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The Seven Day Switch

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The Seven Day Switch: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really loved this story ! I love the freaky Friday vibes and I just love the personality of the characters. I laughed out loud plenty times and I really need a sequel to see that Wendy got her HEA!
This story is told from tree POV of Celeste, a stay at home mom, who’s new to the neighborhood and struggling to make friends and Wendy, a working mom that’s drowning under the pressure of her many responsibilities. After a night of drinking, these ladies woke up in different bodies. Completely freaking out and trying to figure out how to switch back both Ladies has to settling into their new bodies. As they view their life from tree outside both ladies are forced to change
What they thought they knew about the other and let go of the expectation they allow society to place on them.
This book highlight some issues like mom shaming that lots of stay at home moms May face, I love the resolution in the end where The characters come to the realization that it doesn’t matter if your work out side that Home, that goal is to do what’s best for your family.

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Such a fun read! Loved this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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I wanted to like this book. Really really tried. Multiple times. I just couldn't get into it and connect with it. Unfortunately this one isn't for me. As a mother, I just couldn't connect with either of these mothers. It seemed far too unrealistic.

I received an advanced copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you to NetGalley, Kelly Harms, and Lake Union.

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I had a hard time connecting to the characters, perhaps that's because I am not a mother. I know this book will be enjoyed by other readers. I will not be sharing this review on my pages.

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Very well written book. Really enjoyed this author, would definitely read more by this author and recommend on my book IG

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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I really wanted to like this book but unfortunately it just wasn’t for me. I had a hard time keeping the women straight and not mixing up their families. It was very confusing. As a mom there were definitely moments I could relate to. A couple I even laughed out loud about. But overall I just couldn’t get over how nasty these two women were to each other. I’m a big believer in supporting other moms so this was a tough pill to swallow.

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Celeste and Wendy are very different moms—Celeste is a Pinterest-perfect, SAHM, while Wendy is a working mom trying to juggle the majority of childcare post-work day. After a sangria-infused evening, Celeste and Wendy wake up in one another’s body. Switched for seven days, the women are forced to take a walk in one another’s shoes, and find out if the grass is greener on the other side.

This was a fun mom version of “Freaky Friday”, much like the TV show “Wife Swap”. While obviously not the most original story, it’s enjoyable and an easy read. I did struggle to connect to the two main characters—I think they were both just too extreme on their end of the mom spectrum, so they were irritating at times. Overall, it’s good for a light read, especially if you are a mom yourself.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for my gifted e-book!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my digital copy in exchange for an honest opinion...and honestly? I LOVED this book...I am all over a grown up Freaky Friday type of situation...two moms who don't even like each other end up switching bodies for 7 days...they have to try and get out of having sex with the other person's husband, they have to raise each other's children, and they have to basically learn about each other and try to fix what is wrong...almost like Freaky Friday and Celebrity Wife Swap There was so much growth and humor in this book that it moved right to my favorites shelf...I would read anything this author puts out because I loved her writing style...and it made me laugh and at times, it almost made me cry.

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I DNFed this book at ten percent. It wasn't terrible, just too confusing. I couldn't keep track of all the characters and the mean/passive aggressive banter was not what I was in the mood for. I can see this being up someone else's alley but it just wasn't for me.

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I loved this book! I did have to suspend belief a little bit to accept the premise of the ‘switch’, but ultimately, this book is about so much more.

It’s about compassion, respect and thinking about others, as well as yourself. Celeste and Wendy are amazing characters. I loved their dynamic and their relationship as it developed throughout the book. It shows that not everyone has to be your enemy, especially when you don’t know what’s going on in their lives. These two women were the perfect examples of opposites, but they both had such similar traits and actually could have been the best of friends immediately with all of the prejudices removed.

I have already started to recommend to friends and I have only just finished it. It was brilliant. I think I read this at the perfect time, as I flew through it in a day or two and couldn’t put it down!!

Can’t wait to read more by Kelly!

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This book reminded me a lot of Freaky Friday but with moms. Celeste and Wendy learned a lot along along their journeys. I loved watching their growth throughout the book. It was such a fun and touching read.

