Member Reviews

This was a romp of a Highland romance, despite the setting and plot. Magdalene Macdougal has spent 4 years in a convent as she has feigned madness to escape marriage, since her sister's death at the hands of an abusive husband. Her cruel brother Seoras has married her by proxy to Gabriel, new Laird of the MacLachlan Clan, who is desperate for her dowry in order to save his clan from poverty and starvation. By this alliance the MacDougal overlord is certain he will have Gabriel's allegiance in his war against Robert The Bruce, newly crowned King of Scotland.

Magdalene does not want to be married, she wants to stay at the convent, when Gabriel comes to collect her, she is determined to escape, or act so mad, that she will get sent back to the convent post haste. Gabriel would have been happy to let her stay at the convent, but Seoras has insisted Magdalene must be brought to Gabriel's keep.

She drives Gabriel to distraction with her antics, but he soon begins to suspect that she isn't as mad as she seems, as they grow closer, they are summoned to Seoras's keep, to witness some prisoner executions, can Gabriel and Magadalene keep each other safe and not be drawn into Seoras' plan.

Can Maggie survive the curse of the Maclachlan's wives - the last three all died in terrible accidents, become a mother figure to Gabriel's orphaned nieces, and get her HEA?

It was a light-hearted and fun book despite all the violent plot twists.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of the book, and all opinions are my own.

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I am a big fan of Romance books and I found this one to be a very enjoyable read. I will be looking for more books from this author.

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I enjoyed this quick read of intrigue, romance, humor, and adventure. (I find the cover a little off balance - the man's knee is in a weird spot) The arranged marriage trope is one of my favorites and it did not disappoint. While I liked Magdalene, I loved Gabriel. I found Maggie’s character traits a little too heavy on the suspicious side. Gabriel was a swoon worthy, gentle, self-sacrificing hero. Even the secondary characters were fun to read. I thought Gabriel’s declaration came from left field especially since he did not know Maggie’s true character at the time. The evil characters were not a surprise as pretty broad hints were given throughout the story. I’m hoping Gabriel’s brothers in arms get their story.

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It took me some time to get used to the writing style. The word 'och' really annoyed me. Maggie's brother was a bastard. EW! I knew that Grania was suspicious and already realized what that old hag did.

I liked the book. Specially the part about Maggie acting like a lunatic.

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I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is book 1 in a new series. I did enjoy this a great deal. It is was a fun read. We have a lady that decides to pretend to be mad to avoid being used as a pawn by her brother unfortunately he decides to sell her in marriage. Her new husband by proxy is a man trying to help his people. I enjoyed their interactions it was a fun read.

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A great story. Gabriel has become Laird because his brother was killed during a riding accident. A year later and Seoras the MacDougall laird, offers his insane sister to his rival, Gabriel MacLachlan in marriage. He goes to the convent she has been staying at for four years. When he arrives, he finds her running all over the yard naked and jumping into a huge water fountain. The normally two-day trip takes half the time. She has been trying to escape him.
This is a hard time in History, Robert the Bruce is fighting to maintain his throne and kick the English out of Scotland. King Edward Longshanks is the English king. Trying to force war. There is some action, the tale is very interesting and whimsical. The characters are wonderful and everyone's good to the girls. It gets a little steamy but is still good. I highly recommend it
I received this ARC from Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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The story of Gabriel and Maggie is a Humerous and Poignant one.
Maggie pretends to be mad in order to fend away the attentions of her groom.
Gabriel is a good man though.
The story is one of a curse that has yet to be solved and love.
Miriam Minger writes a good tale.
I received a complimentary copy of this book and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Having read several Miriam Minger Highland novels in the past, I was so excited to see that she has written a new one! I love her ability to be able to capture the true essence of the highland life and combine it with heart-racing romance. Unfortunately this book was not one of those stories. What started out having great potential, ended up feeling rushed and too far-fetched to be even somewhat realistic. I think Minger tried to cover too many stories in one novel without fully developing the original stories: the crazy wife, orphaned children, crazy brother, poor Highlander trying to survive, a curse, murder, Robert the Bruce, and love. It was just too much for one book. Minger should have picked one story and stuck with that and saved the others for other books in the series. I appreciate the opportunity to be able to read this book, unfortunately I was very disappointed!

