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No One Will Miss Her

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On a beautiful October morning in rural Maine, a homicide investigator from the state police     pulls into the hard-luck town of Copper Falls. The local junkyard is burning, and the town pariah Lizzie Oullette is dead—with her husband, Dwayne, nowhere to be found.
Lizzie tells her story from the grave in this fast moving, you think you know where it's going until it isn't.

Love this book! Highly recommended.

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No One Will Miss Her is one of those thrillers where the more I say, the more likely I am to spoil it. For that reason, I’m going to keep things short.

To start, I love books that are narrated from beyond the grave. I think it’s such a fun way to tell a story, and obviously gives the reader a different and more omniscient perspective.

I thought this book was perfectly paced. I was never bored, and always interested to see what would happen next. While I didn’t connect with any of the characters, I was drawn in by their stories and histories and was compelled to find out what happened to them.

Overall, I think some suspension of belief is required, but this is often the case with thrillers. It wasn’t so unbelievable that I disliked the ending, but to enjoy thrillers you can’t really expect an ending to be both shocking and realistic.

This was my first book by this author, and as far as I can tell it’s her first thriller. I really hope she writes more in this genre, because I really enjoyed No One Will Miss Her.

TW: a graphic animal death scene, which I know is a big one for many people

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I love it when a thriller doesn't keep you waiting for the very end for a big twist and author Kat Rosenfield did not disappoint!

No One Will Miss Her is a dark thriller centering around a small lake town in Maine, with a dead girl and a missing husband. The storyline gets twisty from there!

I listened to this on audio, with narration shared by three different people. This worked really well for the plot and I loved the New England accents peppered in from the Detective Bird POV.

This is the kind of book that you finish and immediately want to talk to someone else who read it! I could see this translating well to a big or small screen as well.

Thank you to NetGalley, William Morrow and Custom House & Harper Audio for an advanced copy of this and the opportunity to share my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book is very dark and twisty so if that’s your thing, you’ll fall into this suspense novel and struggle to set it down. The opening scene introduces us to our main and quite dead narrator, Lizzie who is prostrate in the bedroom of her lakeside rental. She begins telling us in drips and drabs how she came to be here. She doesn’t ask forgiveness for her bad reputation in the town she grew up in, but she does tell us about her attempts to improve her situation over the years. As the detective tries to solve her murder, he of course, starts with the husband, who garners little sympathy as the hometown jock turned drug addict who could have had it all if it weren’t for Lizzie. At least, that’s what the locals think about Dwayne adding to the animosity toward Lizzie. And what about the couple who rent Lizzie’s isolated cabin? Another reason the locals resent Lizzie. How dare she rent to these uppity and scandalous couple who fleeced many people of their savings?

The book was well written. Another great example of escapist fiction that keeps you turning the pages. congratulations to the author. I was given an advance copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher William Morrow for a great thrill ride.

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A gritty, well-written thriller with twists you won't see coming. Kat Rosenfield is clearly a talented new voice in thriller fiction. A murder in a small, somewhat depressed town brings out the worst in its residents. This book grabbed me instantly with its opening narration by the murdered girl. The book takes on class issues, slut-shaming, and all kinds of other meaty topics while also delivering the thrills and an intelligent plot. The book was at times a little too ... not really gruesome, but gritty, for me. (And that's saying a lot because I like my books hardboiled!) But the characterizations, narrations, plotting, and mystery were all top notch. If you are looking for a great combination of psychological twisty thriller and police procedural, you have found your book. I don't want to say too much more about the plot because there are a few totally jaw-dropping reveals you won't want to miss.

Thanks to William Morrow and Custom House for the well-written ARC!

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The opening pages greet us with a junkyard on fire and the discovery of a brutal murder of Lizzie Oullette who is narrating about it from the grave and whose husband is missing.

It’s always the husband isn’t it? He and Lizzie had a history.

The small town detective had been going house to house to make sure no one was in the homes that were in the path of the fire. Finding Lizzie brutally murdered was last thing he expected to find in his small town.

When the investigation finds Adrianne Richards and her husband had been renting LizzIe’s AirBnB and that she and Lizzie may have been friends, the investigation moves to them. We also learn about Lizzie’s life pre- and post-murder.

