Member Reviews

Total bias here, but I adore Andie Christopher books. I'm all for snark, raunch, and women who can hold their own. While a bit of the raunch was tempered by one of the leads being a priest,,, but Christopher still managed to work plenty in. I've loved Sasha since she was first introduced in "Not the Girl You Marry" and was thrilled to find out that she'd get her own chance at love! I also find series like this delightful, because you get a little peek at beyond the HEA for the other couples. While this easily could have fallen into resting on tropes and taboos, it's a thoughtful examination of faith, duty, and calling. What happens when you make a lifelong commitment because of grief and pain? It was delightful to get to know Patrick a little more as well. I read this in one sitting - it's that easy to lose yourself in.

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A hot forbidden romance sounds right up my alley! I enjoyed Andie J. Christopher's first two books in the series (and I loved when the characters from the other books made an appearance in this one!) and Hot Under His Collar is another great book.

The longing looks and lust filled thoughts between Sasha and Patrick were HOT but I also appreciated the depths of their struggles as heard through their inner monologues. Great characters and fun relationships (and friendships!) were an added bonus to this story. However, I wanted a better resolution in the end for Sasha and her family, plus the final paragraph was kind of unfulfilling. Can we get a fourth book in the series, please?!

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OK I LOVED THIS BOOK. FIRST THING, IT WAS STUNNING AH! I won't lie, I initially only wanted to reach it because of the cover... the cover is just beautiful! Honestly, though, this book defied my expectations tenfold. The romance was unexpected in all the best ways!

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Thank you Berkley and NetGalley for the free copy. I was really excited for this book and when I was approved to an early read, I was over the moon.
This book was amazing and completely exceeded my expectations.
The TENSION that was created trough the book was palpable and that made me unable to stop reading.

This book follows the journey of Sasha and Patrick. If you have read earlier books by Andie J. Christopher, then you probably remember them from Not the Girl you Marry and Not That Kind of Guy.
Patrick is a catholic priest that followed that path because he was young and in a vulnerable at the moment. He met Shasha through their friend group, as their best friends are married.
This book follows their struggle to falling in love, but at the same time knowing that they are unable to be together due to their circumstances.
I really enjoyed the way all this messy situation was resolved.
An important topic that I felt that this book touches important subjects regarding the catholic church and faith, therefore, I don't think this book will be for everyone.
I mean, this book NEVER shames people who believe or have faith, however, it highlights the serious problems the church is currently facing

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Talk about a taboo, romance. I feel like this one is going to be one of those books you either like it or you won’t based on the plot itself. I was a little hesitant at first but I’m so glad I took the plunge and read it because oh man did I love it. I think the author did an amazing job at tactfully starting the romance, as well as bringing up the issues of the church without it overwhelming the romance. I know there are a lot of issues with the church and I don’t discount that but I read to get away from real life, so I’m okay with how that was handled. The plot itself was very interesting and it kept me reading until I finished it in one go, and I absolutely loved the characters. Patrick and Sasha both had issues but you had to root for them, I also loved Sister Cortona, and kind of wish she had her own book about her love, even though we know she’s going break her own heart. I would still read that.

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Oh, I loved Andie's HOT UNDER THE COLLAR so much, especially paired with Rosie Danan's THE INTIMACY EXPERIMENT aka the hot rabbi book. If you enjoyed FLEABAG's season 2 priest romance situation, this book is for you! And since I'm definitely in that category, it really worked for me. I was screaming for them to kiss!

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In Hot Under His Collar, we follow the budding sexual tension and romance between Sasha Finerghty (whose last name I can't even pretend to try to pronounce) and Father Patrick Dooley. Father Patrick picked up the collar in order to fulfill his mother's dying wish. No pressure. He also got brutally dumped shortly after losing his mom, so seminary school seemed appealing. You can't suffer heartbreak anymore when you're forced to be celibate, right? ...Right??

Sasha is an event planner, and many of her events happen to be weddings. Which take place at church. Where Father Patrick usually officiates. Sasha is WILDLY attracted to Father Patrick, but she's pretty sure it's only because he's completely off limits. She's the black sheep of her family, but even she has lines she tries not to cross. Things get more complicated when they're forced to spend more time with one another so that she can plan a fundraiser to save the church's Pre-K program.

