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Mother May I

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This was the best “missing child” book I’ve read in a long time. It’s an original, remarkable story that I would recommend going into blind, so I’m not going to give a synopsis. It has characters that feel fully fledged and a brilliant plot. It’s not the fastest paced thriller, but the slow burn lends itself perfectly to this story.

I listened to the audiobook courtesy of @netgalley and @harperaudio and the narration by author @joshilyn_jackson conveyed her story with so much feeling. I loved it.

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Mother May I feels like two separate stories connected only at the end. The first is an entertaining, albeit somewhat unbelievable action-packed thriller. The second is (in my opinion) a much more interesting narrative about the nature of trust and forgiveness in a marriage, which I felt was cut short.

Overall, this book is wildly entertaining while also addressing some important issues such as the role privilege and wealth plays when it comes to committing crimes.

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The novel is narrated by the author which was exceptional, Jackson provided different voices for the characters which definitely added a little extra to the story. I love when an author narrates their own novel as I think it does give the listener a little added atmosphere. I really enjoyed the writing style and character development of the novel and found myself immediately sucked into this story. The novel follows a mother's worst nightmare of one of her children being kidnapped while momentarily distracted by her other child. It's a shocking, dark, twisted story of revenge and how far a mother would go for her child, with a crazy twist at the end this was one page turning thrilling read that I would highly recommend picking up.

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I was really excited to get an advanced copy of “Mother May I”. It’s a mystery and thriller telling the story of a missing child. Throughout the novel, you learn who takes the child and why the child was taken. While entertaining, the motive gets soo focused on the background, I think it took a little from the current story. The last 1/4 of the book drags a bit after the apex is reached and the main mystery is solved. As a result, this one is a 3 star ⭐️ book for me. I liked it, but did not love it. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher!

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I was provided an ARC of the audiobook via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I went into this not knowing what it was about. I had previously read and enjoyed [book:Never Have I Ever|36679186] and figured I'd also enjoy this. It was a bonus that the audiobook was narrated by the author. I jumped at the chance to read and review this audiobook. I like to go in blind into thrillers and mysteries, but should have read the synopses because on of the things I care for in thrillers in books and crime drama shows on TV is a plot that involves kids. Had I actually read the synopsis, I probably wouldn't have picked this up, that being said, I held out to see what would happen with the kidnaping situation. I'm glad I did because the it was worth it in the end.

As I mentioned earlier, the narration is done by the author and I thought she did a great job. She was able to give a distinct voice to each of the characters. I was able to tell when she was voicing Bree, Marshall, the old woman, as well as the other characters who have less time on the page. Jackson's love and support of the performing arts comes through in the book. Not only do the daughters participate in theater, but Bree has to use her own skills as an actor to get her through this horrific event. She has to play multiple parts if she wants to save her son and uncover the truth of why he was taken in the first place.

I also thought the author did a good job of tackling some social issues. She touches on privilege as well as consent and victim shaming. As far as the plot goes I did find it to be a bit predictable. I didn't find the big reveal all that revealing not were the twists and turns that unexpected. I kept waiting for the big plot twist, but it never came. The big twist was a bit underwhelming for me.

If you like revenge plots, give this one a go. While I found it a bit underwhelming, you may not. I have pretty high standards for thrillers, mainly because I read alot of them. I usually see it coming, which is why my husband hates watching TV with me.

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How far would you go to protect your family? Would you lie for them? Would you kill for them?

This is the decision Bree Cabbat is forced to make when her baby boy is stolen right from under her nose.

Growing up poor in rural Georgia, Bree was taught that the world was unfair, mean, and scary. But, after marrying her husband, Trey, she’s thrown into a world of wealth and privilege and she learns that maybe the world isn’t as cruel as she had been told.

Until one morning, when Bree awakens to the face of a witch staring back at her. At first, Bree brushes it off as postpartum hormones and a bad dream, until she discovers that her infant son has been taken. All that’s left behind is a note: “If you ever want to see your baby again, GO HOME...”

This book kept me wanting more. It starts off with a bang; an evil witch peering in the window, that’s already so creepy! But then it leads you on a thrill of a ride. As I was reading this book I began asking myself - how far would I go to protect the ones I love most?

Just when you think you have the plot figured out, you are whipped in another direction entirely. I love Joshilyn Jackson’s writing for that exact reason. You really feel the characters and understand their reasons. There were parts that felt a little slow but I also thought they were necessary to set up the emotional side and help you truly understand the characters feelings and motives.

