Cover Image: Every Day Is Earth Day

Every Day Is Earth Day

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This book is about realistic and practical ways to lower your carbon footprint.

It's a depressing book with staggering statistics and it left me with an urge to make some small amount of difference.

The suggestions for making an impact were easy to understand and go beyond recycling and lower energy usage appliances.

It also talked briefly about the people around the world that are desperately trying to lessen the worlds impact on Earth.

Wow, I feel like such a parasite!


Thanks to @netgalley and Andrews Mcmeel Publishing for this advanced copy!

Very enlightening and helpful, useful information!

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The most noteworthy feature of this book is that it does not deviate a bit from its focus and successfully delivers what it promises. It is a hand-manual for citizens to help them reduce their carbon footprint by making few changes in their lifestyle. The book is loaded with data and facts, excellent graphics, and sound suggestions and advice. There are no typographical errors. The book has been compiled very nicely and you will sense the commitment to the cause on part of the writer and publisher. As such, I do not have any criticism or negative feedback for this book; so I will give you a brief summary of the book.

The title of the book is well thought and appropriate. Climate activism is not a thing to be done for one day and forgotten the next. It goes beyond writing articles, demonstrations, sloganeering and meetings. Commitment to our planet and environment demands action on part of all of us, every single day, for the remaining years of our lives. The action can be in the form of making wise decisions and choices.

For example, consider online shopping, which is popular because of the comfort it brings with it in the form of home delivery of items. However, take a note of the fuel consumed in transporting the shipment from source to the consumer, which increases if the consumer is not available on first instance and subsequent trips are required. Also, in case the item is returned, this would further increase fuel consumption. The author suggests to check the place of origin of the item and encourages readers to buy locally, which saves fuel and also helps local economy. The writer mentions different types of delivery options, and explains the different levels of fuel consumption by each of them.

The book starts by telling you what exactly is ‘carbon footprint’, then gives you an idea of the various units of weight and measurement. This is followed by facts related to the Earth system — atmosphere, changes in atmospheric variables such as temperature and precipitation due to climate change, and extreme events in different continents. Climate change and human contribution to climate change are explained next. Likewise, changes in oceans, reefs, land, forests, wastelands, glaciers and animal kingdom are mentioned briefly. The second part of the book tells you how you can reduce your carbon footprint. The suggestions address different aspects of our modern urban lifestyle — electricity and gas at home, water, plastic, food and drink, diet, shopping, electronics, toys and baby products, furniture, online shopping, transport, and gardening. The book ends with taking note of various climate change crusaders and tells you various ways in which you can join the fight against climate change.

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It's an okay book with interesting illustrations and graphics, but it does not really tell you more than what you probably already know about pollution, recycling and being environmentally friendly.

It doesn't go into depth and it is a bit too US/UK centered when it comes to statistics. It barely scratched the surface of the issues it talks about. It's also concentrated on consumer blaming instead of talking about the real culprits: big corporations who are polluting and, of course, capitalism

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I thought this book was very informative in understanding how what we eat, drink, and do in our homes and in our families affects the environment. It also gives some very helpful ideas on how to reduce our "carbon footprint" in the world. A lot of it is common sense, but some of the projections on the loss of glaciers, the increase in weather problems, and the loss of different animal species was news to me.

I received an e-ARC of this book by the author and publishing via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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Very good book of putting in facts to a more visual format than straight facts. Overall good sections and topics put into the book.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Harriet Dyer, and Andrews McMeel Publishing for an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

What a great reference for someone who is interested in learning more about carbon footprints and the impact we have on the Earth!! I really enjoyed reading all the stats from different countries around the world (would have loved to see some Canada stats in there) and it definitely stopped me in my tracks a couple of times!

I really love the set-up of this book. It is a true reference book, but so easy to read and navigate! I found it hard to read the white font on the turquoise background and ended up just skipping those little bits instead of straining my eyes. I will definitely refer back to this one as I make some changes! If you are looking for a place to start and to motivate yourself to do so, pick this one up!!!!!

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Short practical illustrated guide to how we can all make changes for the betterment of the planet. While some of the advice is a bummer, for me giving up coffee is a no go, everyone can at least implement some of the suggestions to make a difference. After all, it's the only planet we've got.

