Member Reviews

Rachel Rodgers is an inspiring woman. The title may be misleading to some readers as the focus on the book is on Rachel’s past and present and the focus on being a business owner. It offers bold opinions and guidance (and while Rachel gives example) that don’t seem like a guide for the average person can follow.

If you are looking to make big moves this is the book for you. If you are looking for financial guidance (70% of this book doesn’t cover directly that).

Still empowering and inspiring.

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I enjoyed this read, but I don't think it necessarily offers a lot new to the space. We Should All Be Millionaires is part financial advice, part mindset, and part pep up coach. If you've studied a lot in either of those areas, you may not find much new here.

If you are brand new to these ideas however, buckle up and enjoy! If you want these with social justice work, even better. If you love conversational tone, this is also great for you!

That said...I think a lot of more experienced people could gain more by reading individual books that go deeper into business, mindset, and finance.

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We should All Be Millionaires is an inspiring book that leaves the reader motivated. There were pages of notes I took from this book, I love the aspect and the way the author creatively explains to make the reader feel like all goals are achievable. There is no "gate-keeping" in this book. Rachel conveys powerful money making ways to propel you to become the person you want to be and have financial success.
I received an ARC copy from Netgalley.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this! It was a very helpful and interesting quick read on personal finance! I feel like every woman could learn from this book no matter who they are and their financial situation. Most personal finance books aren't directed at woman or if they are it's not helpful and just talks down to them about how to stop buying coffee and eat at home. It feels like men get books on retirement and investing but women are told to spend less. This book was very refreshing and helpful. I highly recommend it!

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Today we talk about “We Should All Be Millionaires” by Rachel Rodgers. I absolutely loved the wisdom, the practical advice the author shares in it, and the bold, empowering language she uses.

If you need to start making better decisions with your life, Million Dollar Decisions, this is the book for you!

“Rachel Rodgers is an intellectual property attorney and business coach.

Rodgers started her career working for state and federal judges, nonprofits, and even Hillary Clinton. Today she’s the owner of a multi-million dollar business, mother of four, and visionary featured in publications like Time, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, and The Washington Post. ” [more on Rodgers’ company’s website]

Rachel Rodgers
Loved lots of things about this book, but I will only talk about three main concepts I took from it:

Use Thought Work to Change Your Money Stories
The most interesting thing I read about in this book is surrounding the money stories we keep telling ourselves. I hadn’t really given a lot of thought about what I really think about wealth. Yet, it affects everything – from what I believe I am capable of to what I fear and what I actually dare to do or change about my financial situation.

Money is not about money, it’s about what you are able to do with it.

“We Should All Be Millionaires”, Rachel Rodgers
If you’re like me and, obviously, like Rachel Rodgers, it’s thoughts like

“Money is not that important to me”,

“You have to work really hard to make money” or

“I’m just not good with money”…

that actually stop you from becoming truly wealthy.

This idea that wealth is first a mindset is a bit scary because you can dream about what you want, work and stress a lot to get it, only to have it never amount to anything. After all, you aren’t even aware of what’s stopping you in the first place.

The book covers the topic well and gives ample suggestions on how to start changing the inner language you have surrounding money, using thought work. This implies actively following your thoughts and choosing to think something completely different if the way you think now doesn’t serve you.

Plan for the financial life you want, not the one you have.

“We Should All Be Millionaires”, Rachel Rodgers
Shift Focus from “Save and Reduce Spending” to “Increase Earnings”
You spend hours trying to save: you forego the $5 cup of coffee, going out altogether or buying past the minimal necessities just to have extra pennies at the end of the month. That is no way to live.

You think you’re not good with money and you have to save everything you can, but that is wrong. Sure, do not accumulate debt, but saving is not going to make you rich.

Forget wasting time with coupons and focus all your energy on increasing your income. Will that entail ordering food instead of cooking yourself? Maybe sometimes that is just the only way to gain an extra hour of work. But will that hour of work help you increase your income? If spent wisely, most definitely.

To erase debt, focus on expanding, not shrinking.

