Cover Image: Two-Week Wait

Two-Week Wait

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Ugh. This book hits so close to home.

Conrad and Jo are not able to conceive on their own and begin the daunting process of I.V.F. This graphic novel is a hauntingly personal story of their journey. Upsetting, frustrating, and heartwarming, this graphic novel educates as well as inspires.

A resounding 5/5 stars.

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IVF treatment for fertility challenges isn't what I first think of when I think "graphic novel," but Two-Week Wait manages to bring a meaningful, realistic human drama to the sketched pages of this entertaining, endearing read. Readers will root for the characters, will recognize the awkwardness of those around them trying to figure out what to say and what not to say, and will remain hopeful throughout the story, waiting on pins and needles, just like the characters, to discover the final resolution to the Two-Week Wait.

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This is an amazing graphic novel which explains the seldom discussed topic of IVF. The format allows you to truly understand what happens on the way to the happy successful stories you hear of IVF as not all stories end like that. I really felt for the protagonists and was truly immersed in their experience.

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This graphic novel was a beautiful, melancholy but ultimately joyful portrayal of the ups and downs of IVF for a couple trying to conceive. The muted colour palette - mainly blue and peach throughout - gave the story a dreamlike quality with shapes flowing into each other in an art style I thoroughly enjoyed. It was heart-breaking to see the couple try IVF, have their hopes raised only to find that the embryo hadn't taken. I also got an insight into the strain of trying to get pregnant must have on a couple in this position, not just emotionally but financially too since the treatment is not cheap and is not guaranteed to work. There were funny moments amidst the sadness though like when the husband went to give his sperm donation, the nerves he felt going into a room with "naughty magazines" before settling into the rhythm of it after a few visits.

While I really enjoyed the story overall I did find a few niggles - on some of the panels I wasn't always clear what order the speech bubbles should be read in and had to go over it a couple of times. The transitions between scenes were sometimes a little clunky and it wasn't always clear how much time had passed or how we got from one scenario to the next. These minor issues aside, I thought Two-Week Wait was a sensitive portrayal of something which must be so difficult for the families that go through it.

As more and more people choose to delay starting a family, IVF and similar treatments are only going to become more commonplace and it's important that we normalise the process so we can better support friends and family members who choose to go down this route. I think Two-Week Wait would be a valuable read for anyone trying to conceive or anyone who has been through the IVF process if only to feel less alone. I, personally, have never tried IVF and don't intend to but I believe that reading Luke & Kelly Jackson's book has left me better placed to understand and support anyone who has.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an electronic ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book. Its a story about a couple that is struggling to get pregnant and follows their journey through IVF.
I found the story very sweet and grew attached to the couple in no time. The graphic novel was a quick read and I absolutely adored the colours used. I found it very informative on the highs and lows of going through IVF. I was rooting for the couple through out the book. I know this novel will be a lovely comfort for those who are experiencing the same.

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I requested this thinking it would give me an empathetic understanding of what friends have gone through and prepare me for other conversations. I'm not sure it's really successful in teaching me anything new. The processed is explored at quite a surface level (medical, failure, longing, jealousy) whilst not really exploring dignity, self doubt, or the simple question as to why someone wants a baby enough to go through this (hard for me as someone joyously child free to understand). Perhaps this is to emphasise the universal experience, or perhaps these popularly discussed elements really are the elements that actually matter and I'm looking for detail that is irrelevant. Otherwise this felt short, was easy to read, and the illustrations were clear.

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I think the medium of graphic novels, in particular, has a unique ability to really capture difficult stories and allow readers to exercise practicing empathy - this story does all that. Sweet simple illustrations, a perfect mix of narration and dialogue, and shows so much heart in a story that demands to be told, because so many couples deal with fertility issues, and come to IVF in many different ways. Kudos to the authors, illustrator, and entire team that put together an absolute gem.

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Whew! This one is an immersive graphic novel about a married couple who are trying to concieve and need the help of IVF. The emotions are very real and the way that complex medical information could be broken down into simple terms is great.
I would recommend this to any couple looking to go through the process of IVF. It could help them prepare somewhat for the emotions that are coming down the pike for them.
I ending of the book was very abrupt. We were very invested in this little one and only got one look at her ;)

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A young couple, Conrad and Joanne, start to feel their biological clocks ticking, especially when they're confronted with their friends who already have children or are pregnant. Sadly, getting pregnant turns out to be not as easy as they thought. The couple has themselves tested, and they come to the conclusion that IVF is the way forward.

The book basically tells their story, and it follows the usual storybeats you'd expect in such a story, but it also has an extra layer of honesty, especially towards the end of the book. The authors do not avoid or minimise the frustration, the anger and the disappointments that come with a story such as this.

It took me a little while to get accustomed to the book's art style, but in the end it's fine, and there's some nice things done with shadow and light.

3.5 stars

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This is such an amazing story and it's just so emotional and raw and it will break your heart. I like how the authors talked to other people going through similar experiences to write about as authentic a story as they could. I like how they cover so many topics like the emotional and financial toll of the IVF process and how it can be hurtful to ask women questions about when they are having kids etc. Overall an amazing story and I highly recommend 😍

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This one is personal. Anyone who is considering IVF should read it. IVF didn’t work for us but our experience with the process felt very similar to how this story tells it. It is exciting, it’s anxiety inducing, it’s heartbreaking, and if you survive it you feel like you can survive everything.

It accurately represents the phases you good through. The highest high full of hope and the certainty that it’s your turn. The soul searching when it’s confirmed that it’s not actually your turn. How it feels personal even when it’s not.

