Member Reviews

From my blog: Always With a Book:

Last year, I fell in love with The Golden Cage, the first book about Faye and Silver Tears has been an anticipated read ever since it was announced it would be published this year. I have been a fan of Camilla Lackberg’s writing so quite some time, having loved the books in her Fjallbacka series that I’ve read, but these 2 books are a completely different ball game…and I love them!!!

This second book picks up after everything that happened in the first book with her husband Jack, so it really makes sense to read The Golden Cage first. Now, when she believes she should be able to relax and focus on expanding her company, someone is trying to take over…and she needs to get to the bottom of it before they ruin all she has worked to put together.

I loved everything about this book. It is uber sexy, smart and fun. I love Faye. She is determined, feisty and not willing to let anyone get the best of her. She has put together a rather interesting group of gals and I loved each and every one of them…though I was quite taken aback to see who she had selected. And if you’ve read book 1, you will understand why these choices might be surprising.

There are flashbacks throughout the book to Faye’s childhood and these really give us such an insightful look into how and why Faye is the way she is. These segments aren’t always the easiest to read, but they are short and quick but oh so powerful and add so much to the overall picture. The other parts of the book kept me wondering where things were heading for the most part. I did have my guesses on a few things that turned out to be right, but that in no way detracted from my overall enjoyment of this book because I didn’t figure it all out.

This is a fast, incredibly entertaining read with quite the steam factor at times! And it once again reinforces my love of Camilla Lackberg’s writing. I still have a few books to read in her Fjallbacka series and I plan to do so soon while I wait to see what she writes next. Clearly this author is on my must-read list!!!

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This was a pretty good book, not my favorite but not a DNF for me. I haven't read Golden Cage and it seems like that maybe would have helped!

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Somehow I missed that Silver Tears was a follow up to The Golden Cage, which I read and enjoyed last year. I think it would be difficult to start with this book, as so much happened in the first book to explain the main character's actions. Faye had escaped her husband's cruelty and had him framed for the murder of their daughter at the end of The Golden Cage. Here we pick up where the story left off. Faye, her mother and daughter are hiding at a villa in Italy.

The drama starts when someone is trying to take over her company Revenge. Who is behind this and what is the reason? Faye recruits some old friends, and former enemies, to help save Revenge. One quibble: why must all the women be the most gorgeous you've ever laid eyes on and also brilliant at what they do? It seems unrealistic and a bit reverse sexism. This series is very different from the other Camilla Lackberg series. Be prepared for a few hot sex scenes!

There is a flashback running through the book which further helps to explain the main character's personal life, and to set up the ending. It is very harsh. It is disturbing to think things like this go on within a family. Obviously they do but it seemed to be somewhat normalized, ie, this is what men do. There are not many good men in this series. I get it, this is this character's world, but I find inhibiting this world very uncomfortable. I didn't love this story, but it absolutely did keep me turning the pages. And the final scene made it absolutely certain there will be a book 3. Will I read it? Most probably! I'm giving this a 4 rating because I did want to read it through to the end, but I would give it 3 1/2 .

Thank you to Knopf Doubleday, the author, and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC.

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Silver Tears is the 2nd book about Faye - the follow up novel to The Golden Cage.

"Now that her former husband, Jack, is out of the way in prison for killing their daughter, Faye has grown her company - Revenge - into one of the leading cosmetic companies in Europe. She has a new man in her life and feels like she is falling in love. But when her father and former husband both escape from pison she is terrified that the police will find out that her daughter is in hiding and not dead. And when she discovers her company is under attack she must decide how much she is willing to fight or to run."

Faye is an interesting character. She is willing to do whatever it takes to have what she thinks she deserves to have. We get some background on her family and the terrible things done to her - and exactly how far she is willing to go. There are several times in the story I wanted to yell at her and tell her to watch out! But the heart is a funny thing and sometimes people are so desperate for connection they ignore the clues right in front of them.

The 1st book had a lot of sexy time - a lot. This book doesn't have as much but what it does have is pretty graphic.

