Member Reviews

This is a very straightforward book club kit that consists of 25 discussion questions. The questions are well written and will lead to very thoughtful book club discussions about race and racism in the United States.

The guide has some very good questions to use in a book club format, as a personal guide to keep track of the key learnings from the book or as a conversation starter between two fellow readers. It complements the book well. I wish I had had it when I had read this book last year. Because Caste provided so much information I plan on rereading and will use these questions to help me in areas I want to delve into deeper.

Having read Caste and knowing it is the next book for the DEI book club at work, I was excited to see this resource! It is a terrific list of questions and discussion points that will help enhance our reading experience and education on the topic of racism in the United State. Thank you for providing it!

I accidentally downloaded this too quickly, expecting it was the actual book (and honestly not really knowing what a book club kit is). I will suggest my book club to pick this book in the future so that we can use this resource.

As part of my Equity committee in the school, we read Caste as a way to self-inform and educate on the history and the stories. The discussion questions and prompts were so very useful in our conversations and overall dialogue on discussing the book itself. It is a great tool for educators and anyone who wishes to approach those hard conversations with those around them. Highly recommend everyone to read the book!

I coordinate multiple book clubs and I love when books have kits or even discussion questions and/or reading guides. Yes, as readers we can come up with our own questions, but these kinds of documents can provide additional inspiration.

Fantastic specific book club discussion questions. These would also work well for an independent reader to keep their comprehension level up with such a dense text. You could use these as questions to guide notes if you are a reader that takes notes while reading nonfiction or other difficult books.

If your book club is reading or planning to read the book Caste by Isabel Wilkerson, then this Book Club Kit is a great resource to begin discussing the book. It includes 25 questions, some which refer to specific places in the book and some that are more general in nature. Many of the questions should spur interesting discussion. My only wish would be that the kit included a few more resources. I would love to know how the author would answer some of the questions. I can guess, based on my reading of the book Caste, but it's still nice to make that personal connection to the author. Also, I would like to have seen resources for readers who wanted to become more active in making change in America or simply for those who want to learn more. Overall, though, this set of discussion questions is a great resource that I hope many readers will use.

Caste was one of my best reads last year. .Being raised in India, I could totally relate to this book. So when I came along this bookclub kit, I had to download it to read the questions. Although I am not a librarian, this book has been discussed in many of my buddy reads. I have one coming up soon, where I would really like to discuss some of the questions raised here! Thank you #netgalley for this amazing kit!

The Book Club Kit was a great resource for my book club's Buddy Read. I modified the questions somewhat but it was helpful for organizing what way I wanted to focus discussions.

Pros: I have enjoyed these Penguin Random House book club kits on NetGalley so much. I've read all of the ones available on books I've already read, but this is the first one I've read for a book I've not yet read. I've been seeing Caste everywhere, and think it's topic is so timely and important. I know this is a book I need to read carefully, so I thought reading the discussion questions ahead of time would deepen my reading experience and understanding of this book. Now having read the 25 proposed discussion questions, I feel I have a firm foundation on which to read Caste, and I think it would make a great book club book.
Cons: Unlike the other book club kits I've read, this one does not have any resources in addition to the discussion questions. While I do not think some of the "fun" extra included in other kits would be appropriate for this kit, some extras would be nice, e.g., a Q&A with the author.
Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Library Resources for the opportunity to read this book club kit!

Does the publisher call a couple of pages of questions a book or even a guide? Where is the insight, where is some exploration of the themes? I was grossly disappointed

Caste was a deeply moving book and a very difficult read. I found the prompts in this guide meaningful, and they prompted further thoughts on the subjects. I highly recommend it for book clubs or buddy reads.

The Book Club Kit for Caste by Isabel Wilkerson provides 25 questions for discussion. I found that all of them were very thought-provoking, not surprisingly, since the book itself is very thought-provoking. Unlike some other book club kits, this one did not include an interview with the author, which was a disappointment, but the depth and variety of the questions more than made up for that.

The Book Club Kit for Caste was basically summaries...and while those were very good, I was looking for some discussion questions to use with my book club.
I appreciate Penguin Random House Library Resources for the opportunity to review the kit.

I’d happily recommend then actual book to our stores to stock, and offer this kit for use as we do have a book club, but as something to actually stock/purchase? It just doesn’t seem like something the average customer would buy.

Caste was my favorite nonfiction book I read last year, and I really love these thought-provoking discussion questions about the book. These will be great for my upcoming book club about this book, so we can think more deeply about the topic. This isn't a book that should be glossed over, so I appreciate these questions to help aid in understanding, contemplation, and retention!

This Book Club Guide has 25 questions for discussion to get readers thinking about the book and the truths it presents.
They're great whether you are reading with a group or just looking to take a deeper look at the caste system.
Thanks to Penguin Random House Library Resources and NetGalley for the advance copy.

These discussion questions were very insightful, and very approachable for all types of readers. A great addition to this title.

I listened to this book on audible so that I could re-listen to certain parts. Having this guide is extremely helpful to use to really grasp all the information learned.