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While We Were Dating

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Jasmine Guillory has created an adorable universe of romance, and While We Were Dating is another trip into that rosy world. Ben and Anna are a lovely couple with great chemistry, but are strong characters in their own right. It’s a great rom-com read, with diverse characters and a healthy handling of mental health. I don't think it stands out from the rest of Guillory's novels, but that's a good thing. You can count on her for heart-warming romance no matter which novel you pick.

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This was such a fun read! This was my first Jasmine Gullory read and I had a blast! I can't wait to read more from Jasmine now!

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Ben is a talented ad exec working his way up the ladder. Anna is an up-and-coming movie star hoping to become a household name. Teaming up is a no-brainer. But as Ben and Anna’s professional relationship turns into something more, can their relationship take the heat of the Hollywood spotlight?

I love the romantic world Jasmine Guillory has created, and this book adds two more lovable characters I enjoyed getting to know. For a book about a whirlwind Hollywood romance, it was surprisingly undramatic? But I actually really appreciated that about the story. Both characters are open with each other about their own mental health journeys, which is lovely to see. For such a high-profile couple, I appreciated how down-to-earth their love story was.

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Not my favorite of hers = felt a little too smooth & forced, especially in the beginning. I didn't really feel the chemistry.

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I absolutely adored this one. Yes, I’m aware I’m reading The Wedding Date Series out of order, but it doesn’t really matter.

I enjoyed this way more than The Wedding Date. I liked both Ben and Anna, loved their banter, and thought they were so cute together. Mental health played a huge role and it was nice to see that represented in a book. I definitely think it’s something that needs to be talked about more.

In my review for the Wedding Date, I mentioned how I thought the characters lacked depth, so I really appreciated that these characters had that.

This book made me excited to read the other books by Guillory and I totally want this to get turned into a movie. So cute!

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While I have enjoyed many of Jasmine's previous novels this one just didn't hit the mark for me at all. I really didn't care for either of the main characters and thought the plot line was so far fetched and not interesting at all. There really wasn't a whole lot of romance either. It was just blah for me. I struggled to finish it and was glad I did so I wouldn't have to put up with these characters anymore.

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I just LOVE Jasmine Guillory's fictional world! I want to live there with family and friends who have one another's backs and characters who act like adults. The humor and love that runs through this story are top notch.

This book is about Ben, an ad man, and Anna, an up and coming movie actor with one Academy Award nomination and working for more. They meet at a presentation for a ad campaign Anna will be involved with and it's instant sparks, but both have a rule against getting involved with people you work with, so they keep it professional.

Of course, it's more than professional in short time. And Anna's manager gets the bright idea for them to have a 'relationship' for the buzz, so she stays in the front of the public's imagination. All good things must come to an end, and that is true of their pretend romance...but c'mon, true love, amirite?

My thanks to Berkley Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Ben works for an ad agency and when his team is late to an important meeting with a potential client, he gets his big chance. He leads the meeting and captures the attention of a famous actress, Anna, who will be the face of the upcoming campaign. The two begin working together and what starts out as a professional relationship quickly evolves into more.

This one started out ok and was exactly what I expected - a light fluffy romance, perfect for the summer. However, I must admit that around the 40% mark I was considering marking this as DNF - Ben is so perfect and unrealistic that I could feel my eyes rolling into the back of my skull. I finished the book and found it to be very predictable and a little slow.

I didn’t hate this book but I also didn’t love it or even like it all that much - I just couldn’t connect to the story or feel invested in these characters.

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Jasmine Guillory has created a community of characters in the Wedding Date series where each character gets their own story. Every story is different, but retains the feel of the others in the series. Fans of of the series will know to expect interesting, successful, and independent characters who have relationships because they want them, not because they *need* them.

Each book can be read as a stand alone, but the reading experience is enhanced by starting from the beginning. Previous novel characters are given cameos in subsequent books, allowing the readers a chance for a seemless mini-update on other storylines. All is done without interfering with the current story.

As others have stated, this novel normalizes anxiety, mental health, and seeking help by therapy. The more this happens in media with wide appeal, the better we will be.

Reader advisory: Modern rom-com of multicultural characters, fake dating trope, best suited for everyone but especially those looking for those looking for strong independent characters.

