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The Royals Next Door

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“An ordinary summer goes royally awry when a prince and princess move next door, bringing their handsome bodyguard with them…” Full synopsis in the comments below. ⬇️

My British Royal Family loving heart adored this, surprise surprise. 😉 It’s so much more than a story about them, though! This book is an enemies-to-lovers romance between the main character and the fictional Duke and Duchess of Fairfax’s personal protection officer. It’s adorable and a bit cheesy, while also being refreshingly deep and insightful with great mental illness representation.

The D&D are based loosely on Meghan and Harry. That made parts of it feel unrealistic, but I didn’t find it too overdone. I really enjoyed the bits they were in and how they portrayed their relationship in a sweet light. The main character, Piper, her mom, and their rescue pitbull quickly wormed their way into my heart. Piper’s relationship with her love interest, Harrison, was so easy to root for. Bonus points for them: the main conflict didn’t involve a breakup, unlike most romance novels. LOVED THAT. Overall, this is a great one to grab if you like fun romances with substance. Thank you for my a-ARC @berkleypub!

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Thanks to netgalley who gave me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

7/10 stars

I read this book in one day and flew through it. What a cute summer beach read.

Piper feels like an outsider on the island she lives on, despite having lived there for five years. As a school teacher and caregiver for her mentally ill mother, Piper doesn't interact much with the adults on the island and tends to hermit herself in her house. That is, until a duke and duchess move in next door and their stern bodyguard seems to be turning up at her door more and more.

This was a sweet love story and Piper was an easy to root for the protagonist. I loved her journey through this book to recognize her problems and better understand and address them though I didn't like how most of her progress happened in behind-the-scenes therapy sessions. It felt too easy.

For a book with royal in the title, I kind of expected more of the royals. Monica and Eddie were my favorite part of this book and I wish we could have seen their love story more or at least more of Monica's friendship with Piper. That also seemed to happen mostly off-screen.

Harrison was lovely and I, like Piper, I quickly fell for him. I did feel like the ending happened a bit quick and a little anticlimatic. After so much build-up on the relationship between Piper and Harrison, I was kind of like 'is this it?' Their problems were resolved quickly and easily when I wanted more out of these two characters.

Overall, this book was a fun read even though I kind of wanted more from it throughout.

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4.9 Stars

Piper + Harrison

Piper has been living on Salt Spring Island near Vancouver with her mom for five years now. She's a second grade teacher and a secret romance book pod caster.
Harrison is a royal bodyguard. He arrived with the Prince and his wife from England. And since Piper and her mom live in a little house which used to be the servant quarters of this huge mansion ... the Royals are our new neighbors.



First of all the cover! So pretty! I just love that.
And then the location! I've been to Vancouver Island many years ago and I just love this area.
And then the story. A bit of a cinderella-ish love story. Just too cute!
Piper is so sweet and a bit klutzy and Harrison is so typically British! They are so perfect for each other - but of course it might take a tiny while for them to realize that we're waiting for that Happily Ever After!

This book was funny and sparky and sexy and full of nature and island life. And of course we also have our problems... jealous gossip idiots and the paparazzi and Piper's mom's health problems and of course the fact that Harrison needs to go back to England one day soon. But I just loved reading this.
I wouldn't mind seeing it on Netflix one day!

► THE ROYALS NEXT DOOR was and adorable + funny + sparky love story. I loved reading this! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Harrison - this one is MINE!

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Ended up enjoying this more than I thought I would! I’ve read several of Karina Halle’s backlist titles and this reads so much differently than the others. The pacing was a little slower than what I was used to, it only really picked in the latter 60% of the book but it definitely ended strong. Beyond being just a delightful beach read, The Royals Next Door is also a surprisingly heartfelt novel that features a neurodivergent main character who is an avid romance reader (and a proud romance podcast owner) and an imposing, surly yet sweet royal PPO love interest, and their navigation of love, mental health, community and in a way, found family.

Right off the bat, you can already tell that the Royals in question in this book (Prince Eddie and Monica aka the Duke and Duchess of Fairfax) are heavily inspired by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. I liked that Karina Halle actually built a genuine relationship (and friendship) between Piper, the MC, and the Royals, and stemming from that came a sense of community and belongingness that was long missing in Piper’s life. While I adored the bits of Monica and Eddie and Harrison that we got, I wish we’d also gotten to know a bit more about the other PPOs involved in protecting the Royals (really curious about the work relationship between Harrison and James and the tree guys).

