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Of Wicked Blood is a fresh new take on modern magic fantasy.

Scenic and atmospheric, the story is wonderfully brought to life - characters all feel unique and consistent, and the little French town in which the events unfold is so quaintly described you can see it clearly in your mind's eye.

The romance is strong, though I did have to check the "age of consent" in France (15), as the heroine (17, almost 18) is drawn to, and sexualized by, two older men (20 and 23), one of whom is her teacher. Not a huge age gap, but she is also referred to as jailbait in one scene.

Where the story loses a star for me is the plot. Tasked with finding four objects, the second half of the story becomes almost procedural, events happening to the characters instead of character decisions affecting the course of events.

Consequences and info-dumps are also kind of glazed over. A death is simply "handled" and dismissed - the death only serving to give the main characters new emotions instead of really affecting the trajectory of the plot. And revelations are just dropped onto characters who then do nothing to act on them. I assume that this is to set up events in later books, but currently makes the plot feel fuzzy and unfinished.

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Okay, this was intriguing enough that I'll be picking up the sequel! There are some mysteries that have been left unsolved and my curiosity is getting the best of me.
The characters and world building were interesting but definitely have potential for more growth. I'm not sure I'll ever like Slate though... he was crass and rude and I really didn't appreciate being stuck in his head every other chapter.
I'm interested to see how the magic system develops!
Oh and P.S. I listened to the audiobook and even as a native French speaker I couldn't understand some of the French words the narrators were trying to pronounce. I don't blame them for not being able to pronounce some words since some French sounds are hard for anglophones, but if you're looking to work on your own French pronunciation this isn't the place to learn fam.

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I enjoyed this story and the plot line is not something I have seen before. It was a fun and adventurous ride that kept an air of mystery throughout the entire book.

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Actual rating 3.5 Stars

This book confirmed my thoughts that old French men are skeezy and not to be trusted Just kidding... kinda

Of Wicked Blood is the first in The Quatrefoil Series. We follow the dual POV of MCs Cadence, the well-mannered, well off, 17 year old daughter of a university head in Brume, France. And Slate, an orphaned, thief who has been summoned to the university with the promise of knowledge about his parents and his past, and a scholarship to the university. However, thieves gon' thieve, and Slate's latest acquisition finds him cursed and in a world of hurt that will kill him by the new moon if he can't find a way to assemble the quatrefoil.

I listened to the audio of this book and found it just as, if not more enjoyable than I would've had I read it.

The premise of this book is what drew me in as both authors are new to me. A cursed bloodstone ring that brings together an unlikely group of people (well just Slate really) to find artifacts to break the curse. YES!

The world-building is beautiful. The old architecture, the never ending fog set the scene for old magic and lore nicely. I really enjoyed the way each POV from the MCs was different and fit with their personalities. It was believable and added to the continuity of the characters and their traits.

The characters themselves were realistic. Cadence was kind and mild but had a strong core and I love a nice girl that isn't afraid to swear but doesn't do so just for the sake of it. Slate was very much an anti hero in this story and to be honest, a bit of an arrogant prick and yet... You couldn't help cheering for him. He is so protective of his younger brother I couldn't help but see past his unlikeable traits and cheer him on. The good girl vs Bad boy/ enemies to lovers trope evident. There were a couple of moments that I was annoyed at Cadences jealousy but it didn't detract from the plot.

By far the best parts of the book were the Quatrefoil scenes. They were full of action and the pacing was perfect. I couldn't stop reading/ listening needing to know how it went down immediately. Everything from the writing to the short chapters and changes in POV fit well and had the pacing on point

The only thing I didn't really like was the ending. It was a bit anti-climatic for me. I was left with more questions than answers. I kept thinking I had missed something and had to go back. As this is a series I'm hoping it all is explained. I would've preferred a cliffhanger ending in this one which is something I haven't said EVER.

I really enjoyed this urban fantasy and have no idea where it is going next. I'm not dying to read the next one but I will be reading it. <spoiler>Cadence's Dad is suss AF and I want to know what his deal is</spoiler>

I received a copy of this for review from the publisher via NetGalley (thank you so much!) All opinions are my own.

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Loved this book! Rediscover magic or face the curse!! A tangled love story- evil villain's, an ending that only leads to more questions (hopefully more books!). Good character development and a cast of characters! Enjoy this escape!

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by Olivia Wildenstein and Katie Hayoz
Narrated by Holly Fielding and Thomas Locklear
I want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for letting me read this book.
This is for the audio book.
I had a hard time getting into this book. I started and restarted it about four times because it wasn't holding my interest. Once it got past a few bumpy parts it got better, some. I liked the supernatural aspects and the overall plot theme. The development of the characters not so much. The main guy and girl characters were annoying and I found myself hoping they didn't make it. There is a fantasy theme with a soft romance thrown in. Teenage angst (annoying), and a know it all attitude covers the main characters.

The male narration was fairly good but the female narration was annoying as the character.
This kind of book is usually right down my alley but it ended up being an okay book. I really wanted to like it.

