Cover Image: You've Reached Sam

You've Reached Sam

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I’m really glad I read this. It showed the complexities of grief and how everyone handles it differently. I enjoyed the writing, and know the author's future books will be even more refined. But I couldn’t quite connect with the MC. I found her to be pretty unlikeable and she made way too many selfish, bad decisions.

Overall, this was a good YA book about life after loss and moving on in a healthy way. Great debut.

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The death of a significant other can destroy a person. But what if you could continue communication? Would you give up living your life to have one last conversation? You've Reached Sam explores the devastating consequences of grief and what holding onto the past does to someone's future. The book was heartbreaking and at times hard to read. The emotion is deep and profound, not shying away from the darker side of grief. What I would have wanted more of was the connection between the two main characters. I didn't really get a sense of their bond and the flashbacks were too shallow to really get a gage.

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I was really hoping I’d love this and read it as quickly as everyone else is loving and reading it. Unfortunately, I could quickly tell that this was definitely not the case. Straight from the beginning I didn’t like the writing style. It’s too awkward and Julie uses too many uncontracted sentences (it is on the table instead of it’s on the table).

In my opinion, if you do not contract, you tend to be more formal and uncontracted sentences are more often seen in fantasy novels and less so in young adult novels. I tend to sometimes not contract my sentences, but that’s because I tend to write a bit more formal at times. So therefore, even though I use uncontracted sentences and often did when I was younger, most teenagers do not. It felt weird reading them.

I wanted to be sad and feel the same way Julie did but I couldn’t get past the writing style and feel the same way as everyone else. The transitions from flashbacks to normal was also not written well, in my opinion.

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This book broke my heart and smashed it into a billion pieces.

The writing was beautiful in a way that made me ache for the characters who both felt so real and tangible. Their emotions leap off the pages and they were intense and heartbreaking in the best way possible.

I wanted a lot from this book and it completely surpassed my expectations. This was a super strong debut and I'm excited to read more from this author!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was a very emotional journey. I loved the characters and it was heartbreaking. There are trigger warnings that the reader should be aware of: death of loved one, depiction of grief, car accident. A solid YA book. 3.5 stars

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This book broke me! It's been a while since I had read a book that emotionally wrecked me. Cannot recommend this book enough!

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This was a book I requested from Netgalley for two reasons:

1) THE COVER. I mean come on. That is the most beautiful cover I have ever seen. The contrast between the two characters and the sketches of the main characters are absolutely STUNNING.

2) The Synopsis. I was really intrigued about the concept of being able to talk to someone on the phone after they die. I knew going into this one that it would be packed with grief and heartbreak.

Even though I requested this a while ago, I knew it would be a book that I would have to mentally prepare myself to read. Apparently, yesterday was the day I felt best equipped!

What I Liked
- This was a fast read. It only took me about two hours to read the book from start to finish. I should have been doing homework after work (dang grad school!) but I choose to ignore that responsibility and read this book in one sitting instead!
- The main character Julie was extremely relatable for me. It reminded me of my high school relationship and a lot of the feelings she felt I understood.
- Julie's arc was also satisfying. I felt the book came to a solid conclusion that made sense.
- Julie's friends were a fun aspect to the book (although I do wish we could've gotten more of them)

What I Disliked
- Unlikeable side characters are WAY too one-dimensional. I mean, these people were Sam's friends and they were given ZERO redeemable qualities. It made me wonder why on earth Sam was friends with them in the first place. Made me view Sam as less of a person sadly.
- The story takes place too quickly after his death. I think one week was a little too soon. One month might have made the timing seem more accurate. Julie went through five stages of grief in what felt like two days.
- Sam was also one-dimensional. I understand he's dead, so it's all from Julie's point of view, but I still felt like he was lacking something.