When I say this picked up in the latter part of the book, I mean it really picked up. I was surprised at the abrupt 180-degree turn in Piper and Harrison’s relationship. While there was tension brewing between them at the start and we get more than hints that they were starting to feel un-neighborly feelings for each other, the actual turning point happened pretty quickly. That’s what happens when you’ve been fighting all that chemistry for a while, I guess. But besides that, I did really enjoy the interactions between Harrison and Piper, those were some of the only times wherein we really got to see Piper shine. I liked the teasing between the two of them, and while Harrison was trying to be stoic/maintain his surliness in those moments, it was adorable seeing his walls slowly break down from Piper’s quips. (I definitely could have done with more scenes of Harrison baking. Every time he mentioned anything related to baking, my heart would just melt.) And one of the things I really loved about their relationship was how Harrison constantly uplifted Piper while still letting her stand on her own, he always gave her little nudges but never completely pushed her because he knew she could do it. That belief and trust between the two of them was so inspiring to witness.

I would have enjoyed more exploration when it came to Piper’s love for romance novels and her podcast! I feel like most of the scenes wherein it’s mentioned, it was usually just in passing. It would have been cool if Karina Halle expounded on that aspect of Piper’s hobby and even what it entailed for Piper to be in the romance reading community. (Drop those book/author recs!)

And beyond Piper’s reading habits, Halle also has an honest discussion about Piper and her mother’s mental health. I liked that parts of their diagnoses were resolved while certain aspects of were still left open, because at the end of the day, we’re all a work in progress, and The Royals Next Door tackles that wonderfully. (Definitely recommend this for anyone looking for a relatively quick sexy summer read with a really satisfying HEA/epilogue!)

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I requested an e-arc of this book after seeing it previewed at the ALA Annual Conference. I really enjoyed this timely romance novel. It was fun and light easy read. I'm not a big romance reader but I read this in a couple days because I couldn't wait to find out what happened. Highly recommend.

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The Royals Next Door was a cute and fun book with a Meghan and Harry spin on it. I loved the chemistry between Piper and Harrison and even though I love the enemies to lovers trope, I was rooting for them to get together sooner than expected. Piper is a great and relatable character, plus she is a romance book lover with a podcast dedicated to them, I wish that podcast existed in real life. One of the standouts of the book was the discussion around mental health, thank you Karina Halle for that. This was my first book by Halle, and I'll definitely be checking out her other books now.

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The Royals Next Door was the perfect summer read and I am still thinking about this one! This was a super light, and adorable romance and I have loved everything I have ever read by Karina Halle. This is 100% a grumpy/ sunshine situation which I just love to read about. Piper and Harrison might be my favorite book couple to date. I love a good bodyguard hero and the fat that Harrison was a bit of grump as well just was so much fun to read about. Piper brought so much to this story with her bright personality, and I love when grumpy hero's that realize that they actually love the heroine. SO amazing, Karina Halle never misses.

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I will read any book that Karina Halle comes out with! I love her writing style and characterization and this novel is no different.

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i liked the dedication to anxiety, BPD, DPD, and PTSD rep in this book, and i thought that piper being quirky without being a manic pixie dream girl was compelling as well, but harrison fell flat for me as a character and overall this felt like 2/3 of a romance. i wish we had focused on piper or her friendships or her family relationships instead!

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The Royals Next Door was such a fun book. It was funny, swoony, and steamy with great characters and wonderful depth.

Piper Evans is an elementary school teacher on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia (yay for romances set in Canada!). She enjoys her job and is good at it. When she’s not working, she’s a bit of a recluse who spends most of her time taking care of her mother (who has borderline personality disorder and dependent personality disorder), and dealing with her own anxiety, Complex-PTSD, and therapy. She’s also a voracious and unapologetic romance reader who talks about the romances she reads in a secret podcast. When British royals move in next door to her - bringing their sexy, broody bodyguard Harrison Cole with them - Piper’s quiet summer off from work is turned upside down, and her life is changed forever.

This was the second book I’ve read recently that dealt with heavy themes of mental illness, along with open, honest discussions about how it affects people and their loved ones, and how effective medication and therapy can be. I am SO here for books like this, and so glad to see them becoming more common. This is far from the first time Halle has written about mental health, but this was one of the most memorable and well done in my opinion, especially since it talks about disorders you rarely hear about in fiction.

Besides the mental health rep, The Royals Next Door also included many more of my favourite things to see in romance: people finding a sense of belonging, new friendships, stepping outside your comfort zone, and finding love when and where you least expect it. I also loved that Piper was a champion for romance novels. She was easy to relate to, and I enjoyed watching her branch out, learn more about herself, and open her heart to Harrison. Oh, Harrison. *sigh* He was so sweet and swoony with a heart of gold under his tough, brooding exterior. I loved the banter and chemistry between these two, and watching them go from tentative friends/allies to so much more.