I liked the forbidden romance between Sasha and Patrick at first. It created a fun tension. But as the story went on, it just felt incredibly repetitive. Sasha wants Patrick but doesn't want to ruin his life and make him leave the priesthood for her. Patrick wants Sasha but doesn't think he has anything to offer her. These concerns just get repeated over and over and over in their respective chapters and they never actually talk about it. They recognize their attraction to one another but can't manage to have an actual adult conversation about what it might mean. It's one of my least favorite romance tropes.

Additionally, I felt rather confused by Patrick's lack of struggle with his emotions and attraction to Sasha. Specifically in his utter lack of religiosity. He likes being a priest in that it allows him to help people and his community, but beyond doesn't seem like he's actually concerned about God much at all? I was definitely expecting him to feel much more tortured about his feelings and the morality of the situation he was in. In fact, Sasha, the one who specifically stated that she didn't believe in God, was the one that was asking all the big questions - "Is this wrong?" "Are we bad people?" "Are we going to hell??"

I appreciated Patrick's perspective on what it meant to be a Catholic priest when the history of the institution is SO messed up, but I didn't get the sense that he was ever very religious. Which is weird in a book about a forbidden romance involving a priest. I wanted a bit more angst, and ultimately the most he had to lose was his job. It didn't really feel like his relationship with God ever changed throughout the course of the story because there really wasn't much of one in the first place.

I was also unaware that this book is one in a series of romance books called The Nolans when I first picked it up. There were definitely a few scenes that assumed familiarity with certain characters who had not been previously mentioned within Hot Under His Collar, and it was definitely pretty confusing at first. You can definitely read it without having read the previous installments, but there will definitely be gaps in your knowledge about Sasha and Patrick's group of friends. I tried not to dock any stars because of this since it was my own fault for reading them out of order.

Overall - this was just okay for me. I liked the premise and I thought it had a strong start, but I stopped caring as much about 75% of the way through.

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A romance that tackles forbidden love, acceptance and navigating through dysfunction both at home and at work.

Life isn't easy and our path to love isn't always conventional. This story will leave you rooting for the underdog and thankful that Andie Christopher wrote another must read story.

Family expectations, obligations and vows will impact Father Patrick Dooley. Sasha Finerghty agrees to help with a fundraising event only there's just one tiny problem, she's hot for the priest and her desires are becoming difficult to keep quiet.

A slow burn with plenty of heat in this witty, emotional and life altering quest to never settle in love and life.

Thank you Andie for another fabulous read!

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

Hot Under His Collar will undoubtedly face comparisons to Sierra Simone's Priest, as they are probably the only two romance novels out that include priests. (I have no idea if this is true... but I'm just guessing here.) Simone's novel felt like an inspirational romance, while also being erotic and deep diving into the taboo and sacrilege, the thesis was that romance could bring couples closer to God.

Hot Under His Collar does not share that thesis. Instead, as a very lapsed Catholic, I think Christopher is asking several questions that are all worth asking, especially about the Catholic Church. First, this book did not feel deeply taboo, and while I imagine some people are worrying that Andie J. Christopher pulled the punch, part of me thinks Christopher was questioning why a priest dating a consenting adult was bad, and if the only reason was "because it's against the rules," then maybe that is not a good reason.

I think Christopher has Father Patrick ask these same questions with regard to the Church's stance on LGBTQIA+ individuals and their children, and comes to the same conclusion. I also think Sasha's personal issues ask a similar question, about whether you can have self worth, or live a fulfilling life when the life you live goes against the "rules" set out by your family.

I also thought the sexual tension in this book was really high. While the bar scene was definitely a 5 alarm fire, the tension in that kiss scene was intense! My biggest struggle in this book wasn't the sexual tension, but the move from sexual feelings to personal feelings. It sometimes felt as though Sasha and Patrick didn't know each other on a very deep level, and they often felt too reserved, even after their deeper more revealing conversations. Nonetheless, I think Andie J. Christopher is a fantastic writer and I still truly love the found family in this series, and I hope to get another glimpse into the Nolans and Co. in the future! I hope that Jack and Bridget's older brother gets a chance at love next!