Overall Thoughts
While this was not a five-star read for me, I still enjoyed You've Reached Sam. It was relatable, heart-crushing, but also satisfying. I think with more development of side characters I would have enjoyed this more, but I also understand how that could take away from the story (I just really love my side characters) Sam was also too underdeveloped for me to care about Sam and Julie's relationship--I think also his friends' ability to never be kind tainted my view of Sam too. Take away those two things though and you have a powerful story about a girl navigating grief. If you are looking for a story like that, this is definitely the book for you.

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I decided to request my copy of You've Reached Sam because 1, I'm certainly a sucker for pretty covers! 2, I always try to read books that are a little bit out of my usual genres. As for YA and romances, I definitely have a strange relationship with them: I do not hate them, but I rarely get really impressed by this kind of stories.

As soon as I started this book, I was pretty sure that it was going to be a real romantic, melodramatic one; but contrary to all expectations, I did not find it that insufferable. What I liked most was certainly the author's ability with words and his talent in creating empathy in the reader. The plot was not action-packed, there are not many things happening aside Sam dying, which is the very central concept of this book, so it all focuses on Julie's emotions and memories of her relationship with him. This is exactly what helps the reader feeling empathy for the protagonist, her abundant share of sweet moments and anecdotes about this young man that we actually get to know just through her thoughts.
I didnt' really like Julie as a protagonist, I think it was probably the thing I hated most about the book. I didn't like how dependent she felt towards Sam, how she hasn't been defined as an indipendent person but most as a reflection of Sam's presence. I mean, who was Julie before meeting Sam? What did she like to do apart what she did along with him? Moreover, I couldn't stand her egoism when it came to see also other people's grief: she was always soo focused on her own pain that she forgot that Sam's memory belonged to so many people.
On the other hand, I loved the image of Sam, his sweetness and compassion, his contagious positivity. I really enjoyed also the presence of all the secondary characters that are part of this story, who the protagonist probably didn't deserve to have near.

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“I have Sam back. I don’t want to let him go.” Man oh man. The emotion in this book is well done. I could feel the tension as Julie struggles with letting go and holding on. Well done.

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Hello, this book brought me lots of pain and now I get to share that with you via this review. You've Reached Sam is a tear-inducing story that had so much of Twitter sobbing when it released and because of that, I've avoided this book for a couple months. Now that the pain has numbed itself down to a small ache, it's time to tell you why this story wrecked my soul.

You've Reached Sam is a story that follows grief and the stages of healing that comes after losing someone you love. After her boyfriend Sam was killed in a tragic car accident, Julie didn't think there was hope or purpose for a future. One day, she decides to call his number just to hear his voicemail but he picks up. What follows is a heartbreakingly beautiful journey down memory lane as Sam reminds Julie of their shared experiences and also gives her hope to make new ones with those still around her. The way that grief was portrayed within just the first few chapters was enough for me to feel incredibly connected to both characters and want to cry with them. As this follows Julie's healing after a traumatic loss, it's not the easiest story to read and there sometimes felt like an imbalance of emotional pull throughout. The beginning and the end completely broke my heart whereas I felt pretty mellow during the middle portion, a small detail that didn't detract from my reading experience overall but just a point to note.

I appreciated how Dustin Thao allowed for grief to be portrayed in different ways so that even if I couldn't resonate with Jenny and her decisions, I could understand her pain through the other characters. This story truly is sentimental and a beautiful second chance at closure and letting go.

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You’ve Reached Sam is a story of grief and friendship and coming to terms with hard set plans not working out sometimes, but still coming out on top regardless. I loved the musical aspects and Julie’s determination to give Sam a last word, as well as the descriptive language about their town.

Julie was annoying and self centered sometimes, putting herself first, even after making promise after promise to be there for her friends. She does come around and is kinder to her supportive friends but it’s annoying to see that she doesn’t notice how mean she was, even when her friends were also grieving. Even so, I feel this is an accurate depiction of grief, especially with the added supernatural element. Being able to talk to Sam in the afterlife lets Julie cling unhealthily to his memory, tipping the scales in the opposite direction of what we initially see, when she throws out all his stuff. Once she speaks to Sam again, she latches onto anything she can of his, especially his voice, going so far as to break into his house and steal from his bedroom because she made the mistake of throwing out their shared memories.