If you’re looking for a sexy slow-burn romance with a fun premise, great characters, and mental health rep, be sure to add The Royals Next Door to your TBR and pick up a copy when it releases on August 31st.

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Okay I really liked this book. Piper is a schoolteacher in a quiet town. She keeps to herself and helps out with her mom at home. The Duke and Duchess (aka Harry and Meghan!) decide to rent the property next door to her. But they come with a (hot) bodyguard who gets under Piper’s skin.

Loved the mental health representation in this book! I also loved the honesty and sharing emotional baggage. Harrison (the bodyguard) is hot, hot. HOT. There was good back & forth between him and Piper which I appreciated. The friendships (especially between Piper and Monica, the duchess) were also really sweet. I laughed out loud at some parts and just overall really enjoyed this book (we also love a main character who reads romance novels!). Good steam leveled too!

It was a quick read (I finished it in a day!) and I recommend it!

Thanks for the ARC!

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A huge thank you to PRH International, Berkley Publication & NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

Another book done amazingly by the talented Karina Halle! From dark romances to romcoms, she never fails to write the most raw and unforgettable stories!

Piper is probably one of my most fave characters ever! On top of being a schoolteacher, she’s an avid romance reader and a romance podcaster which is amazing! (I wish we had more scenes of her doing her podcast tho!) She’s funny, caring and so relatable. I saw myself in her in the way she would unapologetically read and talk about all the romance books and smut! There was even one scene where she defended her being a romance reader and I’ve never felt so represented. I also looove Harrison! He’s flawed and has his own issues but he’s also a cinnamon roll at heart!

The grumpy/sunshine, bodyguard romance between them was so good! I had such a fun time reading all the teasing they had from the slight enemies to lovers romance they had. Their banter and chemistry was genuine and entertaining despite their differences but what made my heart ache the most was the forbidden aspect in their relationship. With him being the Royal’s bodyguard and her being their neighbor, they’re put in a situation where they had to prioritize their loyalties and friendship over their feelings for each other (No, I’m *not* crying as I write this). Moreover, the smut was *chef’s kiss*!!! I was incinerated by every deliciously written scene then top that with the strong feelings they had and the idea of having to keep it a secret... I was a goner!

Despite the light hearted overall feel this had, I enjoyed the heavier topics it highlighted. First with the Royal couple who were inspired by Prince Harry and Meghan. It was eye-opening how they talked about the discrimination, racism and pressure from the media they’ve experienced affected them. But mostly, this explored the mental illnesses that aren’t seen much in romance with Piper’s C-PTSD and her mom’s BPD and DPD. It was so realistically written without being made as the source of the conflict. This also discussed the pros and cons of living in a small town with how the strong sense of community can also be its toxic trait.

Overall, I adore this book! It had me laughing out loud, swooning so hard and unexpectedly crying on repeat. I highly recommend this to romcom lovers and especially to my fellow, proud readers of everything romance and panty melting smut! If you love Halle’s works as much as I do, then I have no doubts that you will love this as well!

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I thought this book was just delightful! Funny, charming, and full of rich content. Piper Evans is an elementary school teacher by day, romance reader/podcaster by night. She lives a quiet, almost hermit like, life taking care of her mother (who suffers with mental illness) and avoiding her ex after a public breakup. When the royals (very reminiscent of MM and Harry!) decide to move onto her quaint little island, her world is turned upside down.

I honestly was a little hesitant to read this as I'm not really a fan of all things "royal" and the cover seemed to mislead me a bit. I thought I was going to be reading about a fangirl stalking her new neighbors and spreading gossip.... but I was (thankfully!) very wrong!

Is The Royals Next Door ....
a romance? yes, absolutely.
an advocate for mental health? for sure!
an enemies to lovers trope? you bet.
a story of finding yourself and making time for what's important? 100%
a book I would recommend? over and over!

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow - this book started out as a 5 and then dropped to a 1 so I gave it a 3. What a cute story idea and great chemistry between the couple. Entertaining banter and back and forth and tons of chemistry between the 2. Great dynamic between Piper and her mentally ill/unstable mother. And then bam - we regress into a high school level romance. The main problem I had was with that Piper acted like a huge baby about a wedding she walked out on 5 years ago. That's like half a decade. And then her ex acted like a juvenile junior high kid or something. As did the mean girl barista. This would've been a perfect high school young adult book couple given their internal issues and problems but not what I was looking for in an adult read.