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Magdalene MacDougall plays a dangerous game to protect herself from her brother's cruelty, as well as other men. Power hungry and seeking clans to back his bid for Scotland's throne, he marries her off to Laird Gabriel MacLachlan.. With a starving clan and a castle in ruins, Gabriel has no choice but to marry for her dowry. Magdalene is known as "Mad Maggie" and has lived confined in a convent for four years. Married by proxy to Gabriel, he comes to the convent to take her to MacLachlan castle. Fear of the unknown reinforces Maggie to play her game, until Gabriel's patience and gentleness starts to overcome her fear. Only the threat of her brother and the MacLachlan curse puts a cloud over their happiness. A swoon-worthy hero and a Scottish lass that keeps everybody on their toes, this book just ended too soon.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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This was my first book by Miriam Minger. Overall I thought the story was interesting and the writing was well done. Unfortunately I just didn't seem to connect with the characters in this book and at times, the pacing felt off to me.

As this is the beginning of a new series, I'll look forward to seeing if the next book of the series clicks better for me. I love a great Scottish historical romance so my fingers are crossed.

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Scotland 1307
A handsome highland warrior and an eighteen year old childlike bride create this memorable tale from the wonderful imagination of storyteller Miriam Minger! If you have never read any of her books, or if you have read every one, you are in for a treat!

New highland Laird, Gabriel (yes one of my favorite names and he is now my favorite Laird!), is forced to marry for money due to the terrible state his brother had left the estate in upon his death. He agreed to marry "Crazy Mary or Magdalene" as everyone called her due to her dowry.

Magdalene had done everything she could to act "crazy" since the death of her sister, and then mother, who had gone mad from grief. She knew her brother would try to pawn her off on someone like the brute that he had married her sister to.

Laugh out loud moments, heartfelt sighs and a delightful adventure awaits you as Gabriel and Magdalene find their way to a happy ever after. Be sure not to miss it! Cannot wait for more!

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I usually love these types of romance stories, where the one character is pretending to be something they're not - in this case, completely mad. And at first, I was excited to see how this played out. Then things got...a bit weird.

For one thing, the level of insta-love in this story is off the charts. The two main characters don't even have a full conversation before the hero is in love with her, and when he recognizes that he loves her, the main things she's done in his presence has been physically fighting with people and raving like a loon. There is literally nothing for him to fall in love with when he declares (in his internal monologue) that he loves her. I couldn't keep reading, I had to stop I was laughing so hard. It was completely unbelievable! You can't force the reader to believe the main characters are in love - this is a classic case of telling rather than showing. Why are they in love? What qualities, other than her obvious physical beauty, does he fall in love with? It made zero sense.

The other part that didn't work for me is her madness, because it just lasted too long in my mind. She sees that he's a good person, he's taking care of his sister's children, and he clearly cares for his people. Yet she is literally hurting her caretakers to prove her insanity, and she even acts crazy in front of the children. I think she was crazy for so long that she didn't know how to stop being crazy, and it was weird to read from her perspective. I didn't enjoy her character at all.

Overall, not the book for me, due to too many parts that didn't make sense. The story felt rushed and forced, and the execution was messy.

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A lovely highland romance. Miriam Minger is a good writer and I really like her books. This is set in medieval Scotland.
Gabriel MacLachlan is the fearsome and beloved leader of his people recently inheriting the title from his late spendthrift brother who has emptied the coffers. Swallowing his pride, he asks for promised gold for his past services from his overlord, who agrees, only if he marries his crazy sister, Mad Maggie.
Magdalene is a beautiful innocent who has been feigning lunacy to escape the tragic fate that befell her beloved older sister. She is 18 and has lived the past four years in a convent. She does behave at time impulsively and stubborn but knowing her background, it didn’t come across as too irritating.
Gabriel is kind to her, but she wants nothing more than to escape his home and return to the peace and shelter of the convent. He has no choice but to keep her at his crumbling castle as that was the deal he made with her awful brother.
This book is fast paced and well written. Maggie played the lunatic with as much accuracy as she could remember from her memories of her mother who too went mad. Gabriel tried his best to be patient but would get frustrated. However, nothing was dragged out. We don’t get days of her cackling in front of the servants or dropping her food on her lap.
There’s also the other issue of imminent war- with Robert the Bruce staking his claim on the throne and Gabriel’s brother in law wanting it for himself.
The romance between the two was sweet and slowly developed. They are both immediately attracted to one another, but Maggie’s fears and her pretense keeps them both from considering too much on it. But once they get past those issues, their love is intense and binding.
The end was action packed. The secondary characters, the nieces, the captains, the servants, all came together to make this novel an entertaining read. Its part of a series though easily read as a standalone and I’m curious now to find out if there will be any story about the Campbell brothers and even Cora.
**I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley for an honest and fair review. **