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Well, this certainly gets points for originality! It's a completely fascinating storyline that - let's be honest here - you're either going to love or hate. The concept is not for everyone, but it makes for an interesting, unique read that I had no trouble bingeing in one sitting. I really loved this hero; he made a decision at 21 while grieving the loss of his mother, and it may not have been the right one. I empathized with Patrick, and I loved what a genuinely good guy he is. His backstory is similar to that of a playboy unwilling to open up his heart to love again... he just went about it differently, lol. Patrick and Sasha make this forbidden romance a chemistry-filled, engrossing read.

The story follows Patrick, a man who made the decision to become a priest while he was young, brokenhearted, and a little vulnerable. While that decision has felt like the right one for the last ten years, the role no long fits as well as it once did. Not only is he disheartened by the church and feeling more isolated than ever, but there's a woman who has been testing his willpower for the last few years. The more Patrick gets to know Sasha, the more difficult it is to stay away. And since he's taken a vow of celibacy, that comes with its own set of complications. As the two try to figure out what to do with their attraction, the lines get blurred.

First and foremost, this won't be for everyone. It both IS and ISN'T respectful to the Catholic faith; there are definitely things about the storyline that will probably bug you if you're religious. But I knew that going in. This is more about the forbidden element, the tension, and the right/wrong of what they're doing. Have no doubt, this is a slow burn, but the sexual tension is there from the start. While I loved Patrick throughout, I wasn't always as sold on Sasha. She's dating another (dud of a) guy for much of the story, and there are a few moments that you might consider cheating. It wasn't enough to detract from my interest in the story, but I also won't say that I loved that element. Overall, this was a fascinating, unique romance, and well worth a read.

And one last thing: I actually kinda love the cover, because it's just the right kind of taboo for this one-of-a-kind love story (she's definitely either the angel or devil on his shoulder), but it also doesn't represent our couple. Patrick's black hair and green eyes are described so many times that they're definitely relevant to the storyline, so... why does this illustration have brown hair and brown eyes? It's a simple fix, and many readers will likely pick up on the discrepancy. This Father What-a-Waste is sexier than that: picture a bad boy with dark hair, a devilish grin, and devastating dimples. I received an early copy and am voluntarily leaving a review of this forbidden romance.

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Patrick lined the priesthood ten years ago after losing his mother, but lately he’s started to question his calling. Sasha is the good girl struggling to break free from her family’s conservative views on what constitutes success. When they team up to plan fundraisers to save the pre-K-k program at Patrick’s church, they can’t deny their attraction even if it is forbidden.

I’ve really enjoyed this series by Andie Christopher and was so excited for Patrick to get his own book. Sasha is Hannah’s (book 1) business partner and Patrick is Jack’s best friend. I loved seeing all the characters from previous books again, though this book works just fine as a stand-alone. I have a soft place in my heart for anyone questioning their faith and their relationship to the church, so much of Patrick’s angst was relatable to me. Also Sister Cartona might be my new favorite side character ever! Parts of this book felt under developed - I wanted a little more on the connection between Patrick and Sasha that wasn’t lust fueled. But overall I really enjoyed this.

Thanks to Berkley Romance and NetGalley for the early copy. All opinions are my own.

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Wow. I really liked this one. I love a good taboo tale. I loved Not That Kind of Guy and was so excited to be granted this wish in NetGalley. ♥️♥️♥️

So I love a good dual narration. Obviously with this weird idea behind this story it was cool to hear from Father Patrick’s POV.

I really felt the energy and chemistry between them. I also related to Sasha and how she felt destined to want what she can’t have. I don’t seem to have the pressure she has from her family, but she’s easily relatable because she’s so hard on herself.

This book comes out in July and you should for sure check it out! Love this author!🥰🥰🥰


