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10 Truths and a Dare

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3.5 stars
Super cute continuation from 10 Blind Dates. I really liked having a story from Olivia, one of Sophie's cousin, that also included a lot of Sophie, Wes and Charlie. The author did a great job of making me feel the anxiety that Olivia was feeling as she was at risk of not graduating. I really liked the structure of the book with the truths being the chapter titles and the invitations for all the grad parties. This book definitely took me back in time to my own high school graduation and I felt all the nostalgia for all the fun we had in those last few weeks of school. I loved Olivia and Leo, and I really appreciated that them getting together was not a huge point of contention with the fab four. Overall, this was a fun, sweet book and definitely recommend for fans of 10 Blind Dates.

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10 Truths and a Dare is probably one of the most wholesome books I've read in a long time. It felt like coming home. I can tell if I like a book if I care about the main character and I can empathize with their struggles. I connected with the main character in so many ways. Also coming from an Italian American family, I literally laughed out loud when her mom asked if she had prayed to St. Anthony. I empathized with her worries about graduation and was invested in her attraction to her love interest. A very cute and very fast read!

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The sequel to 10 Blind Dates, which I absolutely loved! I am always shocked when I read YA and I am so drawn into the story! These high schoolers with a close knit family go about their crazy antics just like they did in the first book. I absolutely loved all the characters in this book once again, and they warm your heart with their friendships. Once again another genre that shocks me and makes me want to read more YA. There are layers of cute romance stories woven in and I loved the high school graduation drama along with it.

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I read 10 Blind Dates last year and it quickly became one of my favorite YA reads. I'm not sure what it was exactly but the I knew that Ashley Elston would be an author for me to watch going forward.
If I'm going to compare the two books, I did prefer 10 Dates which may just have been a mood thing. That holiday magic is hard to beat! That being said, I do think that 10 Truth's is a cute, easy read.
Olivia is earmarked as her senior class's salutatorian. A week prior to graduation, her world shifts topsy-turvy when her PE credit is not accounted for. The week turns from a parade of grad parties to Olivia scrambling to correct the problem in order to graduate. Lucky for Olivia, the other members of the fab four can be counted on to help.
Ashley has a clever way with giving multiple POV's throughout without the book feeling disjointed. I greatly appreciated the way Olivia's phone became the catalyst, almost like her phone is a character. I'm anticipating her next release to be just as fun.
Thank you to Disney-Hyperion and NetGalley for the advance copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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This was a fun little continuation of the big family dynamics and humor from Elston's "10 Blind Dates"! The romance did feel kind of rushed and I didn't feel strongly about it, but I loved the family aspects and found myself relating to Olivia in a few ways.

Ultimately, I feel like this book would have been great without the romance because it just didn't seem to mesh with the rest of the book. It was very rushed and seemed to develop very quickly for how little page time it got. I never really got a feel for the love interest or how the relationship as a whole developed, so my heart just wasn't really in it.

I am head over heels for these family dynamics, however, and absolutely love how such a big family was written. I liked the different POVs and seeing everyone grow in their own ways.

Big thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I have to say I was really excited when I got approved to read 10 Truths and a Dare. 10 Blind Dates was one of my favorite reads from 2019. Ashley Elston is now one of my favorite contemporary/romance authors. I would literally read anything she publishes in the future. It was heartwarming to see all of these wonderful characters again. I love every single one of them. Leo was and excellent new character and I adore him now! I loved the family dynamic and friendship that this book represents. Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this amazing book. I will definitely be purchasing a physical copy for my personal library. By

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Thank you to Netgalley and Disney Publishing Worldwide for the ARC.

🌟🌟🌟 3/5 stars

10 Truths and a Dare is a sweet YA coming-of-age story. It features the same characters from Elston’s 2019 release, 10 Blind Dates, but this time the focus is on Olivia. Olivia is the salutatorian of her graduating class and is ready to start her future at LSU. When she discovers that an unsigned off-campus PE form has put her college plans in jeopardy, she must rely on her friends (plus a hot, off-limits guy...because...reasons) for help.

