Member Reviews

Meet the Adler family. On the outside, they are a perfect family. Nice house, nice cars, successful and popular. But...each member of the family is harboring secrets of their own. And when they and their home become the target of pranks escalating into violence, they all must decide if it is because of them, or whether or not to come clean to the other members of the family. The whole time, you are kept wondering which “secret” is the root of the issues and I found their individual story lines all fascinating.

In short this was a juicy, fun, unputdownable novel.

Wow! This was my first Robyn Harding book and now I want to go get my hands on everything she has written. I am so glad I was able to get my hands on this one!

Highly recommend-all the stars!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the gifted arc. All opinions are my own

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I've read a few other titles by Robyn Harding and enjoy the writing very much, so I was thrilled to see a new release with this amazing cover available for request. I quickly dove in.

From all outward appearances, Viv and Thomas have a wonderful life: beautiful home, two beautiful children, successful careers, and a happy marriage. But when they wake up one morning to find their house has been egged, the facade begins to crack. Each person in the family holds a secret, and as the attacks become increasingly more severe, the question of who is to blame inevitably arises. Who is tormenting the Adlers? Why?

I really enjoyed this book.

First, Harding's writing is taut and effortless. Even though there are four separate voices dictating the chapters, you can dive into them without confusion. They are distinct and engrossing in their secrets, and I thoroughly enjoyed the character development.

I also loved the conflict, the subtle escalation and the growing tension. Some storylines I found a little more endearing than others. I was particularly drawn in by Tarryn's arc, and I wanted to see more from her as the story progressed. Thomas and Viv's world felt, at times, chaotic and unbalanced, but the overall strength of their relationship was a nice focal point.

While there is a lot going on here, it never felt overwhelming. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the conflict mainly happens off screen. We don't see the "pranks" unfolding; we get the fallout. Because of this, the action felt passive, told in flashback or dialogue, and I think this will hit the mark for many readers who aren't as keen on violence or direct confrontation.

Harding also highlights several key themes that harbor important discussions: illicit drug use, sexuality, consent, among them, and I could see this finding a nice home in several book clubs.

Overall, The Perfect Family is a fast-paced, suspenseful read you won't want to put down. Out in August, add this to your TBR now.

Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for honest review consideration.

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This was so good!! I couldn't put it down and read it in 2 days (work sucks). Loved the back and forth and would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves a good thriller/mystery! Thank you for allowing me to preview this copy!!

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Obsessed with this book!! It had all of the family drama, secrets, and surprises I needed. I think this is Harding’s best work yet. I HIGHLY recommend this one, it would be the perfect by-the-pool summer read!

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Best book ever!!!! It was sooo good and it will leave you up all night not wanting to stop!!! And oh the ending!!!! Jaw dropping

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I've really been loving everything from Robyn Harding and this was no exception! I really got into each family member's backstory and couldn't wait to see how it all played out. Nice domestic thriller, read it in one day!

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I was so excited to receive this approval! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book.

I have to say that I absolutely was glued to every page and every chapter of this book. I loved all the characters, related to them, could imagine them clearly in my mind and delved into each of their stories. This was definitely a great family drama, no doubt about it. But, I have to say that when I got to the last page of the book, I took off two stars from my rating. The ending was just a huge disappointment for me, as it left me hanging. It definitely was one of those endings that makes you ask yourself...why in the world and I just spend three days reading this book? If it wasn’t for the ending I would’ve given this book 4.5 to 5 stars.

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Oh my goodness!!! I have loved Robyn's last two books and this one was fantastic!!!!! Thank you netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review. This book does not dissapoint. I was at the edge of my seat the whole time, and got such a "satisfying" ending/wrap up! Perfect book :) thank you

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There’s almost too much going on here. I know with thrillers we need to suspend some level of believability but the idea that all four members of the family could be hiding such strange secrets just didn’t sit with me. Plus, some of the “secrets” weren’t nearly as serious as others. Granted the narrator is the only one that knows all, but it still didn’t quite work for me.

Overall it was fast paced and kept me guessing, but the resolution wasn’t very satisfying. I enjoy Harding but her last two have been mediocre to me, hoping for something good from the next one.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Suspense novels have to walk a tightrope on building character depth and accelerating a suspenseful plot. This novel leans heavily in choosing plot over characterization, to great success. I'll fully admit to finding the characters a bit shallow, as their complicated choices would benefit from further explication. However, the power of the plot keeps you turning pages, late into the night in search of answers.

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After a series of rom-coms, this was a perfect read! While it was light in intensity, it kept me guessing, as the family secrets continued to roll out. When the seemingly "perfect" family finds their home egged in the middle of the night, they dismiss it as child's play.

As the attacks on their home increase in both frequency and intensity, they start to wonder otherwise. With each member of this family of four keeping their own secret, they're all separately convinced the attack is because of them. I was definitely surprised by the ending and enjoyed the change in family relationships after their secrets were exposed. This was a unique read that I would definitely recommend!

