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Another Beast's Skin

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The first in a series, Another Beast’s Skin, prepares the readers for what is sure to be an epic adventure. It’s got feuding families, fae, a love triangle, and crystals...lots of crystals. What more could you ask for?

This is one of the few books where I enjoyed the plot and overall storyline way more than I liked the characters. For me, that is highly unusual. The characters typically make or break a book for me, so for that reason, I’ll start with the characters.

Neysa is a 35 year old, recently divorced woman on a mission to come to terms with the mess of her life. The issue is that she wasn’t a very dynamic character. She rents a cottage on the coast of England and meets twins and their cousin, and within just a few days of knowing them, the family drops some earth shattering news on her. Neysa? She’s basically like, that’s cool. Really? And she is like that throughout the entire book when she learns new things about herself and her family. I felt that she was just a little one-dimensional, but I didn’t hate her. She definitely has some redeeming qualities. She does have the stubbornness that seems to be required in becoming a successful heroine in a fantasy. She’s just extremely nonchalant about pretty much everything.

The Twins, Corra and Silas, and their cousin Cade aren’t necessarily that much better However, Corra and Silas are probably my favorite characters, well, in addition to Reynard, Cade’s dead wife’s brother. Corra and Silas just have more personality and flare. They add an element to the story that Cade and Neysa just can’t deliver on their own. Reynard, though, now he’s interesting. He’s the one full of surprises, the unexpected twists tend to involve this arrow shooting fae. I’m eager to see how his storyline plays out as the series continues.

Glover does a nice job developing the world. There’s enough description to picture some of the little villages and the coasts. I feel that this is an important aspect in writing a fantasy novel. If you can’t build a fantastical world, you are just left with a version of our world on steroids. There is still room for more building, so again, I am interested to see how it is all expanded upon in the next book.

The plot itself works for me. It moves and progresses and evolves. There are numerous diversions and journeys and complications that pull you in. I really did want to see what was going to happen next. The little side journeys they go on add a nice change of scenery. I’m always a big fan of books where they don’t stay in the same place the entire time. But there were also times where things were rushed or didn’t make sense.

For example, the whole love triangle, relationship situation. It was just weird. I never fully believed it. Again, I didn’t mind it and it was natural that there be a relationship there, but because the characters involved didn’t completely mesmerize me, the relationship didn’t either. I honestly wish that Neysa made a different choice.

My big question mark comes with the end of the book. I’m still a little confused as to what exactly happened. The “beasties” are slightly weird from the first time they were mentioned. Like, what are they? Where did they come from? There just isn’t a whole lot of explanation and clarity on what appears to be a pretty significant aspect of the story. Now, I’m sure that there will be answers in book two, so I’ll just have to wait and hope the answers and clarifications come.

Overall, it was an easy read and I enjoyed it. It was different from some of the other recent fantasies that I have read, so I appreciated that. I mean, who doesn’t like some good old sword fighting?. I just wish that there was a little more depth to the characters and more explanation and clarity regarding some of the events and the whys behind them. I understand the conflict with the Elders, but I still don’t fully understand the why's and how's of how it all came to be the way it is. However, the plot and some of the side characters are intriguing enough to pull you along and keep you reading. I am interested to see what ends up happening with Annelise. At the end of the day, I would recommend Another Beast’s Skin if you enjoy a good fantasy read. I enjoyed it enough to know that I will read book 2 when it comes out. Mark your calendars, this book is released on November 2!

Rating 3.5/5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Gen Z Publishing for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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What just happened. Where do I begin, I love the stages the author takes us on. Their is definitely a lot to unfold, the mysteries, secrets and truths. All seems to flow as the story is being told, which Is done with little effort. The characters themselves are so intriguing and carry this tale foreword. Their is no lead it’s more like a family journey working together to better their realm. Along the way they find happiness, love, enemies and friendships. I do believe that this book should have been broken into the segmented parts. Aside from that I can’t say too much other than I love everything about this book. I only hope that this is not the only book, cause the cliffhanger is shocking.

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DNF at 25%

I received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.
2 stars because the idea of the book was really good!

I was really excited about this book because here we have faes and the main character is supposed to have 35 years old. However, the book didn't reach my expectations. The writing was good but the story was a mess. First 10% of the book I didn't understand what was happening because it was just random situations glued together. I didn't feel a connection with any characters and they all felt the same. I especially didn't like Silas because the only interaction he had was to say profanities.

Another part that I didn't like was the other 15% that I read when the other 3 characters tell MC about their life and story and that she is "the chosen one". It was boring and honestly, I would prefer another book that could describe the "before" with some action and storytelling instead of the usual explanation from the characters.

There is another point that I didn't like and it was the MC and her love interest. It was so fast and stupid that it felt cringe.

