Member Reviews

Eternally Expecting: A Mom of Eight Gets Sober and Gives Birth to a New Life...Her Own by Amy Liz Harrison was an interesting read about the author’s struggles with alcohol and subsequent recovery and sobriety all while marrying and having eight children. Kudos to her! #EternallyExpecting #NetGalley

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This was an okay read. It just did not get attached to the plot, nor the characters.

Its too bad because the basis was very interesting to me.

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Loved this book! Relateable (tho I don't have 8 kids), funny and just down-right good.

Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free, it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley.

Amy Harrison is a church going young woman who meets her future husband, Andrew, and marries him in five months. They move to Seattle and start their family immediately. They have four kids in rapid succession while Amy starts to drink more and more.

Life comes to a crashing halt when Amy is arrested for DUI - while her kids are in the vehicle. Away to rehab, again, she goes. Amy comes out the other side of this stay with a desire to stay sober and keep her family in tact.

She does that and then some. FOUR MORE KIDS LATER!!! she is celebrating her sobriety by writing this book.

This book is an interesting foray into sterotypes and how things can unravel so quickly.

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If you love a good life-story, one that is compelling, yet believable, then you should read this book. I loved the gut-wrenching honesty in its pages. The author details her struggle and recovery from alcohol by likening each stage of the process to pregnancy and childbirth. She should know, because she has eight children! Amy Liz Harrison does not mince words or sanitize her alcohol story as she describes hitting rock-bottom, and then rebuilding her life one step at a time. I found this book can be very encouraging to many, even if the struggle they face is not alcohol. This is a book filled with hard things, yet also filled with hope. I found myself highlighting many wise words as I read.

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Thank you for the advanced copy #Netgalley.

This was a very interesting comparison topic, a mother of 8 who battles with alcohol. The novel is broken out into chapters replicating the stages of expecting a child. The author, Amy, describes the concept of the state of pregnancy and the comparison to her her alcohol/sober journey. It was interesting to view from Amy's perspective, as for so long she did not identify a problem, especially since she had surrounded herself with similar people. I appreciated her honesty about her struggles, her family and how her husband was there to support her through the difficult times.

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