It’s been a long time since I’ve read a book that really made me stop and seriously ask myself how I might act in such a situation. I could feel every emotion. I felt I was part of Bree’s mind as she worked through this gut-wrenching ordeal. This is a great book for anyone who loves dark, domestic thrillers and doesn’t mind reading on the edge of their seats.

4.5/5 stars

Thank you NetGalley, William Morrow/Harper Audio and Joshilyn Jackson for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What would you do if your baby boy was stolen from you?

Mother May I is a domestic thriller that really shows what a mother will do to get her son back.

Bri and Trey have the perfect family - 2 teen daughters, a new baby son, and could want nothing more in life. They are successful, rich, and have the best life, until their baby boy is stolen from them. Bri is blackmailed and has to figure out how to get her son back, without putting her other children in danger.

The first half of this book is so THRILLING! I couldn't imagine what it's like bargaining with the kidnapper and having to do really bad things in order to *maybe* get your son back. Would you be able to drug your husband's best friend? What lengths would you go through?

The audiobook is great, especially having the kidnapper having a very creepy voice that gave me goosebumps.

I did think the ending was a bit rushed and tied up too neatly, but Joshilyn Jackson is such a mature thriller writer that you really appreciate her storyline and characters. I loved her previous thriller, Never Have I Ever, so if you haven't read that, you should grab a copy too!

Mother May I publishes on April 6th, so make sure you pre-order so you can get a copy soon!

Thank you to William & Morrow for providing me with this advanced reading copy!

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Ultimately a story about mothers and their children and just what extremes a mother will go through for their child. Brie's infant son is kidnapped and she is blackmailed into murdering another man in an attempt to get her son back. In the course of this she learns of her husband's scandalous history and has to reconcile just how much of someone's past mistakes can be forgiven. Class and privilege are explored in this domestic thriller that is sure to please fans of People like her or Know my name.

TW: Revenge, death of a young child, rape, toxic campus culture, child abduction, blackmail, death from poison, suicide, gun violence

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“Trey had told me he saw our family as a bull’s-eye after Anna Claire was born. The baby in the middle, us around the baby in concentric circles. I realized now a bull’s-eye was a target.”

What would YOU do if you thought your husband, who up until now had been the consummate husband, father and provider, did something horrible in his younger years? That is the question Bree Cabbat is asking herself after her son is abducted and a cell phone is left hanging on her front door with instructions to contact no one. The old woman on the other end of the line needs Bree to set in motion a revenge plot involving one of her husbands law partners and oldest friends if she wants to see her son alive again. What could her husband Trey and his buddy Spencer have done to incite such anger?

What a wild ride! The beginning and the end of this book were nail bitingly fast paced. Although I did feel that the middle of the story was a tad bit slow, the twist at the end redeemed my enjoyment of the book. The character development was wonderful as I felt myself both empathizing with and simultaneously hating the villain. Bree was such a strong character and so relatable in her emotion. This story was so vividly portrayed I feel like I just watched a movie. Those are the 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 books in my opinion!

Joshilyn Jackson narrating this audiobook was superb! The way she did the voices made it very easy to follow the different characters. She brought them to life with her cadence, which really added to my emotional investment in each individual character.

Thank you to @netgalley, @harperaudio and @williammorrowbooks for this ALC in exchange for an honest review. Available April 6, 2021!

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WOW! This book was super good!! This was my first book by this author and I am so glad I read (or listened) it. I actually went into this book without any knowledge of what is was about, only that it was a domestic thriller, which I love !

Bri and Trey have the perfect family. He is a successful lawyer and she is a stay at home mom of two beautiful teenage girls and a perfect new little baby boy. They have a great house, beautiful neighborhood, all the things.
Until one day, Bri's world all changes when her baby boy is kidnapped and she must jump through many hoops to get him back.

Not only does Bri do whatever she needs to to get her son back, she also find that how she grew up (before she became Treys Wife) is very similar to the kidnapper and feels for her. She also finds out some very disturbing details about her husbands past and must figure out how to deal with them.

This book definitely had me on the edge of my seat. I wanted to know what was going to happen, what was she going to do next, was she going to break any rules? How was she going to get her son back? As a mother to a beautiful baby boy as well, I definitely relate to her the most. She made sure her other children were safe, and literally did what she needed to to save her son, a thing any mother would do. I also really loved how compassionate she was and how she was always trying to do the right thing by everyone.

