. It’s got great advice no matter what age you are.

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Simple, practical and thoughtful advice than can be applied at any time during a person's career. Enjoyed the honest advice plus a little about the author's life. Recommended.

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Dana Perino offers practical career advice for young women (although the good advice could be applicable to anyone). As she offers advice, she shares stories from her career in the White House and as a Fox news star. She also has a podcast by the same name with interviews from interesting women in a variety of careers.

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I wish I had read this book twenty years ago. Dana writes the perfect book for young women. Not only does she offer career and life advice she gives examples of how that advice was helpful in her life or how she had learned from mistakes of the past. The advice she gives about how to conduct yourself in the workplace to make yourself indispensable at work to earn raises or promotions is worth the price of the book alone. It would be wonderful to be mentored by Dana but if you can't she give tips on how to find yourself a mentor either at work or from people in your life. This is a book you will read again and again or refer back to portions of it multiple times. This would be a great graduation present for the young women in your life.

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and opinion. This book was an easy read that had great career advice for young women just starting out in the workforce. I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting career advice that will never go out of style. I loved all of Dana's best secrets to success from over the course of her career all in one place. This is a great ready right now for anyone who is rethinking their career path while you are home during a pandemic. I really enjoyed this book!

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Though I'm well past the age for most of the advice in this book, it was still a great read and a book that I'll happily purchase for young people working their way through the world. This book would make a great gift for college graduates!

What surprised me the most about this book was Dana's humor. She mentioned she should write a book, "Things I wanted to Tweet but didn't" - ATTENTION PUBLISHER - PLEASE do this.!

I appreciated the stories Dana talked about regarding her life, her ups and downs, and how she handled things.

You do not have to be a Conservative to be grateful for this amazing women who has the grace and talent, work ethic, and wit, to not only enjoy this book but use it as a motivational tool, guide to getting through the challenges.

Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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I’m a sucker for a good self-help career book. No matter what career path you’re in, what your goals are for the future, you can always better yourself in small ways: learning how to put together a better presentation, tips and tricks for impressing your boss, balancing work and home, and more.

This book is perfect for people like me--and I hope you’ll enjoy it too, even if you don’t consider yourself a “young woman” or a “career woman.” There’s a lot of heart and humor in this book, it’s got peak Dana Perrino vibes, and we think it’s going to be a great book to read between our March and May reads!

If you don’t know who Dana Perino is, that’s going to change! The Fox News host, former White House Press Secretary, and dog mom gives you a good introduction to her in this book, but if you haven’t read her book And the Good News Is, that needs to be added to your TBR as soon as possible. While she’s obviously had a successful career, she’s not one of those people that hoards her advice for the elite or doesn’t share it with those who may compete. This book is basically the mentor you’ve always wanted.

Whether it’s how to deal with failure in a positive way, why you should never show up late, or best practices for drinking with colleagues--this book has it all when it comes to the advice. Perino’s been there, done that, and she and the people she knows and quotes in this book are ready to share their stories to help you find success too!

Are you still in college? There’s good advice in this book that can be used during interviews and internships and help you plan for the future.

Are you in your first job? There’s great advice here about making great first impressions and knowing when to leave for your second job?

Are you well-entrenched in your career? Dana’s also got advice on continually growing, accepting failure when it’s big or small, and knowing how to find a balance--eventually.

Are you retired? This book can be your inspiration to take on mentoring in your field or inspire you to give it to a younger woman in your life and share your own story along the way.

Trust me--this book is CHOCK full of advice. We’re four months into the year--are you still keeping up with your New Year’s Resolutions? This book will help you get back on track, and it might inspire some new goals and resolutions as well!

Join us in the FFL Book Club Facebook Group to discuss this book (and others!) all month long, and come back to this site in the coming days for more book-related content!

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