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Hot Under His Collar by Andie J Christopher answered my prayers. Following his mother's dying wish, Father Patrick Dooley has always found purpose in his work as a priest, but recently it has felt less like a holy calling and more like administrative drudgery. Sasha Finerghty has a great event planning business, wonderful friends, and a therapist who has helped her overcome most of her internalized shame from her Catholic upbringing. So why is she still attracted to unattainable men, namely Father Patrick Dooley? Sasha cannot avoid her best friend's husband's best friend, but when she has to work with him to raise funds for the church-affiliated preschool she begins to realize her feelings may not be one-sided. As Patrick and Sasha are drawn closer together, they will have to have faith if they want to live a different life together.
The third book in the Nolens series was hard to put down and I will freely admit a book about a priest leaving his profession for love got me. Christopher's sympathetic understanding of recovering Catholics allowed her characters to debate and discuss problems with the catholic church freely. Patrick places doing good over the strict tenets of the bible and so his selflessness comes from a place of genuine charity rather than ambition. Although Sasha believes she is an awful person, her actions show that she believes in helping people who need it. Both characters are going through emotional turmoil and I was happy to read through their personal journies with catholicism, therapy, and mental health. Patrick and Sasha's shared interests and moral quandaries help build their friendship and make their chemistry believable (and boy was their chemistry).
As an aside, I would like to praise the secondary characters in this book. The families are well thought out at this point. I loved Patrick's father and brothers as much as I hated most of Sasha's family. The friends from previous books made necessary appearances but never stole the show. Working through guilt, jealousy, and grief could easily weigh down a romance novel, but I believe the gravity only emphasized the moments of joy. I enjoyed the wit, sincerity, and heart in the novel.
Now, from the first time I heard about the concept of this novel at book club, I was excited to get my hands on a copy. That excitement was not misplaced. Honestly, this might just be my favorite Andie J Christopher novel full stop. Fans of the Intimacy Experiment by Rosie Danan or It Takes Two to Tumble by Cat Sebastian are sure to enjoy Hot Under His Collar by Andie J Christopher set to release July 20, 2021.
Thank you, Berkley via NetGalley for providing the eARC of Hot Under His Collar by Andie J Christopher in exchange for my honest review.

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Ever since Priest by Sierra Simone was published, it seems like there has been a small boom in romances with preachers and priests. It’s the whole forbidden love thing you know? Some are way better than others. I highly recommend Amber Belldene’s Hot under HER Collar series that follows female ministers and they are sexy and just really really good. With those books you get the feeling that spirituality is really important to the ministers/priests but that doesn’t interfere with their sexuality.
In this book Father Patrick Dooley is a catholic priest but he’s also a bar tender and only became a priest because his mom wanted him to. I just never really felt the connection he had to his faith.

I liked Sasha and Patrick, they’re both likeable characters but Sasha’s family is just the absolute worst and I was happy with the way it was resolved but I really couldn’t stand her family at all. Also someone brought up the issues with the cover with the large priest and the smaller heroine sitting on his shoulder which is a... choice and I know that has nothing to do with the author but it is definitely one of the worst romance covers I’ve ever seen.

Anyway this one just did not work for me so I really can’t recommend this one.

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Did I choose this book after loving season 2 of Fleabag? Like so many other readers, I can only imagine the answer was a resounding YES! I just wish I had known of Andie Christopher's work before and I would've read the first two books in the series ahead of this one. Despite being a newbie to Christopher's work, I fell right into Hot Under His Collar, and couldn't put it down till the last page.

Steamy? Yes. Catholic guilt? Just a little too much for me.

Otherwise, I loved Lucy and Patrick's stories and thought their romance was just the right amount of steamy and lovingly supportive. Both dealing with their own family histories, their parents' expectations for them, and balancing it with what they want and what it means for their futures. Highly relatable struggles for anyone picking up the book. For fans of Jasmine Guillory and Lyssa Kay Adams, I'll certainly being going back to read the rest of the series now!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided by to me through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to the author and publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book!

Father Patrick is grappling with remaining a priest, as it was his mother’s dying wish that one of her sons join the clergy. Sasha dates all the wrong men – they look good on paper, but just not right for her and has harbored a crush on Father Patrick since her best friend and his best friend started dating. They’re both fighting an undeniable attraction they have for each other, and it’s really only feels like a matter of when they will take a chance on each other.

From the moment I met Father Patrick in Andie J. Christopher’s “Not the Girl You Marry” all I could think is “Why does he have to be a priest? I would love to read his story, and see him find his HEA” and low and behold it’s like she heard me and has written “Hot Under His Collar” and it’s the type of rom-com and trope I didn’t even know I was looking for (it can be read as a standalone – I didn’t realize the characters were all connected until I started to read this one). I really enjoyed this book and was so happy when my wish was granted on NetGalley to read an advanced copy. Andie writes relatable characters and puts them in situations that I could see myself or any of my friends struggling with. Both Patrick and Sasha are struggling with family expectations and how that shapes you as an adult, and how it effects choices you make because of not wanting to disappoint those you love most. This theme was prevalent throughout the whole book, and is definitely something that many people struggle with. I honestly wish that I was friends with Patrick, Sasha and their whole gang. This is the second title I’ve read by Andie J. Christopher and look forward to reading many more titles by her. Would highly recommend this read!