I think if you love domestic thrillers, family thrillers, you will love this book! it was very suspenseful and thrilling. I loved it. The only thing that felt a little rushed was the ending. It was closed up, everything answered for, but it was all out of know where. Maybe that was good, I didn't see it coming.. lol

Thank you to Joshilyn Jackson, Harper Audio & Netgalley for this advanced listening copy of this book. I will definitely be recommending this to many people !!

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Mother May I by Joshilyn Jackson (narrated by author)

I was captivated by this story and by the author's narration of the story. Here's an author who knows exactly what tone of voice she wants for each character and she is able to provide that with her own voice. Not all authors are good at narrating their own work but I enjoyed how much this author's narration adds to this story. 

I was captivated by this privileged life of Bree and her family. Bree came from a poor upbringing, hearing her mother preach on the evils of the world. Bree loved to act and through her love of acting, was able to slide into the life of the girlfriend/wife of a wealthy man. She becomes this new person because she is a smart, educated, cultured woman in her own right but can also be what others need her to be. She is raising children who are born into this privilege and wealth but there is a part of her that never forgets where she came from, while proving to her mom that good things can happen in life. 

Then Bree's baby is kidnapped and her world comes crashing down. As she learns about the kidnapper she begins identifying more with her old life than the wealthy, privileged life she lives now. In an attempt to get her baby back, Bree does something that is very wrong and it goes even worse than she imagined it would go. Bree realizes she never really knew her husband, that there are things he never told her, things that could mean the death of her baby. This story pulled me so many ways, managing to pull sympathy from me for the kidnapper at times, but in the end, nothing justifies her actions to me. 

I was captivated by the story despite it lagging during some of Bree's many times of reminiscing about her past. And in the end, for all of Bree's indignation of so many men getting away with so much (they should be in prison!) I can't let go of her own hypocrisy for not owning up to her own failings and sins, while continuing to enjoy her life of privilege and wealth. That is what is so interesting about this story, that I was able to see things from so many directions and know that so many wrongs were not going to be righted. I like the way this story makes one aware of so much, makes one think past the story itself. 

Thank you to Harper Audio and NetGalley for this ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book. It’s a thriller that will have you at the edge of your seat, rooting for Bree all the way! Her fear was well written and you automatically connected with her. The plot itself was neat and the ending left me satisfied, the author tidied up all parts nicely,

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Reading Between the Wines book review #36/115 for 2021:
Rating: 4 🍷 🍷 🍷 🍷
Book 🎧: Mother May I
Author: Joshilyn Jackson
Genre: General Fiction (Adult) | Mystery & Thrillers
RELEASES on April 6, 2021!!! GET YOUR COPY!!

Sipping thoughts: Sinister, deranged, suspenseful, chilling…Mother May I pulled me in from the beginning. It is a parent’s nightmare to have someone kidnap your child and most will do almost anything to get them back. I agreed with Bree’s decisions in the beginning. Towards the end of the book, I wanted to smack her, lol. Without giving much away, not only is this book about a kidnapping and the lengths a mother will go through to get the child back but also a particularly important topic a lot of women go through. I loved they mystery as to why baby Robert was taken and was not disappointed. This is my first read by Jackson and I hope she will write more psychological thrillers. This book will have you scared to look out your windows at night…or in the day time for that matter!!

Cheers and thank you to @NetGalley, @joshilyn_jackson and @HarperAudio for an advanced copy of @MotherMayI

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I've been a fan of Jackson's for years - and I really appreciate her recent shift in a more mystery/thriller direction. This one certainly hooks you in right from the very start when Bree thinks she sees a storybook witch peeping in her windows in her affluent Decatur, Georgia home. Later that day, she sees the woman again, just before her 10 week old son is taken. It's a riveting story and one that I found myself listening to at every opportunity. It is well-performed on audio and the fast-paced plot makes it hard to pause it for any reason! The plot looks into the immediate kidnapping, while also having an eye towards to past to reveal more about Bree and her family's past. The characters all come vividly to life and the plot definitely takes some unexpected turns - I just couldn't stop listening to it! I definitely can't wait to see what Jackson will write next - this is definitely one of my favorites of hers!

