Member Reviews

This is definitely a guilty pleasure book, and, as such, I have no compunction whatsoever about completely ignoring the glaring issues. In fact, I'm going to try to spend the rest of the day holding on to this delightful suspension of both reality and logic. That's right, if you need me I'll be watching kung-fu movies.

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This book takes place in Presidio Terrace, a very rich neighborhood. Brook is the new wife on the block, after marrying a man over 20 years older than her. She is an author but feels stuck on her next book. Enter her new muses, her next-door neighbors.

Erin is a news anchor who has been stuck in a loveless marriage. One day at work, she hits her breaking point and quits (after calling her co-host some names). Erin thinks the network will beg to have her back at work. In the meantime, she expected her husband to be excited that she was working less and she could be a stay-at-home trophy wife, like Brooke! Her husband, Mason, isn't excited about it and ignores her presence in the mornings. She suspects her husband is cheating on her but with whom?!

Lastly, we have Georgia, who is nicknamed "The Black Widow." Her two previous rich husbands have both tragically died, shortly after being married to her. However, she was never charged with the crimes and they appeared as accidents. Now, Georgia is getting married for a third time to Robert. Perhaps, this is the right time and they seem to be madly in love with each other.

Robert mysteriously disappears after a night on his boat with their friends to celebrate their upcoming wedding. At first, the cops think it's a case of cold feet. Then the ransom came.

The book takes us through some twists and turns. While the characters are unlikeable, you're still rooting for them to figure their lives out. Overall, this was a very entertaining read.

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I was happy to be granted the chance to read and review this book. Although this is the first I’ve read by this author, I will certainly look for more. I enjoy a story with twists and this one delivers. The three wives were completely different, but led similar lives. I’ll admit when I think of the Uber wealthy, this is what I picture in my mind. Arrogant men and women who appear perfect on the surface but are far from so. If you like something that will keep you turning pages well into the evening, this is one of those books.

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4/5 stars

This is a story of three ladies: Erin King, Georgia St. Claire, and Brooke Davies, all of whom live in the posh Presidio Terrace neighborhood. Georgia, a.k.a., The Black Widow, whose last two husbands died under mysterious circumstances, is preparing for her third wedding. Erin, who appears on Instagram to have it all together, is actually completely and totally falling apart. And Brooke, who flawlessly plays the role of new trophy wife to tech tycoon, Jack Davies, is much more than meets the eye.

On the surface, this book is a quick beach read (perfect because it comes out in July!), but Kristin Miller left me asking some deep questions. What makes someone a “bad” person? Who decides what constitutes a happy marriage? At what point is it justifiable to take the law into your own hands? My advice: don’t overthink like me. Just enjoy the book.

Thanks to Kristin Miller, Ballantine Books, and Netgalley for the ARC in return for my honest review.

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I don't know what I was expecting from The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives, but it definitely wasn't this. I think I was anticipating a slower, more discreetly dark thriller. However, this one delightfully leans into the genre, and it was such a fun read. Kristin Miller packs intrigue, drama and something bordering on camp into the plot of the book, which spans just seven days.

There was so much mystery, in fact, that it felt like there were some loose ends that could have been tied up more succinctly. But this was such a fun read that it doesn't bother me too much.

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What an enjoyable read! This short book was packed with twists! It’s like I was being immersed into an episode of desperate housewives. I loved the glimpse into the lives of luxury.

Georgia, nicknamed The Black Widow because of the death of her two previous husbands, is getting married again! Her best friend Erin and new to the neighborhood Brooke, celebrate with her on her fiancé, Robert’s, yacht. It takes a turn for the worst and the women find themselves trying to solve a mystery.

I loved the side plots. Erin’s work dilemma was fun. I also loved being in Erin’s mind and hearing from her point of view. She was such an interesting character.

Yes, some parts of the book were extremely far fetched and unbelievable, but it just added to the Desperate Housewives vibe.

I would recommend this book!

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Book Review for The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives by Kristin Miller
Full review for this title can be found at: @fyebooks on Instagram!

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OMG this book!!! It was awesome!! So many twists that you never know which way they are going to go! Just dang! What an amazing book!

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Siri: play no body no crime by Taylor Swift

This was a sinfully delicious and dark, twisty, sometimes comical and sometimes just downright dark, entertaining whirlwind of a ride. It was like the book version of Desperate Housewives, only with a smaller dead body count (maybe?). Some (ok most) of the characters, especially the husbands, were just downright terrible people, and it makes you want to root for the wives to kill them.