10 Blind Dates had the advantage of being set during the holiday season, which automatically makes me love it more, but 10 Blind Dates was still a fun, easy read. I loved revisiting the characters and learning more about Olivia. The romance was cute. The hijinks were entertaining. The pace was quick. Overall, it was a solid YA read that is a great Spring read.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Full review to be posted closer to release date.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title before its publication date.

I was unaware before I started this book that we were following the same family from 10 Blind Dates, so I was excited to be back with them! This time we are following Ollivia, her school's salutatorian who finds out she might not graduate due to lacking a PE credit she thought she had taken care of, leading her to one week of craziness before her graduation.

I'll start by saying that I liked 10 Blind Dates because of the family and the Christmas vibes. I feel that 10 Truths and a Dare will be very appealing to younger readers and especially those who liked the first book, but to me it fell a little flat. It was enjoyable but obviously it is not Christmas-themed so it lacked that particular aspect that made the first book so charming to me. I also felt like the plot was incredibly far-fetched and I found the constant phone-switching to be pretty unrealistic and ridiculous.

I would recommend this to teen readers who enjoy YA romance and want a fun story with a big, invasive family!

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I loved this one! Getting to go back and experience the big family that Elston created is so much fun. If you enjoyed 10 Blind Dates and also loved the family aspect, you are going to love this one too.

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Thank you Disney Hyperion and NetGalley for a chance to read and review this eARC!

Olivia is graduating from high school in a few weeks and has her future all set out. The only problem? She might not graduate. To try to make up missed hours to get her credits to graduate, she volunteers at a local golf tournament. However, she runs into trouble as she tries to keep it a secret from her family. Can she figure out how to balance her family, graduation activities, and volunteering without ruining her chances at graduating?

So, this book gave me some serious nostalgia! It took me back to my last couple weeks of high school with all of the fun activities for seniors. The author did a great job of capturing that special time. It felt like the reader was transported back to high school. This book even made me look through my pictures from senior year just to remember all of the fun activities!

I have to admit, this book was cute but I didn’t *love* it. The main character has a huge family and there were so many of them that I felt like I couldn’t keep them straight. I also felt like I didn’t really get to know the characters’ personalities that well, including the main character’s. The other thing that felt a little unrealistic was how often her mom texted/watched her. Like, her mom had an app on her phone that tracked her every movement...but, wasn’t her mom busy at some point? Also, if it was around her grandma’s so much, why did her mom feel the need to keep such close tabs on her? I just felt like that the way her mom kept track of her was overkill. If my mom did that, especially in high school, it would have driven me bonkers.

Overall, I give it a solid 3 stars. I wouldn’t mind reading another book from this author in the future. If you’re looking for a cute, quick contemporary read, this is a great book to try. If you’re looking to have some serious nostalgia, pick this book up.

I am posting my review to Goodreads & Instagram on 04/19/2021 and my BookTok review 04/21/2021.

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It was so amazing to be back in this world with this lovable and crazy family! I love that we got to experience being in the life of another one of the the core four and we got to see Olivia overcome her struggles while Charlie, Sophia, and Wes offered assistance. This book was hilarious and I couldn't put it down!

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With 10 Truths and a Dare, Ashely Elston returns the Reader to the loving, yet chaotic, Messina family. You may recall them from Elston's 2019-release, 10 Blind Dates. In this installment, we follow Olivia, one of the cousins, at the very end of her Senior year in high school. In fact, there is just a week to go until graduation.

Olivia has always taken school very seriously, so it is no surprise to anyone that she will be graduating second in her class. As Salutatorian, she will be giving the welcome speech at the graduation ceremony. It's kind of a big deal.

What does come as a surprise to Olivia, is the email she receives from the school, saying her off-campus PE teacher never filled out the paperwork needed to show she completed her golf class. Meaning, without that course officially completed, she is a half-credit short of the credits she will need to graduate!

