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The Love Hypothesis

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This book is the ADULT VERSION of To All The Boys I've Loved Before, but instead of prom and ski trips, we get lab experiments and faculty talks. I loved every second of it. Olive Smith portrays a wonderful character, who is willing to do anything for her friends, even fake-date a biology professor who has a reputation of being overly brutal and nit-picky. The constant bantering of Olive and Adam will make you giggle like no tomorrow. Two total opposites attracting is what I needed as a main form of entertainment. The arguments over whether pumpkin spice is a good flavour, or if chocolate is really that good, had me laughing like crazy. Shoutout to Holden, Anh, and Malcolm, these characters also carried the book. The real-life issues of women being in the STEM field are all showcased in this book, which also made this romance story eye-popping and extremely unique. As someone who has not even touched science since high school, I still found the book easy to catch on with, and actually quite interesting. I love both Olive and Adam's logical minds: it definitely made their bantering more intriguing to read. A WONDERFUL BOOK.

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Adorable. Loved the science angle and the fake dating trope. Would highly recommend to those who enjoyed The Kiss Quotient.

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There’s been so much hype around this book! That at times intimidates me, which is why I put off reading this book for a while. But in the end, I couldn’t resist the adorable cover and I just had to see for myself what the hype was about. While I did enjoy this book and recommend it, I also feel like I was let down a little because it didn’t make my list of favorite books of the year. Maybe it’s a me thing this year as I haven’t found any books that have blown me away.

Our hero is a young professor and the heroine is a super smart PhD candidate. She finds herself needing a fake boyfriend and the arrangement works for him as well to get funding he needs.

I love that this debut is so original and delivers something new to the genre while also hitting on so many things we love. A grumpy/sunshine pairing, slow burn romance. Perfect banter, great development of their relationship. Seeing them truly become friends and be comfortable around each other, even while they weren’t the most comfortable with others, was one of my favorite things. They fit so perfectly together.

I wish we could’ve seen things from Adam’s POV as this book is only told from Olive’s and for me it was lacking. Especially when it comes to romances!

THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS is just the kind of romance that will leave you with a big smile on your face. It’s the perfect nerdy and sexy romance. The perfect choice for newbie romance readers too.

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I received a free copy of The Love Hypothesis, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This was such a cute book!! I thoroughly enjoyed it! As a woman with a background In STEM I could relate to the environment of this book a lot. I think Adam isn't that bad of a character. He loves science, doesn't like people and doesn't settle for the bs which is also something I can relate to. As funny and ditzy as Olive is she definitely didn't help herself, in fact she caused half of her problems with the inability to tell the truth. And she needs a better friend. Anh? Awful friend. What kind of person puts their friends in these positions? I love Malcolm and Holden! They are both so lovely and sweet. Overall this is an easy, enjoyable read and it definitely lived up to the hype! 4 stars from me!

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Cute lovable snd an easy read. I really enjoyed it! Recommended for Romcom readers!

First time with this author not the last

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Was not able to read before published. This book was purchased for my library's collection. I will recommend when doing reader's advisory.

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“I know it’s scary, being vulnerable, but you can allow yourself to care. You can want to be with people as more than just friends or casual acquaintances”

I read this book in one day so I obviously absolutely loved it!

Read this if you like:
- Academia setting
- Grumpy x sunshine
- Fake dating
- Kylo + Ren …. I mean look at that cover

I was nervous to start this one because of all the hype but it delivered! There’s so much I loved about this book & I can’t believe it’s only a debut novel. This book made me smile and laugh & I didn’t want it to ever end. I look forward to reading whatever Ali puts out next!

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I received an ARC of this novel from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 stars.

It's such a cute romance novel and reminded me of books by Penny Reid. The heroine (a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive) is very likable and there are enough odd friends around her to entertain you. They were often more annoying than funny to me (if these people actually existed in my life, they definitely would not be my friends), but Adam Carlsen's odd charm compensated it. I also enjoyed reading the small details of non-glamorous Academic life very much.

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Adored this book!! Olive and Adam were such a fantastic couple!! I love seeing women represented in STEM in books and this one was so fab!! I honestly can’t say a bad thing about this book! Well maybe except I wish there was more of it!

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I can totally see the hype. I loved this book from start to end! I just love the fake dating trope, and this one worked out so well! Adam and Olive are just perfect for each other.

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What an utter delight from start to finish. Sparklingly smart, self-aware, full of longing and unabashed joy. Definitely one of the best contemporary romances I've ever encountered.

The elephant in the room: did this book suffer as an original novel for having originated as a Reylo fic? Not in the least. I really enjoyed picking out the parallel characters, and it was fun having ready-made fancasts in my head as I read, but those were like Easter eggs. The characters may have been inspired by a source text, but the story stands on its own two beautiful legs.

I usually have very little patience for the third act breakup in a romance - it so often feels contrived, believable only if the characters are determined to *not* have a very simple conversation that they so easily *could* have - but since the whole deliciously tropey premise of this book is that Olive embarks on an elaborate falsehood for someone else's good, it's completely in character that she'd try to let Adam go for the same (dumb) reason.

tl;dr It's delightful, you should read it even if you aren't into the fandom thing, and did I mention how delightful it is?

