Member Reviews

Finding Ashley by Danielle Steel is a heart-wrenching story about a mother's search for her daughter who was put up for adoption years ago. The book is a captivating tale of love, loss, and redemption that will leave readers feeling emotional.

Danielle Steel does an excellent job of creating well-developed characters that are relatable and evoke strong emotions in readers. The protagonist, Melissa, is a successful news anchor who seems to have it all, but she is plagued by the guilt of giving up her daughter for adoption years ago. The supporting characters, including Melissa's ex-husband and her daughter's adoptive mother, are equally well-developed and add depth to the story.

The plot is well-structured, and the author's writing style makes it easy to follow. The book is a page-turner, and readers will be eager to find out what happens next. The story is also realistic, and the author does not shy away from portraying the harsh realities of life.

Overall, Finding Ashley by Danielle Steel is an excellent read that is sure to leave readers feeling emotional. The book is well-written, and the plot is both captivating and heart-warming. I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good family drama.

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I love Danielle Steel books and as usual this one did not disappoint. This wasn’t a romantic story between a man and woman, but rather a story about a woman’s life journey into giving a baby up for adoption and her sisters journey into leaving her life as nun. The characters were very believable. And the story had many twists and turns that I never saw coming! Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I have been a huge fan of Danielle Steel for years and couldn't wait to read Finding Ashley! The novel is about two estranged sisters who help each other to find a daughter that was given up for adoption years ago. It deals with second chances, religion (one of the sisters is a nun) and just finding the strength to move forward after grief and life altering events.

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As a world class author, Danielle Steel's books always revolve around family and the strength of women when faced with adversity.
In FINDING ASHLEY, when Melissa's son dies, her world collapses. She pulls back from everything and everyone that reminded her of her son. She finds purpose in renovating an old home and fully expects to live the rest of her life in misery. Enter Hattie, Melissa's younger sister. She knows the family history and is encouraging Melissa to find the child that a young Melissa gave up for ado[tion many years ago.
The story does not run smoothly from this point. Melissa still feels cut off from the world and is reluctant to open herself to the possibility of more pain. This is where Steel's skillful writing excels. She builds the characters into people you may know in your neighborhood. She gives them real emotions and the endings are not sugary, happily ever after.

While Danielle Steel may not be everyone's cup of tea, her stories are not designed to shake up the world. They only promise to leave you feeling you've touched a life through reading.

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A real tearjerker. I love when I can get lost in a book especially one from Danielle Steel. It’s always a pleasure to read and review her books. Although her book formula typically remains the same, focusing on a big tragedy, she always surprises me with how different she is able to make each book.

This book is a beautiful story of two sisters who are estranged but get the opportunity to come back together. It focuses on the pregnancy of one of the main characters and the unfortunate decision one of the sisters had to make. In the end they come together to find that special someone she had to let go… Ashley.

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Melissa Henderson moves to Massachusetts after losing her son and divorcing her husband. She is bitter, depressed, and lonely. To help her cope she puts all her energy into renovating her house. She has a secret she has been keeping for 30 years and her sister is determined to help her. Will finding Ashley help Melissa heal?

This book is an emotional ride with a happy ending! The relationships between the characters are complex and improve over time. I enjoyed watching the bond between the sisters, Melissa and Hattie, improve. They both suffered a lot of emotional trauma and needed each other to heal and move on with their lives. This is not a lighthearted read. It would be a good choice for a reader that enjoys a more complex story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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#Finding Ashley a #1 bestselling novel by # Danielle Steel. In this novel two estranged sisters get the chance to connect again. A contemporary drama that tells a heartwarming story. A family reunited after bringing dark secrets to light.
Thank you for the advance copy,
#Netgalley, # Danielle Steel, and #Random House-Ballantine

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It took me awhile to get into this book. More than usual, but maybe it was the circumstances of my life at the moment. But I kept trying, and I'm glad I did. Danielle Steel writes so authentically, classically, real-world stories of real-world humans. Finding Ashley is a book about a woman who had to give her child up for adoption when she was a child herself. A story of fresh new beginnings when her sister-now a nun-is able to find her daughter and reunite them. Strong, heartfelt people, the story is engaging and cinematic with of course some heartbreaks-as is life-along the way.

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Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Delacorte Press for the opportunity to review this book.

It's Danielle Steel - what's not to love?
I enjoyed it very much!