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an unfortunate dnf. just didn't hold my attention at all. i don't want to force myself to read this one. also reads very choppy, it doesn't flow at all.

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I received this book for free for an honest review from netgalley #netgalley

This one was high fantasy and definitely high pace I enjoyed it immensely.

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I like the whole story. It was slow at the beginning and gave us a huge dump of information, which really got it into trouble. All of this is persuasive, not shown, and a bad choice. Too much discussion about fae culture and history, especially at the beginning, will discourage readers. This should be expanded and reduced throughout the story, because not everything seems relevant.

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I have never read a fae genre story before, so Another Beast's Skin was a new experience and a fun read! Neysa is a perfect character to undergo the challenges she faces in the plot. Having been hit by both a recent divorce and the death of her father, she is in an emotionally vulnerable state and trying to rediscover who she is, something many of us can relate to. In Another Beast's Skin, her experience of moving forward from her torrential emotional state is told in a fantastic allegory that combines the real world and a fae kingdom in an action-packed story. I appreciated that 35-year-old Neysa is able to enjoy casual, steamy relations without getting hung-up about it, even if those around her do. The romance was spicy with an enemies-to-lovers vibe. I also thought Glover's ability to describe natural settings in particular was beautiful. Overall, Another Beast's Skin is a fun foray into the world of fae, blending romance, action, and magic with an anchor in the real world--though I was happy to leave for a little while and roam Aiofsing instead!

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I have received this ARC from the Publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really liked this book.
I loved the world building. It was written in a way that I could picture this world in my imagination and I loved it.

The first couple of chapters were a bit slow for me, but after the first chapters it gets better.
I liked that the main character was older then in most of the Fae/ romantic stories.
I would like to have seen more of an adult in her. Although her age is 35, it didn't seem like she was.
I also would've liked to see more of the personal developments of the characters. That would made the story even better in mine opnion.

I liked the writing style of Glover.
You could really see how Neysa is as a person. Her thoughts and memories of the past gave the readers a look into her mind. I really liked that.
What I personally didn't liked about the writing style, was the amount of cursing. That was too much for me.

Overall I liked this story and I can't wait to read the second book.
I hope we see more of the personal developments of the characters in the second book.

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This book had so much potential, it hurts me to write a review such as this. I coud not finish this book and gave up at around 40%.

I very much liked the blurb and the idea of the plot, and the cover! But when it came to execution it miserably failed for me.
The main character is over 30 yet acts as if she's a teen. All the other characters were flat (too), without any depth. I could not find one I would root for, care about what happened to him/her.

As much as I enjoy given background infos, having almost everything dumped on the reader the first third of the book might not be the best choice to keep us invested. As is jumping between scenes without any smooth transitions or explanations. The plot and actions are a disorganized mess. The romance is well......childish at best from a 30 something years old.

I also didn't quite understand the writing choice where strangers befriend someone in seconds and in no time tell her ALL of their secrets. Does this ever happen?

The story is not a lost cause but I believe almost all of this book would have to rewritten, with the thought of the targeted audience in mind, to make it work.

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I love the cover but I really don't want to judge a book by it's cover. From the beginning I knew I'd have issues with the writing as it did not draw me in enough. I really has hopes for it as the fantasy elements and premise was intriguing.

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I cannot get over how beautiful this cover is. The premise of the book is also interesting and that is what drew me in. The story and the writing however- sigh.

It's an okay book. There were parts if properly fleshed out would have made for an excellent read but at times it felt too slow on the uptake and with too much unnecessary information

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Thank you to GenZ Publishing for proving an earc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

2.75 stars

The Plot:
The book follows Neysa who moves to a small country town in England following the divorce from her husband and the loss of her father. While there she befriends 3 cousins who are on a mission to protect and guard the veil that divides the human realm from the fae realm.

What I liked:
I loved the world that this story was set in. I thought the idea that the human and fae realms were seperate and for the most part kept secret was a great idea.
I also loved the dynamic between Neysa, Silas, Corra and Cade and thought their interactions with each other were well written. Can we also take a moment to appreciate that Neysa is a main character in her 30s and not early 20s!
I was also completely sucked in by Neysa's and Cade's romance. To be honest their relationship was what mostly kept me reading.

What I didn't like:
At times the plot felt disorganised and hard to follow. Major events in the book that had been building for a while were completely glossed over when they were meant to come to a head. Which left me super confused and wondering what the hell just happened.
For me the magic system was full of inconsistencies and confusion. I spent a lot of the time trying to figure out what was happening and how this person had that power. I found that there was little explanation around any of it and that the characters would just simply do it. I also found the visions random and in need of more explanation.
I really didn't gel with how certain things were written. Jessika seems to have an extensive vocabulary that at times came off a little pretentious and unnecessary. For me it overcomplicated the story. Sometimes simplicity is key.

