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No One Will Miss Her

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No One Will Miss Her
Written by Kat Rosenfield

It's Oct 2018 and a woman is found with her face blown off, get nose in the garbage disposal at a lake house in a small town in Maine
Lizzie Outlete is hated by everyone in town anyway so what does it matter?

Rosenfield's psych thriller alternates POV between the dead woman, the killer and the detective.
Overall, I really liked this story, it has a few twists. . The ending was kind of meh. Kind of dragged on and on for some reason.
Some of it was kind of too far fetched.... But I still liked the story. The grass is not always greener on the other side but money helps a lot.

I did not like the narration at all. I listened to some of it but the male narrator was so bad.

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An engaging read that I thoroughly enjoyed! Highly recommend and will purchase several physical and digital copies for library collections. Thank you!!

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I enjoyed this mystery thriller. It had several clever twists and turns and kept me interested until the end.
Full of painful and sad moments it drew me in for the hope of a happier ending. But alas that was not meant to be because life is messy and this was a perfect example that not everything is black and white.
Thanks William Marrow via NetGalley.

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(3.5 stars, rounded up to 4)

Kat Rosenfeld's "No One Will Miss Her" is a gripping thriller that delves into the complexities of small-town secrets and the lengths people will go to protect their own interests. The writing is atmospheric and immersive, drawing readers into a world where danger lurks around every corner.

Filled with twists and turns that keep readers guessing until the end, Rosenfeld skillfully builds tension throughout the narrative, creating a sense of unease that lingers long after the final page is turned. While certainly engaging, the pacing is at times uneven, with certain sections of the novel feeling rushed while others drag on unnecessarily. The characters, each with their own motivations and secrets to uncover, are well-developed and multi-dimensional. Rosenfeld has created a cast of characters that are both relatable and unpredictable.

What sets "No One Will Miss Her" apart is its exploration of the darker aspects of human nature and the impact of trauma on individuals and communities. Rosenfeld's keen insight into the human psyche adds depth and complexity to the story, making it a compelling and thought-provoking read.

Overall, this atmospheric thriller will keep readers hooked until the very end. With its gripping plot, well-drawn characters, and thought-provoking themes, it is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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I enjoyed this thriller. The writing kept me interested, the story was intriguing and the twist was a surprise. Based on this, I would pick up another book by Kat Rosenfield.

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It is hard to find psychological thrillers that don’t fall somewhere into a common trope (not that there is anything wrong with those—tropes are popular for a reason!), but Kat Rosenfield has done it with No One Will Miss Her.

“My name is Lizzie Ouellette, and if you’re reading this, I’m already dead.”

Lizzie’s father is an alcoholic and runs the junkyard in the small town of Copper Falls. Parenting was hard for him in a town that looks down on him, and Lizzie endures a childhood full of bullying. Some would retreat into a shell of themselves, but Lizzie isn’t that type of girl—she stands up to the bullies which angers them more. They spread rumors about her and talk about how dirty she is. However, her greatest sin in their eyes is getting pregnant by the town’s golden boy and trapping him in a marriage that makes neither happy.

Everything turns when the local police discover Lizzie’s mutilated corpse in their home, and her husband missing. As the state detective gets involved in the investigation, layers of Lizzie’s life are peeled back to reveal more reasons many in the town resented her. Lizzie inherited an old summer cottage which she rents out to a wealthy, entitled influencer from Boston. This causes a lot of questions—why would someone who has the money to go anywhere spend their summers in a backwoods town in Maine? And was she one of the last people to see Lizzie alive?

Lizzie speaks to us from beyond the grave, telling the reader the story of how she got there. Adrienne also narrates some parts of the story, revealing her shallow materialism. And yet, there was a bond between the two women. Copper Falls represents so many small towns across the country. The town see very few outsiders, and the people of that town rarely shake the labels the town placed on them as young people.

Lizzie’s husband Dwayne continues to be the athlete and golden boy who gave up his future to do right by the trashy girl from the junkyard. It didn’t matter that Dwayne went on to become a drug addict—the town still sees him as too good for Lizzie. For her part, Lizzie never shook the image of the unkempt girl from the junkyard without a mother. It didn’t matter what she grew up to look like or have—everyone in the town saw her as the town trash.