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First off, I will never get over how funny I find the term "Father What-a-Waste".

I had been anxiously awaiting this book. I simply could not figure out how Andie would make this story line work. I mean, Patrick is a priest! Not your normal romance hero. And yet...she made it work! I must say, this was a roller coaster of emotions for me. Even though it's half of what constitutes a romance novel, I could not wrap my brain around how she could possibly give Patrick and Shay a happily ever after. But yay! She did it!

I had really enjoyed Patrick as a side character in the previous books. So I loved having him become a main character. I found getting into his head really fun. And honestly, I had mostly forgotten about Sasha. But I loved how independent and strong she was. And their chemistry? Off. The. Charts. it was palpable. Let me just say, that one bar scene. WOW.

I don't want to say the ending was rushed, but I think I just wish we could have gotten more of the HEA. It felt like their problems were so big that it took most of the book to resolve the issues and I wanted more time to enjoy them together. All that to say, I think this book was fantastic. I couldn't put it down, and I am so, so happy that Berkley Publishing granted my wish to read it early!

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This was a pretty good book that you could read as a stand-alone, even though it is a part of a shared world of the author’s previous two books. Although the author provides quick summaries of the main parts of the previous books, there are some references to the current main characters that needed further explanation but were left hanging, assuming we had the necessary background.
There is a lot of internal debate while characters are having face to face conversations which means simple dialogue stretches out much longer than necessary.
I’m not catholic but I enjoyed the look into how Catholicism places such unrealistic expectations on its followers.
Overall, a solid book.

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Rating: 2.5/5
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Adult Fiction
Warnings: Religion, LGBTQ discrimination

Father Patrick Dooley isn’t “like other priests”, (I think this means he’s more liberal and welcoming that others). Patrick joined the clergy to fulfill his mother's dying wish but it was never his true calling and he doesn’t know what else he would do. Sasha Finerghty has a major crush on Patrick, the man she can never have, and therefore she dates men who are perfect on paper and not in real life. When Patrick’s church has a funding issue, Sasha steps in to help fundraise to keep the pre-school afloat. The more they get to know each other, the easier it is for them to fall for each other. Will they take a leap of faith for love? Or stick to what they know?

This one wasn’t really for me in the end; I had read the other two in the series (liked one + DNF’d another) so I was curious about the third. This is not really a trope you see a lot (or ever), but my thoughts the whole time as I was reading were…”Is the internal monologue always going to be how much they want to jump each other?” And it was, 70% of the time and the other 30% was actual plot. Sasha’s family was manipulative + borderline abusive. I wanted a better resolution for this and never got it. Patrick’s reasons for becoming a priest were also a lot more out of guilt than faith. had trouble with the lack of background + character development and I feel like if there was more of this, the story would have been better.

Overall, while I was rooting for the couple in the end…the execution could be better in pacing, character development and way less cringey. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion. #NetGalley #HotUnderHisCollar

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This is the 3rd book in the Nolans series by Andie J. Christopher which can be read as a complete standalone. With that said, I highly recommend you read the first two because, in my opinion you get so much more out of this book and the character development that way (but again, totally not necessary). I do not have the words to express how much I loved this book and appreciated how even a taboo subject was handled with such grace and care while still being super engaging.

Andie J. Christopher gave us a swoony, angsty, steamy, will then/won’t they forbidden romance that had me not he edge of my seat and I’m here for it.

This book follows Sasha Finerghty and Father Patrick Dooley. Sasha is a competent, beautiful, good girl on the outside but she has a rebellious side waiting to get out. Years after taking his vows, Patrick begins to question his life’s path especially when Sasha is in his presence. These two have palpable chemistry that can’t be acted on so the reader enjoys a fun push pull of their relationship with a lot of internal monologues and long looks that heated up the pages.

I truly enjoyed catching up with the entire cast of characters with the glimpses we got of them in this book which felt like I got an extra epilogue on those stories. I also loved the new character that was introduced in this story, Sister Cortana who stole a few scenes with how her personality jumps off the page.

I am extremely hopeful that there will be a fourth book because now I want to know what is next for this couple as well as some of their single friends!

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