“We Should All Be Millionaires”, Rachel Rodgers
This includes delegating as much as possible, as soon as you can. Delegating is key for successful leaders everywhere. Learning this skill empowers you to move on and do a lot of whatever it is you’re a star at.

Delegating will help you increase your business because it will allow you to focus on what is important and on what only you can do. Will this entail spending? Obviously, but that is fine —the investment will pay for itself.

Don’t be afraid of spending more in the short term if the time you gain is invested in increasing your earning potential!

If you’re still afraid, think of it differently: learning skills like hiring, managing other people and having difficult conversations with employees will help you create a bigger business for yourself. You can’t say “no” to that!

You, today, have all the skills, talents, and intelligence you need to generate an income significantly higher than the one you have right now.

“We Should All Be Millionaires”, Rachel Rodgers
Get What You Want instead of Getting to Be Liked
First, you need to understand that, as a woman, you are trained to be nice, to be “a good girl”. It is evolutionary, because of our need to belong to a group. It is also circumstantial, because of how our society has evolved. In the end, it doesn’t matter why, but you need to first acknowledge that behaviour in order to change it.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be nice anymore. It means retraining yourself to always be evaluating if being nice is detrimental to what you actually want or need.

Are you nice instead of listening to your true desires?

If you are being nice when you don’t want to be, you’re really just lying.

“We Should All Be Millionaires”, Rachel Rodgers
You should never expect to be liked by everyone. Make it a point instead to choose the people that actually matter to you, the handful of people for whom you matter and whose opinion you value. Only aspire to be liked by them and leave all the others out. Everyone else’s opinion doesn’t matter.


What would you do if you were a “bad girl”? Whatever it is, you might as well just go do it! 😇

Bonus: Fun Fact I Never Thought About Before 🙃
Everyone knows (and there are studies to show it) that even when a couple earns the same and works the same outside the house, women do a lot more of the visible housework(cooking, cleaning etc.).

But more than that, and it is something that never occurred to me before, women also do an invisible workload:

“learning and information processing (like researching paediatricians). Women do more worrying(like wondering if their child is hitting his developmental milestones). And they do more organising and delegating (like deciding when the mattress needs to be flipped or what to cook for dinner). Even when their male partners “helped out” by doing their fair sare of chores and errands, it was the women who noticed what needed to be done.”

“We Should All Be Millionaires”, Rachel Rodgers, citing sociologist Susan Walzer’s study.
This book was fun, sarcastic and empowering all in one. Loved its writing style and the practical advice in it! It is ultimately the story and the insight into the way of thinking of a woman who beat the odds and impressively created a million-dollar business. That is inspiring!

If you liked this article, the tips I wrote about here are just some of the things I learned from this book! I highly advise you to read it yourself!

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I received a complimentary copy from Harper Collins Leadership and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

There are so many personal finance books in the world and this is no different . Rachel tackles on why women and men should strive to be financially independent , to find ways to build wealth and the icing on top is that she shares the steps she took to be successful . I recommend it to everyone that wants to be successful or looking for inspiration to build wealth.

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This was a great book full of tips, advice and focused specifically on being a working woman.

I did feel it was tipped in the favour of women who already own their own business but overall I enjoyed it.

Thank you for the arc.

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I read it, I loved it, I handed it to my teenage daughter who has a burgeoning interest in making money! Rodgers's chief assertion is that money talks, and therefore until women—and particularly Black women—have economic power, equality will remain out of reach. She argues why it's good—both individually and collectively—for women to increase their incomes, and shares how she did it in her own life, and how you can do it, too. I found this to be illuminating as well as a lot of FUN to read; I loved Rodgers's smart and snappy style.

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I LOVED this one - it made my list of top 10 books I read in 2021 and I'll be including it in the non-fiction section of my 2022 Summer Reading Guide.

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Inspiring but lacks anything new. Obviously to become a millionaire you need to work hard, take risks and be lucky. But the book is motivating and might help shift your mindset. The language is a little vulgar which I don’t mind but if that’s not your thing stay away from this book.

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Nicely done book. Written in a voice of friendship and understanding. She honestly tries to make it easy for everyone to understand her views and points.

