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You Will Remember Me

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This has an intriguing opening. A man wakes up on the beach with a gash on his head and can't remember what happened to him or his name.

Meanwhile, Lily is waiting for her boyfriend, Jack, to come over. When he doesn't show, she starts to worry and look for him. She contacts the police, who soon find that Jack's license is fake.

There is also a third POV from Maya, who is looking for her missing step-brother, Asher.

I enjoyed reading all three point of views. A couple of times, I found myself nodding and thinking, "That's what happened." This is my first book by this author and I can see why she is so popular. The story had twists and I could guess some of them, but the dark ending floored me. What did I just read?

I will definitely be reading this author's backlist!

Thank you to Let's Talk Books Promo, Mira Books and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

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After finishing this one I immediately wrote Hannah McKinnon and told her she was cruel! Lol. You Will Remember Me is a very twisted and dark story. In true Hannah fashion the last 50 pages leave you breathless.

A man wakes up on the beach and cannot remember who he is or how he got there. He feels a pull toward returning to Maine. Meanwhile two women Maya and Lily are searching for someone they have lost. Lily doesn't understand why her boyfriend Jack went missing and is frantic to find him. As she searches for him she uncovers things about Jack she never knew. Maya has been trying to find her stepbrother for years after he ran away. The secrets the siblings shared need to stay secret and Maya is willing to do whatever it takes. Is the man on the beach one of these men? Or could he be both?

I think this is my favourite book of Hannah's. I love how her books build such a wonderful story and then take a swift turn that catch you off guard. I am not a big thriller reader but I find her books to be full of interesting characters and family dynamics. Definitely pick this one up when it comes out.

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Holy crap.
There’s no other way to voice my reaction to this book other than with a lot more words that would probably have my blog shut down.
This book was that much of a mind twist (insert other word here).
What initially seemed like a simple misper story with a few twists quickly evolved (devolved) into a story of jealousy, lies, misconceptions, and just about every other synonym for deceit you can think of.
I really liked how the author lulled the reader in with a simplistic story. There was enough of a hook in the beginning to get me invested and trying to figure out who was who – and if people really were who they said they were.
I thought that Lily was an interesting character. I had a different picture of her in my head than how other characters described her. I’m not sure if that’s due to her backstory or what. But she changed the most in my eyes over the course of the story.
Maya, on the other hand. Wow, what a character she was, and not necessarily in a good way. I don’t want to give anything away, but I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that she takes part in one of the most twisted plot threads I’ve read in recent memory.
And I’m not going to say what that is or what her part in it is.
I did guess some of what was going on early in the novel. But I had no idea the depths to which the author would go to get to the shocking ending.
And make no mistake, if you think you know how it’s going to finish, I can assure you that you most certainly do not.
I’ve read quite a few good books this year, but I can’t remember one that had me reading it as it was written. I read slowly at first, but as the action picked up, I read faster. By the middle of the book, I was turning pages and couldn’t read fast enough to find out what happened next.
I wouldn’t say it was a gradual type of story. It was more like a roller coaster where you slowly climb to the top of a big hill before racing down through twists and turns at breakneck speed before you’re jerked to a stop at the end.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
Don’t miss this one.

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This was an incredibly captivating amnesia thriller and psychological suspense read!

I found it to be well paced and I love a good wicked lead and Maya was a truly sinister and unsettling individual.

While it was slightly predictable, I enjoyed the way that it ended with a bang and I was definitely intrigued throughout it! Ultimately this was an entertaining and chilling read!

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This thriller is told in three points of view: Lily, Ash, and Maya.

In Maryland, Lily gets worried when her boyfriend of 18 months doesn’t show up at her house like they planned.

A man wakes up on the beach with no memory who he is.

In Maine, Maya, a devoted step-sister has been searching for her step-brother for almost 2 years. He is back now. As his memory starts arriving in bits and pieces, Maya has to guide him as he tries to figure out his past.

You think amnesia..poor thing.
I say it’s probably would have been for the best if the amnesia would have stayed a permanent thing.

This book.. oh my gosh! It’s a slow revealing twisty thriller. There is a diabolical villain and all the main characters have some pretty unpleasant secrets.

The details are so well done in this read and THE ENDING is the absolute best!!

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A man regains consciousness on a Maryland beach. He has a gash on his head and he has lost his memory. A partially remembered phone number leads him to return to his small hometown in Maine to find answers. Meanwhile, Lily Reid is worried about her boyfriend Jack Smith who has gone missing. But as the police investigate, Lily shocked to learn that Jack has been lying about his real identity. Maya Scott wants her stepbrother Asher back. He vanished 2 years ago without a trace.

The lives of these three characters intertwine in this suspenseful twisty tale. All of them have secrets and some are willing to do anything to keep them hidden and to get what they want.

I received a digital ARC from Netgalley and MIRA with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and provided this review.

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I like how this mystery unfolds - the guy wake up in a beach without remembering much who he was or what he was doing there, but he feels the urge to try to go back home. Meanwhile, people are also looking for him elsewhere, but under a different name. After all, who he is, and why did he use two different names and lived in two different places? As his memory starts to slowly come back he starts to put the puzzle pieces together.
I would say it is a bit predictable from the middle on, but the author managed to keep the surprise element up until the very end.

