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These Silent Woods

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A a place faraway.

This one gutted me. Up-ended me in its telling.

These Silent Woods scratches at those places in the heart that are sacred. Those dark corners in which we only allow those who hear the same hymn of humanity that we do. That not everything in this world is plainly black and white or can be explained with the given words of others. And the admitting that love is complicated from start to finish. It's as personal as the breath we breathe.

Kenny Morrison is one of tens of thousands of nineteen year olds who stepped forward to serve his country much like those similar in the Vietnam War. His life was typical in youth when there are not a lot of avenues for those born with limited finances and expectations. Kenny served three tours in Kabul, Afghanistan finishing well in Ranger School during the "War On Terror". But like Vietnam Vets, Kenny experienced the unspeakable. His mind wrestled with his thoughts. The visuals swam back and forth inside his head. Surely, he suffered from PTSD, but like all the others, you swallowed it down.

Upon returning stateside, Kenny connected with his high school sweetheart, Cindy. They both existed at different ends of the tangent. Cindy's parents were wealthy and Kenny's mother abandoned him as a child. But they clung together and the result was their infant daughter, Grace Elizabeth. And here's where the story escalates as Kenny runs off with his daughter after Cindy's death. Her parents aimed to take the baby away from him.

Kenny now known as "Cooper" and Grace is known as "Finch". They take refuge in a cabin in the Appalachian mountains owned by his fellow military friend, Jake. We will come to know the hardships that face both father and daughter through these years. The only neighbor they have is Scotland who checks on them occasionally. Cooper vows to never reveal their past.

Kimi Cunningham Grant is a gifted writer. She has an uncanny way of keeping her finger on the pulse of these individual characters. We feel "the shift" that is happening as the years go by and the adjustments that must be made to keep Finch safe. The father/daughter relationship is a solid one even though Cooper has not much of a blueprint of what a family actually may be. And when others intrude in this forest hideaway, decisions must be made under heartrendering circumstances. Don't miss this one. It's not just a read but an experience.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review. My thanks to St. Martin's Press (Minotaur Books) and to Kimi Cunningham Grant for the opportunity.

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I really loved the premise of this book, a young father Cooper, has taken his daughter, Finch, to a remote cabin somewhere in Appalachia for undisclosed reasons, but you know a terrible decision has precipitated the move. My main problem is once the story began to unfold, I started to loose sympathy for Cooper. In my mind, he needed help - he lied about his PTSD, and instead of building a relationship with his fiancé's parents he just stubbornly clung to the belief that since his goals were noble he knew what was best. Was he a good dad? Yes, in a sense - he did provide education, food, and shelter, and most definitely loved his daughter. Was it the best life possible for her? yes and no. Ending was more than a little contrived, and Cooper never seemed to face the repercussions of the actions he took to kidnap his daughter, Grace Elizabeth (aka Finch). The one surprise and twist was the character of Scotland - I was totally led in the wrong direction by the author's description and was taken aback by his choice at the end of the book. All in all, an interesting read - thank you to Netgalley for an advanced reader copy.

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These Silent Woods is a gripping story of survival that asks the question “what would you do to keep you kid…safe.” Finch and Cooper are an interesting pair, with their neighbor Scotland as a regularly unexpected presence. When more people come into their inner circle, things start to complicate the life they have managed to build. The author does a great job of slowly unfolding the backstory of how/why Finch and Cooper are in the woods. My only issue is that the ending wrapped up a little too neatly for me. Still a wonderful and worthwhile read!

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The story is a slow intriguing burn with wonderfully developed atmosphere and characters. Finch, the young daughter, was captured particularly realistically. I pride myself on guessing an ending but this one had a great unexpected twist. I'll be sad to leave Coop, Maria, Finch and Scotland behind, as they all seemed like my friends by the end of this wonderful book.

