Member Reviews

Fourth time is the charm for myself and Grady Hendrix. I enjoyed his other novels enough, but wasn't blown away by them. Well, this time I'm blown away. Like his other novels, this one includes a cast of flawed characters who aren't necessarily likeable. However, by the end I was rooting for every single one of the protagonists in all their damaged glory. I loved the nods to tropes and famous slasher stories, just enough nostalgia for this horror fan. I would highly recommend this one, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars.

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While I really enjoyed this book, it should come with a warning for those with weak stomachs. The descriptions of crime scenes are bloody and will absolutely turn your stomach. That said, I really had a good time reading this. I think it was fun that the backstories of the actual Final Girls seemed to be based on movie plots. That was an interesting addition. (Ex: Halloween, Scream; the place of the final showdown was named Camp Red Lake- a play in Camp Crystal Lake? ) There was no shortage of excitement and twists, and I had a hard time putting this one down. Sure to be a best seller.

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First let me say thank you so much for the E-arc copy of this book!!! So much!
The first time I read Grady Hendrix was his last book The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires, which was wonderfully creepy! I knew that I had to read this one when I saw it available on NetGalley.
The Final Girl Support Group brings the sh*t to the table. It is a dark, thrilling suspense filled novel that twists and spins your head. The characters are fascinating women with dark pasts and harden lives. The plot of this novel though makes me giddy. I started it one day and stopped but I kept going back to it in little times. Finally, I just had to stay up all night and let it engulf me. It did too. I page turned until the terrifing end and let me tell you it was worth it! It is a Must Read!

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By now, we all know the final girl is the one who survives the lunatic killer at the summer camp or the creepy abandoned house. She’s the innocent ingenue, more interested in books than boys. In real life, the final girl’s life goes on long after the media sensation dies away, then what? Lynette survived a horrific ordeal 22 years ago and it still affects her every single day; that’s why she and five other final girls have formed a support group where they share their fears and survivor’s guilt. The one day, one of the women doesn’t show up and Lynette worries her greatest fear has come true and that someone has discovered their little group, someone who intends to be sure there are no more final girls. Chilling

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Like all of Grady Hendrix's books, I was totally enraptured by TFGSG and read it in one sitting. It was engrossing and thrilling and violent, but kind of lacked the Grady Hendrix magic!

Of his books that I've read, it's the first non-paranormal title, and I think that's just where he shines. By saying "what if slasher franchises were based on real murders?" it really changed the vibe of the book. TFGSG had sort of layers of Final Girls getting their revenge / poking fun at the trope / questioning why we love to watch women getting murdered in movies...but the experience ended up being more stressful than terrifying.

But! It's still Grady Hendrix and I will recommend this book to all horror + eighties nostalgia fans.

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