Member Reviews

I absolutely devoured this fresh heartwarming story from Jennifer Weiner complete with a surprising twist and engaging characters.This was a slow start, but worth it to keep going. I had a really hard time getting into it at first. Daisy was kind of uninteresting and the beginning is primarily focused on her. I'm so glad I kept at it until we meet Diana (in present day) because it got sooooo much better after that. The novel travels back and forth in time and while there's nothing explicitly telling you that there's a time jump for the most part, it's usually easy to pick up. But there are a few, mostly with Beatrice, that don't make a lot of sense. I was delighted to learn that 'That Summer' is not a beach read at all and instead focused more on the narratives of the Me Too Movement and the Kavanaugh hearings, Weiner brilliantly confronts the "boys will be boys" and "they were all drinking" excuses of sexual assault in privileged prep school environments, with the fall out of the passing of years, the subsequent accomplishments of perpetrators, their feelings of regret, shame, and denial, as well the enormous and unforgettable impact felt by the victims at the time of the assault, the and the impact on families of the perpetrators when accusations come to light decades later. As I mentioned, slow start, but once it takes off it is fantastic!

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Let me say first that this book is a heavy read. It kept me engaged and enthralled the entire time but covered incredibly difficult topics that may be very sensitive for some readers. Jennifer Weiner tells an intricate story spanning decades exploring themes of friendship, trauma, recovering from pain, the choices we make, gender norms and expectations of women and men, the meaning of family, forgiveness and accountability for past actions. There's a lot to unpack in this novel and for the most part, I think she did a really excellent job of portraying how different experiences and emotions shaped her characters' lives. Told from multiple perspectives and beautifully written, this was a profound, powerful and poignant read.

Thank you so much to Atria and Netgalley for this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Not just another summer read! I began assuming it was going to be another light, summer! Timely and important, That Summer puts a spin on the Me Too movement by forging past the headlines and made me consider the way entire families are affected by past sins. Great ending!

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In all honesty, I did not finish this book. The first two chapters were terrible and I didn’t wish to continue.

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Wow...there’s a LOT to unpack here in Jennifer Weiner’s upcoming May 2021 release “That Summer”.

First, the fact that the book isn’t very good. It’s full of so many small and utterly tiny details that the reader requires 0% knowledge of, that it gets old fast. There easily could have been 75-100 pages trimmed off this manuscript. She got so bogged down here in framing the story of "That Summer" (the past) versus the modern storyline that I think it just got to be way too long and wordy.

Secondly, this book is heavy. Like very heavy. Especially in the last 40%. And it's not a beach book. At all. It’s being sold as a book that is not what you're going to read based on the title, cover, and synopsis. It's not awful. I appreciated the story and the author’s purpose of the book. I get the “social message” that she’s trying to convey. But it just took so long to get anywhere and the storyline was so messy by that point that it didn't have that powerful of an emotional punch. Plus, this topic has just been so over covered in the media lately.

As for the overarching plot, I don't know...there isn't much of one until you get to the 60% mark...and anything I tell you is going to spoil this book tremendously. Something happened to Diana that was tragic during “That Summer" when she was young, and Daisy starts getting emails meant for Diana and they form a friendship, that isn't actually genuine, because Diana plans the friendship. And there's a lot more to be unpacked in that...

Wow....Sorry. That was a lot more than I intended to type when I started. I’m sure some people will end up enjoying this book for what it is....but if I had been given a more accurate description of it and knew what the last 30-35% was going to focus on, I never would have picked it up.

2.5 ⭐️

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Jennifer Weiner has been my favorite author since I was in college (almost 20 years!) and I've never missed a new release. To get an advanced readers copy of her latest novel is a serious dream come true. I will admit, I don't think I really read the premise of the novel.... I just saw Jennifer Weiner and knew I was going to read it.

I was initially drawn in with the characters that were so well developed and that I wanted to get to know more. I felt myself turning pages with speed, desperate to connect the dots and multiple times gasping when they did connect. The novel handles some really tough topics with grace and emotion. It was beautiful how well she approached every aspect of the issue and showed that not everything is black and white as you see from the media.

The humor I expect from Weiner was there, but muted. What I really loved was that there wasn't a great love story... it truly was about loving yourself and how to get there. Beautiful, thought provoking and challenging. While set in the cape, it might not be one you want to relax on the beach with--- but you definitely will want to add it to your summer reading pile!

