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The Christmas Wish

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Member Reviews

Such a fun read! Loved this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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I am sorry but this is a dnf for me. I had tried to continue this book a few times and just gave up. I was not able to connect with the characters or the story. There was no romance. That was done within a few paragraphs.
I have loved Sharon Sala stories from the past but the two last one I have tried have not been the same.

Thanks for the opportunity to read this book.

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. I found the audio version on my library app. A great southern Christmas story. I enjoyed the characters and the story plot. Great family and small town drama.

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Book wasn't meant for me. Hopefully someone will enjoy it more. I will look into renting it in the future

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I loved this book! I love everything Sharon sala writes and this book did not disappoint at all !!definitely cannot wait for her next book

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This book is so good! It is the 12th book in the Blessings, Georgia series. I highly recommend all of them, preferably reading in order. I felt this was well written and very enjoyable.

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This is my first read by this author. It is a sweet southern small town romance taking place in Blessings,Georgia.
What's fun about the books is it feels as though with each book you read you are revisiting old friends and making new as she updates us the characters in past books while bringing in new friends to get acquainted with.
Worth a read.

Pub Date: 28 Sep 2021
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Ms. Sala has a way with words. She can have you smiling, crying, or scared all in one chapter. This is a continuation of her acclaim Blessings series and if you haven't read all of them start from one and go forward. She cleverly brings in new residents of the town while updating you on residents from other books in the series. Her strength is in her character building and by the time you finish, you have a town of new friends. Happy reading. Well worth the time and can be read as a stand alone but why miss out?

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This is the 12th book in the series, I highly recommend reading in order. Three stories all run in tandem through the book against the backdrop of the little Georgia town and the Christmas festivities. The setup was not what I prefer but I still highly recommend it to others.

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Such a lovely comfort8ng Christmas read. Perfect for cold winter nights with a cuppa. A festive treat for everyone. Perfect.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Veronica – ☆☆☆☆
It was lovely to be back in Blessings, Georgia. Birdie and Wade, co-workers at the local feed store, are the couple at the centre of our story. I liked the simplicity of their sweet and drama-free romance. I really enjoyed spending time with them.

THE CHRISTMAS WISH gives us many little tales of life in Blessings at Christmas. We have a story of buried treasure, righting a wrong that led an innocent man to go to jail, another man getting a second chance after making a few really bad decisions, dangerous neighbours, a fabulous Christmas Parade, a fun gingerbread house competition for the local kids, and more.

I think my favorite thing about THE CHRISTMAS WISH, aside from a very funny incident involving a mouse, was the generosity of the people of Blessings. We see generosity with money with a large donation to those in need, but we see generosity of spirit in so many small ways throughout the story and it was so uplifting to read. This is a real feel-good story that put me in the Christmas mood. I thoroughly enjoyed THE CHRISTMAS WISH.

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The Christmas Wish by Sharon Sala

This romance in Blessings, GA., with the glow of a small-town Christmas and excitement of a winter love story, will warm your heart.

This was a great savory. Blessings is a wonderful town. The residents help each other. Wonderful characters. I enjoyed reading about the town, including all the gossip. I recommend this book.

Thanks to Net Galley for sending me an advanced reader’s copy for my review.

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The Christmas Wish is the twelfth title in the Blessing, Georgia series and brings two people back together again, with the possibility of another chance to get young love right this time around… but the past is often difficult to go beyond or to forgive.

I love returning to Blessing, Georgia for another visit with old friends and new members of this tight-knit community. For romance, we have Birdie and Wade reuniting as we watch the flame that has always burned between them ignite once again… this time with the possibility of a lifetime love, if they are willing to take some emotional risks. They have a history, they’ve loved and lost before so watching them find their way back to each other, stronger this time even through adversity was a charming adventure.

And we’ll meet some other members of the community who are also facing issues, decisions this Christmas season. Redemption, forgiveness, and possibilities abound in this small town – but you should discover those situations firsthand to experience the full impact on the characters and on you.