NO ONE WILL MISS HER is creative but also odd, dark, and gruesome with some difficult scenes and language.

There are many back stories, many connections you won’t see coming, and twists that will have your head spinning.

If you are a fan of being surprised, this book should be in your TBR. 4/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Lizzie Oullette has been found. Dead. She was the town outcast but who would kill her? She didn't have many friends. Unless you count Adrienne who rents from her here and there when she wants to escape her crazy influencer world. Detective Ian Bird is assigned to the case and what he uncovers will have you guessing where does all this evidence lead?
No One Will Miss Her by Kat Rosenfield is an amazing, thrilling read. Narrated by Lizzie, so much is revealed about her life, past and present. The town knows more than they lead on. And Adrienne is more connected than you'll ever guess. I enjoyed No One Will Miss Her more than I probably should have. Kat Rosenfield had me guessing from page one! While gruesome details are revealed, the mystery of who did this, keeps you reading more. I will definitely recommend No One Will Miss Her to others and will continue to look for others works by Kat Rosenfield. Special thanks to NetGalley, Kat Rosenfield, and William Morrow and Custom House Publishing for the advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest opinion. 5 stars!
#NoOneWillMissHer #NetGalley

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to preview No One Will Miss Her by Kat Rosenfield.
The plot centers on two women - one good and one "bad" - but they both share many qualities. One is killed and a dettective is brought in to investigate this compllicated murder.
The plot is good and most of the characters are interesting. Some parts of this book were disturbing, but the author did a good job of relating it to the story.
This is a good mystery with characters that draw you in and make you vested in what happens.n \
The ending didn't take me by surprise, but was satisfying.
3.5 stars.

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It is not often that I feel a book deserves a whole 5 stars without question, but No One Will Miss Her is definitely one of those books! If you like murders with twists this is one for you. This thriller tells us the story of two women Lizzie and Adrienne. Both women are defined by the world. However, it is as total opposites. At the start of the story, we find Detective Ian Bird, investigating the murder of a small-town black sheep, Lizzie. Nothing in this tale is as it seems. No One will Miss Her felt like the ultimate guilty pleasure read to me.

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The story is quite interesting. The characters are well done, and the plot keeps moving. Would make a good book club choice.

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This is the story of Adrienne and Lizzie: two women defined by how the world sees them. The rich spoiled instagram brat and the small town girl who not only could never shake off the “stink” of growing up as the junkyard owner’s daughter, but who stole a promising future from the local high school athlete hot shot when she fell pregnant. Both know what it’s like to be truly alone, with no one knowing the real person underneath the public persona, and they form an unlikely bond. That is, until one ends up brutally murdered...

This was a fun ride. I knew where we were going, but I enjoyed the trip anyway. I suspect this book reads much differently when one hasn’t figured out the destination, and I have to admit I’m a little jealous of that experience. Regardless, this grabbed my attention from the beginning and never let go. I was actively upset that I had to put it down to go to bed, and then finished it as soon as I could the next day.

I do think this ran out of steam a bit toward the end, and as per usual it seems in the genre, people and especially the police make some questionable calls, but this was solidly entertaining. I also enjoyed the writing, both the style and especially the fact that there were actually distinct voices. Detective Bird’s chapters, for instance, were very clearly distinguishable from Lizzie’s snark. And I just want to take a moment to give a shout out to the cover design. I found it striking before reading, and now that I’ve finished, I really appreciate it even more.

My father used to joke there was nothing you couldn't fix with either duct tape or WD-40. I guess we need to add gorilla glue to that list… Want to know what I’m talking about? You’ll have to grab yourself a copy of this one on October 12, 2021.

CW for those who have trouble with animal cruelty: There is a really disturbing scene involving a cat. In my ARC copy, it is in chapter 6. It lays some groundwork, but overall reading experience will not be impacted much by skipping to the end of that chapter as soon as you see it coming.

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This was a fun twisted read! Although I figured out the twist fairly quickly I still enjoyed the book and kept waiting for others to catch onto the secret. I haven't read anything quite like this and highly recommend it.