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This is an amazing ready. It has a a couple of big plots which makes it more interesting. A mad woman and a Laird forced to marry against their will. One to save his family and the other because she is a lunatic. Tragedy turns in to love down the road. A family curse is "lifted". An all around must red!

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Gah all the steamy! So romantic!
Really enjoyed this book and glad I picked it up!
I’m reading more historical romance this year and so happy for it!

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A laird in need of money to help his clan, and a mad women who comes with enough money to give him what he needs. The catch? they must marry.
although the story line is interesting, and the book overall enjoyable, I did find that the first part of the book was drawn out. 50% of the book is following the antics of Magdalene who is trying to convince her new husband that she is indeed mad, and Gabriel trying to convince himself that she isn't.. The rest of the story seems rushed as Magdalen's secret comes out and the "bad guy" is brought to justice in one chapter.
Overall, i did enjoy the book and will probably check out the author's next two books in the series.

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Book: My Highland Warrior
By Miriam Minger

Series: Warriors of the Highlands, Book #1

Publisher: Oliver-Heber Books

1)Celtic Barb’s Saltire Book Review Blog
2)Administrator of Celtic World of Historical Book Reviews
3)Administrator of Tartan Book Reviews
4)Administrator of Purple Tulip Book Reviews

Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Overall Blog Rating: 5/5 Saltire Flags 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

MacLachlan Castle
Argyllshire, Scotland 1307

After his brother’s death Laird Gabriel MacLachlan becomes Laird. Due to his brother’s previous bad decisions and over spending his clan is suffering greatly. This means not to mention for nourishment in their stomachs and clothing on their backs. Gabriel is not only responsible for his clan but his brothers children who are now orphaned and look to him as their father. Their mother died previously due to the MacLachlan curse, the main reason he never wanted to marry no matter if the woman was sane or insane!

Now his clan in extreme and dire straits and Gabriel has to take the least desirable woman as his bride by proxy. It is his liege lords youngest sister who is an absolute lunatic and completely insane! Her name is Magdalene MacDougall known as Mad Maggie, yet if his clan is to survive he has no choice, but to marry a crazy, insane, lunatic! As he has to take theses desperate measures to save his people! The MacLachlan castle is falling apart and they are starving so this is the only way to obtain a wealthy dowry if his clan is to survive and put food on the table and live in comfort again. Yet this also puts this innocent lassie’s life is danger as a generations old curse will be in effect the moment they enter in holy matrimony!

The truth surrounding Magdalene, after her sister passed away and her mother’s sanity is in a deep decline with her overwhelming sadness before she also dies. This makes he her cruel black hearted brother her guardian who could care less of making her a love match. Something she had always wanted so she makes everyone think like her mother she is insane too. She is a great actress as she even dances nude at the convent she resides at the prove she is crazy as a loon! This is how Laird Gabrielle MacLachlan first meets his bride: dancing in a fountain, dancing in a fountain and laughing hilariously! He now knew he was in deep trouble no matter how fat her dowry was!

Magdalene MacDougall’s brother the Earl wants to have Gabriel MacLachlan in his pocket especially against Robert the Bruce and his elite soldiers! So to help his clan who is suffering this evil Earl takes full advantage and cares not about using his own sister to get what he wants! He even calls her a pest and claims a lunatic will breed the same as any other wench! It is no wonder that Magdalene used this desperate attempt she was insane to be undesirable in the marriage mart. Of course all her brother is attempting is to use everyone for his own gains again. He only wants Gabrielle to battle against the true and new King of Scotland and his elite group of soldiers.

Soon Gabrielle begins to see through his wife’s mask and starts feeling of desire. Of course Magdalene is having feelings as well though she tries to deny it. Plus there is this wee curse that has been in Gabrielle’s family for generations and his cruel brother-in-law. As Magdalene’s life is in comp!lete danger will her husband safe her or will it be another loss in his unfortunate life. Read and find out if these two get a happily ever after!