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A very quick read that focuses on carbon footprint information. It is very descriptive of what our footprint is and how we can help to minimize it. Breaks down the more scientific specifics of why we need to be better at caring for the planet.

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Every Day is Earth Day by Harriet Dyer promises the reader facts and ideas to help reduce their carbon footprint. The author also includes inspiring stories and ways to get more involved beyond what you can do on your own.

If you need an idea of just how bad climate change is, this is that book. The author sets the stage by giving relatable elements to common measurements like acre or tons. This is helpful later on in a discussion of how much we throw away or waste.. Everything is brought down to a more relatable level.

Onward to what you can do to lower your carbon footprint. I'm not going to get into specifics, but the author breaks it down into simple tips from travel to electronics to kids and onward. Most tips take no more than 2-4 pages over a fancy spread. Some are easy to start and some are a little more creative.

Overall, this is a great introductory book, but a definite borrow from your library. It's flashy. It's fact filled. It has inspirational stories and advice on what to do after you've applied what tips you can. The downside for me is that none of this was new. It was a fun read and it did rekindle my commitment and desire to do more to help the Earth, but none of the information was brand new to me. Due to all the facts provided, I do worry it'll be outdated fairly quickly, especially with things changing at such a rapid pace. If you're getting started on your journey or need ideas of what to do, this is the book for you. If you need a reminder of why you're doing what your doing and a reminder of what you could be doing, this is also that book. If you're already at zero waste, this is probably not for you.

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I received a digital ARC (advanced reader copy) in exchange for an honest review.

Every Day is Earth Day is a wonderful book full of information alongside cute graphics about climate change, waste, energy, and more. I think this book is perfect for children because it is a very visually appealing book and takes care to explain environmental issues in a way that they can understand and encourages them to take action.

This book has many visually appealing spreads and graphs so the reader can clearly compare different foods, transportation methods, and more in resource usage and carbon emissions. This book is 4.5 stars in my opinion and if it wasn't for 1 or 2 confusing graphs/charts, it would be 5 stars. I highly recommend this book to educators and children who want to know more about environmental issues.

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<b> The ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.' </b>


So far one of the better, more inviting books about sustainability and saving the planet I've read. I really liked the useful tips, actually a book that doesn't say you should do better, but also gives you on a lot of different aspects of life advice on how to do it. From the book, if you spend an hour every day less on your phone, you can save the C02 that's used for a roundtrip flight between New York and Chicago. How crazy is that? But that's what sometimes people seem to forget: you can actually still make an impact, and if your entire family does that for an entire year, or your entire class, or you set up a challenge with your friend group, imagine how many flights you would save?

Sometimes I did feel the book was a bit UK/USA oriented in example wise (except for the crusaders mentioned in the end). This tends to happen in these kind of books and I don't blame the author for that, but would've liked if she branched out to other regions more as well.

Small note of criticism, which is more because I'm so passionate on the subject: I think this book did kind of overlook a part of not being able to afford or being unable to do some of these advices, and it would've been nice to highlight if you aren't in a financial position to make certain changes and how to still be effectively helping.

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This book has a lot of great information on helping the planet. I’m already a huge activist when it comes to recycling and doing my part to help the planet, but this book gave me even more ideas to step up my game! It has a lot of wonderful information about simple things we can do in our everyday lives to help our planet. Although some of the numbers are quite scary, it makes it that much more necessary to put some of these ideas into use.

I think this book is great for people of any age. It’s a great tool to use for children to try and convey the importance of something as small as brushing their teeth and taking a shorter shower. I honestly think this book should be mandatory in schools, but like I said previously, I’m an activist for saving this wonderful place we live for future generations.

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I was amazing at how much information was packed into this book! I actually found bits of advice that I didn't know or hadn't occurred to me before. The sheer amount of content could be overwhelming, but the layout and design is done in a straightforward manner and divided into chunks so that you can take it in by bits. Very useful and relevant book, I highly recommend it!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I cannot wait for this book to be published. "Every Day is Earth Day" is the perfect combination of facts and examples of ways to make a difference. If we can somehow get this book into the hands of every human being, we can end the problems facing the world today. Knowing that this is not possible, though, I can only hope that others will read this book and take it seriously...thus making a plan and taking a stance to do as much as possible to help. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to read this book, NetGalley. By far, the best book on how to decrease my carbon footprint that I have read.

