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Reckless Girls

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Rachel Hawkins does not disappoint! After reading her awesome thriller The Wife Upstairs, I couldn't wait to read this one. Finding paradise on an isolated tropical island sounds like bliss until things turn ugly and there is nowhere to turn for help. A beautiful isolated island is where two women ( Brittany and Amma) hope to have an adventure and hire Nico and Lux's boat to take them there. They arrive and find that someone's boat is already anchored near the island. They meet the people on the boat, Eliza and Jake, and soon hit it off and enjoy their time in paradise until terrifying things start happening. What is going on and who is doing these things? Can anyone there be trusted and are they hiding terrible secrets? The twisted ending was a jaw dropping surprise. I read the book in one sitting and enjoyed every minute of it!

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Rachel Hawkins has a devious mind in Reckless Girls.
It did not immediately grab my interest, but kept reading.
This is definitely a what not to do when you’ve been drinking and meet a guy!
It was ridiculous at time, terrible at time and toward the end, terrifying.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this title.

Lux and her boyfriend Nico don't exactly have it made in the shade in Hawaii. She works as maid in a ritzy resort and Nico works at the marina on boats. Their dream is to travel, and they even have a boat, but so far, they've barely made ends meet. When two girls decide to hire Nico to sail them to Meroe Island in the Pacific, Lux hopes this will be the start of their dream. Upon arriving on the island, they meet up with a mysterious couple already exploring the abandoned island. then things get crazy.

I love nothing more than a book that just pulls me in and doesn't want to let go. This book did that. There's levity, and mystery, and darkness and intrigue. It's everything you want in a novel. I liked the interplay between characters and the build of suspense. The different threads of the storyline we well-executed and knitted together in a way that made sense to the narrative. I've read several of Rachel Hawkins' books, and they're always an adventure.

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This book was so amazing! So I have loved Rachel Hawkins for a long while. I loved Hex Hall series and I LOVED The Wife Upstairs so I was expecting to be wowed with this a-typical "Locked Room Thriller" (I consider a deserted island a locked room for sure!) It felt like it started off a little slow, which was expected. World building, character building. But it really picked up at 47% with the arrival of Robbie. I didn't think I would like the flashbacks to everyones past lives but not only was integral to the story, they were all very interesting as well and when the threads started to weave together it was REALLY un-put-downable.. I will for sure be recommending this one!

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A few 20 and 30 somethings on a "haunted" island with a dark past, mixed with some MTV's the Real World drama! I thought Hawkins did a great job building up a creepy atmosphere and keeping me guessing, right up until the end where things fell apart a little. But I had fun reading it, and it's a perfect vacation read.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I. Loved. This. Book!!!
Lux and her boyfriend Nico take off for secluded Meroe Island, along with two young friends theyre chartering. Another boat appears with a fabulously wealthy young couple. All kinds of chaos ensues! So many secrets and lies. This book kept me turning the pages and the ending...on point! I will be recommending this one to all my thriller loving friends.

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While I enjoyed the author's previous work, "the Wife Upstairs" quite a lot, this one, "Reckless Girls" felt a bit flat for me... The "secluded island" trope is a favorite of a lot of thriller writers lately, but this just read like a lot of young people, (especially those so-called "girls"), behaving badly. Add in a bunch of "rich people problems" and ... not so much. There are some twists along the way, but overall, it kind of failed to live up to the author's previous promise INHO. So glad I read it in the hot summer, pre-pub, when I could enjoy the So Pacific island vibe more! I will, however, check out the next work by this author. Many thanks to NetGalley, the author & publisher for the ARC widget.

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Perfect beach read! I really enjoyed this one by Rachel Hawkins. The main character, Lux, was likable and I thought the POV was exciting. There were some twists and turns, especially towards the end, that I did not see coming! I would recommend this book for anyone wanting a character driven thriller with a distinct "The Beach" vibe. Remember Leonardo DiCaprio in that movie?! I read a lot of thrillers and thought this one was fresh, exciting, and suspenseful. Highly recommend!

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This book was SO good, so, so "unputdownable".

I love a closed room mystery...always. But throw in a spooky island, some douchy guys, some reckless girls and some witty observations and I am all in.

I absolutely could not put this book down. I was antsy when I wasn't reading it, eager to get back to it and find out what was going to happen next.

So well written and such a great ending, I cannot recommend enough!

Thank you to the publisher for gifting me a copy, it is my pleasure to write an honest review.