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This book was received as an ARC from Atria Books in exchange for an honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own.

I am a huge fan of Jennifer Weiner and That Summer was extravagant and entertaining to read. While reading and learning about the lifestyle Daisy had compared to the lifestyle of Diana that Daisy wants, I could not help but to think of the movie Desperately Seeking Susan while Roberta was living the perfect rich life but she wanted to live on the run full of adventure like Susan. It was the same for Daisy and Diana and that made me love the book even more, a modern twist on the movie now with emails instead of newspaper ads. Just like the movie, Diana and Daisy become friends and realize that they have more in common then they seem and the point is to never judge anyone until you get to meet them because you never know what they are really like and to never take your life for granted and always count your blessings.

We will consider adding this title to our Adult Fiction collection at our library. That is why we give this book 5 stars.

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Never have I ever been disappointed in a Jennifer Weiner novel - even the ones that feel rushed are still such a fun, welcome escape from reality. That Summer is no exception. Perfect quarantine read!

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Jennifer Weiner writes another fabulous summer read, returning to Cape Cod and the different types of people who make it their home. Last year's Big Summer also took place partially on the shores of Cape Cod, and like that book, That Summer has a crime that occurs on the picturesque beaches.

That Summer begins with what seems like a blossoming online friendship. Two women, both named Dianna, seem to be getting each other's emails by mistake. When they start chatting, they decide to meet up for a drink. The story unfolds in multiple perspectives and switching from past to present. Readers start to see that this was not a coincidental friendship at all, but the culmination of many years and many past secrets.

I loved Big Summer, and I love this one too! It is everything you want in a delicious beach read-- a little romance, a little intrigue, a little mystery, and a lot of awesome female characters (including one of the Dianna's daughter, Beatrice). Highly recommend!

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Weiner always writes engaging stories with sympathetic characters. The cover and title are misleading: this one dealt with a pretty heavy topic (sexual assault), and I think the plot suffered a bit under its weight. Some of Diana's complicated machinations were a little hard to believe. But I was still rooting for both women.

*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I've changed my THIS is my favorite Jennifer Weiner book.

I devoured "That Summer" in a day. There is a nod to "Big Summer" in here, but it is a very different book and I feel like the author has entered new territory.

There are large, important topics tackled in this story about two Dianas - sexual assault (let's just call it what it is - rape), family dynamics, homosexuality, teenage angst and more. There is Diana A, or "Daisy" as her husband has renamed her; and Diana B, whose identity has also been taken away but in a very different way. Both Daisys' inner voices becomes louder throughout the book and by the end they are able to speak up for themselves, for teenaged daughters and for friends.

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I enjoyed this book and the different perspectives from Daisy and Dianna. At times I felt that the book dragged, but it was an overall good read. Loved the ending.

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Jennifer Weiner is one of the most important voices in contemporary literature, however, as a woman writing about women, she will be constantly pigeonholed into "Chick Lit."

I loved this book about the friendship of two women, recovery from trauma, and finding yourself, no matter your age. I do not want to give anything away, although the book is less mystery than character study and excellent plot. Another Weiner Winner!

Weiner's writing is fantastic and the plot is both excellent and timely. If you have not read any of her books, please treat yourself.

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Jennifer Weiner has come so far in her writing since her first novel and That Summer proves it. The riveting tale of two Dianas, who meet, seemingly by accident when Diana (who goes by Daisy) starts receiving emails from another Diana who seems to have a much more exciting life than she does. Daisy emails Diana and suggests they meet and they hit it off and become fast friends.

Diana soon becomes involved in Daisy's life, meets her family, takes cooking lessons from her and becomes a valued friend. However, her motivations for this friendship are clearly not the honest ones that are originally thought and as the story goes on this becomes a tale of revenge for a past horror inflicted on Diana by Daisy's husband, brother and others. It is engrossing and so well told I couldn't put down the book. Spanning the years from the 80's to today and going from Main Line Philadelphia to NYC to Cape Cod, this novel grabs your attention and doesn't let go until the end, and even then it will be on your mind.

Thank you to the author, Atria Books and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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Jennifer Weiner never disappoints. Great read with todays troubles. The characters are based on real life situations in todays world. The author was able to tell the story of a modern day woman, girl and life stories of the upper class. I really enjoyed the development of the characters and without giving much away they all learned lessons to enhance their lives. Highly recommend for a causal read.