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I really wanted to like this book. It’s billed as a thriller and there are thriller moments in the first two thirds of the book, but also a lot of the book takes place in the characters heads: recounting the past and calculating their next moves.

The book starts off quickly with a child being stolen. The kidnapper doesn’t want money but for Bree, the mother, to do something. What would you be willing to do to save your child? The race is off working on meeting demands and trying to figure out who and why kidnapped her son.

The things I liked most about the book were the twists and turns. I also enjoyed the pace for the first third of the book.

The things I wish were different was how much the pace slowed down as the book progressed. I’m also not sure why you’d throw a lecture on social issues almost 3/4s of the way through the book. It seemed like that came out of left field and at times seemed like a lecture instead of part of the plot.

I’m not sure if I’d have different opinions if I read versus listened to the book. I was surprised to see it was the author narrating the audiobook. I think she did a fabulous job on the main narration, but was slightly annoyed with the voice she used for the supporting characters.

I am sure this book will be a hit with many, I just prefer my thrillers to be a little bit more fast paced and thrilling.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this eARC! I really liked this book and had a hard time putting it down! This book is about Bree. She is the mom of 2 young teenage girls as well as a 10 week old little boy. She keeps thinking this witch-looking woman is creeping on her but she brushes it off as paranoia until one day her little boy goes missing and the witch woman calls her and says she has him. The rest of the book is her working with her childhood friend (a detective) to try to get her son back and figure out why this woman was motivated to kidnap him. The first and third quarters of this book were so fast paced! I wanted her to get her son back so bad and wanted the lines cleared of who was bad and who was good! I thought the climax happened a little early and the drama at the end was a little much, but overall I really enjoyed this book!

Long story short, the woman kidnapped the baby because Bree's husband and his business partner raped her daughter when they were in college and she knew the way to get to the guys is by taking their kids. She had Bree kill the other guy (which she did by giving him what she thought was Roofies) and then bring her her husband. It brought up so many questions of what I would do in that situation. Do you choose your husband or your baby? In the end, she gets the baby back because her friend Marshall (who has had a long seeded crush on her) helps her. Her husband lives, but then in the end the wife of the guy who photographed the rape comes back and kills Bree's husband as well as her own husband. The witch had kidnapped and killed her kid and she snapped and killed her husband and Bree's. Bree and Marshall get married and end up happily ever after.

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(FYI can you update so if you listen on a speed higher than 2 it doesn't sound like a robot?)

So this book was good, if not a bit simple. The plot itself was very straightforward and easy to follow.
Was this my favorite book? No, but it was entertaining and I was curious to see where it would go. (I was a tiny bit disappointed there were no twists and the progression was actually the story and not a red herring)

But around the 80% mark, it felt like the book reached its arc and I"m like "what the heck else could this be about?!" The ending is kind of why I didn't rate this higher. It was all filler at the end and I kind of feel like it didn't need all the extra chapters.

However, the narrator was great and I need to remember her so I can listen to other books she narrates.

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Mother May I was the first book I’ve ever read by the lovely Joshilyn Jackson, and most certainly will NOT be my last. My goodness, this was a treat! A suspenseful and insanely intense one, but definitely a juicy and addictive treat. This thriller is a classic example of having your past coming back to bite you in the butt, and unfortunately, all at the expense of your loved ones. Someone wants revenge, and will do anything to receive it. Even the unthinkable. Jackson left me shocked, spooked, and completely fooled. Guess how many of my predictions were correct? ZERO. Absolutely none! I was very impressed. With plenty of twists, turns, and jaw-dropping moments, you’ll be entertained all the way through. Definitely grab a copy of this nail-biter on release day - Tuesday, April 6th! 4/5 thrilling stars for Mother May I!

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This thriller had moments of being engaging and propulsive but there were a few things that bugged me. The ending was out of left field, but not in a good way. The secondary kidnapping seemed to exist only to provide a neat conclusion for the main plot--overall the whole plot seemed convoluted. The story wrapped up with a nice happy-ending bow, but then it just kept going and going. Also, the constant reminders that Bree was an amazing actress were annoying. The audiobook was narrated by Jackson herself and honestly, I found her voice grating, especially when she took on the affect of the old woman or children. There were some highs and some lows—I really wanted to love this but it just didn’t quite come together for me. True thriller fans will probably enjoy it but I was disappointed.

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I was given a copy of this advance edition by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Lots of suspense and surprises in this twisted psychological thriller.. highly recommend.

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