Member Reviews

Modern day rom com and enemies to lovers romance that reminds me of 101 Dalmatians! This cover is so eye catching and absolutely adorable! Not to mention the laugh out loud moments and swoon worthy ness !!!

This release should be on your radar!

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Violet and Sam butt heads from their first meeting when Violet mixes up their dalmatians who may look similar but have very different personalities. Their feud continues when Violet finds out Sam is a firefighter who was brought in to play in the town’s softball tournament against her brothers and dad who play for the police team.

Classic enemies to lovers with a splash of 101 dalmatians-esque romance. I have been a fan of Teri Wilson’s books for years! Her writing is so fun and flirty and this latest book did not disappoint. I loved how quirky Violet was and the bond she builds with Sam over their love of their dogs. If you are looking for a fun romance read pick this one up! My only complaint is I would have enjoyed a little bit more steam…

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So, this was very cute. Toooootally predictable, but cute. When I read that a number of author Teri Wilson’s books had been adapted into Hallmark movies, everything snapped into place because that’s exactly what this book felt like. So if you like cutesy, dog-based rom-coms, then A Spot of Trouble is for you!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I loved the premise of this novel.

A classic love-to-hate romance orchestrated by two cute and conniving Dalmatians, with a sexy fireman and an epic softball rivalry for good measure?

Talk about a trifecta.

And there were surely some enjoyable comedic moments, especially involving the geriatric “Charlie’s Angels” and the doggy “Parent Trap” trope.

But despite everything this light romantic comedy has going for it, there were a few downfalls that prevented me from falling in love with “A Spot of Trouble.”

Namely, the depiction of the female protagonist.

Violet March consistently makes choices that are not only careless, but in many cases dangerous. And although these choices are meant to come across as whimsical and endearing, they instead came across as selfish.

Violet March seems so self-centred and oblivious.

I just don’t believe that someone so conscientious and careful, and with such a sense of civil responsibility, as fire marshal Sam Nash could fall for her so quickly.

Opposites certainly do attract, but this one was a stretch for me.

But also, now I want a cupcake?

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A cute quick read. Two dalmatian dogs cause a some entertaining situations. This was a fun read. 2.75 stars

****** I received an ARC from my honest opinion from NetGalley *******

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Summary: Violet March is the only one with a Dalmatian is this small softball obsessed town until Sam Nash and his perfect fire trained Dalmatian arrive in town. Sparks fly the minute Violet accuses Sam of dognapping her precious Hellion Sprinkles, the first of many miscommunications for them until they enter into their bet if Sam’s Fire fighter softball team wins Sprinkles must go to obedience training and if the police team wins Sam must be free advertising for her cupcake truck.

Thoughts: It was cute the 101 Dalmatian throwback cover had me curious and while it’s super cute I feel like Sam and Violet’s relationship was rushed. Do I love Sam? Yes, yes I do but do I think he spent more time with Violet’s puppy than her? Also yes, so I’m torn I wanted to really like this and while it’s cute I won’t be reading it again anytime soon. Also there where a lot of unanswered questioned, why didn’t Violet have any friends her ages, did the brother end up getting a police dog, we will never know now. Overall this book is just a cute very light hearted romance with strong Hallmark vibes nothing to dark or to steamy a very PG romance that I would 100 percent be obsessed with if Hallmark made it into a movie.

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A Spot of Trouble is a fun rom com about a cupcake truck owner and the new fire marshal who cross paths in their small town. While both Violet and Sam share a love of rescue Dalmatians, they do not get along. Violet has been tricked by firemen before, and as the daughter and sister to cops, she knows she can’t trust him during Softball Season. Sam has moved to escape his demons, and sparring with Violet quickly becomes one of his favorite activities. This book is highly entertaining (including adorable dogs, meddling octogenarians, and an amazing seaside town). I will say it is a bit ridiculous at times (the softball feud is unbelievably intense) but I did enjoy it!

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I loved this book! What a cute hate to love romance with cupcakes and Dalmatians! I loved the small town feel and the characters. I also loved the pacing of the book and the writing style.

I could see myself reading another book from this author.

Def would recommend!

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Admittedly I struggled to get into this one. I really and truly wanted to love it more. I think the premise is interesting and it had a great set up. However I found it excruciatingly hard to connect with Violet. Her personality was very hard for me to enjoy and it went beyond just a quirky character and straight to a little too ditzy.