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Danielle Steel never disappoints and she didn’t with this book. I loved reading Finding Ashley! It has been a while since I have read a book written by Danielle Steel and I don’t understand why I have put it off. Reading this book reminds me just what I love about her. If you have never read any of her books this is a great place to start and if you have then you already know you are going to love it. So either way get your book and get started on the best book ever!

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This is a Women's Fiction. This is the second Danielle Steel book I have read, and I will have to pick up more of her books. In this book we are following two sisters that had a hard life, and this book the two sisters are trying to find happiness through out this book. I do think the beginning of the book was moving a little slow for me, but the pacing puts up quickly. This book has some hard to read things in it, but it is cover very well. The characters in this book was so good, and I loved taking this journey with these characters. There was so much put into this book, and it was well-written. I have to say this book was very touching. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Love Inspired Suspense) or author (Danielle Steel) via NetGalley, so I can give honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.

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Finding Ashley
A Novel
by Danielle Steel
Pub Date 27 Apr 2021
Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Delacorte Press
Women's Fiction

I am reviewing a copy of Finding Ashley through Random House Publishing Group-Ballatine, Delacorte Presss and Netgalley :

Melissa Henderson was once a best selling author, but leads a quiet life now. She pours out all her energy into renovating a Victorian house nestled in the foothills of rural New England. She lost her six year old son to cancer six years ago, her marriage dissolved and she stopped writing. It wasn’t until Melissa bought the old house, that she found a purpose, that was to make it beautiful again.

Melissa receives a call from her sister Hattie After a wildfire that threatens her home appears on the news. They had been close at one time, but that had been before Melissa withdrew from society. Now Hattie, who became a nun at twenty-five, is determined to help Melissa turn a new page, even if it means reopening one of the most painful chapters of her life.

When she was sixteen Melissa who was pregnant was sent to a gloomy convent in Ireland to have and give up her baby, to spare the family shame. All these years later Hattie feels the need to embark on a journey that will change both their lives forever, and track down the child Melissa gave up.

If you are looking for a powerful family drama by a master storyteller I highly recommend Finding Ashley by Danielle Steel.

I give Finding Ashley five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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I enjoyed this book more than most of Danielle Steel's latest books. Finding Ashley had strong characters and a well-developed plot. With this book, I can definitely hear Steel's voice. It is a book of discovery and facing one's own demons. I hope that she continues to write about families and the ties that bind. So grab a pot of tea and settle in for an enjoyable read.

I was given a copy of this book by NetGalley with no expectations. All thoughts are my own.

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As someone who was adopted as an infant, I am always fascinated with stories about adoption. Although "Finding Ashley" is fiction, the book provided an interesting perspective about a young mother who gave up her child for adoption.
Melissa was raised by Catholic parents who were insistent that she give her baby up for adoption when they found out she was pregnant. Being young, and unable to provide for herself or a child, Melissa had no choice but to adhere to the plan her parents chose for her. A secret trip to Ireland to a home for girls who were pregnant, run by nuns, is where Melissa endured her pregnancy and gave birth to a tiny baby girl who she never got to see or hold.
Years later, after her marriage has crumbled and her young son has died from cancer, Melissa has left New York City and is putting every ounce of energy into refurbishing an old country home. While grieving her son, she finds herself grieving the daughter that was put up for adoption as well. The only family Melissa has left is her younger sister, Hattie, a nun who has committed her life to nursing the poor. Melissa has been angry at Hattie for years for joining the convent, but she agrees to spend some time with her hoping to restore some of the love and friendship they used to share.
After a weekend together, Hattie recognizes how deeplyMelissa has been affected from being forced to give up her baby. The only information Melissa has ever received about her child is that she was adopted to a well off childless couple in the United States and that all of the files, from the home run by nuns, were destroyed in a fire.
Hattie is determined to help bring some closure to her sister’s pain. As a nun, she would be welcomed by these nuns who worked at the home for young mothers and she could hopefully find out more re: the whereabouts of her sister’s baby.
Follow Hattie to Ireland as she follows her leads and discover where Melissa’s baby is!
This book kept my interest due to the subject matter and how it applied to my own life. A very interesting book very much worth the read!
Many thanks to #netgalley, #daniellesteel, #delacortepress for the ARC of #findingashley.

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Two estranged sisters reunite after telling family secrets. Melissa had to grow up at an early age, after a teenage pregnancy, she was sent to a convent only to give up her baby. Then both parents die and now is responsible in raising her younger sister, Hattie. Melissa becomes a best selling author but then tragically she looses her young son to cancer. Her marriage fails and she becomes a recluse. Her sister, Hattie always wanted to go into acting but choices were made and she became a nun. As the sisters reunite, secrets come out and Hattie decides she needs to find Melissa's child that was given up for adoption.