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After some bad choices, Coop has been living off grid for almost a decade with his daughter. The only person near by is his nosey neighbour. His one friend brings supplies to them once a year, then one year his friend doesn’t come. Coop is faced with decisions he hoped to not make for a while yet.

Then footprints are found on their property and choices put everything he’s built out in their little patch of property in danger.

When I started this book I wasn’t sure what to expect, it’s not something I’d normally read. But it just spoke to me.

The character development really brings you into the world of someone who is so far removed from society.

But the underlying fact is this book ended up being something so beautiful. It wasn’t what I was expecting and it’s up there in the top picks for the year for me.

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5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. If I could give this book more than 5 stars I would!! My friend (and book buddy) read it and told me that I need to read it because it’s currently her favorite book of the year. I am so glad I took her advice because this book was just amazing! It has everything you look for in a 5 star book: likable characters, descriptive details which make you feel like you are right THERE in the book, a wonderful storyline filled with so much emotion and also a touch of mystery, an ending that brings tears to your eyes….and overall just GREAT writing by the author. I could not put this one down and I was so sad when it ended. I absolutely adored Finch. She was the sweetest little girl and I just wanted to reach into that book and hug her. Cooper, what a wonderful dad who did everything for his daughter. Their life was hard but in so many ways their life was also perfect. I also loved Scotland’s character and would love to say more about him but I don’t want to spoil anything as far as the storyline by talking too much about him. Let’s just say he was a very suspicious man. Was he a true friend or a problem for Cooper and Finch? I had an impression from the very beginning on what kind of man he was, but you definitely want to read the book and develop your own opinion. I did not want this book to end. It will definitely be in my top 10 list (actually probably top 5) books of 2021!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

If you’d like to see previous reviews I’ve left, check out my Goodreads and Instagram pages:
*Goodreads - Cherihy808
*Instagram - bookworm_traveler808

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This is a slow, yet suspenseful story that centers around the love between a father and daughter. The premise is fairly simple and straightforward, without any big twists or turns. Despite being fairly predictable, I found myself immersed by the story.

The strength of this story is the relationship between the father and daughter. Their love drove the narrative. I found myself caring deeply for the main characters from the very first chapter. 

Compared to other thrillers, there was very little action one. Instead the suspense fueled the story and kept me turning the pages. 

I would recommend this quiet thriller to anyone looking for an emotional tale of suspense. 

Disclaimer I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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A father with a secret and his daughter living in the remote Appalachian Mountains, no electricity, no family, and basically no connection to the outside world.
When Cooper's friend, Jake does not show up to give them supplies as he has previously in the years that they had been up there. With this action, a chain of events happens to change their safe haven and a stranger appears on their land.
This is a powerful novel and definitely shows the importance of a father and daughter relationship. I loved that the descriptions were completely on point! The area was described soo well I could visualize it! The fiery love that the father has for his daughter is amazing, and while since the beginning we knew that the day of wrecking is going to come for Cooper and that is what feels like a hand squeezing your heart while reading this book. This is definitely a book that you will need a box or maybe even a pallet of tissues to get through this book, and that's not a bad thing. There are many things that Cooper regrets during his military days, but saving Jake and having his daughter were not one of them. I dived into this book and I couldn't put it down! This is definitely an instant favorite! If you love thrillers with fierce emotions and protectiveness then this would definitely be the book for you! Thank you Netgalley, Minotaur Books and the author for the supreme honor of reading this one and the story is still on my mind days later!

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These Silent Woods is a story about a father named Cooper and Finch, his eight-year-old daughter, living in a cabin deep in the Appalachian woods for eight years. Cooper and Finch exist mostly by living off the land, but do have contact with the outside world through Jake. Jake's family owns the cabin. Jake and Cooper served together in the military and once a year Jake travels to the cabin to resupply Cooper and Finch.

