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Every Day in December

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This book from the start has you wanting to read and not put down as your intrigued as to what is going to happen tomorrow.
Bella has a wonderful way about her that makes her so likeable except to her father a famous chef who has his favourite child ,her sister who he sits on a pedestal and can do no wrong. Bella hates visiting her parents for this reason. But she is truly loved by her best friend and her goddaughter who she loves just as much as if she were her own.
Then we have Rory who due to a death felt the need to escape to Australia for the last five years and has only returned to England due to his mum being unwell. His job is freelance and Bellas father wants to be one of his new clients.
Both Bella and Rory are shocked/ surprised when they see each other as they knew each other at school and Bella secretly fancied him. They friendship begins to bloom again but due to other factors that get in the way, they are sometimes pulled apart. But they really enjoy each other’s company and will that become stronger as the month progresses.
Only time will tell, the characters in this book are likeable, there is laughter and tears but a lovely warm feeling when reading this book

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I sincerely enjoyed reading Kitty Wilson’s latest, Every Day in December! This is the perfect holiday rom-com, with an added touch of depth to the main characters.

The premise is easy to follow along with in a dual storyline. Old Uni friends Belles and Rory reconnect and Belle has 30 days to turn grinchy Rory into a Christmas loving man. What follows is a sweet story of a budding friendship, layered in with family turmoil, heartbreak, and two souls finding their way together.

There are laugh out loud parts of the story, and slow burn portions where you just want Rory to kiss Belle already. Every Day in December will leave you happy with a quickly wrapped up ending.

Bring on the rest of the holiday books - I am ready for December!

Thank you to NetGalley and One More Chapter for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Ok, Dear Publisher,why would you even publish a Christmas book in August?
Like, WTAF.
Explain it to me please, as I'm honestly dying to know what was the reason behind this pretty bold move. Until December no one will even remember this book is out.
And I swear this book need all the love. And it deserves to be read when it's frosty and nowy outside, when Christmas lights are hanging on the trees and shopfronts are filled with Christmas themes things.
And yet, you chose August. The hottest month of the year when my main concern is boob sweat and not mulled wine and how last Christmas I gave you my heart?

Listen people. If you stumble upon this review in December then yes, by all means, PLEASE read this book bc it's cute as hell. Our main gal Belle is so wholesome, her friendship with Louisa is everything. Our main lad Rory is Christmas grump with morals and wit and I loved him from the beginning.
I loved everything about this book. It made me feel nice and fuzzy on the inside, made me want to go ice-skating and drink cider, wear my earmuffs and watch the lights on main street.
What I didn't like was it was published in a freaking August.

So yeah. I'm giving it five stars, but they're are very sad stars, as in November/December 74735387573 Christmas books will be out and this gem will be sadly forgotten.

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Absolutely marvellous!!
It's like being in winter wonderland earlier in the year.
If you want something heart warming, light and joyful it's your read definitely.

Big thank you to the netgalley and the publisher for a free earlier copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Every Day in December was a marvelous Christmas romance. It definitely put me in a holiday mood! I liked the way the chapters are set up, each a different day in December. As the dates got closer to Christmas I could feel the tension rising between the main characters, Belle and Rory.

Belle has been immersed in Shakespeare since she was young, her goal is to bring Shakespeare to schools so children can appreciate his plays. Even though her parents are well known and wealthy, they have always treated her terribly, so she won’t ask them for money. Rory lost his family in December a few years ago, and he’s hated Christmas ever since. Belle is determined to make him love Christmas, again, and she takes him to a variety of Christmas events.

This is a slow burn romance, but I enjoyed watching their journey. The characters are very relatable and the descriptions of the Christmas events in Bristol made me want to go there someday. I highly recommend this book, 4 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I needed a little pick me up and this was exactly it! So happy to have received an early copy of this book! Thank you!

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This romance started out well and with a good deal of humor, in large part thanks to a five-year old precocious child which is named Marsha. But I found the story very slow going and not all that funny. I loved the side characters...storyline was okay.

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I enjoyed this book but it didn’t set me on fire. It was a likeable romance but somehow the characters didn’t come alive and set off sparks

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this book is so fantastic! please pick it up as soon as possible! this is so good and so cute and so wonderful and all the great and beautiful things. for realz.

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Looking for a fun Christmas read? Every Day in December is your book! This novel is packed with holiday cheer, complicated family dynamics, romance and women finding their own path to success. Belle was raised in a very wealthy, but demoralizing family. She’s managed to find her way through her love of Shakespear, if only she can discover a way to make a career out of it. Rory is reluctantly back in his hometown, following a devastating past with a very depressing view of the holiday season. When Belle and Rory spark a friendship, Belle makes it her mission to help Rory find the joy in December. Set in the quaintest town, filled with sweet friendships and joy, Every Day in December had me wishing for snow and holiday lights. I loved that author Kitty Wilson was able to add in real-life situations and readers should be aware that this book covers: cancer, losing a spouse and troubled parent-child relationships. Mostly, I loved watching Belle grow as a person with confidence and love in herself and couldn’t celebrate her happiness enough. Every Day in December is an excellent holiday read and shouldn’t be missed in 2021.

A sincere thank you to Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Belle Wilde loves December. Yes, she’s just lost her job and Christmas is not a good time to find yourself ‘financially challenged’. And yes, her parents are still going on about the fact that she really should have it all together by now. But Belle believes that in December, magic can happen. Rory Walters hates December. Whilst it looks like his life is together, he’s still reeling from a winter’s night five years ago when his life changed forever. Now back at home, he’s certain that this will be yet another Christmas to endure rather than enjoy. But as midnight on December 31st draws closer, Belle and Rory’s time together is coming to an end. With a little help from a Christmas miracle could Belle find the one thing she really wants underneath the mistletoe?

