Cover Image: You've Reached Sam

You've Reached Sam

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A HUGE thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Dustin Thao for sending me an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Wow. I was immediately intrigued when I saw the cover for this book, and then after reading the synopsis I knew I had to read it. This book was right up my alley, everything I'd hoped for and then some.

This book was so heartbreakingly beautiful. This book is for anyone who's lost someone and never got their chance to say goodbye, or just anyone who's ever grieved over someone.

Julie's character was so raw and real, and I loved that Thao did such a great job touching on how everyone's grieving process is different. Everyone deals with death and loss differently, and I loved how that was shown throughout, with Julie, his friends, his family, and those whose lives Sam touched.

As someone who's lost a very close friend in a car accident, this book definitely hit home and I cried endlessly throughout this book. It hurt so good, and I will say that this book is not for the faint of heart, it's very emotional and heavy, and deals with a lot of raw emotion.

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Thank you Net Galley for an ARC of You've Reached Sam. This is a young adult romance. Julie and Sam are still in Highschool when Sam suddenly dies. Julie starts communicating with him on her phone, Giving them both a chance to say goodbye. Three stars.

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The beginning was a little confusing and choppy but I am glad I stuck it out because it was a good read overall. The characters are compelling and real.

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I was not able to get past the prologue of this book. I was really taken out multiple times by the scene changing so much. It would have been maybe a littlest better if one significant scene could have been chosen for the prologue because I got very confused as to what was happening.

Overall i think the writing style is good (Other than the scenes jumping all over the place.) As the story defiantly has an interesting set up character wise. I can tell this is a book that other people would like but this unfortunately is not the book for me.

I was given this e-arc by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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It's been a while since I've cried while reading a book. You've Reached Sam left me heartbroken. Dustin Thao's style in writing is articulate and the opposite of boring. He wrote words that would effectively pull the heartstrings of the readers. I love the way he wrote his characters. Sam and Julie feel like real people that you know, that you've met because of the way you feel about them. Thao didn't make them unrealistic. His portrayal of grief and vulnerability is on-point. This book would make you feel sad, heartbroken, happy, and hopeful. Hopeful, not because you'd hope that Sam would magically come back, but because you would feel that hope in you as you go down the book that Julie and Sam would get their 'closure' and would get to move forward. Also, I love that he emphasizes the misconception of moving on, that 'moving on' means 'forgetting' that person. I really applaud him on that part because moving on isn't forgetting about that person and your memories of them. Instead, moving on should be moving forward all the while still thinking about that person from time to time and remember them as they are.

Dustin Thao is a genius for writing this masterpiece. I anticipate to read more of his future works. :)

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A very impactful and poignant story that made me cry a few times. It's a very character driven plot but I loved learning more about Julie and Sam's relationship. The ending was a bit predictable but I guess it's always the case with stories talking about grief.
It's a book that will resonate with every readers!

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There wasn't a downside. Honestly, I've thought about this book for a few days to make sure the euphoria of a good read hadn't given me rose-colored glasses but I stand firm in my belief. Dustin Thao managed to hook into every grieving person's fondest wish, to speak to their loved ones just one more time, and turn it into a heart breaking, coulda-woulda-shoulda, messy, confusing, wonderful, relatable story about letting go and balancing moving on with remembering the dead.
I did not expect to cry within the first chapter of this book but I did and the trend did not end there. I am fortunate that I haven't had anyone close to me die as of yet (*knocks on wood*) but I could feel the numbness of shock from the main character Julie as she set out the box of Sam's things on the curb and the pain of loss reflected in her friends. I saw every facet of the tragedy and lived vicariously through it.. I saw how utterly human the characters were, making mistakes and acting irrationally, and facing the consequences of their choices. It was a true portrayal of people trying to get through the death of a loved one. This book wasn't tied up in a neat bow at the end and I loved that it wasn't. Loss doesn't end abruptly like closing the cover of a book and moving on. It just gets easier to bear and I think that's what the story was trying to say.
My god. Seriously, who wouldn't cry?
This is one of the most humanizing stories I've read in a long time and it makes me want to gather my family in a room and tell them all exactly how much I love them because tomorrow is never promised.
10/10 recommend.
And give major props to the cover artist because it is gorgeous and I would have ripped the book off the shelf and shoved my debit card at someone JUST for that. It is a delicate pink cherry blossom amongst a forest of white-washed roses; unique and coveted for it's unique and quick-lived beauty.
Dustin, if you ever read this, please write more. The world needs your words and I will happily read the heck of out them.