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I was initially intrigued by the synopsis of this story, and while I found the majority of the book to be just okay, I thought the ending was fantastic. Not every story needs to have the best outcome, and I was really impressed with the way the author tied everything together in way that might not have been the perfect happy ending readers were looking for but it wasn’t in any way predictable, and I loved that. Well done!

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3.5/5 stars

This is only my 2nd novel by Hannah Mary McKinnon - The Secret Sister was my first. I love this cover, it very much gives that trouble is brewing vibe.

You Will Remember Me is somewhat of a slower paced story with secret keeping characters. Told between a number of POVS its about trying to remember the past while adjusting to the future and having to trust an unreliable bunch.

McKinnon wove this story while slowly revealing the past and concluded with an ending that left me rather stunned. The mystery itself was interesting enough, with both unreliable and unlikable characters. Predictable on one hand but with an ending I didn't see coming - well done!

You Will Remember Me releases in just a weeks time and available in all platforms.

My thanks to the publisher (via Netgalley) for a digitial arc in exchange for a honest review.

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This book started out with suspense and questions within the first chapter. A man shows up on a beach with just a swimsuit on and through brief, distant memories tried to get back to Maine. Throughout the book, you are given small insights into his previous life as he starts to remember bits and pieces. His girlfriend, Lily, works to find him as he starts to put pieces of the puzzle together for his life.

This book kept the pages turning as you tried to figure out all of the different pieces of his puzzle to understand the whole story. While parts are predictable, there are small pieces that make you need to find out more and how it is all going to end.

I was gifted this book from NetGalley, Harlequin, and Hannah Mary McKinnon.

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› In the last week of June, Lily wakes up one morning to find Jack hasn't returned from his late-night swim. Jack wakes up on a beach and can't remember anything, not even his name. The only thing that comes to him is a phone number. Calling it, he meets a girl named Maya who knows right away this man is her step brother, who left two years ago. His return to the small town sparks animosity because some believe Asher is responsible for the disappearance of a teen girl, and death of another.

The Maryland police discover Jack's driver's license is fake. How could he lie to her for eighteen months? Lily is sure there's an explanation. She travels to Maryland after finding a library book in Jack's apartment. In a small Maryland town, Lily finds Jack (Asher). He doesn't recognize her, but he thinks having her near will help him recall his past.

Lily is determined that Asher will remember her. Asher is determined to remember his past. Maya is determined to keep family secrets buried.

› I use the CAWPILE method to rate books.
0-3 Really bad
4-6 Mediocre
7-9 Really good
10 Outstanding

› Characters: 8
The characters are definitely more developed than they were in Sister Dear. They are complicated, flawed. The only thing lacking here is diversity.

› Atmosphere: 8
Excellent atmosphere, tone, however, I wanted more description of the setting.

› Writing Style: 7
Some of the dialogue was unbelievable and cliché.

› Plot: 6
70% into the book, I felt slightly bored, wondering when things were going to start happening, and then THEY DID. BAM. That ending is fast. I did see it coming from the beginning and I'm wondering if others did too.

› Intrigue: 8
Although the pace is extremely slow and boring for the majority of the story, I still wanted to find out what was going to happen.

› Logic: 6
Some elements didn't quite make sense. If you woke up on a beach, couldn't remember anything, not even your name, wouldn't your FIRST step to be going to the hospital? Also, I don't think the landlord for Jack's apartment would be able to sell it one week after he went missing, particularly when the case is still under investigation? Weird assumptions like "her green eyes had the longest natural lashes I'd ever seen" - How would you KNOW they were "natural lashes"?

› Enjoyment: 8

Average 7.3

1.1-2.2 = ★
2.3-4.5 = ★★
4.6-6.9 = ★★★
7-8.9 = ★★★★
9-10 = ★★★★★

My Rating ★★★★

› Final Thoughts
• Like McKinnon's previous novel, Sister Dear, You Will Remember Me is an over-the-top mystery about family secrets, trust, and betrayal. I'll definitely be picking up more McKinnon!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the complimentary copy in exchange for my honest review.

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You Will Remember Me is a dark and diabolical book that you won't want to put down. I think it's the best book yet by this author and kept me up way past my bedtime.

Jack wakes up on a beach in Maryland and can't remember who he is or where he is. All of his memories have been erased. He remembers a phone number and it leads him back to a small town in Maine. His step-sister, Maya, has been searching for him and is ecstatic when he returns home. It turns out that his real name is Ash and he disappeared two years earlier. In Maryland, his girlfriend Lily is frantically searching for him. She feels like she knows him better than anyone and is hoping for a future with him. When she finds out that he isn't the person she thought he was, she begins to wonder what else he's hidden from her. but she continues to desperately search for him. I really can't say much else about the plot because I don't want to give away any spoilers. I will say that I had hints of how it was going to end but the ending was shocking and way past my expectations.

