Member Reviews

This sounded like an unique take that could create a very different story, so I added to my TBR. Turns out,I ended up really enjoying it, even though I wasn’t the hugest fan when I first started.
The writing style,even though it took me a little bit to get used to it, I ended up really liking how the writing had a lot to do with the voice of the character and her personality as a whole.
If you like poetry with drama and a thriller this book might be for you.

ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The ending was great, the rest of the book just wasn't for me. The prose was choppy, which works for some people! It's just not my preference for prose. It was just a little too hard to read for me which made the story not as enjoyable.

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I am Margaret Moore is a unique take on Shakespeare, turning it into a YA thriller with a surprise twist at the end. Hannah Capin is definitely in a league of her own with her unique style of writing and imaginatory story telling. For anyone who enjoys thrillers, this one might just keep you on your toes.

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I'm with the other readers on this. I was confused through the story. I requested this because i was a big fan of wilder girls and thought it would give me something to read after falling in love with the story but this tory was just hard to follow and i loved the idea of the story but i think the author might need to find away to connect with readers during the reading

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I would call this an effusive, lyrical, dreamscape of a book were I not certain that would give a (completely mistaken) positive impression. Where every sunset is the rippling wind, where each sky is the clear blue of dreams yet to come, where every action leads to the most impossibly loved moment - why should i care at all?

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This was not for me. For several reasons. First off, I’m not a fan of Hannah Caplin’s writing style. Her styles is a very acquired taste, and I get the sense that most readers won’t prefer it. I don’t really know how else to describe it but it somehow sounds simultaneously third person and first person at the same time. Either you love it or hate it and I don’t see many readers preferring her style. It’s very lyrical and authentic like poetry, but at the same time, harder to grasp. I feel like I read a poetry book disguised as a YA thriller. If I wanted to read convoluted, weird, hard to understand writing then I’d just read actual poetry, ya know?

The thing is, I liked her previous book, foul is fair, well enough. It was batshit and convoluted to the point where it was confusing, yes, but I followed it easy enough and I loved the way it ended. Even with foul is fair, there’s SO MANY THINGS I need explanations for with that book. Going into this one, I was afraid it was going to be the same way. AND THIS ONE WAS EVEN WORSE. Literally I did not understand the end at all. What the hell even happened? I couldn’t tell you!

What I also think is strange about Hannah Caplin’s books is that she blows off death like it’s no big deal. With things like murder and death, the character in her books act like it’s an ankle twist or something lol. I love thrillers but the excitement of it all was dulled by the writing prose. Sorry but it’s just NOT FOR ME. I don’t wanna read any poetic style shit. I just want you to get to the point. Foul is fair was interesting enough for me to still give it an above average rating. This was not. This was written so weird I could barely tell you what the book is even about. Not a fan, sorry.

Thanks to Netgalley for sending me an advanced copy in return for a review.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. The very end of the book leaves you thinking about the rest of the book in a new light. I admit that I finished this book and it was very hard to read. I was very confused throughout the entire book, and the confusion only gets worse as you read. The ending did a good job trying to pull it together but it doesn't really make up for the 30% of the book where I was so confused I had no idea what time line I was in (there are about three or four that it jumps between with no notice). I admit that I do not read poetry so the lyrical style of the book did not help. If you enjoy poetry this book might be for you but if you don't than this book might not be for you.

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A predictable plot twist coupled with "lyrical" flowery, drawn out, and confusing writing left me feeling incredibly underwhelmed with this story. The concept was great, but there just wasn't a lot of great things going for this book. If you like a lot more flowery writing in your stories, you might enjoy this more than I did.

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I know this has received some amazing reviews, but this was not for me. I was not a fan of the lyrical writing, and even when people were conversing I had a hard time with the way the teenagers were portrayed. There is nothing that drives me more nuts than when teenagers are portrayed to talk and speak more maturely than they actually do. It takes me out of the story.

I was also able to guess the big twist around 30% of the way through and it just didn’t feel like some big shock or surprise. So while I can understand how this book could be for others, this was just not my cup of tea.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. The very end of the book leaves you thinking about the rest of the book in a new light. I admit that I finished this book and it was very hard to read. I was very confused throughout the entire book, and the confusion only gets worse as you read. The ending did a good job trying to pull it together but it doesn't really make up for the 30% of the book where I was so confused I had no idea what time line I was in (there are about three or four that it jumps between with no notice). I admit that I do not read poetry so the lyrical style of the book did not help. If you enjoy poetry this book might be for you but if you don't than this book might not be for you.

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I had a hard time with this one. It had potential but the writing style had me confused throughout the book. Lots of repetitiveness that is meant to be poetic but instead keeps making you feel like you're losing your place.

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Hmm... okay, I’m trying too hard to move further but I think I’m the unpopular reader for this story!

The author’s Macbeth adaptation: Foul is Fair was such a unique, fresh, intriguing read for me! And just like Macbeth’s witches, we have four friends’ bounding in this book which reminded me of her previous work’s formula.

When I read the blurb, I even thought it might be some kind of sequel of her previous work. So I excitedly start my reading ( by the way this is standalone, it’s not related with her previous work: even though the girls’ friendship dynamics, lyrical, abstract writing style were the main resemblances ) and being introduced with Margaret’s best friends : Rose, Flor, Nisreen who return back to Marshall Naval School.

Their sisterhood bounding will be tested after a traumatic incident occurs at a stormy night! A boy is dead and the girls start to get vanished one by one! Is Margaret the monster who is responsible of all those vicious incidents? Or does somebody frame her? What really happened that ominous night?

The premise of the story was so intriguing but writing style was slow and bumpy road for me! When I reach around the first third, I even thought not to finish it!

At second half things were getting more interesting but I still had hard times to connect with the characters and storyline. Maybe I wasn’t in the mood to concentrate enough on pacing or it wasn’t the right time for me to invest this complex story which needs your patience to fully resonate with its challenging progression.

So I’m giving my three stars which means it wasn’t bad reading experience for me but I still had hard time to get into the story.

Anyways, I’m already in the minority. I’m sure most of the readers will enjoy this book. So I guess I’m the wrong reader who read it at the not so perfect time!

Special thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press/ Wednesday Books for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.

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So far everyone else has loved this book, so I'm clearly in the minority. I felt like "the twist" was pretty obvious? The writing was also choppy and for me that made it hard to follow, and the writing had an abstract feel to it. I get why the author did it (per the spoiler), I just didn't particularly like it. The ending was what redeemed this for me and got it to two stars.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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. . . ugh. I am so disappointed. This sounded so good! But 30% in (at least 100 pages) nothing has happened, nothing makes sense, and not in the way that makes me want to read on. I have to put this down. It isn't working for me.

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Margaret Moore is a Deck Five girl. Margaret Moore is a girl of poetry. Margaret Moore loved a boy. Margaret Moore knows something happened last summer. The boy knows the truth of what happened last summer. And the truth haunts Margaret Moore. Or does Margaret Moore haunt the truth?

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Oohhh I was living for all the drama in this book!! A quick and enjoyable read. I liked the characters and it was well written.

Thank you to Netgalley for an eARC copy of I Am Margaret Moore

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I absolutely love this book about competition and a group of friends. I would say this book is somewhere between a drama and a thriller but it’s an extremely good book. The story is interesting and the characters are very real.

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