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5 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Collins Leadership, and Rachel Rodgers for the gifted copy of We Should All Be Millionaires in exchange for an honest review. I LOVED this book, and highly recommend all women read this book!

How many books about money are written for women? Very, very few!!! As women, we aren't always taught to aspire for more, or to believe that we have value when it comes to money. Rachel Rodgers does a fabulous job with this book!

I actually picked this book up after seeing Rachel do an interview with Gabby Bernstein. The book really intrigued me. I also feel like Rachel would be an amazing speaker to see live!

Things I love about this book:
-The empowering messages that women should aspire for more financially. As women, we are not always taught to believe that we can make money or that we are worth making money!
-A finance book for women! This is reason alone to pick this book up!
-A book about money for women of every race and ethnicity! Rachel's story is very empowering!
-Tangible advice throughout the whole book! Ideas to think about, things to start doing with your current finances, websites, and resources - this book has a lot of information you can take away from it!

As with any personal development book, I think you can take things with you that speak to you, and leave what doesn't! I honestly think every woman can take things away from this book! There are so many inspiring messages! Highly Recommend!

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I really wanted to like this book but felt it was very self-serving. I can see how it would help the author grow her millionaire status but unfortunately not the audience. There was a lot of fluff that we've all heard before but unfortunately no real practical steps to make it happen. The hype is great but at the end of the day there must be substance. Unfortunately this book was disappointing to say the least.

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I am not usually a fan of non-fiction books, because when I read non-fiction, I like it when it is short and sweet and to the point. I don't want to read a bunch of personal stories (unless it is an autobiography) and I just want the information given to me in a simple format.

While "We Should All Be Millionaires" isn't necessarily a step-by-step guide on how to become a millionaire, Rachel does offer some great ideas and examples on how to make this a reality. I was intrigued and skeptical when I started reading, and I don't actually think that this could work for every women (even though she believes it could), but there are some things I am definitely going to try, and this has helped me to be more mindful of my time and talents. I also love that is is geared towards women (and written by a black woman).

Thanks to Netgalley and publishers for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I wanted to like this book. As a mixed-race woman of color, I was hoping this author would be the role model I needed for my entrepreneurial journey.

Sadly, no. This book is inspirational, but not a solid primer for someone already in business. It's better suited to folks who aspire to entrepreneurship and are working a day job.

Rodgers plies you with plenty of statistics and stories designed to light a fire under your butt and get you moving, but the book contradicts itself more times than I care to count.

She begins with a story about Madam CJ Walker - the first black millionaire woman in America. While Madam Walker's story is inspiring, Rodgers glosses over the fact that Madam Walker stole the recipe for her original hair care line from her competitor. Is THAT the kind of role model we're supposed to have? Can't we be wealthy AND ethical?

Rodgers makes me wonder.

Rodgers then goes on to tell us we don't have to "stop drinking your three dollar latte", but then shares the story of her friend, Emma, who bought a home and slept on the couch, renting out all the bedrooms so she could live rent-free. That sounds like a different form of "clipping coupons" and "skipping lattes" to me!

Rodgers promises to tell you "how to start making a lot more money.... to add income streams without hustling all the time... generating an extra $1000 to $5000 per month" but the closest she comes in the book is a "$10k in 10 day challenge" that amounts to brainstorming ideas and reaching out to 50 people... something most entrepreneurs I know have already tried in one form or another. We aren't looking for a "cash injection" side hustle to add to our portfolio (especially when Rodgers tells the multi-passionate among us to focus on just ONE thing). We want a clear path to profitable, sustainable revenue. Her challenge ain't it. I'm too busy running my business to be hosting yard sales.

By Chapter 4, Rodgers is selling you on the idea that "if you literally do nothing but join a success squad, you will make more money by osmosis." I call B.S. In more than 25 years as a coach and entrepreneur, I've never seen money just happen because you're in a room. You've got to build relationships, have conversations, and be OF VALUE in those rooms or you don't end up staying long enough to make any money. It just ends up sounding like a pitch for her own programs where "even the least active people in my coaching programs...still wind up making thousands more dollars than they were making before they joined the program." Can we see some stats to back that up, please?