This novel is well written and well plotted. The only reason it's four stars instead of five is that I really didn't like Lily because she seemed so gullible. I did enjoy the other characters and I loved the book.


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💫 Book Review 💫
You Remember Me by Hannah Mary McKinnon

Did I stay up to read this one? Yes ma’am.

Did I think certain characters were cray-cray. Also yes.

HOLY HANNAH (Mary) you did goooood with this one.

This was such a bingeable read. I started it and couldn’t put it down as I needed to find out what in the heck and how in the heck for each character. I can’t put a lot of detail because I find it’s spoilers. But basically a man wakes up on a beach and has no idea who he is and why he’s alone on the beach. Enter a girlfriend and a step sister to give you the bookends of a creepy thriller that doesn’t always end the way you want.

Ps. Loved seeing another fellow 🇨🇦 author mentioned in this one 😉

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A man wakes up on a beach not knowing who he is. Lily's boyfriend Jack, has disappeared. Maya has been searching for her step-brother Asher and when he calls her after a few years, she is surprised. Lily calls the police and they inform her that Jack's id is fake! So many secrets and twists and turns make this a great thriller! I loved that the book is told from all 3 points of view and it kept me guessing until the very end! I received an advanced readers copy and all opinions are my own.

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I have read all of Hannah's books so I feel totally comfortable in saying that this is my favorite one of hers!! I also know that I will be saying that after each of one of hers because they just keep getting better and better!! I have read so many reviews telling me how shocking the ending will be -- but even knowing that it did not stop me from being completely shocked!!

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I’m still trying to figure out how I feel after the whiplash I just experienced at the very capable hands of Ms. Hannah! This book is like a roller coaster and one of those spinning rides where the floor drops from underneath you all wrapped into one crazy freaking ride! The chapters alternate between three characters all in first perspective, which I absolutely LOVE. Sometimes that can make it confusing but McKinnon manages to totally differentiate her characters so well that I never had to look back to see who was talking. At one point I was thinking that I knew exactly where things were going but I should have known better because I never know ANYTHING when it comes to her writing. I really went into this one pretty blind and I think it made the whole experience even better because, as usual, Hannah Mary McKinnon’s writing is superb and honestly needs no introduction. I was fully expecting a twisty ending just like her last book, Sister Dear, but I was still completely stupefied (I think that’s the first time I’ve ever actually used that word) when I read the final chapter! My jaw is still on the floor! And now the waiting game begins again until I can read her next book! Do yourself a favor and read this one!!! You WILL remember it!

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This is my first Hannah Mary McKinnon book but it certainly won't be my last. YOU WILL REMEMBER ME is told through three POVS, if there's one thing I love, it's multiple POVS. First we have a Man, who is washed up on a beach, he has no idea where he is, who he is, or what happened to him. Then we have Lily, sweet innocent Lily. She is just waiting for her boyfriend to show up and when he doesn't, she instantly starts panicking. Lastly, we have Maya and what an interesting character she is. Her brother appears out of nowhere after being "missing" for two years. No spoiler here, but clearly all three of these people are connected, so let the fun begin..
At times this is a very predictable read, I find a lot of times with memory loss books, you have a general idea in which direction the book is heading. HOWEVER, I will say that everytime I bring this book up, I mention that ending. Everything leading up to the ending was very predictable for me, and an enjoyable read just more on the predictable side. But then BAM, that ending! It took me for a turn. Such a twisty little ending that I did not see coming and will think about often I think!

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#YouWillRememberMe is the first title by #HannahMcKinnon I’ve read, and I think I’ve found a new author to watch.

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Jack wakes up cold and alone with an obvious head injury and no memory. Instinct drives him to get to Maine, where through a series of events, he ends up reconnecting with his step-sister, Maya, though she doesn’t know him as Jack, but as Ash. As Ash AKA Jack’s memory starts to return, his most recent girlfriend, Lily tracks him down, and tries to help get his memory back. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
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There seems to be some tension Lily can’t quite put her finger on, but that seems to dissipate the more time Lilly spends in Newdale, with Ash and Maya.

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At least that is how it seems until Maya is accused of stealing valuables and repeatedly drugging Ash. I’d say you get a pretty good idea about half way through just what is going on in this book, but there’s a twist at the end that really sets it apart. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀

A ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read for me. Thank you to @Netgalley for the arc!

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The story opens with a case of amnesia and a missing boyfriend. The two instances are quickly connected and the drama takes off from there. This plot was fast-paced and while I had some ideas, I did not guess the ending before it was unraveled. The perspectives of several narrators really helped keep the reader’s attention. None of the characters are very likeable but that does not detract from the action in the story. I really enjoyed this one!

Thanks to Hannah Mary McKinnon, Harlequin, and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A man wakes up on the beach and can’t remember his name or what even happened to him. Lily wakes up and realizes her boyfriend hasn’t shown up like he said he would.
A lot happens from that point on, some which I fully expected. I think the Lily and Ash made some dumb decisions through out the book. I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t see what seemed so obvious to me.
It’s a twisted book all around and I was certainly blown away by the ending.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the early copy

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