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You’re Reached Sam- hydrate thoroughly before reading this, because you will definitely be sobbing! If you enjoyed the film Your Name then you’ll want to pick this book up. I was immediately drawn in by the gorgeous cover. Julie is a high school student abruptly heartbroken when her boyfriend Sam dies in a tragic accident. Julie wrestles with her grief and sadness, desperately missing Sam and struggling to process her feelings. When she calls Sam’s phone simply to hear his voicemail message, Sam answers. I don’t want to say too much more, I’d rather just place a copy in your hand!

You’ve Reached Sam felt so visceral and real. Sam and Julie extend a hand to everyone who has ever had a loss in their life that they felt they could never move on from. You’ve Reached Sam filled me with nostalgia, joy, and sadness. Thao imparts bittersweet, poignant lessons about grief. The prose conveys the sense of watching a vibrant movie, with sweeping emotion and crescendos. If you’re the type of reader who would like to be curled into a ball by the end of a book, sobbing, screaming “my emotions!!” then you must check this out! You’ll be very glad you did. I absolutely recommend this heartfelt and moving story about grief and love. I’m excited to see what Dustin Thao writes next! You’ve Reached Sam releases November 2, 2021. Thank you so much to Dustin Thao, Wednesday Books, and Netgalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a really beautiful story about loss, heartbreak, love, healing, friendship and moving on. I loved the aspect of Sam answering the phone and the flashbacks we got so we could see their relationship, how they met and their dreams. It was really sad and heartbreaking to read it, but the growth the character went through was realistic and it made sense. I also loved the epilogue, because it added to the story and I could imagine Julie's life after the book.

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Unfortunately, I had to DNF this

I wouldn't usually rate a DNF and this one is lower than 3 stars for me but since it's not even out yet, in giving it the middle rating.

I really didn't like this. It has nothing to with the representation of grief and everything to do with the characters' personalities and more specifically Julie. It's not a matter of her dealing with her grief bc she was exactly the same in the flashbacks. If I can't connect to the character, whose story I'm reading, I just can't care about anything that's happening to them.

I'm very disappointed that I couldn't continue with this book since I really wanted to enjoy it. It's not bad, it just didn't work for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for this honest review.


This book had me hooked from the beginning. I was a little bit confused with the time jumps but that's what kept me reading. Going into the book I knew there was a chance I would cry, and I did. A lot. It was just so emotional. I really loved Julie's character and adored Sam's character. One moment that put a massive smile on my face was when two of the characters went to the movie theatre to see a musical, "Little Shop of Horrors", which also happens to be my favourite musical. The story ended nicely and left me a blubbering mess.

What I will say though, is that some of the characters felt a bit flat, it felt like they were just there and added nothing to the story. The situation with Julie's mom was kind of addressed then forgotten about, it threw me off guard whenever it was mentioned because I kept forgetting about it. The story would have been the same if it was left out, or, maybe more interesting if it was developed a bit more. I do appreciate the authors for adding it in and can see where they might have gone with it.

To round up, this was a nice read, I read it in a couple of sittings (I probably would have read it in one sitting if I'd started it earlier in the day). It's a cute YA contemporary, I'm usually not one for contemporaries and usually find them to be sub-par but "You've Reached Sam" met or exceeded all of my expectations making me excited for more books that this author has to offer!

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Oh my heart. This has to be one of the best YA books I've read in a very long time. I knew from the description that it would be heart wrenching, but getting to know the characters and exploring their relationships made it hurt so much worse than I was anticipating. The writing is tender and filled with emotion, and the way Thao captures grief is stunning. Highly recommend but go in knowing that it will be painful!

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I know it’s only April but I think this is probably one of the best contemporary books I’ve read this year (Yes, I am a sucker for sad sad books, don’t judge). Grief, heartbreak and friendship weave this book into existence through a sense of shared feelings of loss and healing.

I won’t lie but I may have shed a few tears within the first few chapters. I liked the book’s pacing because it wasn’t too slow & didn't felt rushed as that was one of my concern. Some books that revolve around sadness tend to be darker, not just the plot but also the feelings and vibe which ultimately when added together will drag the whole pacing down. This book perfectly balances out the sadness with the plot and characters.

If you look at the book, there isn’t anything very special cause such plots have been written before by other authors yet, there’s just something about it that made me feel like this is my first time reading this kind of plot setting.

The author’s writing is skill another thing that made my reading experience much better. The word choices he used, the world-building and his expression towards certain scenes perfectly build up the mood.

I honestly can’t wait for the book to come out in November and yes, I will definitely get myself a copy when it’s out. Best believe I’ll be back again in October and November to rave about this book so y’all will be reminded to get yourself a copy of this beautifully written book. I would like to thank Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 stars rounded up *may change

"In his death, Sam asked for only one thing, and that was for us to remember each other. Yet here I am trying so hard to forget."

'You've Reached Sam' is both a moving story about dealing with the worst kind of loss that gives you hope and a heartbreaking tale of grief that breaks you apart.

