Member Reviews

This gave me Final Destination vibes hardcore but I feel like there were a few missed opportunities.

Lynnette Tarkington survived a massacre making her a real-life final girl. The experience left her paranoid and unable to trust others. The only people she does trust are the other women in her Final Girl Support Group who she has been meeting with every month. They bicker with each other and don’t really get along but the connection of the traumas they have experienced keep them together.

Things start to turn when one of the women misses group without explanation. Soon they find out the reason - she has been killed and Lynne immediately believes someone is after all of them. No one believes Lynne. They think she has lost it. But Lynne has prepared for this and she isn’t going down without a fight.

Is this a compelling story? Yes, absolutely. I couldn’t put it down. But have we heard this story before? Yes. If you are a fan of the old slasher movies such as Halloween, Scream, Friday the 13th, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and Midnight on Elm Street then you have heard it all before. But do not let that deter you from reading this. Still think it was an enjoyable read!!

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My favorite by Hendrix by far. I am absolutely obsessed with his writing, and this one is no different. I thought it couldn't get better than Southern Vampire, but I was wrong.

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The similarities between this book and Stephen Graham Jones' MY HEART IS A CHAINSAW are not to be overlooked -- not in a bad way, but rather in a way that elevates both works and helps drive home what the authors are thinking about, what we all as readers should be thinking about. Namely: why is this trope a thing, why are we still drawn to it, how does it mess up the women who are a part of it (either literally or by existing in a society that fetishizes it). I think that Hendrix's book has some weak spots and I'm not entirely sure he gets all the way to where he wanted to go re: Lynnette-as-not-quite-final-girl and what that 'means' -- and there are some big leaps of faith, plot-logic-wise -- but the book reads like a pistol crack and the things the book provokes in a reader are well worth the price of admission. Interesting stuff, even for its flaws.

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This was a solid concept, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Well written, full of twists and dark moments that just made my little horror brain happy. Well worth the read.

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💬Do you like horror movies?

Well guess what? Whether you love them or hate them, I am pretty sure that you are going to enjoy the latest book by the incomparable Grady Hendrix ( @paperbacksfromhell ), THE FINAL GIRL SUPPORT GROUP.

We all know who the “final girl” is in a horror movie, right? She is the one who is left standing when the credits roll, usually in the middle of a massacre, after taking out the killer.

BUT we never really learn what happens to her after she has survived the mass murder. This is where The Final Girl Support Group comes in handy.

Our protagonist, Lynne Tarkington, is a final girl who survived a massacre of her family 22 years ago. AND IT RULES EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY OF HER LIFE.

Sadly, she is not alone. For the past 10 years she has been going to group therapy with 5 other “final girls”. And these ladies are not weeping willows. They are badasses who do not give up. So whoever is trying to take them out, all these years later, better beware.

This is such a fun, twisty ride y’all! Just when you think you have it figured out, Grady throws you for a spin. I was on the edge of my seat on more than one occasion.

I don’t want to share much more because I think it is more fun to be surprised. In true Grady Hendrix fashion, I have found myself laughing out loud at the most inappropriate times. His writing is just so clever! I am also sleeping with my @hatchforsleep reading light on for the rest of the week, at least. 😱 I finished this one in less than 24 hours y’all!

I give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

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I couldn’t finish it. I made it halfway but I just didn’t like the story, the characters, and let this one go.

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THE FINAL GIRL SUPPORT GROUP by Grady Hendrix was good but ultimately I didn’t love it. It’s about Lynnette who survived a massacre and how she must save the day as someone starts killing the girls in her support group. I applaud the inventive plot and all the action packed into this book. I found it was a weird mix between horror and satire. I didn’t really find myself rooting for Lynnette. Probably there was a disconnect for me as I haven’t seen all the movies these girls characters are based on. This is now my third read by Hendrix and I’ve rated all three stars. I don’t think I’ll continue to read his books.

Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group via NetGalley for my advance review copy!

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As a person who is generally not a fan of horror movies, I seemed to have missed many of the great pop culture references made by Hendrix in this book to real world horror movies. However, I really enjoyed the plot and the pace of the story and I really enjoyed reading about all of the final girls and their experiences. Lynnette is quite the unreliable narrator, but she takes the reader on an adventure that gives a front row seat to what it means to be a final girl.