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for making this happen!

This was such a cute story. 101 Dalmatians mixed with a little Parent Trap to set two unlikely individuals on the path towards love. It was as saccharine sweet as the cupcakes that Violet sells out of her airstream. The perfect airy and light read for a summer afternoon.

There is little plot, but a ton of fluff, so if you're looking for something more heavy-handed, this book ain't it. But if you just want something cute and fun that ends up happy, this will certainly do the job.

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A Spot of Trouble by Teri Wilson is a quick, cute read featuring the opposites-attract, rivals to lovers and small town romance tropes. The Dalmatians Sprinkles and Cinder steal the show!

A new rivalry is born when bubbly Violet accuses quiet Sam of dognapping her Dalmatian Sprinkles, To be fair, Sam's Dalmatian Cinder looks an awful lot like Sprinkles but the two Dalmatians couldn't be more opposite when it comes to behaviour and obedience. With the town being so small and the firefighter/police officer softball tournament coming up, Violet and Sam are thrown together more often than not and each encounter results in another argument and even more sparks. But will these two opposites ever stop arguing long enough to see that their sparks could lead to a happily ever after?

I personally had some trouble connecting with the main characters. Violet reads a lot younger than twenty-eight partly because her dad and brothers still baby her (to be fair she is the baby and only girl in the family) and partly because she jumps to conclusions/acts first without thinking in most scenarios and the consequences tend to be quite ridiculous. Sam is much more reserved than Violet but that also made him hard to get a read on and actually care about. I think my favourite characters were the dalmatians Sprinkles and Cinder.

Setting aside my personal preferences/experiences with the main characters, I think many readers will be charmed by this fluffy read. The small town setting is picturesque, the secondary characters are quirky and the pacing is very quick.

Thank you to NetGalley, SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca and the author for the chance to read this digital ARC.

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3.5 Stars

A sweet opposite-attract romance with adorable Dalmatians that will warm your heart. Violet March, the owner of a cupcake food truck and the daughter of the local police chief and the sister of two police officers is known in the seaside town of Turtle Beach, North Carolina by all residents as the owner of a sweet Dalmatian named Sprinkles. Sprinkles is the only Dalmatian in town until Sam Nash moves into town. He accepts a job as Fire Marshall with his Dalmatian partner Cinder. Beginning with their first chaotic run-in of Violet accusing Sam of dognapping, their farcical encounters continue to unfold. The rivalry duo and their antics begin to bring the pair closer. Will the incendiary pair overcome their barriers and realize they are perfect for one another?

A cozy and hilarious rom-com that will lift up your spirit and place a smile on your face. As a dog lover, I picked up this book because of the Dalmatians. It provided for a nostalgic reading experience as it was a retelling of one of my favorite films 101 Dalmatians. I truly loved Cinder and Sprinkles' friendship and all of the side characters. If you're looking for a light, cozy read this should hit the spot. Filled with quirky characters, hilarious banters and delightful storyline that will sure to charm readers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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unfortunately I did not enjoy this as much as I thought I would. I thought the whole premise was interesting however the execution was not.
violet is ridiculous, if her age wasnt stated in the first chapter I would think she was a child, and it doesn’t help that her dad and brothers treat her like one. sam on the other hand I don’t have strong opinions on because I didn’t really care for him.
all the obstacles that keep violet & sam apart are made into a bigger deal than they actually are. violet was way too hostile towards sam who is someone she’d just met and one of the reasons for her hostility towards him is because he’d been doing his job. the internal monologue gets annoying and repetitive, every time one character has romantic thoughts about the other the next line is a question about where the thought came from or denying that they’d thought it.
however I will say I did like cinder (sams dalmation) and enjoyed reading about her. in fact my favorite parts of the book were sam & cinders interactions.