Cooper and Finch are also visited by Scotland, an older, mysterious nearby neighbor. Cooper, is distrustful of Scotland and is unsure if Scotland is a friend or foe. Finch is friendly to the strange man, who when he arrives is often armed with a rifle, pet crow and an odd collection of bones.

The story of a tormented father and how far he will go to protect his child and their privacy. I found myself emotionally captivated at every turn. Kudos to the author Kimi Cunningham Grant.

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Cooper and his young daughter Finch have been living rough in a cabin that is tucked away in a remote area of the Appalachians. His story gradually unfolds as he relates his life in the “civilized” world and what led him and his daughter to his mountain home. The author’s descriptions of the area are beautiful capturing the thrill and the dangers of living off the grid. The mystery of Cooper’s choices is slowly revealed and threatened when unforeseen events intrude upon their solitude. This is a meditative thriller/mystery with a moral code setting a drumbeat in the background. Engaging characters and heart propel the story. Recommended. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this title.

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This book was good, not great. It was marketed as a mystery but the only mystery really in it happens in the last 15% of the book and it’s very obvious who did it. I did enjoy the authors way of describing the main characters ptsd from the war on terror and thought those flashbacks were very well written. I read this expecting a murder mystery but what it truly was is actually a book about father daughter relationships.

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Atmospherically set in the Appalachian Mountains, this staggeringly beautiful and heart crushing book left me breathless. Sacrifice, family, friendships, loyalty, trust and grace are themes but this book is even more. The writing is spectacular as is the point of view narration. Talk about power in the words written by the author, each in its place, nothing extraneous, repetitive or dull. Sheer genius. My mind is reeling after putting the book down as I mull over what I just read. From the 350+ books I have read this year, this will be a standout, no question. My connection to it is deep.

Cooper has a painful past and history which impact his cherished eight-year-old daughter, Finch. As a result, she does not know why her lifestyle is unusual compared with others. She may not go to traditional school but she is taught well at home. They live at Cooper's friend's deserted and isolated cabin. In many ways their lives is wonderful...Cooper does everything he can to raise Finch the right way. She has some freedom and independence and she's imaginative, creative, bright, a reader and hunts, fishes and traps. She sees animal skulls anatomically and scientifically. She is not squeamish. Her dad is super proud of her and would give his life for her. Neighbour Scotland is a bit quirky yet incredibly kind. We are also told about Jake and Cindy and meet Marie. Yet plans will change in the future.

Secrets begin to come out as more characters get involved. It is crucial for the dad/daughter team to avoid others. You will discover why in this slow-paced book which has more than enough atmosphere and suspense to keep you intrigued. In spite of foibles and quirks I loved nearly all the characters. They seemed very real. Yet another aspect I loved was the incredible insight into human nature and introspection. Some quotes blew me away! Cooper would do anything for his child. That ENDING! Tears slid down my cheeks.

Fiction readers NEED to read this book. Truly. My words cannot possibly describe the impact it had on me. It has a thought-provoking message as well.

My sincere thank you to St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the privilege of reading this stellar book. I cannot begin to convey how much I loved it.

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This was great! Atmospheric the whole way through, it alternates between peaceful and tense, so you’re never quite at ease. And then boom, the last bit of it really picks up and becomes such an emotional rollercoaster! Plus the ending was unexpected for me, making this a wholly satisfying read. 4 stars.

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I can not say enough good things about Kimi Cunningham Grant’s latest book, These Silent Woods.  It is the story of Cooper and his 8 year old daughter, Finch.  Because of secrets in Cooper past they must stay hidden in an isolated cabin in the Appalachian  Mountains.  As the past catches up to them, Cooper must make some life altering decisions for himself and Finch.  The writing, the dialogue , the characters were all so genuine , the story had the feel of sitting in your backyard being told this tale by an old friend.  I’m not the type to cry over a book but if you are, make sure you have the tissues handy.  The ending is nothing less than heart wrenching.  A captivating read.  You don’t want to miss this one.