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Another great book from Jasmine Guillory in her Wedding Date series. The food mentions were fantastic, definitely made me hungry while reading. Enjoyed how the characters got to deep issues, especially regarding mental health in this book. Ben and Anna were great, especially in those scenes too!

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As expected, this book was adorable and everything I hoped it would be! I have read all of @jasminepics Wedding Date series, so I was so excited to get this ARC. This one is definitely a top contender for my favorite of the series! Both Anna and Ben were such incredibly likable characters. I loved their self-confidence and quirkiness as individuals, but I also loved the things they brought out in one another when they were together. Their connection was so natural and believable and the steam was perfection! I loved that Guillory was able to tackle bigger issues including family relationships and mental health in this book in a way that made it feel natural and not forced at all. Overall, this was such a fun and easy read! I am sad to see this series end!

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While We Were Dating is a super cute romance that readers are going to fall in love with. Anna is an upcoming and coming actress; Ben works at an ad agency. When Anna is working on some promotions, their paths cross. Anna and Ben are used to being rather self-reliant, but when they meet, it's pretty evident that the sparks start flying. The biggest thing that stood out to me in this book was Anna's struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. This was something that I could relate to because of my own struggles with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. There were moments I knew exactly how she was feeling, and my heart really went out to her. I also related to her as a Black woman. Of course, I am not an actress, but I, too, have had those feelings of having to work twice as hard as everyone else or feeling like I have to prove myself more because of the color of my skin. Ben brings his own vulnerabilities to the table, mainly through a sister, Dawn, that he didn't know about and his own issues of abandonment because of this own father. I thought Ben and Anna were the perfect pair; they really brought out the best in each other. And, get this, they communicated! There is a situation that comes up that I thought for sure Anna was going to hide from Ben, but she told him right away. This was extremely refreshing and I really loved that she was open and honest with him. Of course, I can't let this review go without mentioning the steam. I thought it was the perfect level. Some action between Ben and Anna happens pretty quickly in the story, which I appreciated. I don't always like it when I'm 200 pages in and waiting for the characters to have their first kiss. That was not the case here. Guillory provides the perfect level of steam for readers to enjoy. Thank you to Berkley Romance for giving me the chance to read a digital copy of this book!

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Thank you Netgalley and Berkeley Publishing Group for sending me this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is my first Jasmine Guillory novel, after having heard so many wonderful things about her ‘Wedding Party’ series I had to read something of hers for myself. I can confirm that I did not feel lost our out of the loop, not having read her other books, but obviously now I want to. Also, it’s nice to see a healthy romance between two Black people. We still have limited representation in this genre, especially outside of interracial couples so this book was especially appreciated by me.

In this book we meet Ben Stephens, an advertising agent whose main goal is to climb the corporate ladder, work hard, and deal with the startling family news he discovered, thanks to a letter from a long-lost sister. However, when hotshot, beautiful Hollywood star Anna Gardiner personally requests him for an ad campaign, what started as harmless flirting turns into much more. Anna is trying to use this campaign to distract her from an upcoming movie role she’s desperate for and hopes it can make her an award nominee. Ben and Anna are both handling their separate situations, Anna her mental health, anxiety, and career hurdles and Ben his new family discovers and being honest with himself about what he wants out of relationships and women.

THIS BOOK HAS FAKE DATING!!! Which may or may not be my favorite trope and I’m a sucker for characters developing real feelings, trying to hide them, but ultimately succumbing to their love for the other person. I visibly swoon.

I really enjoyed both Anna and Ben and I had a great time reading their entertaining, heartwarming love stories! Ms. Guillory’s really crafted a heartwarming story, that’s great for any romantic out there.

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I love me a fake dating/dating with an end date trope and Jasmine Guillory delivered. Anna and Ben were both characters that were super real and relatable which made following their relationship that much better. I loved that we got to see some of her other characters in this book as well! I can't wait to see what she does next! (i.e. does Dawn get a book?? Or Anna's friend with the winery who's name is escaping me?)
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review!

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While We Were Dating by Jasmine Guillory is another great read. I included the book in my monthly new releases post and featured it as Book of the Day on my social media platforms.