Thank you to Gallery Books for my gifted copy. My full review will be posted on my website,, closer to its August publication date.

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4.5⭐ Wow. This book was so good! I honestly could not stand any of the characters, but that did not stop me from devouring this book. So many secrets in this family. Any one of them could be responsible for all that is happening to this family. It was a wild ride up until the very end. This book touches on many topics told in alternating POV's from each member of the family; Thomas, Viv, Tarryn, and Eli. We learn about the secrets they are all hiding from each other and why they could be responsible. I honestly was shocked when it was finally revealed! Thank you to Gallery Books and Netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Book Review for The Perfect Family
Full review for this title will be posted at: @cattleboobooks on Instagram!

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Thanks to Netgalley for an advanced copy.

Last year I was lucky to get an advanced copy of Robyn Harding's, The Switch, and loved it so much I ordered a finished copy and her backlist books. So I was extremely excited when Netgalley approved me for a copy of The Perfect Family. I was not disappointed! I loved the 4 POVs and all the secrets and twists going on. I really enjoyed Robyn Harding's writing style. She is a must buy author for me. No need to even read the description. I look forward to reading more from her.

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Thomas and Viv Adler have everything. They are the envy of the neighborhood with their success, perfect children and beautiful home.

Until they wake up one AM to find their home egged. It must be noted kids Thomas thinks. When his tires are slashed the next AM and then a smoke bomb thrown at their lawn the family worries. Setting up cameras show nothing but a hooded figure. The police say it’s just kids but each assault gets more violent. The Adler families fear grows as it should because every member is carrying a secret and secrets can be dangerous.

Robyn Harding is auto buy for me because she is just so damn entertaining and this novel didn’t disappoint. I loved that the whole novel was surrounding secrets and lack of communication. It really shows how secrets can impact not just yourself, but others. Her novels are so fast paced, suspenseful and addictive you just gobble them up and I did! I could not put this down. I enjoyed all the characters and their secrets. You won’t want to miss this one!

***Thank you so much to Netgalley for my advance copy in exchange for my review***

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From the outside The Adler's look they have it all. It becomes clear someone isn't a fan of them! Secrets start to bubble up and and things really get out of control. I have not read anything by Harding and boy was I missing out?! I was turning the page as fast as I could and I really enjoyed the different point of views. The ending made me wonder some but a solid thriller!

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Excellent domestic thriller! I could not put this book down, finished in less than 24 hours. In the Adler family it seems like everyone has something to hide. While they look perfect on the outside, they all have their secrets. When someone starts vandalizing their house, none of the family members know why, but each are afraid that their actions have caused it. Fast paced and impossible to put down, this book is not to be missed.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of The Perfect Family.

I enjoyed The Swap so I was pleased when my request was approved.

The Perfect Family is told through 4 POVs; mother, father, daughter and brother. Each one of them is dealing with personal issues which may explain why their house has been targeted by pranks and vandalism.

Character development isn't strong and I found it difficult to relate to anyone, except Tarryn.

Her parents are shallow, superficial and selfish, only interested in keeping up with the Joneses.

Viv and Thomas do many questionable things but I guess when you're stressed and confused, anxiety makes you do silly things you normally wouldn't do.

The chapters are short and the narrative moves quickly.

I figured out nearly all of the plot twists and the ending was good.

I liked that, despite each individual family member has moved on in a positive way with their life, the reason behind the vandalism remains unresolved.

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A family domestic drama that was a quick, "popcorn" read!

I really enjoyed having all the family member point of views and each one had some kind of issue. Yep, plenty of secrets to keep you guessing. There is someone "out there" that isn't very happy with one of them and that is where the mystery comes in..... Who is it? and Why,why,why?

Although the pace is good, I was frustrated with some of the characters (okay, all of the characters)! and their implausible actions. At one point, (was this the twist)?? I'm not even sure!! I was shaking my head and not sure whether to gasp or LOL!!

Definitely different from the other two novels I've read by Harding, probably my least favorite, but still a good little read with a little something to sip for the day. Cheers!

Thanks to Gallery Books and NG for my review copy!! OUT on August 10, 2021

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The Perfect Family by Robyn Harding


I am a huge fan of Robyn Harding and was thrilled to be approved for this title on a NetGalley. It releases August 10th. This book was as amazing as the others and it did not disappoint.

Thomas, Viv, and their two children Eli (20) and Tarryn (17) are by all appearances the perfect family. Thomas is a successful real estate agent and Viv an interior designer. Eli is a college soccer player who is home for the summer and Tarryn is finishing up her junior year in high school. We quickly learn they all have major secrets that they are hiding from each other. Their home begins to be vandalized on an almost daily basis with escalating violent acts. They are all struggling to figure out who is behind this terror and which of their secrets may be the cause.

This was a fantastic, fast paced thriller that I couldn’t put down. You’re definitely going to want to pre-order this one. Thanks to Robyn Harding, NetGalley, and Simon&Schuster for the opportunity to read snd review this book.

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