One of the main themes here is the suppression of women by men, especially in business. I'm lucky enough to be married to someone who is a highly successful businesswoman and a great teammate and partner.

A little bit of a cliff hanger at the end.

Another good novel from Lackberg.

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Faye Adelman seems to have it all. She's rich and owns a cosmetic company that is known throughout the world. But she also has a daughter who she hides in another country, along with her mother. She framed her husband Jack for the murder of his daughter and he is sentenced to prison. He does not know his daughter is still alive, and Faye wants to keep it that way. Her daughter is living secretly in Italy with her grandmother. Jack escapes from prison and wants his revenge on his ex-wife.

Faye's company is on the verge of being taken over by someone who convinced the shareholders to sell their shares of the company to him. While trying to save her company, she meets David, whom she thinks is the answer to her prayers for a supportive, handsome, and sexy man. But not all is what it seems.

There are many twists and turns in this novel of women taking back their powers.

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A sequel to the Golden Cage and once again Faye is back,Faye who is strong willed who protects her mother and daughter who runs her own company.Then along comes David enters her world and I could not put the book down totally caught up in all the twists and turns always rooting for Fay.Will be recommending this series.#netgalley #knopfdoubleday

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest thriller by Camilla Lackberg - a sequel to one of my favorites, The Golden Cage. 4 stars for another winner!

This book finds Faye at the top of her game, running the company she started, Revenge, after she took down her ex-husband, Jack. She has her mom and daughter hidden away in Italy so that Jack, currently in prison, can never find her. But suddenly, several investors have sold their shares in Revenge, leaving ownership of her company in peril. And that's just the beginning of Faye's troubles.

While this book is more enjoyable after having read The Golden Cage, it could also be read as a stand alone since the author gives all the information needed to enjoy this one. We learn more about Faye's past in this book and it's obvious another book is on its way to complete this story. It started a bit slow for me but ramped up so that I couldn't put it down. A sexy, smart mystery awaits you with plenty of twists.

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3.5 stars

Faye is back in Silver Tears!

I did find the book a bit slow to start but once I got into it, I found myself turning the pages to see what happens to the not so nice but definitely determined Faye.

Then she meets David.

Oh David. You are a mystery.

The book did keep me guessing and I wanted to keep turning those pages to see what was in store for Faye and who was trying to take down her company

You can read it as a stand alone but you would understand Faye more if you read The Golden Cage first.

Faye's character will stay with me for a long time to come.

Thanks to NetGalley and Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Knopf for an intriguing read.

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SILVER TEARS By Camilla Lackberg
Thriller women's fiction
320 pages

In this sequel to The Golden Cage Faye is at the top of her game, her mother and daughter are safe. Until an anonymous person starts buying up shares of her company. Then she realizes the fight isn't over yet and this time it will be harder than before.

This sequel to Golden Cage is amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Faye is a badass who doesn't let anyone get in her way or try to mess up her happiness.  I love Faye and the strong, determined woman she is. In my opinion you should read Golden Cage before you read this book. You Will miss alot if you don't.  I highly recommend this book to all!!!!!!!!

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An interesting follow up to The Golden Cage. Just like that one, this was a 3 star read for me. We get to see what like is like for Faye after fleeing to Italy and living in secret.

I like that I was engaged throughout and wanted to figure out who was trying to take down Revenge. I also liked how we finally got to see what happened to Faye when she was a teenager that explains a lot! I just wasn’t all that invested in the characters.

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I wasn’t really a fan of this book. I didn’t like The Golden Cage either. I wish I liked this story more and could relate to the characters.

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I wasn’t the biggest fan of The Golden Cage but I was wondering where Faye’s story would go. I couldn’t finish the book. The story is so slow and unfortunately I do not care that much about the details of her business. If she got to the point faster, it would at least be entertaining.

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This was my first time reading a book by Läckberg, so I was very excited.