Marion Minger pens another amazing book from start to finish with some true iconic historical icons in history! I honestly had been waiting for this book to release for months! As soon as I heard Ms. Minger was doing a three book deal of Warriors of the Highlands I could not wait for the release. Plus I was not disappointed as this book was everything I was hoping for and even more! I loved it so much and now can’t wait for “My Highland Protector” and “My Highland Captor” that are coming out later this year!

I absolutely loved that my Scottish hero Robert the Bruce was in this book! I love when historical romance blend true history and a fictional romance, plus this story was so unique and rather hilarious in a lot of the heroine’s antics. I read this in one sitting as I honestly could not put it down! A definitely page turning romantic adventure that readers will absolutely love. The hero was definitely swoon worthy in every way that counted especially in honor, protection and love. The setting, dialogue, plotting and characters were all absolutely brilliant and definitely the type of novel that Scottish historical readers absolutely love. I can’t recommend this book enough as I absolutely loved it!

Warriors of the Highlands by Marion Minger

1)My Highland Warrior - TBR - 1/19/2021
2)My Highland Protector -TBR - 5/25/2021
3)My Highland Captor - TBR - 11/30/2021

Disclaimer: I received an advance reader’s copy from Oliver-Heber Books I voluntarily agreed to do an honest, fair review and blog through Booksprout. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.

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My Highland Warrior by Miriam Minger is the first in a new series: Warriors of the Highlands and features Gabriel MacLachlan as the groom in a marriage he neither wants nor plans on living. There is a nun there to act as stand-in for his bride, who he will then go and retrieve. Her name is Magdalene. She is known as Mad Maggie. When he arrives at the convent he finds the nuns in pursuit of the woman he has married, and she is stark naked. She is good at being mad; she is also good at evading those who wish to see her dressed, although he manages it after while. Maggie does not want to marry. She saw how her sister's husband had been and now her sister was dead. None of that for her. Her mother had gone made in reality and Maggie copied what she saw. It worked. Her brother sent her to the nuns where she had lived happily for years, only showing her madness on occasion.

Gabriel was an astute leader, one who saw his situation plainly and saw what was coming. His liege lord, Maggie's brother, wanted to be king. They already had a fine king, Robert the Bruce, and Gabriel had been ensnared by his need for money to rebuild his clan, and so now was family, and would have to fight the Bruce. He was not happy about the situation. His bride was beautiful but he would not bed a mad woman. He choices were few. It didn't take log for Maggie to see that Gabriel was not like her sister's husband, and it didn't take long for Gabriel and then the healer, to see sanity in her eyes. He behavior was mad, but she was not. Things have a way of working out. They did in this story, and it was a fun journey to the end. I recommend it.

I was invited to read a free ARC of My Highland Warrior by Netgalley. All opinions contained herein are solely my own. #netgalley #myhighlandwarrior

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I blame Bridgerton. And Outlander. Cause when I started this book at 1 AM with my mind made up that I would only ready for an hour and one hour ONLY.. that all went out the window the second I met Laird Gabriel MacLachlan.

There I was hours later at 4AM knowing I have work the next day but did that stop me from reading this book in one sitting? NOPE.

I gotta admit, the author had me doubting her when I first began this book cause Gabriel marrying an insane woman whose “childlike” in attitude? I was seeing red flags everywhere and was so ready to discard this book but! Thank goodness I didn’t. Once I met Magdalene (Maggie) and heard her story, I couldn’t help but empathize with her and wish for her happy ending already.

This story did have a big bad in the form of Maggie’s power hungry and jerkish brother but what you think will be a long drawn out war something out of Outlander turns out to be a mild affair that doesn’t take away too much from the romance. Of course, with crazy awaiting these two at every corner, it’s a wonder they could even begin to think of being happy. If you stick with this story like I did though, you’ll get a passionate & heartwarming story that’ll just leave you wanting more.

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I enjoyed reading this book. It was funny at times especially some of the antics of Mad Maggie who was just pretending to be mad. There was a good storyline about Scottish clans,the romance between the two main characters and how everything is resolved . I recommend that you read this book.

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