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I love fantasy, so this was right in my wheelhouse. Some of the concepts were a little out there (the reason magic exists for example) but I like the story, most of the characters and look forward to continuing the story.

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I received an audiobook arc of this from netgalley for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I was interested in reading this because the cover was amazing and the synopsis was amazing! A curse that causes the two main characters together! What's not to love!

Sadly, it took me forever to get into this. I read the first three chapters thrice before I was able to continue.  Not that it was complex or hard to read, I just couldn't connect with the characters and thought I had missed something important.

However the minute I got past those first few chapters, I devoured this. I finished it in a day. I really enjoyed the plot, the trials and the supernatural creatures. The relationships between the characters was interesting. I liked Cadence and Slates relationship, it was instant attraction but thankful not insta love, their relationship progressed nicely.

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A very good story and an excellent narrator. Though the book is addressed for a young reader I found the narrative very engaging ang thoroughly enjoyable.
The characters and the world they live in are built very well! Definitely recommended for young adults.

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This fantasy reading was interesting, I like that it was on a contemporary time making it an urban fantasy, involving ancient rites. The world-building was good, the characters Slate and Cadence are fantastic, there are more that I like but the main ones are my favorite. I love magic-related stories and this one has it in a refreshing way. The love story felt short for my tasting, I expected it a bit more but there is romance, just not more if you know what I mean. The plotline kept me reading and kept my interest, sometimes it dragged, and sometimes it felt a bit rushed but definitely one you should read if you like this trope of stories. Holly Fielding and Thomas Locklear did a very good job narrating and portraying their characters, the editing was good and overall would recommend more than the book.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Twig Publishing, Olivia Wildenstein (author), Katie Hayoz (author), Holly Fielding (narrator), and Thomas Locklear (narrator) for the opportunity to listen to the audiobook of Of Wicked Blood in exchange for an honest review.

I used the NetGalley Shelf application to listen to this early review copy of the book. The narrators read the roles fantastically!

Slate finds out an interesting bit about his own personal history, and he's not sure how to feel about it. He also happens to do something he probably shouldn't have...ending up stuck wearing a cursed ring destined to bring him to his death. Cadence, along with many people in this society, grew up being told fantastical stories of magic. But they are just stories. Magic certainly isn't it?

Slate is just a thief, tossed around through the foster care system throughout his whole life. When he gets a letter telling him of a very iconic family heritage, a birth certificate to prove it, he heads back to the place of his origin to see what magical secrets might unfold about himself and his family. Cadence lives in Brume, and when Slate arrives, the two find their paths intertwined on a magical adventure. Brume was once full of witchcraft, and Cadence's belief in magic is altered, especially when she grows attached to Slate and wants to help save his life from the cursed ring, even though he is the dummy that got himself in that situation in the first place.

While this is a young adult novel, it felt a bit more sophisticated and adult. There were a number of adult themes and the language and political aspects of the world felt of a higher level of reading and comprehension. I highly enjoyed the author's craft and the narration in the audiobook. The end felt wholesome but abrupt at the same time, leaving the potential for more, but also leaving the reader with a feel of completeness from this story. A Must-read for any urban fantasy fan.

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OF WICKED BLOOD is the first in the Quatrefoil Chronicles by Olivia Wildenstein.

What a great urban fantasy! I would have given it 10 starts if I could. Urban fantasy/mystery/and a pinch of romance . All wrapped up in a really good read. I am totally hooked on the series just after finishing this. I do like the humor that comes out of the rough tough mr know it all Slate. He has a cactus named Spike and buried under that touch man is a guy that protects he "brother" who busts his butt and risks his life to protect his girl. Good mix of characters. Good mix of plot. My only con to this book was it tended to drag in a few places but overall well worth the listen.

I recieved this audiobook free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A really excellent narrator. This book is obviously intended for a younger audience than I am used to, but the world and character building is thorough and it’s an interesting read. Unsure if this will be a series but it would work well as one

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Thank you to netgalley and twig publishings for allowing me to read this book.

This is definitely a book which goes well with a hot chocolate and a blanket as a cosy winter read.

I love how the authors have a beautiful mixture of magic, ancient curses, mysteries and secrets with some fabulous humour and a sprinkling of romance thrown in for good measure then this is the book for you.

Slate was orphaned and raised in the foster system where he meets his brother, Bastion. Slate gets a letter inviting him to Brome where he learns about his family history and the dark history about why he was abandoned.

The only thing that really bugged my happiness is the random dots of French words which is really not needed when they are speaking French majority of the book and it's translated to English.

I can't wait to see what happens next in the series.

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Characters - 6/10
Here's the thing. I really enjoyed this book, but it has some flaws. The most noticeable one is the trope-y characters. Literally, every character is a YA trope. The bad boy, the ditzy, boy crazy best friend, the naive and "pure" main character. They were all just cookie-cutter characters.

Especially Slate and Cadance. This book is pretty adult (if you ask me this should be a New Adult book) but the characters are literal children. Slate is just a really petty teenager with anger issues and Cadance is the innocent one who can't be corrupted. I find myself disliking that trope more and more.