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Love, love, love this book! I’m not even an emotional person, nor do I enjoy romance, but I HAD to read this! I am so glad I did! I loved all the characters, the plot was unique and heart wrenching. Would absolutely recommend!!

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You’ve Reached Sam was one of my most anticipated releases of 2021. I was absolutely in love with the cover, and it was pitched as a really powerful, emotional and heartbreaking read, and I was *ready* to be devastated. I’m not someone who reads summaries often – because I really don’t like being spoiled even if it’s a small thing sometimes – so I went into this book completely blind with high expectations and just a very fervent desire to love it. Unfortunately, this might have been my mistake because I found myself oddly disappointed.

The premise of this book is definitely captivating! The protagonist is a young girl called Julie who is in her senior year of highschool, and just a week after the tragic death of her boyfriend, Sam, she calls his number, and he picks up. He tells her that he’ll be around for as long as she needs him to be, but she’s going to have to let him go eventually. We follow Julie as she processes this all-consuming grief of losing someone you love – someone who’s so close to you and such a big part of who you are, and who you’re becoming – and eventually musters enough courage to say goodbye.

The thing with books that deal with grief is that it’s a really hard thing to portray. A lot of what grief is is absence, and writing absence is not an easy thing. Over the past year, I’ve engaged with a lot of media that centers grief in its narrative, and even though it’s never been associated with loss of this kind, I’ve experienced grief laterally in a way that comes close. Hell, at this point in our existence, I think we all have, in some way. And while it hasn’t always been a perfect thing, I feel like I’ve understood and engaged with portrayals of grief enough at this point to know what does and doesn’t work for me on a personal level. And this book just did not work for me, which was so goddamn disappointing.

This is not to say that I don’t see value in it, or that I think it might not work for someone else. But for me, personally, it just fell short when it came to the central conflict. I found myself getting a little tired of reading it, and eventually could only muster up a passing appreciation for what it tried to do, but didn’t feel that odd displacement that only ever comes from really impactful stories.

There’s nothing that’s wrong with this book, exactly. It all just feels a tad bit off, is the thing. The writing is good, but just feels a little too-contemporary romance for a book that’s not exactly that. The style does not carry the emotional weight of the story well in a lot of places, and it’s easy to forget that sadness and pain are a central part of it. And not in a deliberate “grief-comes-and-goes-even-when-its-always-there” way.

It’s also really hard to connect with the character of Sam, and invest in his relationship with Julie. We get told that they’re in a relationship from the get-go, and that immediately creates a framework for the author and reader to work off of, for sure, but it’s really hard to go all-in with them as the story progresses. For the majority of the book, we see alternating chapters of the past and the present – the past where we see how Julie and Sam's relationship develops, and the present where Julie and Sam have these conversations over the phone. Like, even though I could totally understand what the author was trying to do here, I just felt like something should’ve been done differently with the way we got to know Sam and Julie together. The phone calls, for instance – they did not pack the punch that they could have. There’s a lot of telling and not showing when it comes to those calls, and they sometimes only get a mention in the middle chapters. I’d have liked to see the way the conversations’ tone changed instead. I think that could’ve made the story more impactful! But, yeah.

Basically, I couldn’t see Sam beyond his attraction and love for Julie. And I couldn’t see Julie beyond her longing for Sam. I think what made it so hard to fall completely in love with this book is just that. Everything felt so skin-deep. I wanted to feel like I was sharing Julie’s bones and holding her heart in my hand. Instead, I was just. Sort of there. Hanging out nearby, watching the shit go down.

