Member Reviews

A binge worthy read that is thrilling, fun and entertaining. Three trophy wives, Brooke who is a mystery writer; Erin who is a television news anchor and Georgia who is known as the “Black Widow”. Georgia's been married 2 times and her husbands both died. Now she is getting ready to marry again. All of the women live extravagant lives in mansions in the San Francisco area in an area that is so exclusive that it doesn't show up on Google maps.

Told from alternating perspectives of each of the three wives. The story centers around the disappearance of Georgia’s fiancee, Robert. He disappears a few days before their wedding. An investigation is launched and many secrets are uncovered in the tangled and thrilling mystery.

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Rich women behaving badly!? Sound familiar? I immediately thought of Desperate Housewives! These 3 neighbors' lives are just as addicting as a cheesy nighttime soap opera. It's so bad it's good. There's glamour, suspense, sex, and flashy cars; I couldn't stop once I started reading.

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👜 soapy review 🕶

grab your oversized sunglasses and birkin bags, bravoholics! i read “the sinful lives of trophy wives” by kirstin miller a few weeks ago and i devoured it! it’s not perfect, but it’s fun, especially if you love @bravotv as much as i do.

this soapy thriller follows three wives in presidio terrace. brooke is a thriller writer and the new girl in town with a seemingly perfect marriage to a tech-billionaire. erin is a news anchor who quit her job in hopes of keeping her husband entertained and preventing him from finding a new, shinier trophy wife. georgia is called the “black widow” because of rumors that she murdered her two previous husbands, but she’s found true love with her third. when a tragic accident forces everyone to second-guess one another, a big question arises: what are they willing to do to protect their secrets?

if the “real housewives” franchise was produced by shari lapena or lisa jewell, this is the outcome. once i started reading, i couldn’t stop. i needed to know what these wives were up to, and they were all so sneaky and sassy. i wanna be them, tbh.

fellow bravoholics and thriller fans alike will be obsessed with these women and the story, despite some of the minor imperfections. pick this one up as summer wraps up; you won’t regret it!


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Compelling, thrilling, and darkly humorous, The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives weaves together the story of three women drawn together in their exclusive and wealthy neighborhood. As the three women- Brooke, a mystery author, Erin, the news anchor, and the famed "Black Widow" Georgia, begin their new friendship, even the most mundane aspects of daily life take on a sinister spin. Brooke's authorial mind is constantly spinning with the many ways that Georgia may have killed her previous husbands and with a new marriage coming up, questions how Erin can be joke so casually about the new husband's safety.
When Georgia's fiance mysteriously disappears at their pre-wedding party, Brooke is caught up in a mystery so twisted, even she can't pick apart fact from fiction.
This is a compulsively readable story that kept me riveted from the very first page.
Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own.

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There's a bit of a Desperate Housewives vibe going on with the story. If you embrace the craziness it's a fun read. Don't spend too much time analyzing everything and just roll with it. I was not too good at that, which is why I am rating this book a bit lower than I usually would. It was a page turner though and I did not see the ending coming at all! I liked the the suspense, the unreliable narrators and yes, even the catty interactions between the three main characters.

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Desperate Housewives meets Real Housewives of…

This quick read grabbed my attention from the very beginning. Told by the alternating POV of Georgia, nicknamed the Black Widow due to the deaths of her first two husbands, Erin, a snooty and judgmental news anchor, and Brooke, new to the neighborhood and recently married to her tech billionaire husband, we are sucked into the drama-filled lives of trophy wives.

I, of course, was not expecting a deep, philosophical novel, but I had a hard time coming to terms with the shallow, vain main characters. Certain details didn’t quite work for me, and I had a sense about three quarters of the way through that there was more to some of the characters than originally meets the eye. I was left waiting for the truth to be revealed. I think what may have bothered me more than the women were the number of abusive men in their lives.

Overall, an entertaining and enjoyable story that’s not to be taken too seriously.

Thanks to NetGalley, Random House - Balantine, and author, Kristin Miller, for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Scheduled for release 7-20-21

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A fun read about some very colorful women.
Brooke, an author and home wrecking newlywed.
Georgia, aka The Black Widow.
Erin, the uptight news anchor who runs the homeowner association with an iron fist,

This is a fun, face paced novel that will not disappoint. Ridiculously fun characters that you will love to hate.

Thank you Kristin Miller, Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Ballantine Books and Netgalley for the ARC. #TheSinfulLivesofTrophyWives #NetGalley

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In Kristin Miller's, The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives, we are reminded that money doesn't buy happiness.

