Member Reviews

I love Danielle steel and this book is no exception . You will not want to stop reading it . You really get to know the characters and their interactions . It shows how sometimes bad experiences turn into wonderful things .

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This was not my favorite of Danielle's Steel's many books, but it did hold my attention long enough to merit five stars. Much of it takes place at the famous boutique hotel, Hotel Louis XVI, in Paris which has just reopened after four years of remodeling. Having been to Paris many times, the story had a special charm for me. There are actually three different sets of characters who are at the reopening festivities... the same day where a near-death and a could-be-murder took place. This connects them in various ways. Ms Steel again writes in her "matter-of-fact fashion, which is sometimes refreshing with all of the reading I do.

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Thank you Net Galley for an ARC of Complications by Danielle Steel. As usual Danielle Steel artfully woven several storylines in one novel. I loved every word. She's amazing and I will continue to devour everything she writes.

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An amazing tale of several individuals walking through the door of a famous hotel in Paris. Some find themselves in life changing moments both good and bad. Some find themselves dead. Others find true love with a second chance at life. A page-turning, spend all night reading book. Enjoy!

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⭐⭐⭐.5 Stars
This is my 43nd Danielle Steel novel. My first was “The Promise” back in 1977; I was a big Danielle Steel fan and could not wait until her next novel was release. However, I now am more selective not the annual reads as “back in the day”. It seems the stories were soo similar, or perhaps my reading taste has changed. Psychological thrillers are now my typical “Go to” novels. .
I still have a soft spot for Ms. Steel's stories as there have been some recent gems! Not super excited that this will be a ‘gem’ but thought I would give it a try!

Story starts with the Grand Reopening (after 4 years of renovations) of the famous hotel Louis XVI in Paris.
There are several characters and story lines going on ~ all have a bit of drama.

The story has a lot of focus on Gabrielle an art consultant who is putting her life together after her husband finds “new” romance with Sasha someone closer to his their daughter age than his!
Gabrielle is attracted to Alastair and him to her. Only he has a serious health issue and not willing to go through treatment.

I did like this story.

Want to thank NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine for this early release granted to me for an honest professional review. Publishing Release Date scheduled for August 17, 2021.

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You always know what you’re going to get with a Danielle Steele novel. Beautiful descriptions, characters innermost thoughts. And Complications was no exception. An ensemble cast, all connected by chance meeting the same night at a hotel in Paris. Romance, scandal, and of course complications! Thank you #netgalley for allowing me to read this in exchange for my honest review

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Life is complicated and not everyone’s life is perfect. We are all a work in progress. I enjoyed this book. It is an attention keeper from the first to the last page. The hotel renovation was very well developed and the characters we people of normal every day life. Great job

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As the long awaited renovation of the infamous Louis XVI hotel is finally completed. During the grand re-opening we have a heart attack, murder, bomb scare, destruction by rockstars, a suicide planned, and recovery from a divorce. The New hotel manager Olivier Bateau and assistant manager Yvonne Philippe welcome both the regulars and newcomers back to the hotel. We meet a group of people who have reservations for the opening of the hotel. This is a book that you will start and finish all in the same day. Carve out some time so you are ready!

# netgalley

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A huge thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest
Set in three of my favorite cities, London, Paris and New York. I love all three and just loved hearing her illustration of those beloved cites in my mind.

Has anyone seen the 1989 Broadway Musical Grand Hotel or more notably the 1932 movie Grand Hotel? It reminded me allot of the story of Grand Hotel, I really like the musical and the movie so I was in for a treat..
Here are the positives to this book :
- Like I said the way she painted my favorite cites was great, especially during a global pandemic.
- No one else does Drama like Danielle Steel, in this book, the characters deal with criminal affairs, devastating diagnoses, and life-changing decisions and of course a happy ending.
- I loved that she included a gay male characters, they weren't the main focus but they got a good story line in the book.
- It was much better than Nine lives, While this is not a can’t-put-down-page-turner, I don't think every book needs to be.

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Life is full of complications and the characters in Danielle Steel’s Complications find that out. I read this book within a 24 hour timespan. I could not put it down! I loved Gabrielle and Alastair. I was really rooting for them. Patrick, the Minister of Interior in France, may not have found his life so complicated if he had just been honest with everyone. I love Danielle Steel’s books. They have such a soap opera quality to them, but that is why I love them so much. They are a perfect escape into whatever world she has created. The only thing I would avoid is the hotel Louis the XVI. No one could stay in that hotel without incident! Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was my first book by this author, It was pretty enjoyable. I would give this book a 3.5 star rating! It was a pretty Quick and easy read!