Wilson writes this through the eyes of Belle and Rory and the book is set throughout December with every day covered. It took me a while to get used to the style, not sure why but there you go, once I got used to it, I loved it and thought it was a very informal, conversational style and it really helped me connect to the characters. It is clear from the title this is a Christmassy read but I was not prepared for how Christmassy it felt and I adored it! Wilson really captures the Christmas spirit and I loved following the characters in the build-up to their Christmas. I was completely in the Christmas spirit when I finished this, which was a bit odd being September.

Everything about this read is sweet but that is my main problem with it, it is all a bit too sweet, bordering on nauseating unfortunately. I love a good romance read and I love Christmas but it all felt a bit too cliche and it needed some more meat to it.

I did enjoy getting to know Belle and Rory. The fact they have known each other for so long does come across well. I have already touched on it, but reading about them everyday for a month really helps the reader build a picture of who they are. The main aspect I loved was Wilson's use of Shakespeare throughout, it worked wonders for the plot and it made it feel that little bit more special.

'Every Day in December' is a very sweet, feel-good romance read and if you want a book to put you in the Christmas spirit then look no further!

Thank you to NetGalley and One More Chapter for an advance copy.

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Omg I loved this book!!!
First off shout out to Bristol my hometown and the setting for this book, it was described so perfectly!!!

Belle is our female protagonist she's the disappointment to her wealthy family, goes from job to job. She has a love for Shakespeare and great ideas of how to make Shakespeare accessible to the youth of today. Rory is our male protagonist he's a high flying business man in the business of reputation management. He lives in Australia but has come home for the month of December for a family emergency.
Both their paths cross again as Rory is working with Belle's father to help get his reputation back on track. The two had gone to uni together we friends but not close ten years later as adults they find themselves spending a lot of time together ad friends.

This was one of those romantic comedy books that has you bent over double. It was great.. espically Belle's chapter her inner monologues are hilarious be warned. This isn't to say Rorys isn't though he had me in stitches.

I enjoyed that we got to follow the characters over every month in December and see how each of them was helping the other ro heal and reach their potential. Its also so cute because neither one thinks the other is into them and they manage to build a solid friendship because of this.

If you love women's literature/romantic comedies then you will love this it fits in so nicely in this genre. As per this type of novel it has a predictable ending but honestly that was neither here nor there as the strength behind each character makes them worth reading. If you hate Christmas much like Rory you might want to give this one a miss ha
I loved this book read it cover ro cover I just wanted more and more. I really hope the author puts out more and makes this a series.

In summary yes I would recommend its fantastic!! If you like Tracey Bloom or Jane Fallon or any other authors like them, you will enjoy this book. Crime thrillers are my genre of choice yet I love a bit of women's literature. 5 stars

Thank you to netgalley, the author and the publishers for the digital advanced copy of this book in exchange for my fair and honest opinions.

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Thank you Netgally for this ARC for an exchange of an honest review.

A really great story, a fun read for sure.

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Five years ago on the day her goddaughter was born, Belle saw college friend Rory mourning the tragic loss of his longtime girlfriend after a car accident. Now Rory is back in town helping his mother through her cancer diagnosis. Although she's going through some hard times of her own, Belle is determined to share her love of Christmas with scrooge Rory. Their friendship turns quickly to attraction, but Rory is determined never to be in another relationship. He can't survive the pain of losing the one he loves again. Can Belle's loving and sunny nature change his mind?
This was a slow burn romance full of the magic of the Christmas season. From hot chocolate, ice skating, and sledding, to the simple smells of pine and Christmas cookies, this book is guaranteed to put you in the Christmas spirit.
I received an advance reader copy of this book through NetGalley. The views and opinions expressed in this review are completely my own and given voluntarily.

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Following Bella a single women who lives Christmas and Rory who hates December as his Ex dies in a car crash which he blames himself for. A great rom con book which bring romance and hilarity. Thanks Kitty her publisher and NetGalley.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was immediately interested in this book after seeing it- a novel set in Bath at Christmas time? It was MADE. FOR. ME. And I am happy to say, it was everything I wanted it to be! While I can't really identify with being spacey or out to lunch like she was in her younger years, I really identified with Belle's love of Shakespeare (but sub in history for me...). Building a website, wanting to share it with people, making it accessible, it was like I was seeing myself on the page! And Rory was a fantastic love interest- he is definitely a three dimensional character, and he changed and grew throughout the novel. Wilson did a wonderful job of using Bath as a setting and a character, as well! The perfect Christmas read- this will be added to my Christmas Chick Lit round-up post going up in October 2021 (will add link when it is live)

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It's September, but can I put my tree up? Who doesn't love an adorable Christmas love story? It put me in the holiday spirit!

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I got bored with this book and just couldn’t finish it . I used to love remanded books like this but I think my taste changed.

I can’t really recommend it since I only made it to 10% into it

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Can you say CUTE?

I mean all I wanted to do when I finished this book was curl up with some hot coco and read it again. Absolutely adorable and has so many giggly moments. I recommend this if you are looking for a fun and easy romantic book to dig into!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I really enjoyed this book. The characters Belle and Rory, were really likeable and had a lot of depth to them. Their growing relationship was a lovely thing to witness, and their banter was fun to read.
The side issues of health, death and money were tackled quite realistically. I found myself agreeing with many things, especially the way the author handled the topic of cancer.
I would've enjoyed a bit more of an epilogue with the two of them together, but that's okay.

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