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Who hasn't dreamed of sailing away to a deserted desert island? No one, just me! Well, the rest of you were so much smarter, because Meroe Island has a dark and sordid history. Why are all the good islands already inhabited?
Lux followed her boyfriend Nico to Hawaii, planning to join him on an epic sailing adventure. Unfortunately, his boat gets damaged, and when he can't pay for the needed repairs, Lux is stuck. She is working at a dead-end job and wondering how her life has gone so wrong.
When Nico is hired by Brittany and Amma, it seems like the answer to Lux's prayers. His boat will get fixed, they will make some money, and best of all, the girls also want Lux to join them. They will sail to Meroe Island and spend two glorious weeks away from reality.
Anticipating solitude, they are thrown when they find another couple, Eliza and Jake already on the island. As the dynamics between these six people ebb and flow like the tide, a seventh visitor, Robbie arrives. Suddenly, it seems no one is who they appear to be, and the island's cursed reputation might actually be true.
I loved the remote island locale and since this publishes in January when I will most likely be buried under snow and ice, this would be a great escape read in front of a warm fire. Every character has either secrets, is a liar, or just isn't a good person. Everyone's true nature will be revealed and nothing will be the same after this once-in-a-lifetime trip to paradise. I didn't love how everything ended, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

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This was a solid 3 stars for me. It was a quick read and enough action that I was entertained but it also felt slightly lacking. Maybe it was all the characters aligning somehow. Maybe it was that I saw the details coming from the start which made it slightly less exciting this time. Either way it just felt overall eh. One of those books you pick up, enjoy, then move on.

Lux and Nico are hired by two girls named Anna and Brittany to sail to an mysterious island named Meroe. Sounds and looks beautiful but has a creepy past. Off they go and when they get there another couple named Eliza and Jake are there. All becomes happy and a party until well.. it isn’t.

It was a fun book and I would recommend it for a nice easy breezy read.

Thank you netgalley and St. Martin’s press for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Okay, a little semi unpopular review is about to come up!

Firstly, I want to talk about things I truly enjoyed about my reading. Then I will explain why I got disappointed and fell out of love with this book!!!

It is delicious combination Di Caprio’s Beach meets Lost Tv series ( a.k.a worst ending series in the TV history) with Lord of Flies, And Then There Were None and a little Dead to Me vibes ) Amma and Brittany’s story)

Claustrophobic island theme is always a big winner for me: think about a haunted place called Meroe Island which is best known for the shipwreck that gave it is name. Up until World War II, sailors of HMS Meroe were marooned on this place and eventually some of them turned into cannibals to massacre the rest of sailors to survive. Only 8 of them survived, convicted and hanged.Did you get hooked? I was definitely sold as soon as I read this info!

Our story takes place in the same place. 6 people’s paths crossed on the island. They seem like vacationers, adventurers whose ages range from 22 to 30! All of them are running from something: their past mistakes, grief, losses, redemption etc.

Let’s introduce the characters one by one and tell who they chose to gather at the weirdest place to have their life changing journeys.

Lux, 25 years old, dropped out of college to take of her sick mother who lost her battle to the big C, working at waitressing jobs to make ends meet because her a.hole father remarried and he did nothing to support his child.

When she meets golden boy Nico, charming, reckless, adventurous boy, who is coming from wealthy family, having recent quarrel with his parents, planning to sail to Hawaii, Lux’s life completely changes. She follows him to Hawaii. As he is having time of his life, she works as maid at a hotel to save the money to repair their boat.

The day she is sagged, Nico gives her brilliant news( actually this is argumentative) He got an offer from two college besties: Amma and Brittany to sail them to Mereo Island (actually it is not an island, it is an atoll. )

They offered him fifty grand. The plan is simple: instead of taking fifty, the girls will pay for repairs of their boat Susannah and after they leave the girls on the island, they can go anywhere they want. They don’t need to stuck in Maui.

Brittany gives friendly, social Golden Retriever vibes from the beginning, as Amma is more introvert, observant, cold and she seems like getting too friendly with Nico. ( sneaky bi*ch alert! )

Well, at least when they arrive to the island, they will never have to see them again. But their plans change as soon as they realize they are not alone at this place. A rich and charming Aussie man and his gorgeous boyfriend already started their own party. Jake and Eliza seem like nice and loaded. They also like to share their goodies and lots of booze. So they both stay and join them.

But when a stranger joins their party: their perfect friendship starts crumbling. The lies they told, the secret they kept start to come out! The island brings out their inner demons and when all hell breaks loose, their exciting adventure turns into a vicious massacre that only one of them could survive!

Claustrophobic island theme, heart throbbing pace, intriguing before-now time lines
Tragic back stories of three characters
Riveting mystery keeping you in your toes

I was so close to give five stars to this book but the entire last third of the story was wobbling, bumpy road. The big revelation of the story was a little bit nonsense for me. I screamed to my ereader in the middle of the night ( the book was so intriguing and I stayed up all night and went to bad while I was still cursing to the ending! )
“What whattttt! Is this it! No it can’t! I want better explanation! It needs alternative twist! “
I think the author pushed too hard to create that big scheme. The message behind the characters’ motive was powerful but the execution was not good enough. There were still so many loop holes.