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Ben gets a big break when a delayed flight means he must step in and pitch his firm’s campaign proposal featuring the actress Ava Gardner. Ava likes Ben’s presentation style, and his firm is awarded the contract with him as the lead.

Ava is eager to bolster her career by landing a much-coveted starring movie role. Filming the commercial will give her some distraction while she waits for news on the role.

Ben and Ava have instant chemistry on set. Their friendly flirting turns more serious when Ben helps Ava with a family emergency. They grow even closer and begin a passionate romance knowing it will end when filming ends.

Ava’s Manager, unaware of Ava’s fling with Ben, suggests a “fake romance” will keep her in the media's eye. Ben agrees so he can spend a little more time with her before they go their seperate ways.

This is the 6th book in the Wedding Date series and it works great as a standalone. Some characters are featured in previous books, which is nice for those (like me) who enjoy keeping up with favorite characters.

This slow-burn romance focuses primarily on Ben and Ava. Their relationship develops over conversations of Ben’s career aspirations and the intense pressure Ava faces in Hollywood, A standout in this book is how well the author incorporates the discussion of mental illness, focusing on anxiety and extolling the benefits of attending therapy.

Steam-wise, I’d rank them in the 60% of the Steam Richter scale, and these were some of the sexier scenes I’ve read this year. The transition from a weekend fling to fake dating felt a little forced but a minor nit in a fun, sexy romance.

This is a great beach read, and for those who are tired of sun and sand, great for all seasons!

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As per the pattern in The Wedding Date series, While We Were Dating lifts a minor character, Ben Stephens, from a previous book and creates a story around him. Ben's story employs the fake dating trope, but that does not come into play until the 50% mark, so the title is a little misleading. The main characters, Ben and Anna, are pleasant and likeable. The reader gets a glimpse into Anna's struggle with anxiety. Ben, who is initially portrayed a "player," is the quintessential gentleman, always making sure that Anna is comfortable before moving forward throughout all of Guillory's trademark sex scenes. Fans of the series will be enjoy this return to the Wedding Date universe. I admire Guillory for getting this book done during the pandemic. Thank you to Netgalley for an Advanced Readers Copy for review.

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A fake dating romantic comedy that was sweet, sexy and funny. Our heroine is a plus sized Hollywood actress who had the confidence to embrace her curves and our hero is the lead advertiser on her new campaign.

Ben was a bit star struck with Anna at first and their relationship starts out as just physical. There are a lot of vulnerable moments though from both MCs as they share their history, especially with mental health, and get to know each other on a deeper level. I was especially pleased to see how open Ben was to therapy and how supportive and understanding he was to Anna in regards to these issues.

The chemistry between these characters were fantastic and there are quite a few steamy scenes in this book. Really descriptive up until the the big finale and it happened in every single sex scene. It was like open door and then someone shut the door in your face. I'm sorry but they fell short for me because of that.

I absolutely loved Ben! He was a huge cinnamon roll and he really put himself out there and made Anna know that he was really "all in" this "fake" relationship. I felt like she sort of took advantage of him and took him for granted. It took away from her likeability as a character especially since she was in a slightly more powerful position than him with her fame and wealth.

There are cameos of characters from the previous books in this series and I enjoyed the family dynamics/ issues that both characters faced. It definitely added more layers to the story.

Overall I really liked this romance and I loved how the author put such priority and importance on mental health.

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This was such an enjoyable installment in The Wedding Date series and I really enjoyed finally getting Ben’s story after getting to know him a little in the past books!

I will say that the set up of their relationship did seem somewhat rushed at first, like I was missing some of the time they spent getting to know each other, but there is no doubt that there is angst and chemistry and some fantastic banter between Ben and Anna.

I really appreciated the aspects of this story that touched upon the way women and people of color are treated in Hollywood and publicity fields, as well was the representation of anxiety and the pressures of fame. While We Were Dating is certainly more than just a romance, though that quality is strong and consumingly fun, but it has a much deeper story beyond that and I am glad Ben and Anna found each other!

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Thank you, thank you so much for the ARC of While We Were Dating. Jasmine Guillory is becoming one of my favorite authors in romance and While We Were Dating did not disappoint. I actually ended up buying the book as well to add to my growing collection.

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