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Another lovely book by Danielle Steele.
Her words flowed effortlessly in this story of people visiting a high end boutique hotel in Paris.

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As the title indicates sometimes love is fraught with complications. Such is the romance in this latest of Daniel Steele. Falling in love is easy, dealing with the complications of that are often not as easily reconciled. The heroine in this book has dealt with romance and the many intricacies of love. She is not eager to fall in love and be left alone after giving herself to someone, even if he is that perfect of soul mates that is rare to find. The heroine finds herself loving someone that is facing decisions, treatment, or letting his disease run its deadly course. The heroine is a loving lady and a good person however, find themselves torn between being there for someone who is undergoing treatment for a life-threatening illness or retreating to the safety of being alone. Daniel Steele writes a good story with an uplifting ending. Many thanks for the opportunity to read and review #Complications#NetGalley.

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Complications holds true to its name and does not disappoint in the latest novel by Danielle Steele as it contains tragedy, rebirth, scandal, survival, and love. This novel begins in the newly renovated Louis XVI located in Paris where the reader is introduced to five characters: Gabrielle, a recent divorcee whose husband left her for a woman half her age; Alaistair, diagnosed with a life-threatening illness seeking to have one last great adventure, Judythe and Richard, star cross lovers who finally were together after many challenges and Patrick, a politician who has his sights set on becoming president. Each of these characters checks into the Louis XVI and their lives intersect on the first night causing a series of reactions.

The book does a good job of developing the characters and building the relationship between them however there is a loss of development after the initial chapters as to three of the five characters. The book oscillates between the various story lines initially but then seems to focus mainly on two, characters, Gabrielle and Alaistair and their developing relationship and Alaistair’s fight for survival. The reader would have benefited from more development as to the other stories. There is an attempt towards the end of the novel to refocus on the other stories, but it felt a little forced and the reader was not as interested at that point in the other characters.

The author did a good job of developing themes and left the reader with some meaningful thoughts on the appreciation of life and how it is never to late to begin again and most importantly, the power of love.
The pace moves quickly, and it is an easy read. Although the book focuses on complications, it has a feel-good happy ending which leaves the reader satisfied. It is an enjoyable read.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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I am a HUGE Danielle Steel fan and this book did not fail to enthrall me! It was intriguing, heartwarming and thoroughly engaging. I appreciate the opportunity for an ARC of this great book by a fabulous author!

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This book title was SO appropriate. At every turn there was complications! So many darn complications. I kept pouring through the pages to find the happily ever after!

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Being fascinated by peoples lives in an airport or hotel is something common in human nature. Imagining what they're going through, why they are traveling and so on. Danielle Steel’s latest book is written to give us a glimpse into those who stay at the famous Parisian Louis XVI. We see who the people are, what happens as they stay there, and how it affects their lives from that day forward. I found it interesting who Ms. Steel revealed their story and by the end of the book, I no longer felt I was an observer, yet a part of their story somehow.
Danielle Steel has been a longtime favorite author of mine, and if you have drifted away from reading her books, this one is an excellent time to start again.

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Complications was a nice read. It did seem a different style of the author’s writing but as always, had a sense of her worldly travels across continents. It took me a while to understand who the main characters were because there were so many introduced all at once. Gabrielle and Alastair’s journey slowed the pace of the book while the other characters’ storylines sped it up. Some more predictable than others.

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This book was not bad, although it did not read as quickly as most of this author’s books usually do although I did enjoy it. It is about a recently renovated hotel in Paris and the difficulties that arise due to the renovations and the new management. The story deals with the relationships that come from the difficulties arising in the hotel and other unforeseen circumstances. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for and ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved reading the fascinating and enthralling story. Even though Gabrielle used to stay at the Hotel Louis XVI in Paris with her husband that left her for a younger woman, she decides to go ahead with her trip to Paris. When a man, Richard, has a heart attack and his girlfriend, Judythe asks for help, Alaistair comes to the rescue. Patrick, running for president, is having a secret affair with a man who is blackmailing him. As Gabrielle and Alaistair spend more time together, Gabrielle discovers that Alaistair is dying, giving up on life, and has a chance to try a new medical procedure. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and riveting novel by the best selling author Danielle Steel.
I reviewed a copy of the book through NetGalley.

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