Rodgers does reveal her biggest success secret, and it's not part of her "proven system" - she says it simply in a single paragraph: "being in a room of accomplished people where folks are freely sharing their specific strategies, resources, and referrals for success... But how do you get into these rooms in the first place? Become a joiner." Her path to success was paved on a $2500 investment that not everyone can afford to make.

The book is inspiring, to be sure, and if inspiration and firing up are what you need, this book will serve you well. However, if you're looking for the practical steps to get to millionaire status in 3 years or less as the book promises, you're out of luck. By Rodgers own admission, her "hustling" took her to $300,000 in three years, not a million.

"We Should All Be Millionaires" makes a solid case for WHY being a millionaire is valuable, but the "steps" Rodgers offers in the book are just specific enough to SOUND helpful (set boundaries, have goals, have systems and a team to support you, surround yourself with a better class of people, stop making BAD decisions, and charge more), and vague enough to not really move the needle. Maybe she's saving those golden nuggets for her online club.

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Not just for marginalized women living in the USA

Ninety percent of the world’s millionaires are men.
Rachel Rodgers is the founder of Hello Seven, a company that coaches women in scaling their businesses and their lives to seven figures, and she is determined to change that.
In their newsletter, blog, podcast, and social media channels, Rachel has made her company’s mission extremely clear: We’re here to serve women, people of color, queer folks, and other people who have been financially oppressed and marginalized throughout history. We want to help you earn more money, build wealth, and learn how to become a millionaire.
Whether you like it or not, money is the source of real power in the world.
Some of that power is emotional. Being free of money worries build confidence and self-esteem, combats low self-esteem and enables feelings of being independent and in control.
I found this book to be an excellent summary of the limiting self-beliefs and internal narratives that can lead to self-sabotage and negative thinking.
The concept of Broke Ass Decisions and Million Dollar Decisions is very valid and can be developed into daily practices and habits.
The key to Part 2 of the book – The Million Dollar Roadmap – is being able to capitalise on your sellable experience and expertise, irrespective of the nature of that skillset.
I particularly enjoyed the section on doubling down on your zone of genius and how to focus on one specific passion to build a career.
The 10K in 10 days approach was a real eye-opener!
High recommended for all women who want to take a fresh look at how they add value in the world and be rewarded for that value.

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The book is part motivational/ part practical, with encouraging words on reaching for more in your financial life and actionable tips on starting and growing a business. While the advice is suitable to all, Rodgers is clearly writing for women and even more specifically for women of color. Rodgers makes a convincing case for entrepreneurship as a social justice imperative. “Wealthy women open doors for other women,” Rodgers writes.

Read full review on Forbes:

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Not only is the cover attractive, but it grasps the true meaning of becoming a millionaire. All those financial gurus who say they’ll help? Yeah, they haven’t met Rachel Rodgers! I am astonished at all the amazing golden ideas in We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers!

From page one through the conclusion and even the appendix, Ms Rodgers has filled with information that’s not only historical, but tried, tested, and truth! She begins the book with a story of a woman who started as a slave and after the Emancipation, she became a millionaire of her day! She took what she knew and was good at and became known among the black communities.

The book goes into how women get paid less than the white man. There’s a pay discrepancy even among non-whites, like African-Americans, American Indians, Hispanics, and Asians. There’s also minority groups of different types who are also less likely to be hired for a job, like obese, LGBTQ, age, etc. Some groups take things into their own hands and start “underground businesses” which the average American doesn’t even know exists!

I really enjoy the way this book was put together. It’s life stories that related the ideas being represented are so relatable that it feels like the individual was telling me their story themselves. I also love the way the ideas that we can all be millionaires is presented. Outsourcing or hiring people to do your housework is a common practice so people can focus their time on things that actually bring in the money. It’s definitely a mindset thing. So to get us all over that first hump of excuses, we are challenged to make $10,000 in 10 days with tips and tricks on how to do it.

We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers is a book all women should read. Even I will be working towards $10,000 in 10 days. But, I’ll shoot for something more doable for me right now at $1000 in 10 days. Plus an extra 15% stretch, so $1150 in 10 days! Talk about a stretch! I’ll do it though!

