Member Reviews

This is wonderful reference guide for those new to or just starting their exploration of tarot reading. There's a great wealth of knowledge about each card, the way some cards interact with each other in a reading, and some of the history behind the practice. There's some neat tips and tricks throughout the book that could also benefit long-time tarot readers, as well.

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Perfect introduction into tarot, it explains all the basics clearly and isn’t complex in explaining it all. A great guide for beginners and the experienced practitioner alike.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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Didn’t finish. I have read many others in this book series, but this one didn’t resonate with me.good writing style though.

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In this book we will learn the meaning behind each card in your tarot deck. Learn about the spreads for each reading. Delight in the mystery of tarot and discover how to read the cards. I found this book very helpful and full of information on this subject. It's a fantastic book for beginners.

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I learnt nothing new from this book but will still recommend it as a beginner guide to anyone interested in tarot!

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Five Stars! I've had Tarot cards for years, and I used to read quite regularly, though I never really felt like I was "good" at it. Eventually I stopped reading and obviously got very rusty, so I really appreciated this book as a refresher course. It has an overview of the history and basics of Tarot, the meanings of the cards and common spreads you can use with your cards. This will absolutely be a book I will keep coming back to as I continue to practice in the future. It's a great introduction to the cards. Thanks to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing/Chartwell Books for the opportunity to read and review The Tarot Directory.

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A decent overview of the cards as a whole and looking at the key terms and interpretations of the cards individually. Overall a good starter book.

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Great guide on reading and understanding tarot cards. It seemed fresh and modern. A lot of tarot books strike me as dated but this one seemed ready for 2021.

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I love this book! The simple explanations and the author's approach to the tarot is definitely a fresh approach. This is also the first time that I've seen the major arcana broken down by numbers all the way to 21 and then alongside this was the planets that rule that card in a book. Definitely a new and easy approach to the arcana.

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First, I would like to thank Netgalley and Quarto Publishing Group for allowing me to read this book. Now lets dive in...

I have been interested in Tarot for years! I like to say that I am an avid tarot card reader and referred to many books while I was learning tarot. "The Tarot Directory" is perfect for beginner readers to advance readers.

The book dives into a few sections with the most beautiful design and layout placement: Introduction (history of Tarot, how to choose and care for your deck, tips on symbolism and how to use the cards, etc), the major arcana and the minor suits, and the last chapter!

Chapter four is my absolute favorite section. Bartlett goes into detail explaining different tarot spreads and which spread would be the best to use with whatever situation you are in or what you would like to know.

Overall, I recommend this book for your collection regardless of your tarot skill level!

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This is an accessible guide to tarot, helpful for beginners to become fa,Iliad with the cards and how to use them, and as a handy guide for more experienced readers to review their knowledge,

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This is a wonderful resource for anyone who wants to understand or deepen their understanding of tarot.

First, I want to mention the illustrations are fantastic.

But to the meat of the book, I loved the rich history and look at symbolism that gives a good foundation for understanding the cards. There is solid information on interpreting the cards and various spreads. It felt very through with things for every one that include basic card care and more in-depth spiritual growth practices. The exercises range from ones that designed for beginners to things that you will want some practice with, which was nice.

It is well rounded guide that should serve readers through their tarot exploration even if it is their very first time.

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An in-depth look at tarot, with laying the cards for certain things and great explanations. Love that each page is full of photos. Perfect for beginners like me. Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for allowing me to read and review.

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This review has been made possible thanks to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Chartwell Books for providing me with an Advance Reader’s Copy in exchange for an honest review.

I applied to review this because I’ve always been fascinated by tarot and predicting the future, but I’ve never understood how to start and go about it. I found this guide so incredibly clear, with explanatory descriptions and lovely illustrations. It finally gave me a chance to crack out the tarot set I bought on a whim and look through the meaning on the different cards in different spreads.

I would recommend this to anyone who is starting out, interesting in finding the answer for themselves and getting more familiar with different cards, messages and how to decipher answers to questions from the spreads. I would gladly gift this to friends who are interested in tarot ands astrology amongst other witchy things!