Overall, I’d say this book was “okay”. I think I was expecting a faster pace, so I was surprised when it was a slow burn and focused more on relationships. One of the main themes was strong, powerful women working together to take down the men who’ve hurt them. It’s an interesting concept, but I felt like the book dragged on several times.

At times, I was definitely missing context because I didn’t read the first book in the series, but it is possible to read this one as a stand-alone.

And I wasn’t expecting the amount of graphic sexual content in this book. Those scenes aren’t typically present (with this amount of detail) in the crime fiction I read. To each their own, but it’s not my thing.

Thank you @netgalley and @aaknopf for the #gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I read The Golden Cage as soon as it came out and absolutely loved that one! For that reason, I was super pumped for Silver Tears. Unfortunately though, I didn't enjoy this one as much. I have a love/hate relationship with Faye's character. She had a very rough past and I want to root for her success, but at the same time, I don't really like her. There were a few sex scenes that weren't for me and I thought they were unnecessary to the plot.

I did like that we got more insight into Faye's past. When I read The Golden Cage, I remember thinking that I wish we got more of that. Faye's childhood was extremely dark and traumatic.

Overall, it was a good read. I liked the book; I just didn't love it like book one.

Content Warnings: domestic abuse; rape; mention of abortion; mention of child molestation/abuse

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After the events of The Golden Cage, Faye Adelheim is back on top. Her company Revenge is poised to launch in the United States, and her abusive husband Jack is behind bars. But life starts to get more complicated when she meets the mysterious David and deals with a potential hostile takeover of her company.

I enjoyed The Golden Cage, book one in this series, so I was excited to read Silver Tears. Faye is a great protagonist - she is strong and determined with a twisted personality. I enjoyed seeing her success in a male-dominated world. Unfortunately, the darkness of this book kept it from being higher than a 3-star for me. Some of the sex scenes in the book verge on erotica, and they felt inauthentic to me. Likewise, the ending of the story wrapped up a little too quickly and neatly. The book did keep me hooked, so if you like a dark thriller, you might enjoy this one. Although you can read this one without reading The Golden Cage first, I recommend reading them in order.

Thank you to Knopf Doubleday for providing an ARC on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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In this sequel to the Golden Cage, Faye is running her company after landing her abusive husband in prison for killing their daughter. But her daughter is secretly alive; and apparently secrets from her past are also.

I loved the first book, The Golden Cage, so I had high hopes for this one. It didn’t quite do it for me. It took quite a while to get into any action. A lot had to do with business details and shareholders. There were some steamy sex scenes thrown in. While they were well written, they felt a little out of place. While this could be read as a stand-alone, I think to fully understand the background and characters, you should read the first.

“Jack was always there. She would never get him out of her dreams. He was always present. A part of her life for eternity.”

Silver Tears come out 7/6.

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Silver Tears was a very interesting book. The plot is solid with not one hole. This is the sequel to The Golden Cage and I would read that one first to really get a in-depth understanding about Faye. Faye is a character that will stick with me for a long time. Her actions mesmerized me and she’s like no one I’ve ever read before.

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The second installment following The Golden Cage, I thought Lackberg did a great job. I absolutely loved The Golden Cage and Silver Tears was the same. It did take a bit to gain interest in the story but halfway through, I was hooked!

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I didn't realize that Silver Tears was the second book in a series. I got enough background but I also feel like it would have been better to read The Golden Cage first.

CW include but are not limited to: rape, abuse, suicide, physical abuse, child abuse

This was a challenging story for me to get into. It was definitely suspenseful, but I felt as though it was lacking. I enjoyed the secrets Camilla was keeping and found the story interesting, it just fell flat for me. I think part of that is because I wasn't aware of how triggering it would be.

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Silver Tears has everything the Golden Cage had but more sensational .Silver Tears follows Faye dealing with a covert takeover of her company and her ex-husband’s escape from prison.  Parts of the book were a little bit predictable, but that didn’t spoil the fun.  Faye’s character development in this book was intense and interesting if a little hard to handle at times.  Still not sure if she's a hero or an antihero.Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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