The theme of people seeing what they expect to see begins the very first page. It plagued Lizzie and made her miserable. But Lizzie was more intelligent and perceptive than people thought. She was a fighter until her dying day. The book tells the story of a woman dragged down by her reputation and eventually by the husband who thought he was too good for her.

The twist! I can’t say what it is, you’ll have to read to find out. It’s a good one, though. It was very unexpected because in most cases it would be nearly impossible to pull off that sort of storyline without a large suspension of disbelief. And yet, Rosenfield managed to pull it off to great effect! As much as I enjoyed the twists of this book, I really enjoyed Lizzie. Even dead, her voice and story deserved to be heard. Rosenfield has a unique way of writing a story, particularly since it is largely narrated from beyond the grave. There’s an honesty to a dead narrator and especially to Lizzie—often I question if narrators are telling the full story, but I never questioned it with Lizzie. She was unapologetically herself until the end.

A shocking and thought provoking thriller!

Thank you to William Morrow for my copy. Opinions are my own.

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This is an enjoyable suspenseful thriller that had quite a few unique twists and turns and an ending that I didn't see coming. The plot is clever and I loved that it was told from the viewpoint of the victim from beyond the grave. The characters are intriguing and I also liked the juxtaposition of the two settings. The audiobook is very well done and it's an overall great read that you won't want to put down or stop listening to.

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This one was very intriguing and I really enjoyed the mystery aspect of it. I can see it being very widely loved by its target audience.

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I didn't love this one but I also didn't hate it. By the time the book was over I had sort of forgotten what I had read and I definitely don't remember 6 months later. I guess the title is not wrong.

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4 stars! This was such a solid thriller. I gave it 4 stars because I guessed the ending very early but otherwise it was an almost perfect book.

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When it appears that the town pariah, Lizzie Ouellette, is murdered in a gruesome fashion in her lakeside home, no one really thinks much about it. Certainly no one intown, with the exception of her father, is even sorry she's gone.
However, when secrets and mysteries start to surface regarding her longtime husband's infidelity, a mega-rich disgraced power couple who rents the lake house on occasion, and what is actually happening beneath the surface of this small town Maine community, it appears that this is not a simple murder.
Who was Lizzie? And why and how is this power couple involved in her murder and her husband's disappearance?
I loved this book from start to finish as the layers of both Lizzie and Adrienne Richards, the wife of the disgraced billionaire, lives start to show how intertwined these two women actually were.
Excellent and a very quick read.

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Twisty and unexpected. I loved the small town and big time instagram influencer colliding. This is one that I thought I had all the answers and was thrown off and mixed up sometimes. Fun mystery/thriller!

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Wow! This was a great thriller! It had me hooked from the very first line. I really enjoyed the different points of view and telling of the back story to present day. I had not guessed the twist which made me like this one even more!! Highly recommend if you are looking for a thriller that will shock you!!

*Thank you @williammorrowbooks and @harperaudio for the egalley and audiobook in exchange for an honest review.*

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Lizzie Oullette is telling her story - after she was murdered. Shot in the head. Her family was always thought of as trash, and she even grew up in a junkyard. She tried to lead an unremarkable life and eventually married Dwayne as she had a pregnancy scare. Now that Lizzie has been murdered, he is the key suspect, and is nowhere to be found.

Even though her life was very uncertain, and was bullied as a child, despite the fact that her father was a heavy drinker, he protected her as best he could. Now that a lot of the story is being told from her point of view, it is a lot like memories, memories of a very unfortunate life.

Lizzie is not the only character in this intriguing story by Kat Rosenfield. In fact, there is Detective Ian Byrd, and also a socialite named Adrienne Richards. It’s quite interesting to see how Lizzie and Adrienne had a connection and to what lengths Ian went to to solve the murder.

What a thrilling read! Impossible to put down even for one minute. Not only was I interested in the murder case, I was also very drawn into a Lizzie’s stories as she recounted her life. Then, when you consider the twist and turns in this book, as well as the shocking ending, it is one to be remembered.

