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A Caller's Game

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The Review

What a heart-pounding thriller. The author immediately jumps into the action as readers are introduced to the protagonists, Officer Cole and Jordan Briggs. The threat of this anonymous caller is evident to the entire city as he unleashes the first of many attacks and lays the blame at Jordan’s feet. Yet from the beginning it is clear not everything is as it seems.

The author expertly balances character development and action/thriller vibes in this narrative. Themes of facing the past and roads to redemption make this a memorable read, as we see the character’s overcome some dangerous situations while facing some difficult memories that could tear apart the best of us.

The twisted game that the antagonist, “Bernie”, plays with Jordan and Cole really does capture the action and suspense of films like Die Hard and Phone Booth, with the threats increasing and the reader’s hearts pounding faster and faster as the mystery behind this relentless killer takes unexpected and emotional twists and turns, drawing the reader in deeper and deeper.

The Verdict

This is J.D. Barker at his best. “A Caller’s Game” is another fantastic thriller from one of the best authors I’ve read in recent years, and readers will love delving into this mystery. The evolution Jordan Briggs takes as her ruthless talk radio personality starts to face the consequences of her actions over the years, and Cole emerges as a fantastic new hero facing down this powerful threat. If you haven’t yet, be sure to preorder or grab your copy of this amazing novel today!

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Yay! My first 5 star read of 2021! (More like 4.5 but whatever!) And wow was a read it was! When I say I literally could not put this down, I mean it! Even when I wasn’t reading it I was thinking about it and craved it. Fans of John Marr’s “The Passengers” would love this one. I feel like both have the same, edge of your seat, holy crap did that just happen feel to them. Extremely binge worthy and entertaining; make sure you have ample reading time ahead of you before picking it up. I really enjoyed Jordan’s cut throat, direct, and opinionated character. The book would not have worked without it. My one nit picky thing is that there were a few tweaks to the very ending I would have liked. I felt like my adrenaline was pumping from page one but then the ending was kinda over too quickly. But other than that it was a fantastic, fast paced, heart pounding read that literally had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I highly recommend this to those of you who like books that get your heart rate going.

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Jordan Briggs is a no-nonsense take-no-crap-from-anyone kind of woman who clawed her way to fame as a popular satellite radio talk show host in New York City—who’s not afraid of taking risks, speaking her mind, and doesn’t spare anyone’s feelings.

However, success comes at a price—a failed marriage, a troubled relationship with her mother, and balancing motherhood with her career.
Briggs’ one solace in life is her eleven-year-old daughter, Charlotte, who’s not surprisingly just like her.

The book opens with Jordon stuck in morning traffic in the Big Apple, running late with seconds to spare—she makes it into the lobby of SiriusXM, snatches a wireless headset from the hands of a wide-eyed intern, grabs a cup of Joe after she starts the intro to the Overdrive with Jordan Briggs, and settles in for what thinks is going to be a day like any other.

That is until she gets a call from a listener who asks if she wants to play a game.

And what starts as a game soon turns deadly…

‘I’m going to offer you a choice.’

My Thoughts:

That. Was. Intense!

An action-packed suspense thriller with the tension set at full throttle? Yes, Please!

A CALLER’S GAME, if memory serves, is the third book that I have read by Barker, an author whose writing I was introduced to last year, and is now one of my favorites.

As I read the novel, I noticed a few times where suspension of disbelief may be required. However, it didn’t hinder my enjoyment of the book.

Thank you, NetGalley and Hampton Creek Press Publishing, for loaning me an eGalley of A CALLER’S GAME in a request for an honest review.

Highly Recommend!

Scheduled To Release -- February 22, 2021 (Subject To Change)

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This was simply not for me. It was fast paced but not an interesting enough story to hold my attention. There was plenty of action but not much substance.

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This book reminded me of Die Hard in book form. A high octane, adrenaline, action fuelled thriller.
I do feel like parts of the plot required a bit of a stretch of the imagination but that doesn't mean it wasn't as enjoyable read, because it was. A Callers Game takes place over the course of one day. We follow Jordan, a satellite radio host after she gets a call wanting to play a game, which reminded me of the Saw films, and look how that turned out for the participants! The author draws you in from the first page with well drawn characters, and the pacing of the book.

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Intense and full-throttle action with snappy dialogue, distinctive characters and suspense. My first J.D. Barker novel and won't be my last!

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This book has many good points: the story in itself it's original and quite interesting; there are various plot twist to keep the reader on his toes and there's a really disturbing bad guy.

What I didn't like: Jordan
She's a difficult, opinionated and verbose woman.
While the not so likeable female main character it's part of the storyline, I felt that all her monologues at the beginning didn't really offer that much of an insight. I was a bit bored to be honest.
Her mini-me, in the first chapters, wasn't much better: she's a 11 years old with the attitude of a grown up cynical woman.