The story revolves around three central characters, Erin, Brooke, and Georgia. All are rich, and live in an exclusive neighborhood in California. Despite their luxurious, seemingly perfect lives, all have their flaws, problems, and skeletons in the closet.

Brooke is the newest to the neighborhood, and seems to be the most perfect of the three women, with her gorgeous looks and billionaire tech husband. She’s a trophy wife, and gives off the air of being flawless and problem free. But behind closed doors, she is struggling with her too uptight husband that keeps her on a short leash and is suffocated by her trophy wife status.

Erin, also gorgeous (as they all are) is a successful tv anchor, and seems to have it all, but her insecurities start to emerge, especially after the younger Brooke moves into the neighborhood. Although Erin befriends her, she is secretly envious of the younger woman with the perfect husband and marriage. She decides to take a sabbatical from work in order to strengthen her marriage, and gain a trophy wife status just like Brooke, but finds her new plan for life is not going to the go the way that she is hoping for. Her husband, Mason, is definitely the worst of the three husbands, and although Erin is an unlikeable character herself in some ways, I found myself feeling sorry for her because her husband was just downright terrible.

Georgia is an especially intriguing character, as she is known as The Black Widow, due to the fact that her two previous husbands died, leaving her to not only inherit their fortunes, but also with a lingering scandalous cloud of suspicion surrounding her, as to whether or not she killed both husbands. She is engaged to a new rich and successful man, leaving everyone to speculate whether or not he too will end up dead. Even more intriguing, she seems pretty laid back about her Black Widow status, and even makes jokes about her deceased husbands and whether or not her future husband will end up dead also.

When Georgia’s fiancé goes missing after a night of partying on a yacht, the three wives find themselves tangled in a complicated web that goes deeper than just the mysterious disappearance of Georgia’s fiancé.

This book was entertaining from start to finish, so much so that I finished it in nearly one sitting. Although it has a cast of unlikeable characters, it didn’t take away from the fun of the story, as the unlikeable characters narrative worked in this particular book.

Although this is a dark comedy thriller, I will warn you that there are some heavy topics in the story, such as domestic abuse, so tread gently if that is a trigger for you.

Overall, I was satisfied with the book as a whole, and even found myself surprised by some of the twists and reveals.

If you’re a fan of dark comedy, thrillers, and shows like Desperate Housewives, this is definitely an excellent book to read.

Highly recommend!

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I received an advance reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review

Soapy and fun, not too dark and not too heavy, exactly what you think it is. 3.5 rounded up.

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This book was filled with jealousy, cheating, lies, murder and so much more. I love books that have me turning pages late into the night and this was one of them. Highly Recommend this 4 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖

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Get your beach bag ready! The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives, where lives of the rich and famous meet mystery and murder, is this year’s summer must read!

Presidio Terrace is so exclusive that it doesn’t show up on Google Maps. When Brooke and her husband Jack, a super wealthy, much older tech whiz, buy their perfect house in the neighborhood, they learn that their next door neighbor Georgia is the infamous Black Widow, accused but never arrested for the deaths of her first two husbands. She’s now engaged to Robert and planning a lavish over-the-top wedding. Brooke is fascinated. A published author, she’s writing her second mystery and has a bad case of writer’s block. Her neighbor across the street, Erin, a TV news anchor married to a plastic surgeon, introduces her to Georgia and they quickly become friends.

That is the lives of the rich and famous part. No spoilers for the mystery and murder part. This dark, twisted novel combines comedy and suspense. It’s well written and compulsively readable. Enjoy! 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and Kristin Miller for this ARC.

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Thank you to both #NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group/Ballantine Books for providing me with an advance copy of Kristin Miller’s suspense novel, Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives, in exchange for an honest review.

#TheSinfulLivesofTrophyWives is exactly what you would expect from a novel with this title: the perfect beach read. Only this story has a few extra twists. Though I may have been generous in awarding it an extra half-star (probably, a solid 3.5), I cannot deny the fact that it was a thoroughly entertaining, page-turner. Sure, some chapters could be tighter, but this issue will probably be resolved by the time it is released for mass consumption.