Many thanks to William Morrow and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion

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Lizzie Ouellette grew up in a junkyard. Her father owned it. Her mother wasn’t around. It was just Lizzie and her father and the town of Copper Falls, filled with people who thought they were better. Lizzie was smart, but she didn’t have a lot of resources, so she never left the town. And then she was gone.

The junkyard was on fire. The smoke was rolling over the houses by the lake, so the police were going house to house to make sure no one was there. Most of the houses were second homes or rentals and were vacant that time of year. Nobody wants to go to a lake house in the fall. But that’s where the police officer found the scene, the blood, and the desiccated body of the young, skinny blonde woman. She was identified by a mole on her chest. Her husband Dwayne was nowhere to be found.

As the police look into the lake house, they find that Lizzie had rented it out through a website, so that renters can come and relax at the lake. The people of Copper Falls didn’t much like outsiders coming to town, but Lizzie didn’t let them stop her. They had looked down on her for her entire life. It’s not like a little more disdain will hurt her. And she made good money. Especially when she rented to social media influencer Adrienne Richards and her disgraced billionaire husband Ethan.

When Adrienne visited, Lizzie did what she could to protect her from the contempt of the town, keeping the refrigerator stocked and doing small errands. Over time, they would talk. Lizzie would do favors for her. She wanted to keep her most valuable client happy. Were they friends? Lizzie wouldn’t say that. She knew her place. She was trash, and Adrienne was far above all that.

But what the police don’t know about that night at the lake house is that Adrienne and her husband were there too.

What exactly happened that night at the lake house, and how did one woman end up dead, her husband disappearing into the night? There’s only one thing that the police know for sure, and that’s that no one will miss her.

Kat Rosenfield’s dark thriller No One Will Miss Her is a little bit satire and large part psychological thriller. It’s told in part by Lizzie herself, a dead woman, who has big secrets and is smarter than you expect. There are some scenes that are incredibly difficult to read, but there is an underlying snarkiness that I found entertaining.

I listened to the audio book for this, which is narrated by Cassandra Campbell, Sophie Amoss, and Chris Andrew Cuilla. I thought they all did a lovely job, but the voice of Lizzie was particularly spot on. She brought Lizzie to life (even though she’s dead), and she showed a depth of understanding to the character that gave her an edge and made you want to keep listening.

I enjoyed No One Will Miss Her. It is very dark, so there were moments I had to find another book to spend some time with. But still, I kept coming back. I had to know what happened to these women, and while I had some guesses along the way, it was so satisfying to see where things ended up. This one is not for sensitive readers, but if you love a good dark thriller with a dry satirical wit, then you might want to give this one a try.

Egalleys for No One Will Miss Her were provided by William Morrow, with many thanks, but I bought the audio book myself through Audible.

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pacing is excellent, with twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the shocking conclusion. The writing is also top-notch, with vivid descriptions that bring the characters and setting to life.

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No One Will Miss Her is a fantastic thriller! I could not stop reading this, and was drawn in from the start. The character development was so skillfully done that I felt very involved in the story. I highly recommend this book!

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I really liked this book! From the first chapter, where the narrator tells us she's dead, I was hooked! I really related to the small town where Lizzie lived, having grown up in a small town myself. One of the twists had my jaw dropping open, and I had to reread a time or two, thinking that couldn't be...but it was! I don't want to say too much so I don't spoil it for others, but I definitely recommend that you read this. I am looking forward to reading her newest book too.

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No One Will Miss Her is a clever and well-written thriller! It kicks off immediately with a shocking moment and a gruesome murder, instantly drawing readers in and wondering what happened to kick off this journey.
It took me just a minute after the hook to really get into the plot but things got even more interesting with the introduction of another POV. The new narrator added even more questions that I was racing to answer!
The ending was enjoyable and I really enjoyed the book all the way through! I was able to pick up on a twist or two but there were still plenty of surprises left in store.

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My review will be for the audio book. I was sent this edition first by mistake but having said that I really thought the story was amazing and would recommend reading it in any format.

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