This is mostly women's fiction, which I love, with a small element of romance with Melissa as she learns to open up again. The reunited of sisters and mother/daughter will keep you turning the pages. There is an element of sexual harassment in the workplace.

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Finding Ashley trends a bit more women's fiction than romance - a note for frequent Danielle Steel readers. It's a story of estranged sisters, oppressive religions and finding family. All in all, this book is a bit more disjointed than some others I've read by this author, but all in all, it's an escapist read that I read in a day. And, sometimes that's just what I am looking for.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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I always love Danielle Steele books. They typically give me all the emotions. This was no exception.

This book is very heartbreaking and sad. It will tug on your heartstrings for sure.
Right from the start you will be pulled in and won't want to put it down. I started it yesterday early and finished it this morning. It's not really a long story but it's full of a lot.

From the loss of a son to the loss of her life as she knew it Melissa moves away. She' s lost everything and wants to start over. Her sister and her have been estranged also. But something from her past will bring them together again.

This is a very moving and emotional book. So be warned.

Thank you to #netgalley, #daniellesteele, #randomhousepublishing for this ARC, This is my own true feelings about this book.

4/5 stars and I recommend it.

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I have been reading Danielle Steel novels along with my since I was a teenager. I found the beginning storyline of Finding Ashley tragic but interesting. Melissa endures more sadness and disappointment than any one person should have to in the first few decades of her life. She is forced to give up her baby at age sixteen. After getting married and having a son, she loses him to cancer and subsequently her marriage also crumbles. All alone, she begins to rebuild her life. She often wonders about her young child she never knew. But her search for her baby comes with a path that ends with a church fire and the loss of all adoption documents. If only the book had concentrated more on this topic and stayed away from the #metoo movement, I would have gladly given this book a higher rating. I think tackling the church and adoption issues would have been controversy enough. But as the #metoo movement became an apparent storyline, I completely lost interest in this book. It isn't because I don't think it happened, or that the women deserved what they got. It is a sad state of our county and society in general. It makes me sick quite frankly. I read fiction to get away from the news and sad affairs. Melissa losing her son and baby was more than enough realness for me. Bringing these sexually assaulted women in to it as well was just too much for me.
Danielle Steels writing was as good as it always is. Flows nicely and is easy to read. I just didn't care for all the subject matter. Special thanks to NetGalley, Danielle Steel, and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine/ Delacorte Press for the advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest opinion. 3 stars for me.
#FindingAshley #NetGalley

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This story caught my attention from the start. In signature DS fashion she weaves a story of familiarity for some. At the center of the story are siblings Melissa and Hattie who for reasons revealed later have not connected for many years. One thing leads to another and this relationship begins to flourish. Despite conflict, heartbreak, loss, love and despicable acts this family comes full circle. “Life takes people away but but gives someone else back” aptly describes the heart of the novel. Delicately woven in the book are tidbits of Hollywood think #MeTooMovement. One day can change your life and put you on a different course. This is true with both sisters. Another good one from the queen of fiction. #NetGalley #FindingAshley Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I have read so many Danielle Steele novels and Finding Ashely, is an emotional, heartwarming story of love loss and redemption.. Two sisters, living in a cold home. The oldest finds that she is pregnant and her parents, will not let her have an abortion, instead they send her to Ireland, to a convent where young girls, have their babies and then immediately put them up for adoption. Melissa Henderson, present day, is a successful writer, newly divorced and has just lost her son.. she is in utter despair.. she can’t find any peace.. she escapes NY City and buys a house in the Adirondacks.. Her sister, after a short career as an actress, has become a nun.. the two are estranged. They should be each other’s best comfort and yet they can’t find a common thread. Until one day Hattie, decides to step out of her comfort zone and heads to Ireland to find out what happened to Melissa’s child.. Once Hattie takes a leave from the convent, her life is turned upside down. Her past comes to haunt her, the harder she works to help her sister the more her secrets are stifling.. This story tells the story of sisterly love. What great lengths we could go to, to make things right for the one’s we love. This story is so heartwarming.. it reminds us that we really can’t run from the past and we really never know the secrets our loved ones could be keeping. I did enjoy this story.. it was 3.5 star book for me.. I would recommend it to friends and family.. i love to read and I am glad I was able to read this one.. i hope you enjoy it too!!! Thank you to Netgalley for my copy of Finding Ashley, for an honest review..

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