Overall thoughts:
I think that there is a lot of potential for a really cool story here. Unfortunately as it stands now it missed the mark for me. I think the plot and pacing of the book need some work.

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Unfortunately this book wasn't for me.  Although a great premise, the execution didn't quite pull me through. Lots of potential but the pacing and character development didn't hit the mark.

Thank you so much to the publisher for providing an eARC of Another Beast's Skin. This review is based on an advance reader's copy, so there might be some changes in the published book.

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2.2/5 stars

It is so sad when good plots were written in many sorts of wrong ways. I can't help but be sad and sometimes whimper and make a face while reading this book because of a lot of 'this-could-have-been-better-if' moments I had until I finished the whole book. It's such a shame, such a pity, and such a waste of good story to be written like this. Not to mention a waste of time for readers.

There are so many unnecessary information and so less vital information at the same time. Glover could not deliver the proper or exact atmosphere/vibe that she seemed to intend on a lot of parts in the book. I mean, like there are so many parts that are fast, and supposed to be dangerous and life-threatening but as a reader you couldn’t feel/imagine all those things while reading them maybe because of a lack of more fighting parts, or maybe the writing is bad and described those parts lamely, or those supposed to be nerve-racking parts were just LAME?

It has a complex history of its magic and the magic systems feels like EEHH? It's like unique but not interesting enough. Feels like I have been sitting through a lesson of history about a world I don’t know about and not interested knowing more about.

Honestly, I read it again from the start before I finished it during my first read, deciding that maybe I will at least like it if I start all over again. And I admit I did find some tiny tiny likable parts in the story that made me really smile (the friendship, the enemies to lovers of the MCs), but even those could not diminish the many faults in writing I encountered throughout finishing this book.

And it took me a long time to finish this book that I really got frustrated because I am so stubborn not to have DNFed books and because I just want to finally get through this so I can move on to my next ARC. I got delayed in my reading schedule because of this.

Thank you to GenZ Publishing for the e-ARC thru Netgalley. This review is based in an advance reader's copy, so there might be some changes in the published book.

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This book was okay. It was just really hard to feel connected to the characters. And character development is very important to me. If I can fall in love with the characters I can overlook other flaws that might pop up. Whereas this book had an interesting plot, the character development was just lacking. I couldn't get into her head to really get to know her as well as I would have liked. And the fact that much of the dialog was glossed over and just summarized didn't help.

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This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I DNF'd this about four chapters in, it was confusing honestly, I couldn't tell where the setting took place. For example I was under the impression it took place in the 19th century until I realized they were at a bar? The writing was mediocre at best, it left no impression on me, I do appreciate that I was entrusted with this book and I thank the publishing company for reaching out to me!

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2/5. ⭐️s

Thank you to Gen Z Publishing for providing this ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Neysa retreats to England after a divorce and the death of her father. During her stay, she meets a family who turns out to be fae delegates from another realm. She’s pulled into their world, where she uncovers secrets from her childhood while fighting to save the fae realm and the world she was raised in.

I wanted so badly to love this book, but from the beginning, I felt as if I was reading poorly written fanfiction (emphasis on poorly written - a lot of fanfiction is really well-written). I’m still not certain of the logistics of the fantasy world built here and who Neysa and her companions were ultimately fighting.

This felt like Glover just googled fae and fantasy powers and threw them at her characters at random. At one point, and character sprouts wings. It’s never explained why or how. It’s just accepted. So much of this system of magic seemed just thrown together as she wrote the book. It was jarring and confusing trying to keep up with it.

The love triangle was the best part, and it still wasn’t well-done. Glover also had a habit of putting Neysa in danger by having men and fae constantly trying to sexually harass her. It was sickening, and I wish she’d avoided that.

The ending is a cliffhanger (although don’t ask me to explain what happened because I’m not altogether certain myself), but I don’t see myself reaching for book two.

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Thank you so much for the copy. Unfortunately I just couldn’t really get into this book. I felt like the beginning of the story dragged on. Which the idea and story was very interesting and I was excited to start the book. I just could not really get past the beginning and it’s lack of exposition.

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This books premise is right up my alley. Unfortunately, the execution missed the mark. The writing style was quite juvenile and stilted. I think the writing needed to be worked over a few more times. It was underdeveloped.

The MC was supposed to be a mid thirties divorcee but she read much younger and immature. It made it hard to connect with her.

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If you love books which build throughout, then you will love this. Unfortunately that isn’t for me. I much prefer books that start off with a bang.
That being said tho, when the story does get going (about mid-way through), I feel it does get better.
I loved the character building of Neysa was a joy to read. Seeing her discover who is she is and understanding what is capable of really did resonate with me.
The book ended in such a way that there are still unanswered questions which I am hoping will be answered in the next one.

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