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In all honesty, I'm not a huge fans of royal books. I prefer my romances about real people over royalty. I think that's why I enjoyed The Royals Next Door so much. Because it was told from the POV of a "regular" woman whose "regular life" was upended when the fictional Prince Harry and Duchess of Sussex moved next door for the summer. I also liked that Piper's relationship wasn't with the prince but with his (hot and very sweet albeit brooding) body guard. The entire book was a great escape and entirely enjoyable, but touched on serious issues like mental health. The sex was steamy but not gratuitous. This was my first book by the author, which I know is strange considering how many she's published. It won't be my last!

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If you’re obsessed with the royal family and/or Meghan Markle (like me), you will LOVE this contemporary romance. All the good feels and a love story that lies adjacent to the royal family.

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The Royals Next Door by Katina Halle is a book for all Anglophiles. The plot lines are very loosely based on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in terms of there being a couple from mixed ethnic backgrounds who want to get away from the British press while the Duchess is pregnant. That's about where the similarities end.

Instead of focusing on the royals, this book focuses on those in the orbit of the rich and famous - a teacher who lives next door and a bodyguard. Piper Evans has a pretty quiet life until those royal relocate to her small island, along with said sexy bodyguard. It's definitely an enemies-to-lovers tale, and it's a fun summer romp.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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Ok let's be realistic this will never happen in real life. That cottage would be bought tf up in a jiffy.
But this was crazy fun and sweet and a perfect summer read and break from the heavy books I've been working through.
I felt a bit of a disconnect from the characters especially Harrison.
However, I loved the mental health reps presented Including ptsd and the bad dreams that come with it as I suffer from the same.

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The Royals Next Door is a funny and romantic summer novel. It’s has a pretty fast pace and quirky characters that make this such an easy read. I really appreciate Halle’s positive focus on mental health issues. It was nice to see this type of representation in a romance novel.

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Bear shifters are all the rage right now, and I’m not complaining.

Piper Evans is just your regular, boring twenty-something: elementary school teacher by day, romance blogger by night, caregiver to her mother throughout. And life is just peachy (kinda) on her tight-knit island home, at least, until the Duke and Duchess arrive and rent out the home right next to hers. Suddenly Piper is inundated by a wave of paparazzi and feelings for the royals’ hot but close-mouthed bodyguard, Harrison. Could her summer get even weirder?

I’m used to the dog-ate-my-homework excuses at work, and generally the more outlandish they are, the more they seem to be true. I mean, unless their homework was eaten by velociraptors or something.

The book starts off with a student vomiting into Piper’s purse (it was right by the trash bin), and her day just goes downhill from there.

At least, however, it goes up, as she has a meet-uncute with Harrison the personal protection officer, and then later meets Monica and Eddie, the British Duke and Duchess who are totally, 100% not at all stand-ins for another British royal couple who were hounded by the press with racist slurs, treated poorly by the rest of the royal family, said fuck it to royal life and all of the crap, and bunkered down in British Columbia for a hot minute while pregnant. (In case you are wondering, I am totally Team Meghan).

While there are some off-the-walls moments (security in trees, missing ids, etc.), I really enjoyed how this leaned into the quieter moments of fame and the harder aspects of mental illness and new relationships and fitting in.

Piper is viewed as an outsider because her ex is well connected throughout the town (his parents literally own everything) and she left him not-quite-at-the-altar after discovering he’d cheated on her (yet again) the night of his bachelor party. Being a small town and influential parents, guess who came out on top in that event? Not Piper.

Her relationship with her mother is one that I really enjoyed reading, and I really like the establishment of boundaries and real-talk at the end, where her mother tells her that while she might have dependent personality disorder and borderline personality disorder, Piper has been creating her into even more of a dependent, and that it’s time to let mom stand up on her own a bit. This was refreshing, because so often caregivers are treated to the oh look at me and my woes approach, while the people they are caring for are considered unworthy of more than pity, much less any sort of agency. So it was nice to see mom push back against Piper, and recognize (and call out) their codependent relationship.

Piper’s relationship with Harrison was solid if nothing spectacular, likewise with her relationship with Monica (Eddie is mostly off doing…who knows?). They were both people with baggage who needed to work through that and find a way to move on, and how that moving on looked.

Overall, it’s enjoyable, and it satisfied my gossipy sweet tooth and need for all things royal. Plus, there was a nice parallel between private and public expectations for behavior, both for royals and teachers of young children.

I received this ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

The Royals Next Door releases August 31, 2021, from Berkley. My review will go live July 27.

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