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I really liked the way this book kept going in different directions with the plot and keeping me on my toes as a reader. The death scenes were very gory and detailed, much more so than some thrillers. However, there was quite a bit of dark humor involved, as well. I don't think I have ever read a thriller this off the wall and unique, but I really enjoyed it all the same.

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Ever since I got sent this copy and read the title I knew I had to read it. I mean, are you kidding me? A support group for massacre survivor girls? Yes, I’m sold! I was invested all the way through and I did not guessed the killer! It threw me so off that I thought it was Lynette own imagination! I took my guesses, I thought it was one of them, then of course, the therapist. It was a quick read, I kinda expected more gore and bloody scenes but this wasn’t a let down. I would definitely read more of Hendrix.

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I really love The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires, so I was really excited for this one. However, it just didn't do it for me the same way. There were parts of The Final Girl Support Group that really pulled me in, but I got bored about halfway through and it was hard for me to finish. The plot twists were okay, but I wasn't interested enough in the set up to really care who the killer was.

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There have been a few books about final girls lately so I guess this is a trend. This one was a little wild. Maybe a little too unrealistic for me. But still fun.

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This book somehow managed to both delight and disappoint me, sometimes within the same chapter. Author Grady Hendrix applies his Paperbacks-From-Hell style to this book which shows off his equally impressive knowledge of horror films. It’s a fun read, yet I felt like he could have pushed the stories of the final girls a little more, though one story was particularly grueling and intense. Worth a read for the clever references this author has a reputation for delivering in his more successful novels.

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2.5 Stars.
I thought this would be a bit more thrilling and scary than it was. I did like that I could catch every horror reference when she explained the story of each final girl. It just felt a bit convoluted after a while and I wasn't getting into it as much as I would have liked. It's a fine enough story that wasn't really scary. Lynnette's own final girl story was horrifying and I thought it was well-written because I could clearly visualize the whole night. I think it will work better as a series so I am looking forward to seeing that.

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This was entertaining! It is the second book by this author I have enjoyed. I was reminded of all the horror movie franchises I enjoyed when I was younger, starting with Friday the 13th. I went back and forth on who was behind everything so the author did a great job with keeping me guessing the who and why. If you enjoyed the horror movies that had final girls this book is for you. Definitely put it on your TBR. *I received an advanced electronic copy of this book, for review consideration, from the publisher. My review is my opinion based on my enjoyment reading this book.* I’ll most likely read it again around Halloween. I’ll know the ending but I expect I’ll still have fun with it.

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A novel for fans of slasher movies, t's accessible even if you've only got the foggiest familiarity with their mythos. Funny, relentless, it moves with remarkable momentum from scene to scene. The tone is irreverent and, best of all, the author's insights into the genre are enlightening even for a fan.

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Interesting. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an e ARC of this book. Premise for the plot is eerie and often uncomfortable.

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2.5 rounded up to 3. Unfortunately this book just didn't work for me. I started out loving it; completely engaged in the story. Then it just sort of...fell apart. I thought the backstories of the characters would've been much better if they had been completely new or even just a little different than the horror slasher movies I am so fond of. The one Black character dies first, the middle of the book drags on quite a bit, and I actually did rather like the ending.

All of this is just my opinion. I have seen plenty of other readers truly enjoy this book and I think many more will. I plan to continue reading other Hendrix books; this one just missed the mark.

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WOW. That’s all I can think at the end of this book. Grady Hendrix has come highly recommended to me by coworkers and The Final Girl Support Group was the perfect place to start. I read it all in one sitting because I just had to know what was going to happen next.

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The Final Girl Support Group is another strong novel by Grady Hendrix. While not quite as terrifying as some of his earlier novels, the premise is refreshingly different. After all, horror fans know who a final girl is, but we never find out what happens to final girls once the cops arrive on the scenes. So, Mr. Hendrix shows us what happens to them as they struggle to put the gory events behind them. As expected, some final girls have a better time adjusting to their lives post-horror events, while others find those events dictating their every waking moment. As is true in every Hendrix novel, the characters are deliciously messy and complex. You find your sympathies waxing and waning in each scene depending on the actions. Add in someone who seems to be stalking the remaining final girls, and you have something that is equal parts mystery, thriller, and horror story.

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