Erin King, newsanchor, and Georgia St. Claire, widow 2 times over, are BFF's living the sweet life in Presidio Terrace, one of San Francisco's most affluent developments.

Georgia is known as The Black Widow. Infamous for the unfortunate deaths of her first two husband's, she is set to walk down the aisle for the third time with the love of her life.

Erin is an insecure TV personality, obsessed with social media, her job as the neighborhood watchdog, and trying to hold her marriage together.

Enter Brooke Davies, murder mystery writer and her billionaire husband Jack.

When Jack and Brooke move into Presidio Terrace and the three women become fast friends, their lives become tangled in a web of half-truths, innuendos, and lies.

And what starts off as a simple pre wedding party soon evolves into the mysterious disappearance of Georgia's newest fiance.

Fun filled, fast paced, and an enjoyable quick read,  The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives, is akin to Desperate Housewives on steroids. With each turn of the page the reader is given another piece of this ever evolving puzzle.

I rate this book ⭐⭐⭐💫

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The title of this book - I was hooked before I even started! This was one thriller, I just couldn’t put down.

The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives is not your typical thriller… it’s scandalous, its like a trashy gossip magazine, it will not give you nightmares - at times you might even laugh! I think that is why I enjoyed this thriller so much - it wasn’t your typical thriller!

3 friends lives are intertwined and when everyone is lying, you really can’t tell when they are telling the truth!

I really wish the book was a little longer and more developed, I really didn’t want it to end and it would have been happy reading more of it…I could totally see this becoming a tv show or movie!!! It would definitely be enjoyable!

The beach read thriller of 2021!

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I really enjoyed this book. Talk about plot twists. The story is about a world that most of us can only dream about - the super rich and their spouses. I enjoyed the descriptions of their homes and their life-styles but the real enjoyment was the murder mystery plot with all its twists and turns. I would definitely recommend this book.

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Its fun to hate the characters...... and what a plot twist at the end? Still not 100% how it happened... but I'd love to see a sequel!

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What seemed like it was going to be a light housewife story at the beginning quickly turned and twisted it’s way to a psychological thriller leaving you guessing at every page. I loved the constant twists and can’t wait for more from this author.

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Such a twisty, intriguing read. Are any of the characters especially likeable? No, but that didn't keep me from rooting for them all the way to the end. A good, fast-paced read that I really enjoyed, and the twist at the end genuinely surprised me. Definitely will be picking up more books by Kristin Miller in the future!

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This book is told in alternating perspectives from three women: Georgia, Erin, and Brooke. All three live in an elite gated community for the ultra-rich in California. If you are sensing a soap opera-type theme I would say you are correct! There were some interesting twists and turns that kept this book moving along and kept me turning the page. It's not solving the world's problems but I have to admit it was a nice escape. If you are looking for something juicy and easy to read, this is a great pick. Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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The Real (deadly) Housewives of Presidio Terrance. Only drama and disaster follows this group of ladies.

Brooke, the new comer and perfect wife

Erin, the neurotic news anchor next door

Georgia, the "black widow" and bride to be

I thought this was a good easy book, light on the suspense but heavy on the drama. Each chapter kept you wanting a little more. I read this in a group and had a hard time not reading ahead!

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“The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives” opens with questions but no answers, perceptions but no meaning; soon, everything will fall into place. The narrative is carefully planned, and events evolve slowly and deceptively. Just when a reader thinks things are moving in one way, they take a shocking turn. I will not reveal those details in this review. You will have to read the book for yourself.

The exclusive Presidio Terrace neighborhood is expensive. It offers top-level security and a fairy tale life style with happily ever after dreams. However, it also has a vortex of negative energy and drama that clings to the air like fog. Its residents have everything, money, status, quirks, and secrets. Deep down, they are good people. Or are they? The neighborhood is filled with the remnants of nasty divorces and the subsequent marriages to stereotypical trophy wives. One resident, Georgia St. Claire, acquired the unfortunate nickname “Black Widow” after the deaths of two husbands in ten years. On the surface, these trophy wives are welcoming, cheerful and friendly, however when the gloves come off and the masks are gone, they can be nasty, petty, gossipy, and back-stabbing. They are a hot mess.