Any story in this series will always give me a really good, emotional read, with hope for those in trouble, and possibilities for the future. If you haven’t discovered Blessings, Georgia yet I’d highly recommend it. In my opinion, it’s a series that builds on the previous stories yet you could step in at any point and find a delightful, often realistic story that will capture your heart — and tempt you to find the others that you haven’t read yet. I enjoyed my time here once again, and am looking forward to a return trip next Spring.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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What a refreshing read. All the stories intertwined with Wade and Bridgettes love story and although their love story seemed to start in a rush, overall the book was fantastic.
The townspeople came together and were a breath of fresh air. From Josh’s story to Duffy and all the rest, it was a good town feel.
Stories of hope and renewal and gave the vibe that there is still good in this world. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Thank you Sharon Sala for writing The Christmas Wish. This new book will get you in the holiday spirits. Happy Reading!

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and the publisher ~ Thank you ~ !! This is my honest and personal review.

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What a wonderful addition to Blessings. I absolutely adore this series. Sala has the knack of making the reader believe in a happy ending!

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I have been provided with a review copy of The Christmas Wish from NetGalley for an impartial review. This is the twelth book in Blessings, Georgia series and I just loved getting to reenter this world. I was just drawn into this wonderful story and I just couldn’t get enough of it. It was just so easy to get lost in this great story. I just didn’t want it to end. I just lost myself in and I just couldn’t get enough of these interesting characters. I can’t wait to see what’s next from this author.

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Thank you to Net Galley for a copy of this book. What a great holiday read this book was. It was filled with many feel good stories which are just the type of thing you are looking for at this time of the year. I didn't realize this was a series and now I have to go and read all of the other books in the series!!! What a charming little town Blessings is, I felt the author did a great job enticing you to want to move there with the characters and descriptions in this story. A wonderful book to curl up in a comfy chair with a warm cup of tea and immerse yourself in some wonderful holiday spirit.

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This is a good book. This story is set in Blessing, Georgia. It is the story about the people in Blessing who are very caring. They try to help their neighbors. An example would be one man who has a family, was a gambler lost his job when he was caught stealing from his employer. He was arrested. A neighbor gave him the money he took from employer, the man gave it to his employer. The employer dropped the charges and gave the man a second chance. There are many second chances.

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This holiday season the small town of Blessings, Georgia sees a bit of Christmas magic bringing a childhood crush together, helping a man get a reset on his life after a big mistake nearly cost him everything, and bringing a Christmas miracle through a young man’s courage to face up to his past. Each heartwarming and tender story in this series comes as excellent comfy reads which I anticipate with quiet pleasure.

The Christmas Wish is the twelfth in the series and while it introduces a new romance couple and new people in the other main story threads, there is too much backdrop of characters and references to past and ongoing situations for a new reader to get the full experience. Best read in order.

So, Wade Montgomery is tired of pussy-footing around with Birdie Knox. He’s asked her out and tried to make it clear he’s interested while she pokers up and freezes him out. He takes the mechanical bull by the horns and tells her plain that his interest has an expiration date and she needs to tell him straight and he’ll stop pestering where he’s unwanted. Birdie has been friends with Wade since grade school and has loved him for almost the same amount of time. His challenge is a wake-up call that she might blow the best thing in her life if she doesn’t quit putting him off with her little fears.

Meanwhile, a young teen, Duffy discovers the reason his dad was sent to prison and realizes that something he did was the reason. He goes to set it all straight and agonizes that his dad might never be able to forgive him for ten years in prison.

And, then there is Josh who let his gambling get out of control, stole to pay back the dangerous moneylender and gets caught, and this is the last straw with his wife. Without a bit of Christmas magic, he will most certainly decide everyone would do better without him.

These three stories are all running in tandem through the book against the backdrop of this lovely little town and its Christmas holiday festivities such as the parade, the Christmas tree lot and snow cone stand, and the Gingerbread house contest.

There is always a romance in these stories, but in truth, the book is the story of the whole town of people taking care of each other and growing as individuals. I love the laid-back feel and the sweet charming tales that turn out after some adversity particularly in this Christmas-set story.

All in all, it was perfect when one wants a cheery low-angst holiday book and I did. I can recommend this series to small town romance fans who like a broad cast of regulars and a setting that is almost a character itself.

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