Olivia cannot believe it. There has to be a mistake. Everything she has worked so hard for can all be taken away from her because of golf!? She needs to get in touch with her PE teacher, Coach Cantu, in order to clear this up. Otherwise, she will never be able to enjoy all the graduation parties she has to attend this week.

After talking with the coach, it's clear, she needs extra credit and the only way to get it, is by helping him with the 4-day golf tournament occurring that week. Olivia needs to hide all of this from her parents, who are luckily out of town, but her Mom tracks her like a police dog. She literally has a tracking app on her phone.

Making matters worse, her Mom knows her graduation party schedule and is really excited for it. How can Olivia possibly be in two places at once? She's going to have to call in reinforcements. The other members of the Fab Four, her cousins, Charlie and Sophie, as well as their other best friend, Sophie's boyfriend, Wes, agree to help and get Olivia through the week.

As with 10 Blind Dates, this story is full of wacky hijinks, romance, humor and touching family moments. I laughed, cried and felt a whole host of emotions in between. I adored the dynamic of the Fab Four. They really go all in to help Olivia through, what turns out to be, the most difficult week of her life.

The narrative is so fast-paced. I completed it in under 24-hours. Once I started, I could not put it down. I had to know the conclusion. While this story focused more on the Fab Four, and less on the extended family members, I didn't mind that at all. The other family was still there around the periphery, bringing that classic Messina family chaos that I grew to love in the first book.

I hope Elston writes more books following this family. Could there be a book for Charlie in the works? I highly recommend this, or any other book by Ashley Elston, actually. I cannot wait to see what she comes up with next. Also, be sure you read the Author's Note at the end of this.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Disney-Hyperion, for providing me with a copy of this to read and review. I appreciate the opportunity to provide my thoughts and opinion.

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First of all if I find myself my own Wes, Sophie and Charlie, I'm never letting them go.

If I only have one word to describe 10 Truths and a Dare, it's fun. It got ridiculous at times but it was fun. If you're going for funny and lighthearted with a tiny bit of romance, you should definitely go for this.

Now I can't say I remember all that much from 10 Blind Dates but I really enjoyed the Sophie and Wes cameos! Together with Charlie, they get their own chapters and it was lovely! I love seeing them again!

“Like We’ll have to visit you in jail screwed up? Maybe I can bake a file in one of my cakes. Help you bust outta there.” - I knew there was a reason I ADORE Nonna!

I actually had a hard time connecting with the story for the first half. But I pushed through and I grew to love it. Unfortunately, although I may not dislike Olivia I don't exactly have much love for her. One of the things I'm really particular about is being on time. I hate being late and I hate it when other people are late. And Olivia? She took her second chance with Coach Cantu for granted. Three out of the four days, she was late. And the one time she wasn't was only because she had to make up for a mistake. It felt like she did the exact same thing she did that got her into this mess in the first place. Where's her salutatorian brain and dedication? And one other thing she took for granted? Sophie, Wes and Charlie. I honestly think they could do better than her. But I did love the salutatorian speech. Where was that Olivia for most of the book?!

(The whole app thing was a bit ridiculous?? Or is that just me??)

Overall, this was an okay read. I was entertained for the most part. I now have this need to re- read 10 Blind Dates.

I received an ARC via Netgalley to read and review. Quoted excerpt/s may change in the final print.

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If you've read 10 blind dates and LOVED it like I did, you will definitely love this book. Olivia is a straight A, type-A personality who finds out if she wants to graduate on time, she has to help out of the local tournament for golf instead of going to all the graduation parties. This whole thing is because her PE teacher wouldn't pass her. I can honestly say that I was horrible in physical education as well so it was refreshing to see a character who didn't understand why this is even a credit that counts. She, along with Sophie, Wes and her brother Charlie fake it till they make it with her family so the family doesn't find out.

