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You've Reached Sam

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I always, always shy away from books where I know a character dies. But considering I knew Sam was dead before the book began I figured I would be able to handle it. And this book still brought me to tears (in a great way!) several times over. All of the characters felt real and each their own. The flashbacks as dream sequences were so fluid that it never took me out of staying in the present. All of the characters held a maturity and immaturity to them that was so realistic to the situation and their place in life. I was left feeling wrung dry but highly satisfied. Absolutely a five star read.

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This. was. so. GOOD. I expected this to break my heart, and it definitely delivered on that front. I loved that book when I read it so that left me really excited for this one. I loved how it jumped between then and now so there was a full look at Sam and Julie's relationship. It was really intense for how short it was but I found their love super believable, which made it all the more heartbreaking.
I think Julie's struggles with grief seemed like an accurate depiction to me, and one that you don't see often in books. It makes her a bit of an unlikeable character which was an interesting twist. Seeing her transformation throughout the book
made me root for her all the more.

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While I was reading this book I was sure I would cry my eyes out and guess what?? I was right!!! the book isn't perfect and it feel a bit off sometimes, but overall I loved it. I honestly don't know what I would do on a similar situation and the thought of losing a loved one makes me want to cry, so yeah. Emotions all over the place! I will definitely more books from this author.

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I really loved this book. It a quick read and you're 100% in it. The writing style was good I experienced the emotions of the characters

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Julie was an interesting character to follow, and though I didn’t quite love her specifically, I did love what Thao explored with her. To me, it was not an issue that she was “unlikeable” or “annoying” as other readers might call her, because her story was about working through her grief in whatever forms it might have been, whether or not it was kind to herself or others. Her character development was a beautiful examination of learning how to hold on to people after they have gone, without holding them or herself back. The fact that Julie becomes a bit insensitive and prickly is a testament to the exceptional ways a loss of a loved one can affect people, especially when juxtaposed with how others grieve for Sam.

In fact, if you’re not emotionally invested in this book, you probably will not enjoy it, because the plot is a bit repetitive (and the beginning is particularly stagnant). Though Thao explores the relationships Julie has with other people, mainly those also affected by Sam’s death, this is more the story of Julie’s personal growth in relation to grief and letting go. And since I lacked a strong connection to the story most of the time, the book felt dragged out even though I knew the character development that was taking place. There really isn’t much else to latch on to as an uninvested reader; the writing is sometimes beautiful with its imagery, and other times leaves much to be desired with its clunkiness and lack of emotion. And though the other side characters and the way their grieving intersects with Julie’s are interesting, they aren’t given a lot of page time in favor of focusing on Julie’s arc.

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You've Reached Sam was such a beautiful and poignant story about what it means to be afraid to move on and that same fear keeping you from living a fulfilling life. I felt like this story was a great balance of heartbreak and healing. Julie has to find a way to move on after a fatal accident that takes Sam away from her. One day she calls Sam's phone and he answers. No one understands how or why it's possible, but over a string of events, we start to uncover what really happened the night of Sam's death and why it's so difficult for Julie to move on. I think the part I loved the most about this book was the message that sometimes holding on to the things that have pained us the most in life, keeps us from experiencing new and loving moments. The pacing was my only issue, as I felt like we kind of flew through some of the memories that I think would have helped establish a better foundation for their love and their relationship. Overall, still, an extremely solid story that I would recommend to readers of any age.

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I love a good book that destroys you emotionally! This was excellent in every way. The characters' emotions came across the page so well. I appreciated the way this book dealt with grief in a real way. It was a real treat to read!

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You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao is an interesting book that I’m sure many will enjoy. However, this one was not for me. It took me an extremely long time to get through and I was left not really caring about details and just wondering what was going on.

Again, I am sure this book will be more enjoyable to others so I do not want to discredit the author and the novel.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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You’ve Reached Sam is a magical realism portrayal of grief and loss, and it hit hard. As someone who’s been through grief — though not of a boyfriend — the portrayal struck me as very real and heart wrenching.

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This was a beautiful story about grief and love and it definitely made me cry and question everything. I would recommend it to others.

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Heart wrenching and oh so cute! Definitely not on of my usual reads but it was good! Thank you netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I wasn't sure what to expect from this book - I initially requested it because the cover is gorgeous and one of the comp titles is a favorite movie of mine - but it ended up being a great read and wonderful depiction of grief and attempting to move on while your entire world collapses around you. Looking forward to more from Dustin Thao.

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To start off I really want to say how much I love the cover for this book which is absolutely gorgeous! Now for the review:

You've Reached Sam is a YA contemporary romance book that explores grief and what it means to rebuild yourself when you lose someone precious to you in an unexpected and tragic way. The book begins with the main character Julie grieving over loosing Sam, her boyfriend. However, no grief is ever the same for everyone and Julie grieves differently from those her around. Julie refuses to attend any ceremony honouring Sam, misses his funeral and even throws away everything that reminds of her Sam only to realize she cant forget him. Desperate to her his voice Julie call's Sam's phone hoping to reach his voicemail and hear his voice once again. Except the unexpected thing happens...Sam picks up.

