Member Reviews

I apprecitate the publisher allowing me to read this book. I found this a really interesting read and the characters are quite engaging. it kept me reading until the end. I highly recommend.

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This was a good cozy mystery. Though the first book I’ve read in the Apron Shop series, it worked okay as a standalone. But it also made me want to go back and read the first two books. The characters will have you invested in the story. Between family relationships, friendships, established and developing romantic relationships, the caring and supportive individuals have you wanting to visit Blueberry Cove. The twists and turns keep you flipping through the pages. And what a great ending! This is definitely a series to put on your to-be-read list.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Paperbacks for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

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This is my favorite of the three books so far. Why do you ask? The secondary storyline is about a Korean War veteran and my dad is a Korean War veteran. It added something personal to the book. I would love to read a romance book based on the storyline between Chet and Florence.

The author did a great job with red herrings throughout the story. I didn’t guess the killer until it was revealed. The small-town life played very nicely into this murder.

The romance between Iris and Ian is sweet and I am thankful there is not a love triangle. I wish there was a little more spark though. I wonder sometimes if Iris is settling because Ian is such a tender and patient man. Is he too patient?

I hope there are more books in this series as I look forward to reading them.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in the above review are entirely my own.

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The third book in the series has several things going on. Iris is trying to find an additional employee for the apron shop. She and her grandmother are on the committee to set up a lighthouse museum. Finally she is reconnecting two star crossed romantics. The mystery was pretty strong and kept me guessing. This series is definitely on the light side, but it is enjoyable.

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Iris owns a one of a kind apron shop that is becoming successful. She has alot of friends and after the summer rush she is ready to hang up her kitchen apron and get out a grill. This is a unique kind of cozy and it certainly is very entertaining. I really did enjoy reading this book and I definitely recommend this book.

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While not my favorite in this series I did enjoy this cozy mystery. This series it wasn't the second book slump it was the third book slump. But because I already love the characters. The mystery wasn't my favorite of the book and I think it was because I figured out who did it before the end of the book. But I still look forward to the next book in the series.

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I loved this book so much that I am now on the hunt for the first two in the series that I missed. Characters you truly enjoy, atmosphere, and well plotted mystery combine into a delightful read.

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I loved my vacation in Maine and since I can't there right now, this book helped me take a mini vacation to visit Blueberry Cove. The mystery was well-written with twists and turns. This is one of those books that I enjoyed but wish Iris had spend a little more at the store.

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I think this series is simply charming. This is book 3 and each book is better than the last. What's particularly enjoyable to me are the strong women in this book and their equally strong bond. Iris, her grandma and the rest of the gang spring into action when Bella is arrested for murder after a hit and run accident. This is a fast paced book with interesting characters and a great setting. I'm looking forward to book 4 in the series.

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This is the third book in the Apron Shop mystery series featuring Iris Buckley, who owns the shop Ruffles and Bows in Blueberry Cove in Maine, along with her grandmother. They have just finished their busiest season so Iris is looking forward to some down time.
But when her friend Bella is accused of the hit-and-run death of Lance Pederson, Iris knows she has to help clear her name, all while helping Sophie plan her wedding and working on the lighthouse rehabilitation committee.
And while working on the lighthouse clean up, Iris discovers an old love letter, so there’s another project: Find the sender and the recipient.
The murder has a nice little twist in the end. I enjoy this series and the friendships among the women.

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This is the 3rd book in the charming cozy mystery series "Apron Shop Mysteries" by cozy author Elizabeth Penney. I have enjoyed the series and highly recommend it for your reading enjoyment. Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley. My review opinion is my own . I love the strong women featured in this series and the friendships they form. The charcters are outstanding in this series.

Our protagnist Iris Buckley is looking forward to a little rest and relaxation now that the summertime is over in idyllic Blueberry Cove, Maine. Her apron shop Ruffles & Bows that she runs with her Grandmother is a success and keeps her very busy with tourists and locals alike. She is also joining up with a local rehabilitation committee for the lighthouse restoration and helping plan her friends wedding. Her plate is full even in the off season when the shop is winding down for the year. When her friend Bella is accused of a hit and run murder of a ex boyfriend, Iris does not hesitate to step up to investigate and work to clear her name. In the meantime a mysterious letter is found in the lighthouse restoration leading Iris on another mystery to solve.

I loved this next in series. The charcters are all well drawn to the story and add to the series. The sleuth was very well crafted and kept me guessing to conclusion. I loved the references of the aprons and the vintage aprons from all our past . This is a lovely series that I highly recommend for your cozy mystery reading enjoyment.

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This was another enjoyable installment in the Apron Shop series. The descriptions of the vintage aprons and linens were wonderful, and I loved the strong female friendships.

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This book was delightful! It's a fun, easy cozy with lots of interesting characters and a story that I truly enjoyed! The characters were interesting and interacted well with each other and the plot kept me interested the whole time I was reading. While it is third in the series, it was the first one I've read and I was able to fall right into the story!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review of this book!