Basically this is one of the most real comics I’ve read. But even it feels like something is a little lacking but honestly I haven’t figured out what. I think maybe it feels almost too short for such a long rocky journey.

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This a wonderful graphic novel detailing the journey of a couple's story of wanting to have a child and going IVF in order to have one. It is wonderfully illustrated, showing the couple's emotional and physical journey of having a baby.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read and review.

This was a heartfelt read about the struggle that one couple went through to add a child to their family. The text and images are powerful and to the point.

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So I'm not typically a graphic novel reader, but I really wanted to give this one a go. This made me very emotional, and it felt like a very raw, honest look into the struggle that many individuals face when trying to get pregnant. As a young woman, it really resonated with me because we generally don't think of the "what if it doesn't work" scenario - so this story was very eye-opening and scary, in a good way. The art style was really nice, and it fit the story well. I would've maybe liked a little bit more surrounding the pregnancy, and whether there were any further complications there. Overall, 3 stars from me, which to me means it was great, just didn't do anything wild to knock my socks off. I would definitely pick up more work by these authors in the future.

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This was absolutely delightful. The story was raw and powerful, and I felt the emotions of the authors so clearly. This story is super important for others to see, both those undergoing IVF and those not. The art was simple but fit the story so well.

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Review to come May 1st to blog/Goodreads.

I received this book from Netgalley/publisher in exchange of an honest review.

There was a whole bunch of new graphic novels uploaded to NG and this one stood out to me. Not because of personal reasons (no kids for me), but because I was curious about the IVF part, I know some bits and boops but most things I read are clinical, not personal. So I was curious to see how things would go for this couple. Would IVF be the solution for them?

The book starts with showing us the couple, how they met, and how they are trying for a kid. How things aren't working. How things aren't go right. How tension rises as they both want a kid. We see the start of examinations and tests. And then the process begins. Finding out more about what is going on. The start of IVF. The start of everything. My heart just broke for this couple, holy crap all the things they have to get through, all the things they learn, but I was also rooting for them, happy that through this way they may have a chance at getting a baby. Man, I was rooting for them so hard. Hoping. Praying.

We see how the process is going (with was both interesting and heartbreaking), see how the mental health is going down, see that finances are crashing, but thankfully both of them have friends and family who they can talk to (and of course they talk to each other). It wasn't always easy to speak up but I was glad that they had people who supported them, who listened, and many also had their own stories. They definitely needed that support as the process continued and the disappointments piled up.

Though, I can only imagine the pain seeing your friends go through the same process and have luck. It must be a conflicted feeling as well. You are happy for them, but also angry and sad because you didn't get lucky.

I definitely was feeling emotional while reading this. :(

The art was really good, I like the style and I like the minimal colours that were used (orange/gray/blue/black).

Um? Did the book end on page 143 all of the sudden? From 143 to 160 there are just NO pages left.. What? Why would you end it like this? Definitely not happy and I am rating this book lower because of that.

But despite the sudden and weirdly cut-off ending, I had fun reading this book and I would definitely recommend it to people!

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Thank you to the publisher for giving me this book in exchange for an honest review!

This was such a moving story! I've never read anything really so focussed on the topic of becoming pregnant and how difficult it can be for someone to even conceive a child, in my head it was always like "If it breaks you're fucked" type of deal. But it was so interesting and inspiring to see the story of a couple that does have problems with it.
You never really know where you stand before you try having a child, just like this couple didn't know how hard it was going to be, so it was very refreshing to actually read about the problems it gives along the way and how long it would take to become pregnant for so to say "Problem couples".
I learned a lot and not only was a story like this told in a refreshing manner, there was still so much to learn along the storyline and I am glad I read it.

Definitely recommend.

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Thanks to Scribe UK and NetGalley for allowing me to read this graphic novel!

As someone who never experienced parenthood, it’s interesting to look at Conrad and Joannes case when they were trying their hardest to have a child via IVF. Before reading this novel, although I’ve heard of IVF being mentioned, I never gave it a thought to deeply research it. It was really good to see both characters communicate well throughout the process. It’s even good to see their friends and families supporting them by not involving unnecessary drama.

This graphic novel was a really nice “slice of life” read and could benefit couples out there who are going through the same thing!

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This graphic novel is a semi-biographic story based on the journey its husband-and-wife authors had to go through. I think it makes you realise how common it is becoming. I don’t know anyone around me who tried IVF but I now understand the topic better.
Not going to lie, the end of this book brought a little tear to my eye. I quite enjoyed this story overall, the only thing is that I didn’t particularly get attached to the characters so that’s why I only followed their journey, without really putting myself into it.
This graphic novel deals with a heavy topic: struggle to get pregnant and IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation). And I think it does it well because, it is quite easy to read but you understand how difficult it is for the people who go through it. Moreover, I liked that the characters reflect on if they really want a child or if it is just something they think they want.
The illustrations are sketchy and simple and brings out the worries, difficulties and happiness this couple experienced. I think Mara Wild did a great job here.
I recommend it.

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This is a memoir about the struggles a young couple faces while trying to conceive. It documents their journey of trying IVF and how taxing it can be (not that anyone would presume otherwise).
Honestly, I was outraged at some parts of the story, as the husband wasn't as supportive as he should have been. I felt for the wife a lot and I can understand her need to become a mother. BUT the couple clearly had a lot of communication issues: from the financial woes to the dreadful comment of his: "If you die, I won't be needing your eggs"; this comment made me see this relationship as problematic and I have to acknowledge that.

I would like to thank the publisher and netgalley for providing me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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