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A quick, comic relief read about two very different mothers that have taken different paths in life. One is a stay at home mom that feels the pressure to fit in and please everyone, the other a career woman trying to balance her two kids, lazy ass husband, and career.

When a freaky Friday switch happens and they end up waking up in each other’s bodies, they think the other will have such an easy go living their life. What ends up happening is far different and they find a mutual respect for one another.


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Immediately after reading the premise of this book, I knew is was one I needed to read and I am so glad I did! I absolutely loved it. I found myself cracking up and nodding my head in agreement throughout the course of the story and simply had the best time taking it all in. Here's the gist of the story. Two mother's, Celeste and Wendy have parenting styles and definitions of what makes a good mother that couldn't be more opposite. Think of a Freaky Friday style "switch" and suddenly these two women find themselves in each other's shoes. You can really only image what ensues

Apart from truly excellent writing and characters you can't help but love in the midst of their messy lives, what I appreciated most about this book was how relatable the characters and story were. Goodness, we all who are mom's know what it's like to feel that "mommy wars" pressure, and I love how the author handled the topic of motherhood and the light she painted it in. Sometimes books like this can feel nauseating and that wasn't the case here.

I truly fond this to be such a funny and flat out fun read with a. heartwarming core, and I can't recommend it more if it sounds like this specific subject of motherhood in a story would interest you. It was perfection!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union for the gifted e-copy.

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Thank you to Lake Union and NetGalley for the gifted ebook of The Seven Day Switch! All opinions in this review are my own.

I read a little over 100 pages of The Seven Day Switch, but I've decided it's not for me. Most of the characters seem to rely heavily on stereotypes. The working mom thinks the stay at home mom doesn't do anything all day. The stay at home mom judges the working mom for having a house that is not up to her standards. There is the devoted husband and the lazy husband. Even the kids are categorized into "healthy" and "lazy" based on how much technology they use. I didn't care about any of the characters to continue reading.

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Freaky Friday was one of my favorite movies as a kid (heck, it still is as an adult), so when two moms switch places in this book, I was laughing and feeling nostalgia in the best way! Such a fun, cute story that gave me a little Class Mom vibes too!

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This novel tells the story of two mothers through the experience of a seven-day switch.
Wendy Charles is a successful businesswoman, mother of two, who feeds her kids more store-bought food than home cooking, but feels mom guilt constantly, and Celeste Mason, a stay-at-home mom, who obsessively cleans and cooks but suffers from insecurities about her role in the family after kids grow up.
They constantly judge each other's choices and lifestyles until one day they switch bodies and are forced to live each other's lives.
The truth is that both of them are quite wonderful mothers in their own way in different ways, and neither of them has the perfect life.
The two of them have overdone things in order to achieve some semblance of perfection and need to take a step back and live their lives as they please.

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I couldn't finish this book due to an error in my NetGalley app on my side, but from the few chapters i read, I recall that it was a wonderful plot and story. I loved the concept and characters and I'd like to purchase a copy and read the book in the near future.

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The Seven Day Switch starts out as funny book, but then it turns into something all together different. Celeste is a stay at home mom, who tries to be everything to everybody. She thinks because she is a stay at she has to be doing something, or helping someone, all the time!! Then you have Wendy, who owns her own business, but doesn't get a lot of time with her kids. She has a different kind of mom guilt and she resents Celeste for being able to have it all and be a stay at home mom. Then you add a quirk of fate, and you get a book that has so many wonderful moments. So many learning moments, so much laughter and a few tears. Kelly Harms has a way of telling a story that not only is great, but also gets you to say " Yep, that's me!" I saw myself in both characters...but what it makes you realize is that women are their own worst critics and that women can be very mean toward other women.... especially when they should be very supportive! I am so glad I was given this book to read. 4⭐

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and Kelly Harms for the gifted copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A fun Freaky Friday moms version. "Perfect" Stay at Home Mom Celeste and Business Mom Wendy switch roles after a fun sangria fueled night. Both learn, the grass may not be greener and there might be a reason their neighbor acts the way she does.

Super fun summer read!

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