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Bodies and Bows by Elizabeth Penney is the 3rd book in the Apron Shop mystery series, and another great addition. I was not sure if I would like this series, because sewing and aprons are not my thing, but I really enjoyed it. Not only is this book an enjoyable cozy mystery, the characters and plot is very well written. In this book Iris is looking forward to some rest and relaxation after the summer rush at her shop Ruffles and Bows in Blueberry Cove, Maine. Unfortunately when her friends boyfriend gets killed in a hit and run, Iris begins her sleuthing. I am looking forward to reading the next adventure of Iris and her grandmother, Anne. I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys a good cozy mystery.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Of the three books in the series, I think this one is my favorite so far. It was a good, complex story and a fun read. The mystery kept me guessing until the end.

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Bodies and Bows: The Apron Shop Series by Elizabeth Penney
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Genre: Mystery & Thrillers
Release Date: March 30, 2021

Bodies and Bows is the third book in The Apron Shop Series by Elizabeth Penney. I have not read the previous books, but was easily able to read this as a standalone mystery.

I found this book to be so sweet. It is a charming cozy mystery with likeable characters and in interesting story line. This was a quick read, mostly because I couldn't put it down!

I look forward to reading the other books in the series!

I'm so grateful to Elizabeth Penney, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this ARC ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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Bodies and Bows by Elizabeth Penney is the 3rd book in The Apron Shop Series. It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series, but I do not know why you would want to miss the first two books in this cute cozy mystery series. Iris Buckley and her grandmother, Anne owns Ruffles and Bows in the quaint town of Blueberry Cove, Maine. Ruffles and Bows sells vintage linens and aprons as well as new aprons made by Iris and Anne. I just love the descriptions of the vintage linens and the gorgeous aprons (I collect vintage aprons myself). Iris is a strong female character who wears vintage clothing (sometimes new clothes made from 1950s patterns). She is close to her grandmother and has good friends as well as a boyfriend. Iris and her girlfriends organize ladies’ nights in which they include Grammie (I think that is wonderful). Iris’ friend, Sophie is getting married and needs help with her wedding plans. Grammie and Iris offer to assist. The old lighthouse is being turned into a museum. Anne and Iris are on a committee to help with the exhibits. They are going through old trunks and furniture looking for items to help. Iris finds an old apron with a love note inside. She sets out to help two star crossed lovers and hope it does not backfire. I liked learning about lighthouses and keepers. It would be fascinating working on a lighthouse museum. Iris’ friend, Bella is accused of killing Lance Pedersen. Iris and her friends know that Bella is innocent and work together to prove it. There are several viable suspects along with subtle clues in this whodunit. I was able to discern the guilty parties’ identity, but I had no clue as to why this person committed the crime. There is a great action-packed reveal. I enjoyed reading this appealing cozy mystery and I look forward to my next visit to Blueberry Cove. Bodies and Bows is a charming tale with antique aprons, luxury linens, a slain suitor, lip-smacking barbecue, a funky filling, and ill-fated mates.

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The series just keeps getting better! And it was very good to begin with! Iris and her friends were defending one of their own again when Bella was the prime suspect for the murder of a guy she'd been dating. The problem was, a number of the women in town had dated this player, so any one of them could have run him down. There were also plenty of guys who didn't like him!

After a couple of murder attempts on another friend happened, Iris knew they were getting close. I loved how she got the upper hand in the showdown, and another friend of Iris's was getting a chance at a happily ever after. The last chapter was the sweetest ever! I don't want to give away any of this awesome side story, but maybe have a tissue or two handy!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley, and my opinions are my own.

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This delightful cozy series made it to my "must read" list as soon as I finished Hems and Homicide. It hasn't disappointed me yet and I doubt it ever will. Iris and her grandmother are people I would like to have for friends and living in Blueberry Cove, Maine seems like a good idea - even with the occasional homicide to solve. Iris juggles a lot on a daily basis, running Ruffles & Bows with her grandmother. Between their bricks and mortar store and a website shop, that would be enough for most people. Not for Iris because she has a knack for investigating and a sharp mind. When a friend is the prime suspect Iris will do everything possible to find the real killer.
It's August and all Iris wants to do is enjoy some time with friends over a summer cookout and the usual end of summer fun stuff. She is also involved in the restoration of their local light house (that got my attention). It isn't long before her plans hit a giant pothole. Her friend, Bella has been dating a real hunk who has a wandering eye for other women. Bella confronts him and not long after that he is killed by a hit and run driver. Of course Bella becomes their focus but there is no way she's guilty to Iris sets out to catch the killer before she finds herself the next victim.
I loves the setting and the well developed characters and the mystery kept me guessing from start to finish with twists, turns and more than a couple of the required red herrings. I hope this series has a long run.
My thanks to St. Martins Press and to NetGalley for giving me an advance copt in exchange for my honest review.

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This is such a wonderful cozy mystery series and it’s becoming one of my favorites!

Iris owns an apron shop with her grandmother. Bella is a friend who spots her boyfriend with another woman one night and confronts him. When Lance is later killed by a hit and run, Bella becomes the prime suspect. Iris and friends immediately start to work to clear her name by finding the real killer.

One of the best parts of this series, including this book, is that Iris is actually a smart amateur sleuth, she doesn’t run blindly into dangerous situations and she thinks things out. While I enjoyed the fast paced mystery that has plot twists and multiple suspects, the best part of this book continues to be the characters. Iris and her circle of friends and family are lovely and likable and there’s a sweet romance without unnecessary drama. I hope this series continues!

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