I kept waiting for them to develop a bit, and we get there by the end. I'm interested to see where they go from here.

Atmosphere - 6/10
I loved the setting and the atmosphere in this book. I could really envision the small French town this takes place in and the winter setting just made it so cosy. However, I did take off two whole stars for the FOUR HP references in this book. In the year 2021, do we really still need HP references in books? Do we really want to support a TERF? No. HP is not the only book with magic, and we need to stop acting like it is. Make a Hocus Pocus reference or something else.

Writing - 6/10
The writing was not bad. I couldn't put the book down. Once again, I deducted points for the HP references. It just makes me really mad.

Plot - 7/10
I have to give credit where credit is due. I loved the plot. It was fast-paced but the slower moments were just as interesting to read. The story idea was just so unique and I enjoyed reading this book a lot. I obviously have some polarizing views here. It's like with Crave by Tracy Wolff. I loved the story, but I'm trying to be objective.

Intrigue - 7/10
I was thoroughly intrigued since I read this book in like two days. I'm a sucker for magical romance okay, sue me.

Logic - 6/10
The magic system could have been better developed, but I sense we don't know a lot about it since some of the characters are hiding it. I was very confused about the ending. Cadance's father is definitely hiding something and I hope it's resolved in the second book.

Enjoyment - 7/10
I did enjoy this. I wish it had done some things differently, but sometimes I just have to be trash for books.

CAWPILE = 6.4/10
3 Stars

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Thanks to the publisher for providing an early copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

While I really, really enjoyed the plot idea and magic structure Wildenstein had set up here, I was so unable to connect to or root for either of our main characters that I never got into the story. Slate (our resident badboy) was probably the worst offender. We're constantly reminded about how bad and edgy he and his past are, but it always felt so over the top the I never really bought into the characterization. By contrast, the innocence Cadence was written with also felt too forced and unbelievable for her age.

This was interesting in concept but since it's execution relied so heavily on a relationship between two characters I found flat, Of Wicked Blood fell really flat for me.

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If you read fantasy and this book is not in your radar you need to check it out now!

This story was epic, unputdownable and addictive.
Of Wicked Blood is a mix of fantasy, slow-burn romance, with a bit of magic and paranormal that will keep you at the edge of your seat. I loved the characthers, I loved the pace, I loved the setting, everthing was perfect.
I need book two of this series soon please.

Thank you Netgalley and Twig Publishing for this ALC.

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I think this is my fourth audiobook and i really REALLY liked it.

The narrators, in my opinion, both had very nice voices and were very talented in making multiple characters voices when needed.

I loved how deep and intense Slates voice was, even how much he cursed, as if he couldn't care less what other people might think of him. The french curses really made me grin. French Quebecer over here, and nothing makes me smirk like an european sounding french curse word. I just can't help it. Hehe. I tell myself my accent probably makes them smirk too, so it's all good ;).

No but seriously, if we come back to his voice. I loved how much he made it (the voice actor) fluctuate depending on what happened in the story. I'm starting to find that not all voice actors do that and it really made me appreciate the story even more. While Cadences voice was very nice also, she did have one that always kind of seemed too soft, no matter what happened, which tends to bother me... i mean, girl, make us feel the action! But again, she was much better than most of the other voice actors i've heard, so the two of them together was just a very nice match!

Now i really liked the story. I could really imagine this lovely, gloomy little town. It kind of made me think of the town of Stars Hollow in Gilmore Girls. It seems so cozy and feels like it's part of the family. Everyone knows everyone which is great, but also makes you want to go mad sometimes haha...

I really appreciated the fact that Slate DID try to leave the town. In most stories you find that the male, or female 'talk a lot of talk' about walking, but just never come around to doing it, and here you have a guy who just wants to get the hell out of dodge and just can't because of a curse. I loved it.

The whole story was intriguing, the characters were fun and also promises a very nice second book that i will absolutely want to read. There are a lot of unanswered question in this first book, and i can't wait to discover the next one! Also, VERY nice cover. All in all, 5 stars!

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**Audiobook supplied by Netgalley in exchange of an honest review**

Le Sommaire: after surviving foster care by all means necessary, Slate travels to his hometown to get his inheritance, only problem is that his impulsiveness has left him with a magic ring stuck to his finger, and with it, a curse that will kill him. Unless he and 3 others complete a series of tasks.

Cadence is part of the group, to my opinion she is naive and annoying to a fault. I really don’t get how Slate likes her, other than she’s hot. Also, there were so many red flags concerning Cadence’s father, and no-one said a beep. How come?

I honestly couldn’t connect with any of the characters, I wouldn’t have blinked if any of them died at the end.

As far as the audio is concerned, I listened to Slates chapters at normal speed without any issues, but Cadences I listened at 1.25 the speed, I just felt it was a bit slow and whiny.

One good thing I loved is the cursing in French. It gave the book a lot of colour.

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I loved this book. I thought the audiobook was amazing. I really liked the back and forth between Cadence and Slate. I loved battle between Slate and Cadence's father. I basically just loved Slate. The concept was awesome and I could have done with MORE world description.

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