That said, when Bernie's scheme really started to unfold, things became quite interesting pretty fast!
That's why I'm happy to have read A Caller's Game even if we started on the wrong foot.

At last, I'd like to thank the author for the chance to read his book through NetGalley and I hope he appreciates my honest review

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I could NOT put this down and thought the entire time - this is going to be a movie someday. After reading other reviews - I see I am not alone!
We have a conservative radio talk show host who is completely unfiltered and hesitant to accept responsibility for things said after the fact, we have Cole a homicide detective who is being punished so he's forced into traffic policing and runs across the situation with Jordan the talk show host. Billy, the faithful radio sidekick and then comes Bernie - the caller.
What transpires is a gut wrenching twisted revenge story a la Die Hard style with tons of plot tension and twists.
I have not read Barker before, but I will now! Loved this book! Five big stars!

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If you want character-driven stories that will leave you breathless, then J.D. Barker is an author you should know. A Caller's Game doesn't just start the reader on the very edge of their seat, it KEEPS them there. A novel that takes place almost all in one day, this is a story that will definitely make you think "What would I do if it were me??"

Thanks, Netgalley, for my ARC!

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I'm not gonna lie. I like this story. I like it a lot. And I think you must definitely grab its off the self for these several reasons:
1. the succinct snippets into the circumstances of our main characters are placed brilliantly through out the stories, just enough for us to get the gist of the whole thing.
2. the fast-paced rhythm of writing is perfect for a chase and catch episode happens all over the book, gripping till the end.
3. the twists and turns are definitely a must in any classic J.D Baker. Will they be enough to surprise you? I'm assure you they will because it's a twist within twist. You will be immersed in tons of variables like a field of wheat undulating in the breeze. A very vehement breeze.
Overall, I feel like I'm watching those exhilarating blockbuster movie with top-notch actions and explosive interactions between all the characters. Each of them has theirs own sides that are neither deep enough for us to be burdened with an unanswered questions of "deep-seated social message or moral code", like the author said, nor too shallow that make us unable to connect with them.
This is indeed an entertaining ride which is not meant to be taken in a too serious manner. If you were looking for a deep-meaning, tear-pouring, life-questioning kind of novel, A caller's game is not for you.
Final score: 4/5
P/s: There is a minor mistake engraved somewhere in these chapters. Can you latecomers find it?
Also utmost appreciation to NetGalley for giving me an opportunity to read this title charged-free in exchange of an honest review .

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I just finished reading A CALLERS GAME by J.D. Barker, and let me say, if that man wrote the instructions on how to put an Ikea bookshelf, it would be filled with tension and so fun to read.

1- Ticking time bombs too numerous to count.
2- How the bad deeds we do in our past come back to haunt us in a vengeful way.
3- Making a choice between two major evils.
4- What price would you pay for those you love.
Barker takes the above subjects and masterfully weaves them into a relentless, action-packed story revolving around Jordan Briggs, a popular morning radio host.

I didn't like Jordan when she was introduced. The woman was opinionated, mean to her staff, brash, and offensive. Somehow Barker, in a brilliant way, made me like her and root for her. She grew on me. I'll admit I wanted to be her in just a teensy weensy way. This passage describes her perfectly:
"Sometimes my bitch-gene takes over. Sometimes it fights with my ambition-gene. Sometimes my drive-gene stomps on them both. That's when things get a little cloudy, but I do have a conscience."
Add in other great characters like Detective Cole Hundley, who I always pictured all law enforcement officers should be like, and Bernie, a dangerous man who has lost everything and has nothing to lose as the villain. Yeah, I was speed reading to find out how it all ended.

A CALLER'S GAME is an intense story filled with carnage, plot twists that never end, and so much suspense that you won't be able to but the book down.

Thank you to J.D. Barker, Hampton Creek Press, and NetGalley for this ARC.

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I will snatch up a JD Barker everytime as quick as I can. This one like all the rest of his did not disappoint. This one is meaty so you know you are going to get some deep background which means Barker wants you to invest in the characters. hate them or feel sorry for them...there is no love for the main characters. This twisty turny story keeps you on the edge of your seat biting fingernails. Fast flowing thriller that you have a hard time putting down. If you have not read a JD Barker book what are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor and emerse yourself in this one for a start...deliciousness!