Growing up in a Italian family, I definitely understand what this book was portraying. Love, family and the pursuit of happiness for all of these characters. This book was a great afternoon read in lockdown. The characters were witty, intelligent and compassionate and this had me rooting for Olivia till the end.

Give it 5 STARS!

*Thank you to netgallery and Disney-Hyperion for an E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved the first book in this series so I was very excited to read the second but I was very disappointed. The book was about Olivia and how she wasn't able to get all the credits to finish a class and had to work at the golf tournament to make up for it. I didn't really like the writing style and found it difficult to finish the book. The plot wasn't very interesting to me.

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i absolutely loved 10 blind dates so i was SO happy to get approved for this sequel! i was very excited to read about olivia since she was introduced. very glad to see sophie and wes are doing well!

the premise of this book was very fascinating! instead of telling her nosy family that she might not graduate high school, olivia enlists her 3 best friends to pretend to be her for a few days while she volunteers at a golf tournament. since her mom tracks her phone, her friends help out by swapping phones and hoping they don't get caught. (i was not expecting the different povs but it honestly worked so well). during this whole charade, she unexpectedly ends up getting close with someone she shouldn't...

i love the family dynamic so much.

this was such a quick read i loved it so much. 10/10 cannot wait to see what ashley has planned next.

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Olivia’s large Louisiana family is the definition of close-knit. Her grandparents live just two blocks away; the seven aunts and uncles and their families are nearby, so it’s no surprise that multiple cousins are graduating from the same high school this year. Olivia’s set to be Salutatorian and is humiliated when she learns that the half PE credit in golf that she took off campus to make room for some AP classes is incomplete and will prevent her from graduating.

Her tough but fair golf instructor is willing to let Olivia make up the class time she missed by assisting at the local golf tournament, which falls during the week of year end parties that are a tradition in their community. Embarrassed Olivia thinks she can keep the need to make up the hours a secret since Mom and Dad are working out of town for the week, but a condition of being allowed to stay alone was putting a surveillance app on her phone. Chatty, loving, over-involved Mom knows every party Olivia plans to attend, so Olivia manages to make her Mom believe she has gone to all those parties by swapping phones with best cousins Charlie and Sophie, and Sophie’s boyfriend, Wes.

It would have been a stretch to pull off even if Olivia had not fallen for Leo, a family friend who is competing in the golf tournament. When Olivia’s lies and deceptions can’t be hidden any more, it’s time to take the biggest dare of all - telling the truth. Tightly organized, with the action propelled by the series of frothy parties, Olivia and Leo play out their cheerful attraction and will satisfy romance fans.

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I thought this was a great read for young adults. I wasn't a huge fan of the underage drinking (I know it happens, just not a fan of it being in the book like it's not a big deal). As a parent of a teenage daughter, I feel like Olivia is a relatable character as are her friends & family. It's fun to read & highly recommend it.

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Olivia is well-prepared, well-organized, and well put together. At all times. Until she isn't.
Her pesky off-campus PE credit didn't get submitted correctly and now she is at risk of not graduating. Tracking down the golf coach and getting him to turn in the form shouldn't be too hard. Of course, there were those classes she missed here and there, but surely that wasn't enough to keep her from passing?

Elston's characters are full of life and she does a great job of pulling the reader right into the big mess of a family as the kids try to pull one over on the adults and get Olivia back on track. The story is charming and it was nice to revisit this chaotic family.

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If you enjoyed Elston's prior book, 10 Blind Dates, you will absolutely love 10 Truths and a Dare. This story filled me with such, joy I didn't want to put it down. Full of schemes, romance, friendship, and family fans of contemporary YA will sure to enjoy the tales of the loveable cast of characters known as the fab four. While it stands well on it's own, I'd recommend reading 10 Blind Dates as an introduction to the characters as some of Sophie's dates are called back during this book. It was so fun to read a story centered around Olivia, and I will eagerly pick up any future work from Ashley Elston (especially if it features the fab four and their crazy family).

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