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I had been seeing this book all over bookstagram and was eager to read it. Ali didn't disappoint me at all! I loved reading about a smart women working in academia. At first it felt as if we are diving too fast into the story but later on realized that this first scene though seems like you are reading from the middle of the book, actually sets the foundation of the story.
I loved the banter between the two protagonists, it made me laugh out loud on multiple occasions. The author has also written about sexual harassment and how women in STEM are treated differently. I always appreciate authors who incorporate important topics in their stories creating awareness. People always think romance genre is a guilty pleasure and some people also look down upon romance readers. I hope by my page and reviews people find out about romance books which are more than just sexy books.
Thank you PRH for sending me this ARC. I know I am a bit late to the party with my reviews but I really appreciate receiving these books.

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I haven't binge read a book in such a long time. This is the first time in nearly 2 years where I stayed up until 8 in the morning to finish a book despite having really busy schedule and lots of workload.

This is sooooo good! Super cute!

100% totally recommended feel good rom-com with a little touch of some smutty content. I approve!

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I never submitted the review for this! I read it a week after it came out and it was FANTASTIC. Review follows:

I loved this book SO MUCH that I essentially re-read most of it the day after the first furious 24 hour read. LADIES, IT HOLDS UP.

All my kinks were hit:
- Fake dating
- Mocking banter
- Denying feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings
- Giant dudes matched with tiny women (related: tiny women wearing giant dude's t-shirt)
- Feats of superhuman strength, e.g. TRUCK PUSHING
- Non-consensual sunscreen application (did not know this was a personal kink before this book)
- Amazing and hilarious ensemble characters who pushed everything in juuuust the right direction

I was literally squealing and hitting things with delight when I read it.

Extra, extra points for having a female lead on the asexual spectrum PLUS a super steamy sex scene.

I never had a thing for Adam Driver before but I kind of do right now?

A++++ debut

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When I first saw this being marketed as a Reylo fanfic, I was little dubious. (Rey + Kylo Ren from Star Wars) HOWEVER, I was very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this.

Adam is your typical grump, Olive is your sunshine. I loved the pacing of this romance - it was fast-paced but slow burn at times, too. I loved how fiercely protective Olive was of her friends, and how Adam's grumpiness was "explained," later on in the series.

Overall, a super cute steamy romance!

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I really enjoyed this book! The banter was excellent. The writing was phenomenal. I was hooked from page 1 and binge read the entire book in one day! In all honesty, I give this book a 4.5/5 because I do wish there was some substantial conversation between Adam and Olive and not just PSL and broccoli jokes. Those were great but there should have been more than just surface level. Overall, highly recommend this steamy rom-com! As an incoming PhD student, I don’t know if I should be excited or absolutely terrified!! Love the unique storyline!

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Have I seen Love Hypothesis all over Bookstagram, and I have to admit I completely understand why!
This book is ADORABLE!! Olive and Adam were just so cute I couldn’t even contain my joy! I loved how this book started, and I love every single interaction they had. Adam gives off some serious Mr. Darcy vibes. He is broody and unapproachable, and of course, I loved him. Olive was cute and quirky, and I liked her. She was brilliant and incredibly insecure. Since she was in a fake relationship with Adam, I did enjoy that her insecurities didn’t get in the way. She was able to be herself, so she and Adam could get to know each other without the pressure. Also, their banter was adorable, and I loved every minute of it.
At one point, I do have to admit that this book fell into a romance cliche that I don’t enjoy. While I understand why this happened, I just wished Olive would have trusted Adam a little more. But, again, I get it, and luckily it didn’t last long, so it was easy to forgive. I also loved the side characters, especially Holden. He was hilarious and such a scene-stealer.
If you haven’t read Love Hypothesis yet, do yourself a favor and pick it up now!

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4.5 stars. I think I really needed this book. It was cute, funny, and sweet. Everything you want in a romantic comedy. The only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars was I felt like Adam was a little too much of a unicorn. Yes, he is known to be a jerk but more as a teacher than a jerk of a human being. It’s more of a misunderstanding. And I hate conflict based on misunderstanding. Once they started their fake relationship he was just so perfect! I just wanted him to mess up a little. And what kind of grown man who is brilliant and handsome doesn’t have the guts to talk to or interact with a girl he has a crush on? I don’t think he ever even talks to her before the kiss incident. Once Olive knows he was the bathroom guy and he admits he’s liked her all along, there is no explanation as to why he didn’t approach her, ever!

All this annoyance still left me liking the book enough for 4.5 stars though, which says enough. I have to say though I’m not sure I would’ve rated it as high if I hadn’t really needed a sweet book like this.

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"The Love Hypothesis" was such a fun read! I really enjoyed the academic setting in a graduate school science program -- the author did a great job capturing the high-pressure world of academics -- Olive's voice was a perfect combination of humor and heart and nerdiness.

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The Love Hypothesis is my favorite romance novel this year! It contains my favorite romance tropes and it is so well written!

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