Special thanks to HarperCollins Leadership via NetGalley! I give this amazing book 5 out of 5 tiaras because I feel I’ve gained so much to utilize for my own business just by reading this book! I also plan on getting a hard cover to add to my ever growing library and I will get copies for my team as well!

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I love how she sets the tone of the book with Madam C Walker. If she did it back then, we surely can do it now. This book will give you actionable steps while motivating you to be a millionaire. I love her energy every time she speaks.

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Back in 2004 when I attended Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I had no clarity or vision for myself as a business owner, or even simply being self-employed. I had only been in the workforce for about six years, but my then 24-year old self was already feeling my soul being sucked out of me. I had big ideas and nowhere to plant them. I was bored and broken to tears most days, having been forced to let go of my photography career in pursuit of the middle class aspiration of getting a “good job”, one that I would loyally put 30 years into and be rewarded with health insurance, paid time off, and a pension when I retired.

I didn’t need to like the work I was doing, the people I worked with, or my employers. I was simply there to fulfill the job requirements and collect a check. That paycheck, along with job security, was supposed to be enough motivation to keep up and keep going. But it wasn’t. It doesn’t matter how much or how little I’ve made, I was not thriving in this model. I’ve had all kinds of work experiences from office administration to customer service to food and farming. While I’m grateful for those experiences, they never nourished me to the level that being in control of my time and choosing which projects I wanted to work on did.

I’ve been working towards sustainable self-employment for over fifteen years, toggling back and forth between cash jobs and promoting my own offers. While I enjoy an enviable level of time freedom, consistent and abundant cash flow continues to elude me. I’ve read countless books about mindset and money, taken courses, and masterminded with friends and colleagues who share my aspirations.

But I didn’t know that I needed to constantly surround myself with women who looked like me that were at the level I was trying to get to. I didn’t know that delegating work I wasn’t particularly good at or interested in would free up my time and mental space to focus on the work that really mattered to me. I thought I had to wait until I could afford it, and I wasted so much time and energy in the process.

I also didn’t know how to charge enough to pay myself a living wage, because all I was hearing was that I needed to charge at a level where the most people could afford to pay me instead of working with a small, dedicated few at a higher level. Even when I would tell prospects that it costs me the same to host a free workshop as it does to host a paid one, I was still undercharging. Even when I was showing up impatient and angry with clients for wasting my time with bs, not doing any of the work to get the results they claimed they wanted, I was still undercharging.

When one of my best sisterfriends introduced me to Rachel Rodgers years ago, I had no idea that a million dollar business was even possible for me. I couldn’t imagine telling someone that I charge five and ten thousand dollars to work with me. My nervous system is going into overdrive now just thinking about it. It’s not about how I perceive my worth or value. I’m really good at what I do and I get my clients results. It’s the idea that I could show up as myself and have that kind of money coming to me every month in less hours a week that I would have given any “good job” that’s out there, without the microaggressions, without being overworked, undervalued, underappreciated, and underpaid, without having to dim my light or play small, that is mindblowing to me.

I’m still not at the level where I am charging this amount of money, but I’m recalibrating and reimagining what’s possible for my life. What I love about Rachel Rodgers and her manifesto that We Should All Be Millionaires is that it’s not about the money. You don’t need to have a million dollars in the bank to have a rich life. Actually, you shouldn’t have that amount of money in the bank just sitting there because money is energy. It should always be working and growing. We Should All Be Millionaires is about cultivating a life of abundance that you can pay forward (no pun intended) by creating opportunities for yourself and others. It’s about recognizing and playing to your strengths. It’s about having the time, space, and cashflow to support yourself and your family, and give back to the community.

I know that a lot of people, especially women, are going to read this book and miss the message, or see the title and not read it because they are stuck in a story about what they deserve or who they think they aren’t. They are going to think this is about budgeting and investing and be disappointed. They will continue to make broke ass decisions instead of million dollar decisions. They are not going to make money and impact in their lives and in the lives of others.

But for those that do read it, I hope it inspires them to play a bigger game, to go out and build community with like minds that will help them reach their goals and create a ripple effect. Because we should all be millionaires.

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