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The fear, the adrenaline and sheer terror forced its way into my body from every page of this shocking book. An incredible action packed story that never let up its pace and had me turning pages long into the night. Jordan Briggs, an opinionated radio talk show host encourages callers to debate many things with her but when a caller asks her to play a game, she soon realises she is way out of her depth as people start to die. Could she stop this man from killing more strangers and even those closest to her as things become personal? Another brilliant read from J D Barker who continues to move boundaries to create the most shocking of scenarios that create crime fiction of the highest standard. Although this was a story created in J D Barker’s head, his final words in the book were extremely poignant and will resonate with all of us who have lived through the pandemic. His fear was real and at that time had no idea how it would play out. One year on, we know more but are still battling this invisible killer that is possibly more frightening than a human one that can be found, captured and locked away.

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A Caller’s Game was my first book by J.D. Barker but will not be the last.

Action-packed, fast-paced and full of twists, A Caller’s Game is a story that kept me on the edge of my seat.

Thank younto NetGalley and the publisher for my copy.

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Well this really was the ‘heart-pounding, relentlessly fast-paced thriller’ that the blurb promised. I was a little slow off the mark with it as I really didn’t take to Jordan Briggs but from about a quarter way through I was all in. There is so much going on here and it’s hard to imagine it all happening in real life but then isn’t that why we read fiction? Officer Cole Hundley was a great character even though, thanks to the blurb, it was difficult not to see him as Bruce Willis. For an action filled escape from reality this is highly recommended. Also don’t leave without reading the author’s note.

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This was very interesting and fast paced like reading an action movie. Hadn't been expecting that but overall enjoyed it. But I do wish I got more than all that crazy action and I predicated a lot which kind of sucked. This book is definitely for more specific audience and I didn't quite love it but I'm sure many will.

Thank you netgalley for this. Glad I got to dive into something a bit different for me and I'm intrigued by this author now.

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Jordan Briggs is a strong willed woman with plenty to say, perfect in fact for the popular radio show she presents from the 43rd floor of a skyscraper in New York.  She loves interacting with the public on her show, chewing over current events.  That is until one day when a man by the name of Bernie calls in to Jordan's show.  He wants to chat, sure, but he also wants to play a game....
Wow! This book is such a thrilling, adrenaline fuelled ride that reads like a high octane action movie.  The plot is crazy but so wildly entertaining and the characters are fantastic.  Another absolute winner from the wonderful J.D. Barker and I can't wait for his next book

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If there would be one word to describe this story, it would be I-N-T-E-N-S-E!!!
One phone changes lives, and ends some, in an instant.

Jordan Briggs, is your typically narcissistic radio host, who is constantly looking for ways to drive ratings, consequences be damned. And one particular tactic years prior, comes back to haunt her, when a caller by the name of Bernie, challenges her to play a game. The idea seemed innocuous at the time, "cabs or Uber", but Jordan's response sets off a series of tragic events in NYC. Like they haven't been through enough already. That one call was only a small part of Bernie's vengeance against the woman who turned his world upside down.

This is not a book that has any lulls, it is fast paced almost to the point of exhaustion. I don't think Bernie's targets barely had a chance to go to the bathroom, especially in the latter half. What I had to question was what was Bernie's end game? Everyone knows his name and what he does to seek his revenge. While his story is sad, his actions are far from forgivable. The author leaves us hanging until the very end to answer this question.

As a fan of the author's 4MK Thriller series, I knew I was in for a wild ride with this book, yet I still wasn't prepared. I often found my heart rapidly beating as I had a death grip on my kindle. On the flip side, there were some scenes that I would have challenged whether they realistically could have happened. How did Bernie know what vehicles would be near the studio? How could the building hold up under constant stress? But if you suspend disbelief like I did, this shouldn't impact your enjoyment of the story itself.

If you are looking for a fast paced, nail-biting thriller, then put on your big girl (or boy) pants and buckle up.

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I first was introduced to J.D. Barker when I read his Fourth Monkey series and I immediately fell in love with how dark, inventive, and well-written that trilogy was. I knew after finishing those books I would be picking up any future novels J.D. Barker wrote. While this book isn't as dark as The Fourth Monkey, it's just as well-written, the characters are all extremely well developed and the plot is complex and exciting.

The plot is so fast-paced it feels like you're reading a book that can easily be turned into a movie. The motivations of the antagonist are multi-layered and I really enjoyed how the story unfolded slowly and all the pieces ended up coming together. It was just perfectly paced and tightly crafted.

I thought Jordan and Cole were fantastic main characters and their backgrounds and personalities made them feel like real people. There are quite a few characters in this book and even the secondary ones all feel distinct and are interesting to read about. I usually hate precocious children, but Jordan's 11 year old daughter, Charlotte, ended up being one of my favourite side characters.

Overall, this was a really strong novel and if only I had more time in the day, I would have ended up finishing it in a day or two. I'm definitely going to be reading Barker's backlist now.

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3.5 This book was interesting in some ways to me, but it was more action than i like, while i was interested in the bad guys motivation and how living through, if they all did the experience changed them, the bulk of the book was on the action.

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