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These Silent Woods by Kimi Cunningham Grant
10/10 5 stars

Thank you so much Minotaur Books and St. Martins Press for the gifted copy of this book!

Wow this book was absolutely not what I was expecting. I went into it blind and was thrown way off by the slow burn story. The plot was so simple, yet so complex and detail-ridden. The timeline being semi-nonlinear was also nice. I absolutely loved each character, but especially Coop and Finch. I think the father-daughter bond built up and entwined throughout the story was extremely powerful and effective for readers. I was not expecting a heartwarming, powerful story of the love and bond between family and friendships, while also being a suspense/murder mystery. Absolutely well done. I could not recommend this more.

Read this if you:
- love the idea of living off the grid
- have a special father/daughter relationship in your life
- have sketchy neighbors
- love the woods and hunting

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This was a suspenseful novel about a father and daughter who live in complete isolation.

For eight years, Cooper has been raising Finch, his daughter, in an isolated forest since she was an infant. They live in a cabin with no electricity, no running water, and no connection to anyone except a single neighbor and a friend who comes by once a year to bring supplies.

Cooper is hiding from his past, but is starting to realize that he cannot live off-grid with Finch indefinitely. Things start getting out of control so they have to move fast. I loved Finch.

Thank you to Minotaur Books/St Martin's Press for the arc in exchange for my honest opinions.

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A man and his little girl live isolated in the woods. Kenny is hiding from the world but why? As the story unfolds, the readers is exposed to Kenny’s backstory. Although isolated, there are people around, Scotland and then Marie. I thought the plot was plausible and the writing kept my interest. I love the cover.

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Love this book.

The writer was so descriptive in her writing of the area and the nature that surrounded it. It was a beautiful setting and I was instantly transported there because of her words.

I loved the protectiveness that Cooper had over his daughter and how he would do anything to protect her. Also, Cooper's memories or reflections I suppose on his time in Afghanistan were heartbreaking. He was a good man, and I wished at more times he realized this about himself. I enjoyed reading about Finch and I loved all her little quirks.

The only part I was not really fond of was the Bible verses and sermon at the end. I felt that it could have been left out. I am not against religion but as a Jewish person I do not need to be preached at, and that is how it felt to me. I also thought when I read the summary it was going to be more of a thriller, at least that is how I felt when I went into it, however, it ended up being a heartfelt story, which is fine, I enjoy those, but I was rather thrown off expecting one thing and never getting there in the book.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for this ARC. I have not read any of Ms. Grant's books prior to These Silent Woods, but I will be sure to do so now. Imagine, it's 95 degrees and high humidity and there's no venturing outdoors anytime soon. So, what else to do but bring up a new NetGalley book? Well, no matter what the weather was, I was not leaving my comfy chair to put down this book. I LOVED this book! It was beautifully written and I really liked the descriptive nature and the well developed characters, I felt that I really knew them and was rooting for them. Loved the moral dilemmas faced and the outcome, such a wonderful story. I highly recommend this!

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Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for this ARC!

This book was absolutely OUTSTANDING! These Silent Woods is my favorite book that I have read this year! I could not put it down, and devoured it in 24 hours. Kimi Cunningham Grant's writing style had me right there, in the woods, with our main characters, father and daughter, Cooper and Finch, who are living in a log cabin in the woods. Finch was the most adorable child, and I totally felt like I could perceive her surroundings and lifestyle as if I was living it myself at that age. The way that the author was able to put the emotions, wonder and experiences of an innocent 8-year-old child onto paper was just amazing. I adored Cooper. His story, heartbreaking as it was, was one out of total love and sacrifice for his daughter. My heart went out to him from the first chapter on. Scotland, what an amazing man, and I doubt there is anyone like him that would make the sacrifice he made. There is not one thing I did not love about this novel. The message of grace that you walk away with after reading it was amazing. 5 solid stars, and if I could give it more, I would! A must read, and this needs to be made into a movie!

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