Cover Image: Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex & Love Addict

Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex & Love Addict

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Felt really disappointed by this one. The author kept going behind the facade of 'addiction is a disease, so it's not really my fault' or the 'my parents effed me up in my childhood/growing up years so now I don't need to have accountability because they are responsible' - which thus leads to no growth and personal development throughout. Even if you take this book as 'fiction' - which it isn't as the preface itself has the author saying it's her life story but she just changed the name to Roxanne to not get into trouble - there's no character growth. Lots of bragging, lots of graphic retelling of sexual encounters. I get it because the title itself has the word 'sex' in it, but there was a level of seedy and vulgarity to it, a crassness that totally put me off (couple that with the bragging about said encounters...) Just, no. No, thank you. Not a book to read to pass time, let alone recommend

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i really enjoyed reading this book, the characters were great and I enjoyed the advice in the book. It was well written and a good read.

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This book is a total game-changer and despite the title is also very relatable. I listened to the audiobook, narrated by the author, and she is incredibly funny and down to earth. It's like hanging out in a cafe with a friend, and as she's telling the story of Roxanne I found myself thinking I never thought of it like that or yikes I need to work on that.
Roxanne's story is a tribute to the author's determination to heal and her desire to change her life. It takes courage and a lot of inner strength to do what's she's done and then to share it with the world is truly brave and inspiring.
There are so many hilarious moments in this book, along with some cringeworthy ones too, and throughout the book there is a raw honesty that speaks to the heart. This is an amazing book, that's so well-written, and it deserves all the stars. My heartfelt thanks to the author for sharing.

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Perfect chick-lit type book with a cautionary tale vibe. One of those where you're 100% entertained or maybe there's some real life lessons in there for you!

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The Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex and Love Addict is an entertaining novel that could be used as a self-help book. It's written as Roxanne's memoir of her recovery.

Roxanne is a successful actress who seems to have it all - plentiful work,a nice home, and LOTS of dates. Sadly, she's also juggling lots if men, with each one worse than the last. With the assistance of her therapist, she finally accepts that she has a problem with men and relationships, and attends her first SLAA meeting.

I read this book in one sitting. Along with its entertainment value, I learned quite alot about an addiction I was unaware of. I would highly recommend this title to anyone interested in addictions and recovery.

In the interest of full disclosure, I received a free digital copy of this title to review from Net Galley.


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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
Addiction is an interesting subject to me and sex and love addiction books are not as common as other types of addiction. While this is classified as fiction, it's very much a memoir too.
Being in Hollywood and living that lifestyle has to make it pretty difficult to not only deal with a sex and love addiction but takes courage to admit it is a problem and get help for it.
I was a bit disappointed in how shallow this book was in parts but overall it was a pretty interesting book. I hope she has continued to be"sober" and is still helping others overcome their addictions too.

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Funny, open, & honest memoir of someone who is completely relatable I spent a fair amount of the time wondering if I too should be attending some sort of meeting. I also spent a fair amount of time wondering who were these celebrities she kept mentioning.

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Differ to my usual type of book, but definitely unique and interesting. It opens up discussions about addicts and whether all addicts suffer the same regard of what the addiction is to. I would keep an open kind but recommend giving it a read.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC for an exchange of an honest review.
Ok, so this is unique and different.
Really interesting read.
Worth picking up.

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I absolutely loved this book. From the outset with an awkward encounter i knew the book would be fresh, honest, cringe at times and raw.
As Roxanne is an actress she seems to blur real life and acting and these blurred lines make for interesting reading. You see scenes where she imagines her real life infront of a camera lens and the impact of that. I've not read anything like that before.
It is so honest and you believe what the narrator goes through even if at times you cant understand her, you still like the honesty (which is ironically something she thinks she cant do.)
A really fresh look at this from a female angle. One of my top reads in a very long time.

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Poorly written, over the top and seemingly written to shock. It reads like a bad diary entry from an overly imaginative middle schooler.

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This was a different type of book for me. I found the book to be interesting, honest and well written. Roxanne gives us a look at what her life was like due to her being an addict. I enjoyed the way she listed the rules and then elaborated further. Interesting read. Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the arc of this book in return for my honest review. Receiving the book in this manner had no bearing on this review.

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Brianne, I mean Roxanne's stories are highly entertaining. It's exciting to get a small glimpse into Hollywood and how "normal" young adults navigate through the craziness of that town. As a child of an alcoholic, I found it very interesting the similarities of a sex and love addict and an alcoholic. I'm sure all addicts have similarities, but I still found it fascinating to see similarities between a "person addict" and a "substance addict". It was an education on addiction, while also being highly entertaining and an easy read. I recommend checking this book out.

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I thought this was going to be so much fun and it definitely wasn't.

This book never managed to get me hooked and I kept expecting it to get better but it did not. The story could have been "cute" but I am struggles with the writing style, which felt all over the place to me.

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Wow, what can I say? What a book!
This is not my usual read and I didn't exactly know what to expect from this book. What happened is that it hit home more closely than I would like to admit. I was hooked by "Roxanne" s story and felt her struggle throughout her difficult journey, while at the same time being entertained by her wit and sense of humour. The 5 question to ask yourself aat the end of the day will stay with me for the time being.
This book is a wonderful journey from self loathing to self loving of a Hollywood actress addicted to sex and love.

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This book was received as an ARC from BooksGoSocial in exchange for an honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own.

I needed, desperately needed a book like this. Being a fan of Sex and the City and Romance Women's Fiction, I knew I was going to enjoy this book but not as much as I thought I would. This book had it all and I was on the journey with Roxanne feeling her struggle and she who she would get involved with next. Also, this book reminded me a lot of He's Just Not That Into You with all of the relationship drama and the rules Roxanne learns throughout her thrill ride of romance and relationships. Being a follower of a 12 step program, seeing this story from a different perspective was really brightly refreshing to read.

We will consider adding this title to our Adult Fiction collection at our library. That is why we give this book 5 stars.

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Well written and engaging throughout the whole book. Such an amazingly fast ride through the life of a sex addict. I just couldn’t put this down. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Incredibly moving and revealing. This book is not what you expect, it's harsh and full on but incredibly powerful. Not for the faint-hearted!

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What a book. I really wasn’t sure what I was going to read when I downloaded this book to my kindle. Yet when I started reading I was intrigued. From the name she chose down to the feelings she exposed, I was hooked. Roxanne was definitely a character. One who was obsessed with the flutter of emotions and feelings you get when you first enter a relationship. Just like the first time you have sex with someone, your emotions are running wild. It makes every sense that much more heightened. I could relate to some of the stories and stages in her life. The guys emotions caught me off guard though. Usually, it is men who cheat and we met several who were cheated on and acting as though their favorite toy was taken away. Some of the stories were humorous and some had me angry at the way she disposed of human emotions as though they were trash. All in all though this, I believe, was a story waiting to be told. If you want to read a story that will hold your attention as well as help you understand why some women love sex and attention like a boy loves a puppy. This story has a lot to give and Roxanne has a lot of stories to tell. Are you ready?

Thank you to netgalley as well as the author/publisher for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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