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This book has two wonderful qualities.
It is simple and practical.
And it's message are nobel as they aim to preserve mother nature.
This describes various tyrannical things mankind is doing to thus earth. And how we can contribute as an individual.
It covers all aspects of environmental conservation.
A very good book that should be read by youth to contribute to the cause from the early age.

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This book was absolutely fascinating to read. I love the way the information is laid out and how the author has put climate change in perspective in so many aspects of living. There are also a number of suggestions for eas changes to be more sustainable for our planet, many of which I plan on incorporating into my daily life.
Many thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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"Every Day is Earth Day" is a vibrant and relatable guide to understanding the earth's climate crisis, plus what can be done about it. This is aimed towards middle grade readers., however some things like insulating their home is really not directed towards that age range. There are a lot of statistics that kids might not care about but the author does try to explain them in terms they would relate to in the beginning of the book which I found nice.

There are some great and manageable tips for becoming more eco-friendly and I appreciate any piece of literature that helps to promote this and disseminate climate data!

*I received an arc in exchange for an honest review*.

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I received a copy of this book for an honest review from

4.0 🌟 For this book

As a person who is pretty well versed on reducing her carbon footprint, this book was preaching to the all-ready converted choir.

The beautiful graphic design of the cover, immediately grabbed my attention as I was scrolling through the depths of NetGalley, trying to cure my insomnia. Every page is constructed beautifully, allowing the eyes to guide through the information. Don’t we all l love a graphic organiser?

There are many great tips for reducing waste and our impact on planet earth. I believe that all should read this. I don’t believe I was the target audience for this coffee table book but I would happily buy it for Mum for Christmas as we regularly have chats about my “crazy” obsession with taking my soft plastics to back to Coles and my worm farm.

I believe that it would give some skeptics, some Ahah! moments. I really should get my husband to read this one, he may finally start recycling properly... I could only wish.

I didn’t particularly learn too much that I didn’t know, hence not 5 stars but I recommend you to read this.

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In Every Day is Earth Day, Harriet Dyer gives a primer for those concerned about global warming and their carbon footprint. Dyer opens with facts and figures about the realities of climate change and the science behind it. She has done a good job of making the information easily understandable to the reader while not sugar coating the problems we are facing. Dyer also presents actionable items that we as individuals can undertake to reduce our carbon foot print. The actions are divided by area of life, such as food, travel, or cleaning. Given the large number of suggestions provided it's likely that everyone will be able to find at least a few steps they can take to reduce their carbon output.

The book was well designed, with graphics and images throughout. Most information is presented in easily digestible bullets or infographics, rather than in lengthy paragraphs that might bog down a reader who is new to the subject.

I was disappointed that there were not any citations or references included in the book. I understand that this is a popular science book, not targeted at academia, but sources should always be provided when presenting scientific data and statistics to the reader. It increases the author's credibility and gives the reader an easy way to start to do additional research if they wish.

If you've long been concerned about climate change or have done significant research on the subject, this probably isn't the book for you, but it is a great introductory guidebook to the topic. While Every Day is Earth Day would definitely be of interest to an adult audience, I also believe it would be great for high school aged readers (perhaps as part of a science curriculum) given how accessible Dyer has made the subject.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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For someone that is already very conscious of their carbon footprint, I was really happy to be given the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

The book was clear, beautifully illustrated, concise and to the point. It didn’t dance around the subject of climate change being something that is a minor problem for the planet, it really drove home that our generation is the first to see the major effects of climate change and the carbon footprint we are leaving behind.

As mentioned before, I’m already fairly conscious of what is happening to our beautiful planet, but this book gave me more motivation to do my part in taking care of the planet, and also gave me new ideas on how I as an individual and my family can achieve that..

This book is great for the seasoned eco- warrior, and also someone who is new to the environmentalist world and is looking for a great introduction.

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