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No One Will Miss Her

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Member Reviews

Wow! So happy to have received an ARC of the audiobook version of this book. I enjoyed it from beginning to end- well written and kept me on the edge of my seat - never saw the twist coming! Additionally the actors who performed for the audiobook version were phenomenal. Highly recommend!

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This book is a solid thriller/mystery. It has the twists you would want in a thriller, the drama, the keeping you on your toes. It's set in a small lake town where Lizzie and her husband Dwayne live, Lizzie rents out her lake house that was given to her from her father and she rents it out to outsiders which causes some trouble for the locals, they don't like outsiders in their town. Lizzie however doesn't care she's making money and she doesn't own the own anything since all her life the people of the town treated her pretty badly. One summer she gets a couple named Adrienne and Ethan and they stay in the house for a couple of weeks and end up loving it so much they continue coming back but are they coming back because they love the lake or because they are looking to escape their real lives? The answer is never clear until one night a body is found inside the lake house and there's a fire spreading pretty rapidly on the street. This book will have you on the edge of your seat. I really enjoyed this book however there were a couple of things that I didn't enjoy. The first one being the animal cruelty that took place early on in the book, I see why the author did what they did but I still feel like it could have been executed differently, that one scene almost made me not even want to finish the book but I obviously did. I didn't really like how the book wrapped up. I did guess one of the twists in the book but unsure if that's me reading too many thrillers or if it was predictable. I'm not really a fan of thrillers that present the twist in the middle of the story which this one did so I lost interest in it and got bored but that's not me saying I didn't enjoy this book because I did , I just wanted more from the story!! Thank you HarperCollins for letting me read an advanced readers copy!

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Lizzie has had a difficult life living in a town where everyone treats her like trash. When she is found dead in her lakehouse, no one but Detective Ian Bird cares about what happened to her.
Adrienne Richards is hated for being rich, being beautiful, and being the wife of a man who got away with stealing millions from people. Adrienne rents out Lizzie's lakehouse to get away from all the people in the city and the media.
Adrienne and Lizzie develop an usual relationship, which cumulates into three dead bodies and an arson. Bird tries to piece the connections together to solve the mystery of the dead bodies.
The idea of the story was interesting but flawed. The twist was easy to figure out early into the story. Bird was a lousy detective who missed obvious clues and didn't really do a lot of investigating. His side investigation mentioned in the story contributed nothing to the story and I am not sure why it was even mentioned.
I thought it was a quick read but I wasn't impressed with the characters or the plot holes. I think the plot could be tidied up with further editing because there was an obvious problem with things that should have been uncovered in the autopsy and yet they went unnoticed. If not for those it holes, I would have given it 4 stars instead of the 3 stars I have rated it.
Thanks to Netgalley, William Morrow and the Scene of the Crime Early Reads for the advanced copy of the book. The opinions are my own.

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This book pulled me in and never let go. Lizzie what an amazing person she turned out to be. Her husband the star baseball player of their town and loved by everyone. Where Lizzie was. It liked by anyone. Then Ethan and Adrienne the summer cabin renters who were rich and entitled so they thought. Then a gruesome murder that has the town all shook up.

This was such a surprise kind of story. I enjoyed it.

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What do I say without giving all the things away?

Prepare to get all kinds of whiplash and for your eyelids to hurt from the rapid blinking of surprise you will get...

Oh and. Don't let the slow southern drawl fool you like it did me. Don't be me. Don't get rammed by the bus.

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This was a fabulous read! Devious cunning and clever. I loved Lizzie even though she narrated her demise on page one. The more we read of her story, the more she came alive. So called trailer trash, she is a survivor, a woman who certainly deserves better. Next we meet an obnoxious ‘ influencer’ Adrienne and her scummy husband Ethan who come into Lizzles life at a moment in time. What follows is the mystery of Lizzies death, the police investigation a d a bucketful of twists and turns.

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A great psychological thriller with a huge twist! While not my usual genre, I really enjoyed this wild ride. Lizzys, the small town pariah is found dead and the hunt is on to find the killer and solve the mystery. What seems like a simple case, results in a huge dive into all the towns dark secrets and it isn’t as simple as was first thought. The audio book had great narration which helped to enhance the story.

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It isn't until the second half of this intriguing thriller that I realized why the book opened with the pov of the murder victim. The characters and blue-collar small town description were well-written and drew me in. The plot took some turns that I didn't see coming. Highly recommended!

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This was originally posted for the audio version. Ebook was sent by accident so am reposting my original review.
Review of the audible version of No One Will Miss Her
With 3 narrators and a smart, yet trendy plot, No One Will Miss Her should not be missed. With clear narration and easy to follow changes in scenes and characters, the listener will be hard pressed to push the stop button.
The story itself is a modern take on the haves and have nots. Specifically, it opens with our narrator speaking as Lizzie Oullette from beyond the grave. She will pop up throughout the book dropping tidbits of her life and death to the listener. She lets you know right off she is a have not.
On the other side is Adrienne Richards who is firmly planted on the have side of life and posts frequently on social media on all the spoils of her life. She and her socially and financially disgraced husband have come to Copper Falls to rent Lizzie's vacation home. One that Lizzie has fixed up to bring in extra money. Think AirBnB.
When Lizzie is found dead, Detective Ian Bird, begins his investigation into the cause of death. This leads him to the entangled lives of Lizzie and Adrienne and their husbands. While Det Bird has some spot on gut feelings, he has difficulty pulling together the disparate thoughts to cleanly close the case.
This is a better than average psychological thriller which keeps the listener engaged and wanting to know who, what, when, where, and most importantly why. But don't count on getting all the answers.
No One Will Miss Her has put author Kat Rosenfield on my radar. I'm looking forward to what she comes up with next. Thank you to NetGalley for an early listen. All opinions are mine alone.