Side note: I felt more connected to the story of Oliver and Sam than I did to the one of Sam and Julie. I know a part of it is because I’m a sucker for any and all queer romance, so I could invest more in that possible ship, but more than anything, I think with Oliver, the author managed the absence so well! We’re not in his head 24x7, so we’re able to observe the way Sam doesn’t exist in his space while also seeing the way he exists without Sam. I definitely think this story would’ve maybe benefited from a perspective change like that, perhaps. And the tenses should’ve been different for the scenes set in the past, because it was always so jarring to come back to the present from them!

I know I’ve complained a lot about this book, but despite my problems with it, I really do think that it is worth reading! I know for sure there’s going to be readers who relate to these characters, and can get something out of it. And while I did find myself distracted because of the central conflict’s depiction a lot, I also really enjoyed the friend group in this book, and also the relationship Julie has with her mom! I liked how there was a realism to how these kids came together in the face of something so tragic, and I loved that despite all the mistakes Julie makes, she also gets a chance to redeem herself to these people. At the end of the day, they’re all just a big, complicated family that’s lost someone so very dear, but there’s still so much love and hope in there, and that’s beautiful.

There are also so many feelings inducing quotes in the book! I read this three months ago, and I went back to a few highlights, and the ending before I wrote this review, and I found myself tearing up! And this is what I mean!! Like this book is so rife with the potential to be absolutely devastating, but it just does not realize it fully! I’m going to stop ranting and getting carried away now! But, yeah, definitely do recommend it if you're looking for a fairly light exploration of grief. I also sincerely hope you get more out of it than I did!

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I’ve been in a state of mourning for months since I read this book. It is just so beautifully written and put together. The character development and writing in this book is absolutely insane. I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a book that will tear them apart then put them back together.

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I think I was more invested in the beginning and then slowly lost interest near the end. I liked the characters, but I think the book could have been shorter or focused more on Julie's relationships with the other characters instead of mostly just Sam.

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3.5 stars

Well this was as sweet and heartbreaking as it was slooooow and angsty.

If you like Asian culture, character driven, young adult, contemporary romance, grief/afterlife/ghost/paranormal stories, and VERY SAD stories like The Astonishing Color of After you'd probably enjoy this book.

I thought I was going to DNF this book many times because:
1- There is very little story or character arc. Just a little bit of mystery, since, well, Julie is actually talking to her DEAD boyfriend
2- This whole premise seemed a little morbid.
3- The audiobook did not help. The ENTIRE story is narrated in first person from Julie's POV with an angsty tone that I did not enjoy at all.

BUT I kept reading because:
1- ALL THE FEELINGS. it is a beautiful grief story, that's for sure. There is A LOT of feelings and sadness. A LOT. An emotionally charged story since all characters are grieving Sam (Julie and Sam's friends)
2- The writing is very good and the characters are very sweet and realistic
3- I NEEDED to know where this was going. I really wanted to see some character arcs. I wanted to see Julie and everyone else overcome this immense sadness and come to terms with Sam’s death.
4- I very much enjoyed the Asian cultural elements.
5- I heard the ending was something!

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I really liked the story in the book, although I didn't particularly find most of the characters very interesting. Our main character is rather predictable throughout the book, and some of the side characters play very minor roles for plot development and have nothing interesting beneath the surface themselves. I did really like Sam, and found him to be a great character that was well developed. The idea of being connected through the phone after someone dies is quite unique, although I wish there's some kind of explanation rather than it just randomly happened- I think it would make the story more believable. I feel that if this was a middle grade book it would've been a better fit, as a YA book it seems to be a little lacking.

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This was a read that had such potential for me, however, I could not fully immerse myself in this book. I felt disconnect slightly, and this could just be my reading!

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You’ve Reached Sam was a great book by the end but it at times became a chore to get through for me. I never really connected with the main character and wish we would have seen more of the attachment from Sam’s side in the present instead of leaving the gut punch for the end. All in all, it was a good story, just didn’t captivate me.

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A beautiful and painful book that really analyzes the process of grief, especially when it happens when you're young. This book is like a love letter to grief and all its ugliness. I cried a lot but I think I was happy about it?

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