The story is told through alternating perspectives of each of the affected wives who live in Presidio Terrace. Every new chapter indicates which character it belongs to (i.e., Brooke, Erin, or Georgia) and the day of the week. The novel opens in a hospital room set in present day, then quickly reverts to the past; specifically, 6 days before the accident that lands Georgia in the hospital.

The readers are next introduced to Brooke Davies, a 28-year old mystery writer who is married to a tech mogul. The couple moves into the private community where Brooke soon becomes friends with her neighbors, Erin King and Georgia St. Claire.

Erin is a 35-year old news anchor who feels she is aging faster than she would if she did not work. She is also experiencing marital issues with her husband of 15 years, Mason, who runs his own plastic surgery practice. While all three women encounter issues with the present men in their lives, Erin’s marriage seems to be the most tumultuous.

Georgia St. Claire, aka the Black Widow, is notorious for marrying rich men who mysteriously die. Her current fiancé Robert, however, is allegedly the love of her life. So, when he goes missing the night of their pre-wedding party, it is hard for the police and community to remain unbiased given her dark history with husbands.

From the second it is discovered that Georgia’s fiancé is missing, the plot focuses on finding Robert in time for their wedding, which is happening in three days, and what each character may be hiding about the disappearance. Through unraveling the mystery, the reader learns more about each of the three women’s pasts, their insecurities, and the events that could trigger someone to become unhinged.

Again, there are still a few kinks to work out before the novel is published. For instance, the book could have either ended sooner or perhaps some passages should have been swapped. Yet, there are not enough issues to prevent one from reading it or from checking out any of the author’s other novels.

Overall, the book truly makes for the perfect beach read and will keep you engaged deep into the night. The novel has that certain je ne sais quoi that compels a reader to proceed until they reach the end.

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Thank you Netgalley and Random House Publishing-Ballantine for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

In the beginning of the novel, the reader meets first of the three main characters: Georgia St. Claire. It’s present day, but Georgia is slipping in and out of consciousness on a hospital bed. She recalls being in a car accident and hears the nurses around her talking about the other casualties. The nurses also reveal that she is the black widow. The trophy wife that “killed” her first two husbands.

Next we meet Brooke. An author married to a CEO/Tech engineer that becomes the new neighbor in this exclusive mansion neighborhood. She’s young and the other women believe she was the mistress before becoming the second wife.

Erin is the last wife in this trio group and is a nighttime news anchor married to a plastic surgeon. Once she sets eyes on Brooke, Erin fears that she is aging quickly and needs to become a “trophy wife.” She walks out of her job and tries to be the trophy wife in her dreams, but her husband isn’t fulfilling her expectations in this new routine.

The writing switches between Georgia, Brooke, and Erin. Allowing the reader to understand the events of the week before the deadly accident. Towards the middle of the story the reader realizes that things are not as they seem in Presidio Terrace. Georgia’s receiving death threats from her hitman, and her fiance goes missing on the night of their prewedding yacht party. As the police begin to investigate another Black Widow case, Erin’s life is unraveling, and Brooke is frantically writing her next murder mystery novel; thanks to all the inspiration around her.

There are so many plot twists and turns. One second the reader thinks she knows what happened, but then the author throws another element to the mystery and the hypothesis changes yet again!

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Desperate Housewives meet Stepford Wives! This book is a thrill ride of privilege and the dangers of not having agency in a relationship. I loved it. I highly recommend this read.

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Wow, wow, wow! Kristin Miller is an author to watch! Her first book was mind blowing good and this one was just as good! Fun, fast paced, unputdownable! Unique, well written, phenomenal character development makes this story realistic, but impossible to pit down! Full of shocks, twisty turns, chills, and thrills! I highly, hugely recommend this phenomenal book to my fellow thrill lover and seekers, it’s not to be missed! Word or advice, do not start before bed, and clear your schedule!

Will buzz around platforms and use low amazon reviewer number on release date!

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Was not expecting much from this book. It absolutely blew me away. I could not put this down, there are many layers to this book and the characters. I did not want to like some of the characters, I ended up cheering for them by the middle of the book. Excellent read, I will be rereading this and recommending this to others who want a fast passed story.

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A good book, interesting story. There were some pauses for me. Most of the characters were not likeable. And by the end, they hadn't really changed. There was no one to "root" for. That being said, the characters were built enough that it was easy to fall into their stories. Plenty of twists and turns to keep me reading for two days (and during football playoffs which annoyed my husband - haha).
All in all, I'd easily recommend this to readers. Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for this opportunity.

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