Member Reviews

Fantastic kit for use in book club meetings. We struggle with discussing the book (we usually say a few worked about it and then start chatting about anything in general) and this will help us to stay on track.

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This Book Club Kit contains 25 discussion questions to accompany a book club meeting on Caste by Isabel Wilkerson. The questions would provoke thoughtful discussions and there are plenty of questions so you wouldn't run out of topics to discuss.

I do wish that this kit was longer than 3 pages with one of the pages being the cover so 2 pages of questions. Typically in a book club kit I would expect to see more activities/resources such as author interviews or similar book suggestions so I found this kit slightly underwhelming. Additionally I wasn't a fan of the design of this kit as it was fairly basic and didn't seem to complement the book's cover or themes at all.

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These book club kits are thought-provoking and offer a variety of activities for book clubs. Highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Library Resources for the opportunity to review this book club kit in exchange for my honest opinion.

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One of the most powerful and well-written volumes concerning the separation and segregation of peoples throughout history.

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This BOOK CLUB KIT includes well structed and deep thinking discussion questions. This kit works well for book clubs that are more structured and deep thought is expceted. I would not necessarily use this discsusion guide with a more casual group, but I think for a book like Caste it would still be apropriate in a casual book club. I thought the questions led in a logical order that helped build on previous questions. Overall I think the conversations around these questions allowed for deeper connection and understanding to Wilkersons book.

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No complaints. Good discussion questions that will generate some discussion. This guide was short and sweet.

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This is a great resource for my classroom, particularly, my IGCSE History course as we are currently discussing the Civil Rights Movement. Using exerts from the book paired with the book club kit has lead to great discussions with my students. Plus it has allowed my students, in all their various backgrounds, to ponder and share ideas in a healthy way. I did pick questions that were relevant to my Year 10s, but I could see myself using this with my Year 9s next year, while learning about Nazi Germany.

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Interesting and insightful read. Subject matter attracted me to read this book. Subject content was thoughtfully explored and well written. Captivating story. This should be mandatory reading!

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This was a discussion guide and only that. The questions were thoughtful, but it did not include any way to add on the experience. I would have liked more content, even if it was a list of "read next" suggestions. This is for people who only want to discuss the book.

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This is a REVIEW ONLY of The BOOK CLUB KIT for “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent,” a provocative and controversial literary non-fiction by Pulitzer Prize Winner Isabel Wilkerson about the racial inequalities that she perceives in the United States today as likened to those of the caste system in India and the former fascist terrors of Nazi Germany. This three-page e-book is dense with discussion questions to stimulate insightful two-way conversations among reading groups, yet it is blatantly lacking in visual appeal because of its lack of art and bold, eye-catching graphics or photography. Nonetheless, these Q & As are excellent and will be useful for Book Club Leaders, Librarians, as well as readers themselves who want extra insight into the background of the book and author. ❇️ As complex and intriguing as the topics covered in the book, it would be nice to see bold, colorful graphics, art, songs, maps, recipes, clothing, research statistics, bookmarks and other visual effects as a virtual legend to accompany the messages Wilkerson presents in her book. ❇️

TheBookMaven graciously thanks NetGalley, Author Isabell Wilkerson, and Publisher Penguin Random House Library Resources for this Advanced Reader’s Copy (ARC) for review.

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Caste was such a meaningful book, but nonfiction is always tough to discuss in a group. It made it so much easier that I already had the discussion questions in this Book Club Kit. I hope more people will read Caste. It is not an easy read, but so worth it. I would recommend it to anyone.

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This is a list of discussion questions, how do you consider this a kit? I wish they had included an interview or something. Heck you probably could have found these questions on google if you wanted to!

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If ever there was a book that everyone needs to read, this is that book. This book is truly riveting. Isabel Wilkerson does an excellent job explaining caste, race and class in the United States & she also parallels it with other countries such as India & Germany.

For America to truly heal from its past, this book presents the discussion we NEED to have! I highly recommend this book.

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Along with others, I mistook this for the book. This is a great kit and guide flip encourage engagement while reading this book. Thank you Netgalley and Isabel Wilkerson for the opportunity to read this book club kit!

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Mistook it for the book, which I read and then came back to this for reference and understanding. Engaging content and important book and discussions it led to.

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This is such a fun, engaging book club kit! I love reading interviews with authors, and hearing about what inspired them to write their novel. The included discussion questions are perfect for encouraging deeper exploration of the book's characters and themes, the kit is easily printable/accessible and I loved how Netgalley began including on their sites. Will definitely use in the near future with my very own book club.

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I absoluelty love these kits. I run a book group that is all about the intersectionality of gender, race, class etc where we read fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and plays that dabble in an assortment of genres for ages twelve and up. A kit like this makes it 10x easier to prep for my discussion that month with a sort of guideline for what sort of questions can be asked on top of the author interviews. I also really enjoy the handouts that these kits provide. The book marks and even book related lists are great for patrons wanting more from the book group.

These kits are a great starting point for prepping for your book group. That being said, I don't think I would pay for them because everything the kit gives is composed of materials you can more or less find yourself.

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I was drawn to this book by the cover, but I stayed for the content. Like with all non-fiction, it can be pretty helpful to have a resource that helps you think about the information presented in the book, and this book club kit is really good for that purpose!

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My mistake. I thought it was the book. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this. I'm sure this guide will be useful to many book clubs.

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