The story unfolds in two alternating first person narratives by Brooke Davies, author and wife of a tech industry mogul, and by Erin King, reporter on the KFLAG evening news and wife of a plastic surgeon. Davies is working on her next mystery novel. She wants to maintain her image in the community, so she generally keeps her status as an author to herself. She hopes that some of her neighbors might be an inspiration for a malicious “trophy wife” character in her next book. She also does not want anyone to bring up her own husband’s nasty divorce and hasty marriage to, well, her.
Erin King is frustrated with her life, her job, and her marriage. She is seeing a therapist and trying to make everything work, but she stomps off her TV job in a giant tantrum. While she waits to be begged to come back to work at the station, she commiserates with fellow residents and helps plan the upcoming third marriage of Georgia. Georgia is rolling in money and is spending a lot of it, with Erin’s help, on the upcoming “third time is a charm” festivities. When the day of the engagement party arrives, things do not go well; police are called, and events take more twists and turns than a roller coaster. (That’s all I will say.)
“The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives” is more than just a story of crazy rich people; it is full of intrigue, misdirection and shocking twists. I received a review copy of “The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives” from Kristin Miller, Random House Publishing Group, and Ballantine Books. There are certain things people cannot escape, and everything really does come full circle.

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I read this book in one sitting. This is much an events and plot-driven book, and thin characters. The story started with one character moving into a new gated and wealthy neighborhood of San Francisco. She heard about a Black Widow whose two past husbands have passed away in their home. As a novelist lacking inspiration, the new neighbor wanted to get close to the Black Widow and her close friend to draw juicy details that would breathe life into her writing.

As the Black Widow is about to get married again for the third time, everyone is on alert if she's behind her husband's death and what could happen to this third husband. The events unfold from there, as this trio of "housewives" revealed their circumstances and marriages. Each chapter is told from one of their perspectives.

I enjoyed reading the book as entertainment. It was a quick read. There weren't really plot holes, although you know the earlier part of the story was set up to mislead you by the time you're at the end of the book.

I was drawn to the book because of the setting being in San Francisco. However, when reading, there are few details, and they are mostly touristy locations such as the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay, Fisherman's Wharf, and the Presidio area.

Thanks to Random House and Net Galley for the Kindle format of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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3 stars

You can read all of my reviews at Nerd Girl Loves Books.

This is a soapy contemporary mystery/thriller set in an exclusive, wealthy neighborhood in the Bay Area. Mystery writer Brooke is married to Jack, her older billionaire tech mogul husband. He is overly protective of Brooke and very private. Brooke is very submissive and pretty much does everything Jack tells her to do to keep up appearances of their "perfect" marriage.

Brooke befriends Erin and Georgia, two other wives on the block. Erin is a successful tv anchor married to a plastic surgeon and Georgia is the notorious "black widow", a woman who was married to two different wealthy men who both died under mysterious circumstances shortly after their wedding to Georgia. Georgia is once again engaged and planning her perfect wedding to the new love of her life - well, at least for now. Although the women give off an air of confidence, they are secretly full of self-doubt and worry about their looks, their age and their marriages. Brooke surprisingly feels comfortable with Erin and Georgia, slowly becoming one of the girls. Plus, her writer's block has disappeared and she finds inspiration in the lives of her new friends. The closer they get to Georgia's wedding date, the more Brooke learns about Georgia, and whether the rumors about her are true or not.

This was a quick and easy read. As the mystery progresses, the story became more and more "out there", bordering on ridiculous. But, just like a guilty pleasure, I couldn't stop reading it. So, if you like sudsy, soapy stories, this is just the book for you. (I mean, just look at the title of the book!)

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and Ballantine Books. All opinions are my own.

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Wish I wouldn’t have sat on this one as long as I did, but glad I got to finish it. It was so easy to fly through, quick and full of drama and flawed characters that kept me intrigued. I enjoyed the plot and thought that Brooke being an author specializing in the very subject of the book was cool.
The 3 main characters and the inter-workings of their relationships, I would’ve liked to spend more time exploring. That and their emotions, just a little more time getting to know them.
Loved the twists and wish it didn’t end so abruptly. Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC copy of this book.

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This was so much better than I was expecting! Fast-paced and entertaining! The title says it all and if you keep that in mind, I think you'll enjoy this one. They are literally sinful trophy wives and if you don't take it too seriously (which, clearly the book doesn't take itself too seriously) then I think any ready could have fun with this for a few hours. It's possible things get a little too dark for some people, and I'm kind of in that boat. I think they're could've been a better way to keep the motivations of their actions a little on the lighter side of things - but maybe that would've made it too "Desperate Houswives-y" Either way, I would recommend this to anyone who is slightly intrigued by the title.

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