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I have just started using tarot cards and have read several books about them. This book has been the best on so far. Lots of great information is presented in an easy to understand manner. I feel like I understand the cards a lot more now. This is a great book for beginners like me.

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I was disappointed with this book, I was lucky to learn tarot from a teacher and friend but have been interested in finding a good introduction book I could recommend to someone who expressed an interest. I felt this book included a lot of cliched advice and psedo-history that makes it feel dated in the modern tarot world.. There are many approaches to tarot and you dont have to know tarot history to be a good reader, but the book seemed more interested in creating atmosphere and a sense of ceremony/ ritual that is more about the authors personal gnosis than anything else. There is nothing wrong with including that but don't represent it as a well known fact or standard practice, explain its how you understand or see it. The actual content and description of the cards was very brief, for those that like the idea of exercises like spells or meditations on the major arcana then that aspect of the book will appeal. She does give a variety of spreads and examples of readings but the book lacks depth in teaching you how to read fluidly and translate the meanings she gives to the wide range of questions a tarot reader gets.

I received this a copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for a review all oppinions are my own

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Two of the pages of my PDF were oriented wrong. I loved the exercises to introduce us to the cards. I like that the focus was not on memorizing keywords. The sample layouts were fantastic. A good book for users of all experience levels. I like that while some of the traditional decks are shown, the book and be used easily with any deck.

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The Tarot Directory is a wonderful Tarot resource filled with everything you need to know in order to read the cards. I really like how this book reminds us that what we see in our Tarot cards is a mirror to ourselves, and that the cards are reflecting back to us that which is already in us. The layout of this book is easy to follow, with highlighted sections suggesting affirmations and rituals to use with our Tarot card decks. as well as ways to shuffle and draw cards. Each of the Major Arcana are laid out key short word meanings, as well as a lengthier written card meaning, and an example interpretation, and the Minor Arcana each have key short word meanings along with a written paragraph on what each card means. I like this layout as you can get an instant feel for each card. There is a plethora of card spreads at the end of the book where you are sure to find one that suits your needs on any given day. This book has a glossary and index at the back of the book making it very easy to locate what you are searching for. I highly recommend this book, especially if you are new to Tarot.

Thank you to NetGalley and Chartwell books for this copy of The Tarot Directory. I love the ease of use this directory provides and I will be using it to help me with my card interpretations. There were also a couple spreads that are calling my name to try out..

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My thanks to Quarto Publishing Group - Chartwell Books for a temporary digital review copy via NetGalley of ‘The Tarot Directory’ by Sarah Bartlett.

The subtitle of this book is: ‘Unlock the Meaning of the Cards, Spreads, and the Mystery of the Tarot’, which is a fair description of its content. It is part of Chartwell Books Spiritual Directories series.

Sarah Bartlett provides a solid introduction to the Tarot aimed at beginners. She uses the Universal Tarot Deck throughout. This deck is based on the popular Rider-Waite deck. Following the main text is a glossary, suggestions for further reading for those who wish to continue their studies and an index.

Obviously a book like this is meant to be actively engaged with. After writing about the history, structure, and symbolism of the cards, she moves onto interpretation and guides the new practitioner through a range of spreads from the basic to the more complex with attendant exercises.

Certainly ‘The Tarot Directory’ is a book that I would be confident in recommending as a Tarot primer.

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The Tarot Directory does what it says on the tin. This is a fantastic all-in-one intro to the meanings of the cards, how to read them, and where they came from.

I loved that this book dove a little deeper than the card meanings and gave some interesting spells and meditation sessions to go along with the major arcana. The minor arcana is given its moment, too, and each card is well-discussed. The reading layouts start easy and gradually become more complex, bringing more insight into the matters at hand.

The Tarot Directory is a good balance of history, familiar card meanings, and esotericism. There's plenty of information about developing your intuition and using the tarot cards as a mirror (my preferred method of divination) as well as specialized intention-setting spells. It's short enough to use as a reference guide during a reading, but detailed enough to offer some new insight. Great!

This book expects nothing of the reader and starts at zero. But it's detailed enough that people who aren't new to tarot can find some value here. This directory belongs with every new tarot deck! I highly recommend it for newcomers to the world of tarot.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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