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I love a summer setting in the winter! I really loved all the summery beach descriptions of everything from weather to food. Made me really look forward to summer. But this is more than a summery beach read and it is definitely very timely for today. I'm not sure I loved the resolution to everything but I enjoyed the ride.

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“That Summer” is a lovely book that makes the reader want to embrace summer, friendship and love.

Diana, who goes by Daisy, keeps getting emails for another Diana. While Daisy is the married mother of a petulant teenager in the suburbs of Philadelphia, single Diana lives and works in New York City. When Daisy emails Diana to inform her of the misdirected emails, the two quickly begin chatting back and forth, which leads to Diana inviting Daisy to hop on a train to the City for a Girls' Adventure.

But was this meeting created through a typo in an email or pre-planned because of an event that happened when both women were teens?

A reader comes to a Jennifer Weiner novel with certain expectations and I can attest that those readers will not be disappointed—there is even an intriguing tie-in to her last novel, “Big Summer.” I also believe there is enough to catch the attention of new readers who might enjoy the vivid descriptions of the Cape as well as a story that focuses on female friendships (and not just romance).

Weiner’s brilliance when it comes to bright, self-depreciating but witty characters, really made this novel a standout. While, like many of her novels, there is a lot going on, the reader does not mind hanging out as the journey (with its bumps) is still quite enjoyable.

I received a copy of this book through Netgalley. My thanks also to the publisher, Atria, and the author, Jennifer Weiner.

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Despite its title, and its predecessor and related storyline, Big Summer, That Summer is not a "summer read" in the sense of a beach read that is light and fun. Drawing on the narratives of the Me Too Movement and the K Kavanaugh hearings, Weiner confronts the "boys will be boys" and "they were all drinking" excuses of sexual assault in privileged prep school environments, with the fall out of the passing of years, the subsequent accomplishments of perpetrators, their feelings of regret, shame, and denial, as well the enormous and unforgettable impact felt by the victims at the time of the assault, the and the impact on families of the perpetrators when accusations come to light decades later. The characters are complex, as they should be, and vulnerable, as we all are. The story of Diana's slow healing as her 15 year old life is derailed felt most truthful. The cloak and dagger storyline of her befriending her assailant's wife and daughter under a pseudonym and whole-cloth identity rang less true. Although it made an interesting plot device, it felt inauthentic and disrecptpful the victim's character. Woven throughout are other considerations in women's lives - the roles we play in our families, the costs of choosing family over career and independence, the desirability of security, the obstacles for teenage girls to authentic in a world with expectations of pleasing in terms of appearance and conventionality. A worthwhile read that is often painful.

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Never disappointed by Jennifer Weiner, and her latest, That Summer, was no exception! Love her writing style and how the plot flows and keeps you turning page after page. Love the story of Daisy and how her life flows through the years. Perfect for a beach read! Or Anywhere!
Thank you to netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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That Summer by Jennifer Weiner is a wonderful modern fiction that has it all: well-crafted and complex characters, relationships, friendships, suspense, mystery, and kept me interested from beginning to end.

Emails that were supposed to go to one person, end up by accident are received by another woman due to their addresses being very similar. A friendship is developed between the two, Diana and Daisy, and then we see the multi-layered plot unfold. What we first thought was a story two seemingly different women with different lives and goals and experiences whom should have no connections whatsoever, is far more complicated and unpredictable as things unfold.

This book is far more then a "light beach read" or a "women's fiction". This book deals with some much-needed, however heavy, material. Subject matter such as rape, abuse, and the emotional and physical fallouts from these acts is part of this story. This book is about relationships: between men and women, women and fellow women, mother and daughter, and the relationship that we have with ourselves. It deals with guilt, forgiveness, happiness, darkness, and rays of light and hope that can emerge from said obstacles and challenges in life.

I won't discuss too much more in hopes that I keep as much of the surprising plot a mystery for fellow readers, but let me just say that the unraveling of the complex ball of thread that is the initially-presented plot is something that is surprising, refreshing, and a thoroughly engaging read that reminds me of why I have enjoyed so many of Ms. Weiner's books in the past.

I recommend this book as well. 5/5 stars

Thank you NG and Atria Books for this arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication.

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