**This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange of an honest review**

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Violet March and Sam Nash couldn't be more different. She's a bubbly baker, and he's a by-the-book fire marshal. The one thing they do have in common? They both own Dalmatians-- just like her owner, Sprinkles is enthusiastic but unruly, and Cinder is a well-trained fire dog who never puts a paw out of line. Ever since their first encounter, when Violet accused Sam of dognapping, the pair have been at odds. It doesn't help that Violet is the police chief's daughter, and the police and firemen of their small beach town have had a long-standing feud for as long as anyone can remember. Violet was hurt by a fireman in the past and Sam can't imagine living a life so unregimented as Violet's, but despite their differences, they can't help but feel pulled toward one another. When an innocent prank involving their dogs goes haywire, Violet and Sam's lives are turned upside down and there's no denying the spark between them any longer, so they might as well fan the flame.

I think this may be one of those times where I fell for the cover instead of the premise. I mean, look at it! It's so cute. While the premise may be adorable as well, the execution was way lacking. It almost felt like I was reading an outline of a story rather than the finished thing. Everything from the characters to the plot felt underdeveloped. I don't feel like you really got to know anyone in this story, let alone the main characters. I had more of an issue with Violet over Sam because she came off as so ditzy and not in a quirky way, more of an "Are you kidding?" way. She's supposed to be in her late twenties, but she read a lot younger. I did enjoy her friendship with the group of meddling elderly women in the senior home, though. Then there's the romance between her and Sam, if you can even call it one, which was so lackluster. There were a few funny banter bits, but ultimately, their dogs had more chemistry. I guess I was hoping for a little more meat in this one. It had so much potential with these two completely different people and the small town feud (which is also unsatisfyingly wrapped up in the last few paragraphs) it just needed to be less rushed and more fleshed out.

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Adorably fluffy romcom! I managed to finish this in one sitting. "A Spot of Trouble" had everything I want in a contemporary romance: small coastal town, enemies to lovers trope, mischievous dogs, busy body townspeople, town rivalries and cupcake food trucks. It had me smiling all the way through. The plot was a tad predictable but that doesn't take away from the charming characters and witty dialogue.

A huge thank you to Teri Wilson and NetGalley for giving me an ARC for my honest review.

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Such a cute rom-com!

Violet is the only person in town with a Dalmatian until Sam arrives with his own. He's the new fire marshal and she's the daughter of the police chief. For some reason that's not clear to him at first, the fire department and the police department have a feud going on for some time, which makes it hard for Sam and Violet to explore their attraction.

I really liked this story and the relationship between Sam and Violet. The dogs were a great addition, as were the little old ladies.

I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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This is completely and utterly adorable. It's like if the first ten minutes(ish) of 101 Dalmatians was expanded and given focus to Roger and Anita. With every subsequent read, I'm more and more on Teri's reader bandwagon.
This small southern beach town isn't big enough for a pair of Dalmatian owner arch nemesis. It's a little grump/sunshine and enemies-to-more a la Romeo and Juliet. Sam and Violet have an instant hate/love relationship the instant their meet-cute commences.
I think all of the quirky and fun in this book perfectly suited my mood. I love meddling matchmakers, quirky pets, cupcakes, and firefighters (who can say "no" to a first responder??). Every "Dalmatian ***tion" made me smirk and smile.
Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for the advanced copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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When I saw the cover I was sold on this book! Dalmatians, small-town rivalry, a grumpy fireman, and the local sunshine cupcake baker = a full on hallmark rom-com! This book was just has everything you need for an ultimate comfort happy read for when you’re feeling down or just need a little rom-com in your life. The characters were lovely (especially the meddling trio of old-woman UGH my heart!)and I always enjoy a book that has dual-POV! Recommend if you are looking for a light sweet read, and while a tad bit predictable you will no doubt get your Happily Ever After in the end!

Special Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for sharing this digital reviewer copy in exchange for my honest review

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Violet Marsh is the daughter of the police chief and Sam Nash is the new fire marshal in a town small enough that the hottest thing to do on Tuesday night is bingo at the senior center. They both have Dalmatians, and are convinced that theirs is the best Dalmatian ever. Add a softball rivalry between the departments and meddling senior citizens and you've got a trope-y clean Hallmark romance.

A cute, quick read, but not one to leave a lasting impression.

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A Spot of Trouble follows the story of Violet, the daughter of the police chief, and Sam, the new fire marshal in town. Coincidentally they both have Dalmatians, which happen to be identical. There's a rivalry between the police and fire departments, but Violet and Sam start to fall for each other.
It is a light romantic comedy. Somewhat predictable, but still enjoyable. I would recommend it if you want something light-hearted to read with a few laughs.

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