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Plot Twist

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Plot Twist by Bethany Turner is a delightful read perfect for fans of lighthearted, humorous romance novels who will appreciate the charming, feel-good story of a woman's journey to find love and success, as she navigates the ups and downs of life, love, and the power of serendipity.

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Plot Twist by Bethany Turner
A book that starts out with such potential but
eventually I felt fell flat . The was some humour along the way but Olivia didn’t evolve as you would have expected over a decade. Really I felt the book a bit of a let down .

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I honestly laughed out loud whilst reading this. A lovely romance that doesn’t make you feel icky at all. Definitely a unique take in writing which if not experienced much.

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Plot Twist drew me in with the unique and adorable cover!

I enjoyed the support that Olivia and Fiona gave to each other but wish we could have gotten a little more.from Olivia.

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I have yet to meet a Bethany Turner book I didn’t like and Plot Twist is no different. This delightful rom-com made me giggle so many times people were looking at me funny. And I am ok with that! Turner fans will love her new release.

I received a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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Thanks NetGalley for the preview!

Gosh, I really liked and disliked this book all at the same time. It felt so drawn out that everything happens over ten years. I loved the ending so so much. But I feel like the story could have been so much better over 5 years. It makes me so sad that Olivia and Liam missed so much of their lives together.

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The unique set-up of this one; revisiting the same date year after year, drew me to this title. I'm also fascinated with the life of a screen-writer, so the premise was a winner for me. In the execution, I wished that we could learn more - the set-up also seemed to limit character development, but for those who enjoy time-travel/groundhogs day set-ups, this one may be a major winner.

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I wanted so much to love this book. I adore Bethany Turner and her previous books have been hilarious and adorable. For me, though, the heroine never grew up and wasn't the kind of person I wanted to read about. I didn't care for the way she treated the other characters. The writing is great and the plot concept is super fun and unique, but even after skimming the last half of the book to reach the end, I just never could make myself like the heroine. And that's okay, sometimes it happens in real life too.

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Surprising and unique, with a touch of whiplash

I really enjoyed the meet cute in the coffee shop. The friendship between Liv and Fiona was awesome. This was an interesting format for a book. The chapters each year on the same day were a little jumpy. It was interesting to see how everything came together, I just didn't really click with the characters.
This was a sweet read, I'd rate PG for kissing and minor cheating.

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I was so frustrated with this book. The love interest was always there and I found it frustrating that she was so wrapped up in the “ten year guy” to notice. I felt there needed to be more chemistry between them.

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Olivia works as a greeting card writer in LA, but her genuine aspiration is to become a screenwriter. Despite having a work in progress, it still needs some improvements. One day, while at a coffee shop, she meets an aspiring writer, and they share a joke about him starring in her future movie once it's completed. They agree to meet again in the same place after ten years. However, as time passes and Olivia's screenplay remains unwritten, she realizes that the aspiring writer she met is now a famous movie star. She questions whether their encounter was a missed opportunity to meet her soulmate. They continue to cross paths on the same day each year until the tenth anniversary. Olivia is determined not to show up, but her friend persuades her otherwise. The question remains: will they finally get together?

The story started slowly, but once it got going, it got better. Not for everyone, as the main character can be a bit frustrating, but the premise was interesting.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a free advanced copy of this book to read and review.

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This book has a spectacular meet-cute scene! Olivia is determined to follow her dream and so is sexy Irish guy, so they strike a deal to meet again in 10 years. I love the premise and how so much changes. This was a really cute book idea that played out well.

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I am sorry for the inconvenience but I don’t have the time to read this anymore and have lost interest in the concept. I believe that it would benefit your book more if I did not skim your book and write a rushed review. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

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Olivia writes greeting cards in LA while she wants to be a screenwriter. She has a work in progress, but it isn’t quite there yet. One day she meets an aspiring writer in a coffee shop and they joke he will star in her movie when it is done. They agree to meet back there in ten years. But as the years pass, her movie doesn’t get written, and she realizes he is a major movie star, she starts to wonder if their meet cute was her chance to meet her soulmate and she missed it. They cross paths every year on the anniversary until the tenth anniversary. She is determined not to go back to the shop but her friend gets her there. Will they get together or did she have it wrong all along?

This was a fun read and I loved the ending! The day is in early February so it is a great time to read it!

I am thankful for the electronic copy of the book that I received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I purchased the @audible version on my own.

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After having this book on my TBR for ages, I decided to finally pick it up and read. To be honest it was a slow start for me HOWEVER once I got into it I loved it!!! The ‘plot changes’ throughout were great and I wanted to keep reading and never put it down. Overall a great read!

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This book wasn't like I expected. my initial reaction was fury, because the first chapter got me riled up. As we see her interact with more and more characters on February 4, we do get to fill in the context of her character.

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Did not finish - writing was distracting. Sorry it wasn't a good fit, but appreciate the opportunity to read.

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Arggh, okay, first things first... This is just not for me. The writing style is fine... But I can't get into it and I've seen many other reviews that don't encourage me to finish it. But since this is a did not finish for me that doesn't mean it will be one for you.

The idea is neat, but I just can't get into the book.

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