This book is nothing that I could have anticipated. The premise of talking to one's dead boyfriend seemed sad on its own, but the reality of it—along with watching a grief-stricken person ruin their own life through an unhealthy coping mechanism while you know it cannot possibly last—is so much worse. You're left to witness the memories of what life once was, the visions of what it could have been, and the stark reality of what it is. There's no breathing room. This book chokes the air out of your lungs through every character interaction and every phone call you're forced to observe and it is wonderful.

I consider myself someone who cries easily, but I did not expect the first quarter of this book alone to make me sob twice. I did not expect that the ending would leave me with a wet t-shirt and red eyes as I struggled to breathe in deeply. I did not expect I would begin to cry while writing this review. Every moment is an agonizing second you spend waiting for it to end. Waiting for Julie to find her peace. Waiting with questions about how this is possible. But none of those questions really matter.

Julie's conversations with Sam are shockingly awful to sit through. I expected that they might be a bit therapeutic. Talking to a loved one again after their death sounds to me like something that one would cherish—something that would bring them more joy and reconciliation. Instead, their conversations were agonizingly painful. Their words bit and gnawed at me, propelling the story in such a way that only made everything else infinitely worse. The last part of this book...ah, well, that was a whole cruelty onto itself. This book somehow took its enticing premise and made it seem like both the best and worst gift in this world. To get a second chance with someone, a chance in which you can part ways, is such a cruel thing to receive.

This book is everything. It is pain, it is healing, it is grief, it is tragedy, it is condolences, it is remembrance, it is forgetting, it is death, and it is life. Such a beautifully awful story.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an advanced reader's copy.

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It's incredibly tragic of course, the unfairness of it all is a kick to the gut but I personally feel like with how tragic it was, you'd expect me to have connected to the characters more which wasn't the case. I feel like the premise won over the execution of this one.

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tw : grief, death, depression

This book was really good. It was really emotional and made me feel so much pain, but in a good way. Julie was a really good character and the author writing was really good, we really were immersed in Julie’s grief and how she recovered from it. It paints a realistic view on how grief affects people and that everyone reacts differently to it. This book is really character-driven, they aren’t a lot of things happening, but the writing keeps you interested and you just want to continue to read. It was a really good book and I think it could help people that are experiencing grief and think that they never will get over it.

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*Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for supplying me with an Arc of this book *

The premise of this book is that Julie has just lost her boyfriend, Sam. Heartbroken that she has lost him, she doesn't go to his funeral, throws away all his things, and tries to forget about him. After wanting to hear his voice again, she calls his phone just to listen to his voicemail. But Sam picks up.

I thought that this book had a very interesting concept,and a different look at how someone might deal with grief of losing someone. It has always been a fear of mine to lose my partner, and this just brought it to life.
I really enjoyed reading this book, I never wanted to put it down once I started. However, I thought that towards the last chapter, in the process of wrapping everything up, I thought it seemed just a little bit rushed.

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“We just quietly live in this imaginary world where everything I wish for is still a beautiful possibility”

Wow. Just Wow. I know this is the kind of story where you know how it’s going to end, but I still hoped it would end differently. Julie is a heartbreaking example of someone struggling to cope with grief and moving forward in life. Sam is the past, a wonderful past, but still the past. The writing was beautiful— the subtle character growth in Julie kept me invested. This broke my heart but I would read it over and over just to feel those emotions again.

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A heartbreaking story of loss and grief while also struggling to carry on and hold on to dreams and hopes that might not seem so important anymore. The emotional impact was so strong in the happiness of seeing someone have this second chance to say the words that weren't able to be said but also in the tensity of feeling for Julie while knowing that at some point we all have to say goodbye, as difficult as that can be. The side characters and their own grief processes were well portrayed and how they at times created conflict with Julie and others helped her find her way through loss seemed realistic and tear jerking.

Perfect for readers who enjoy the heart gripping writing of Kelly Loy Gilbert and Adam Silvera's History Is All You Left Me.

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You've Reached Sam is the story of Julie, whose world has just been turned upside down by the unexpected death of her boyfriend Sam. In attempts to deal with her grief, she calls Sam's phone to hear his last voicemail one more time. Except.....he picks up the phone, giving her another chance for the goodbye she never had before.

Oh my goodness.....I'm not crying, you are. Seriously, I had to fight to make myself put this book down, it was that good of a read. My heart broke along side Julie's, and I looked forward to page after page to see where her conversations with Sam would lead her in her story. The supporting characters were all wonderful to the development of the plot and it was interesting to read all of the different ways that everyone dealt with the difficult loss. A fascinating perspective on having one more chance to deal with a loss, You've Reached Sam is a book that I would strongly recommend.

Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC; this is my honest and voluntary review.

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