When Julie asks Sam how this is possible and how could he answer her call when's he's dead, he simply replies that he picked up because she called him.

With this miraculous gift, Julie feels that she has reunited with Sam, but what does this reunion truly mean for Julie and Sam?

I am someone who rarely ever picks up a contemporary romance book, however You've Reached Sam was different. For me, it was the description on the back of the book that really compelled me to read this book. I mean a story about a girl who looses her boyfriend but is somehow reunited with him through a phone, what isn't intriguing about this premise? I also liked how the author structured the book going back and forth between the past of when Sam was alive to the present where he's dead. It helped to establish Julie's and Sam's relationship and reiterates a valuable lesson that life doesn't always go the way we want it to. This book is perfect for those who love contemporary romance with a twist.

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4.5/5 Stars

** I received this as an E-ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review, Thank you!**

I felt so connected to this book. It moved me a lot and absolutely made me cry. Grief is a funny thing, it's different for every person. I think it's easy to get lost in grief and forget about the world around you. I think this book did a great job at bringing forth that exact issue. I also really like the extra magical aspect of this book. I think it also brings forward more emotions if you've lost somebody and you remember the last thing you said to them or what you wish you would've said. Like I said this book really tore into my emotions and I sobbed a lot, it just really hit close to home. I would absolutely recommend this book, but also with the warning that it does deal with grief and loss.

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The line that stuck the most with me is this: “Letting go isn’t about forgetting. It’s balancing moving forward with life, and looking back from time to time, remembering the people in it.” I wish someone had said that to me years ago when my sister died. I never thought life would go on, but it did and that’s what Julie, the protagonist of the story, learns after her boyfriend Sam dies. Her journey is one of pain, of learning to let go. This was a unique way of telling the story of letting go and taking the next step after loss. I’m most impressed that it is a male author, telling the story of Julie’s pain. Highly recommend this one!

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Beautiful and sweet book exploring death and grief. I was drawn in by the knock-out premise and gorgeous cover, and I stayed for the gripping writing and the bits that made me cry.

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OMG I was sobbing by the end of this book. Julie can't get over the death of her boyfriend and first love. So she tries to call his phone to hear his voice. And he answers. They walk through memories as Sam helps her begin to move on with her life. Amazing story. So glad I took the time to read this story.

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Thanks to Netgalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review

This book follows a story about 17-year-old Julie who planned a perfect life with her boyfriend, Sam is washed away after an accident, Julie had to deal with the grief and pain of her boyfriend, so she went to his house to listen to his voicemail and she magically received a call from Sam, giving her the opportunity to talk to him one last time. I loved the beautiful writing and how he managed to create realistic characters.

Reading this book broke me so much and I went through an emotional journey throughout this book. I loved Justin's writing about how Julie dealt with her grief made me stare at the wall for a long time, and how he put flashbacks of their relationships that made me sad because of how they are able to relive their memories together. I loved Julie's character development toward the end of the book, even though I loved her since the beginning especially when you are recently dealing with the loss of your loved one, everyone deals with it differently.

trigger warnings: death, grief, divorced parents, racism, car crash

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Where do I begin….This was just, overall, such a tragically beautiful book and I went through all the stages of grief while reading this.

The pain that you experience through reading is just so so raw. Witnessing the pain that Julie feels and seeing her navigate through such a consuming and violate grief while talking to Sam while also having to come to terms with the fact that he’s dead was so emotional. From the first chapter, the author does an amazing job at pulling you into the story and grounding you in the setting, emotions, and characters. It’s a wonderful portrayal of grief and all that comes with it.

My only complaint about this was that it did get a bit repetitive at times. The whole point of the story is the phone calls, but some scenes — although emotional — felt a bit stale after reading so many other chapters like it. I think the story was so focused on the grieving process particular to Julie and seeing her come to terms with it that the plot got a bit lost along the way.

This was definitely a great debut and I loved the themes and how they were woven in and shown so well through the phone calls and Julie as a person. It was such a raw and encompassing book.

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4.5/5 stars! I loved this book so much and I cried multiple times! This tackles the themes of grief so well and it was such an interesting take on grief, allowing our main character to not only remember what she had lost but also take those vital steps to move forward with her life. The character work was done so well and their relationship felt so believeable to me that I can really imagine this couple existing. It had a real theme of hope throughout and that Julie would be okay at the end.

I thoroughly enjoying this heartbreaking read and even though I read it months ago, it has stuck with me. I’m really excited for anything else Dustin Thao comes out with!

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