I still devoured this book in one sit. Its ending was not as bad as Lost TV series but I think this brilliant author whose entire books were devoured by me can wrap up the entire story with more satisfying conclusion.

I was expecting more! Especially the promising beginning and riveting pacing gave me so much hope. So I stick with my solid three stars.

I’m looking forward to read next work of the author. I’m sure the next one will be better!

Special thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest thoughts.

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The audience for this felt a bit younger to me that Hawkins' previous books, so I'd particularly recommend it to teen readers who like thrillers. Loved the LORD OF THE FLIES-ish creepy remote island setting!

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A quick read, with an ending that I didn't totally see coming. The reveal felt a little muddled to me though and overall I felt like it was just ok.

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Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins didn't wow me. I have loved the previous books by this author, but this one just didn't hold my attention. A group of young people goes to a deserted island only to discover their true nature. There is sexual innuendo, acting on that, lots of booze, drugs, and hidden money. While the setting was interesting, the characters fell flat and seemed extremely shallow. Lux, the main character was the only one with a little chutzpah throughout even though she questioned herself at times. Overall I was disappointed in this story. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy.

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RECKLESS GIRLS is a great beach book. Hawkins' descriptions of life on a boat and on a beach are so vivid you can smell the salt air and feel the sand beneath your feet. It's a twisty tale of suspense with some interesting revelations at the end. Decent read.

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I've read Rachel's work before (and follow her on social media), and was thrilled to be given an advance copy of Reckless Girls (aka: Boat Murder!) to read. The timing was absolutely perfect, as I was going on vacation right when it arrived. I found the book to be SUPER entertaining to read and hard to put down. The characters were fascinating, there were a lot of great twists and turns, and the ending was excellent and left me wanting more. I think this would make a fantastic movie! It's too bad that the book isn't officially released until January 2022, as this is a PERFECT summer/beach read, but hey - there are still beaches and summer weather in some parts of the world in January! Highly recommend.

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Reckless Girls is another fantastic thriller by Rachel Hawkins! Her first novel, The Wife Upstairs, was a gripping page turner, and Hawkins does not disappoint with this sophomore novel.

Lux is living in Hawaii with her boyfriend; they are working to save up money to repair his boat and sail around the world. Nico, her boyfriend, meets a couple of college aged girls that offer him an obscene amount of money to sale them to Meroe Island. Meroe is deserted, but there are many sinister tales of individuals meeting their demise while on the wild shores of Meroe.

Lux and Nico agree to sale the girls to Meroe, but upon arriving after days of sailing, they discover that they are not the only ones seeking adventure on the isolated island. Although the two groups befriend each other, there are the expected tensions between groups of people staying together that are essentially strangers, and this propels the story to its unexpected ending.

Reckless Girls is the story of 6 individuals on the isolated shores of Meroe and how their experience changes each of them and brings out their true colors. The story is mostly told from Lux’s point of view as she develops her sense self and her own dreams for her future. I couldn’t put this one down!! What a page turner - I kept trying to connect the pieces! Not one to start at bedtime. You’ll want to grab a copy of this when it’s available.

Thank you to Rachel Hawkins, NetGalley, and St. Martin’s Press for an advance copy of Reckless Girls. Pub day is January 4, 2022!!

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This book is SCREAMING to be a movie!!! I had a hard time putting this one down until the very end.
When Lux and her boyfriend Nico take two girls on a sailing trip to a deserted island, they’re expecting some fun and making some easy money. What the get is SO much more. Every time I thought I had it figured out, something else happened to blow my mind. Rachel Hawkins weaves the story so well, until you are sitting with a pit of dread growing in your stomach. You can feel the humid air and hear the ocean slapping the sand! So, so good!!!

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I received an invitation from the publisher to read/review an ARC of this upcoming mystery/thriller from Rachel Hawkins. Having read and enjoyed one of the author's previous works, The Wife Upstairs, I was happy to accept the invitation.

Reckless Girls does not measure up to The Wife Upstairs. In many entertaining novels, one needs to suspend disbelief and let yourself go along with the ride the author is taking you on. But I just get the feeling that anything about this story was remotely real.

It is about a small group of young people who come together, partly by happenstance, on an uninhabited and deserted island on the Pacific Ocean. The narrator of the book is a young woman named Lux,who meets up with a guy (Nico) with a boat on Maui. Nico gets hired for $50,000 (!!!) to take two young women to this small island. There they meet another couple, who also have a boat. And money. And drugs.

The little island has a spooky history and the rest of the story of these young people adds to this spooky history. But the characters don't seem real, the interactions between the characters are pretty random and the end result of this adventure is pretty morbid.

Previous reviews are far more favorable. The story did move at a good pace and there were many twists. But I had higher expectations.

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