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WOW!! No one will miss her starts out one way and then a huge curve ball. This is definitely a suspenseful mind blowing book. When I was done i was like wait what just happened and are you serious wow.

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Think about it, if you could become someone else, who would you be? A celebrity? Someone you envy? What if it were possible?

Lizzie never fit in, living in her hometown of Copper Falls. The product of her mother marrying an outsider sealed that fate for her. Of course, living in the junkyard probably didn’t help, either. Although, marrying the hometown baseball hero, Dwayne, could help her popularity, right?

Adrienne is a celebrity, the wife to rich financial advisor Ethan Richards. She enjoys being in the spotlight even if it happens to be negative, just look at her Instagram. Yet, everyone needs some time away from the tabloids and Lizzie’s lakeside cabin is the perfect place to unwind.

When Detective Ian Bird is called to the lake house for his latest investigation, he follows the clues. Leading to an open and shut case, there is something he can’t quite put his finger on. Is it lack of sleep, something he is missing, or simply reading too much into it?

In "No One Will Miss Her", Kat Rosenfield writes through the minds of Lizzie, Adrienne, and Detective Bird. Allowing her readers to see the same situation from different angles, bringing an imaginative aspect to the psychological mystery.

Intwined with miscarriage, domestic abuse, animal abuse, drunk driving, alcoholism, drug addiction, bullying, racism, and murder this book can be triggering. Please take caution, if any of these may cause you alarm.

A story with several repetitive recollections, the tale is filled with lots of words and a slow-moving plot. In addition, a predictable outcome was laid out due to a lack of intricate tribulations. Plus, the book is overflowing with an unnecessary amount of profanity and light sexual content leading to a rating of 3 out of 5 stars.

Overall, an intriguing storyline with potential that unfortunately missed its mark.

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Thanks to Scene of the Crime for the ebook of this psychological thriller. When a woman is found dead with an identifying mark on her chest, Lizzie Ouellette is pronounced dead, and the town isn't at all concerned. In fact, they don't miss her at all. In the minds of the townspeople, Lizzie was known as trouble for years, and her husband Dwyane Cleaves, a good ol' boy, was saddled with her. Ethan and Adrienne Richards, a wealthy couple who rented Lizzie's home on the water, are the likely suspects for the murder..
If you think that is all there is to the story, you will be surprised at the twists and turns! People see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe, but you need to look deeper!
I enjoyed this thriller and will look for more from this author. Clever!!!
#Kat Rosenfield #NoOneWillMissHer #NetGalley

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As an avid thriller reader, I don't want to spoil anything or set the reader up for any anticipation. So I will just say Wow! Just Wow!

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If you love murder thrillers you will love this! It was a little too gory for my taste, but I can appreciate a mystery with an interesting twist, so I chose to overlook the graphic opening scene that had me ready to barf and keep going! I won't say the twist was unpredictable, because leading up to it I was starting to suspect what ended up happening. The plot was creative though and I was rooting for the main character.

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What happens when Lizzie, a woman who grew up with nothing as the town “junkyard girl” meets Adrienne, the woman who has it all - beauty, wealth, privilege and their lives become entangled, leaving one of them a corpse?

Slickly written and tightly plotted with shifting points of view and timelines, NO ONE WILL MISS HER by Kat Rosenfield grabs you from the opening line and shoves you onto this roller coaster of a psychological thriller.

In alternating chapters, Lizzie, the small town pariah wryly narrates from beyond the grave, explaining how she came to be the corpse in the book’s opening chapter. Ian Bird, the investigating officer, discovers the connections between the women and the possible motives for murder.

Lizzie’s darkly sarcastic voice is the perfect counterpoint to the gruesome murder and stark realities of her harsh life.

With its fast pace and revelations and twists throughout the book, NO ONE WILL MISS HER will definitely appeal to fans of Rachel Hawkins and Mary Kubica.

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Review of ebook and audiobook.
Thank you to Book Club Girls for the early read and listen. Oh.....My...Gosh what did I just read/listen to? It was a bit graphic but it was such a good thriller. So many twists and turns! A book that keeps you thinking and wanting to read/listen to see what will happen next. The narrators did a fabulous job telling the story.

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This book starts slow but builds and builds to a delicious twist. It is told in multiple voices and could easily be made into a movie. I read a lot of this genre and this one surprised me and had me rooting for the heroine, as unlikely a heroine as she was. with two women that were hated for very different reasons, we follow their unlikely connection and...........

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A fast paced thriller that was cleverly written and will keep you guessing. This is the first novel of the author that I have read and I was impressed as well with the audiobook. The story was told in 3 different perspectives. It was weaved right and not too many overwhelmingly many characters in the novel.
The twist made me open my mouth because I didn't see it coming. I have to look back to some pages I have read to see if I have missed something because I wasn't expecting that to be the twist.

Thanks to The Book Club Girls, William Morrow and NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I can’t review this book because you never sent it to me. If you ever do, i will be happy to write a review. Gave it a one star just so I could send this message. Nothing else has worked for me getting the book, so Figured what did I have to lose.

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I don’t know why, but this book far exceeded my expectations! It was extremely smart, funny and very high paced and when I thought I knew - I didn’t! Books don’t usually surprise me as much as this one did, so it was a nice change of pace and it felt like much more than a run of the mill thriller. I read it in one sitting and seriously could not put it down! I rooted for people who I didn’t think I would, my opinions changed - what a ride. Definitely pick this up!!

Thank you to William Morrow and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review! Out October 12 2021!

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