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The story opens with Lizzie the small town girl dead. No one really seemed to know her very well even though she married the town jock. Her husband is missing and the local coos are trying to figure out what happened. A great twisty tale that holds the readers attention from the beginning.

Thank you Netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.

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A fascinating suspenseful novel about Lizzie Ouelette who is murdered in a small town but there's a twist. There are some sensitive topics regarding animal abuse and can be rather gory in some parts. The story is also told in multiple narrations- Lizzie, Adrienne, and Ian Bird who is the detective on the case.

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NO ONE WILL MISS HER is a good suspense novel that will be perfect for readers who enjoy dark stories.

The beginning was sort of slow for me and I had trouble caring about the characters. There are many people in the town introduced in the opening pages.

However, as the story progressed, I enjoyed the perspectives of both Lizzie and Adrienne. Their interplay seems realistic and interesting.

There are twists and turns, most of which I did not see coming.

This is not for sensitive readers. The story is dark and includes graphic violence. This novel falls on the gritty end of the spectrum.

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This deceptively delicious book was a page turner! Thanks to the in depth and various perspectives, this thriller really had me captivated from the beginning. I did not see the twists or turns coming at all, really well written and done!

Trigger warning, small animal cruelty and death

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This book follows Lizzie Oullette, and her life in Cooper Falls. Cooper Falls is a small town where people don't like strangers, and they don't forgive OR forget. Poor Lizzie has been an outcast since she was born. She married a popular guy thinking they will finally accept her - but boy is she wrong. She tries so hard to make the most her sad life... only to wind up dead in a junkyard.

When I was looking through the thrillers, this one caught my eye because the cover is so pretty! Then after reading the description I knew it was one I wanted to read. Thankfully, I was right! This one was really good and really, really crazy. I loved the alternating chapters between Lizzie and Adrienne, and the book throws so much at you it's hard to know who to trust or who to root for. Do you like books with big plot twists? Then read this one 👀

Thank you Netgalley, Custom House Books & William Morrow Books for this digital ARC.

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Lizzie Oullette is dead. That’s what the people of Copper Falls believe, including Lizzie’s father, but will anyone miss her? And is it really Lizzy? And what about her husband Dwayne? Is he the one who murdered and disfigured her? What do the police think?

What a fabulous audiobook. The writing is sharp and the narration is clear, both drew me into the book from page one. If you like surprises, this is the book for you; there’s a dandy of one smack-dab in the middle of the book. From there, things just get more and more interesting. This book will leave you with much to ponder. Is something like this possible? Is it something you could do? I’ll be thinking about it for a while.

I received a copy of this audiobook from Netgalley. I thank all involved for their generosity, but it had no effect on this review. All opinions in this review reflect my true and honest reaction to listening to this book.

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No One Will Miss Her tells the story of Lizzie, a small town girl, stuck in a life that she didn't want. She toils in her quest to make money by any means necessary-- having a rental cabin, being a vet assistance and even dressing animals for hunters that don't want to do it themselves. She marries young, after she discovers she is pregnant, and feels trapped in Copper Falls and in her marriage to Dwayne. She ends up meeting Adrian and Ethan, a young power couple that rents her cabin to get away from the city life. Adrian is rich and ends up using LIzzie to talk to. It seems like Adrian always takes, but never gives anything back to LIzzie in return. When LIzzie turns up dead, with her body mutilated, law enforcement immediately suspects Dwayne. Ian Bird, a Maine State Police investigator, is tasked with coming to the truth. But in reality, the truth is crazier than you could ever imagine!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. There is a huge twist in the middle that I definitely did not see coming. I thought that the pace of the book was great, and the interplay between Lizzie and Adrian were great and realistic. It only took a few chapters to really get into the book, to the point where I really wanted to keep reading. I definitely would recommend this to those who like dark and twisty stories, with turns that come out of no where. Definitely for thriller/mystery lovers who enjoy a good domestic tale.

Thank you to the Author, Publisher and Net Galley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Wow! So happy to have received an ARC of the audiobook version of this book. I enjoyed it from beginning to end- well written and kept me on the edge of my seat - never saw the twist coming! Additionally the actors who performed for the audiobook version were phenomenal. Highly recommend!

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