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The Therapist

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Just like the main character, I suspected just about everyone over the course of this book of who was the murderer, patient and therapist!. However, the main character was sometimes frustrating - she was not the wisest! Overall, I enjoyed this and thought it was a good, easy mystery with. fun ending. Wasn't my favorite mystery, but still thought it was a good read.

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Meh, The Therapist was okay. Didn’t love the characters, the plot was interesting, the ending was okay.
Thanks to the publisher and net galley for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for my opinions.

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This book was so good. It follows a woman named Alice who moves to London to start a proper relationship with her long distance boyfriend. She finds out about a crime that happened in their house while trying to dig deeper into what happened she finds out somethings that her partner has been hiding. Just when you think you know who did the crime, there is another twist and you are wrong again.

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3.5 Stars

Alice and her boyfriend, Leo, move in together in an exclusive private gated community call The Circle. Alice is very excited to move out of her small hometown and away from the family tragedy that still haunts her. Looking to make new friends Alice hosts a housewarming party, a mysterious man shows up to the party, when she learns he is a private investigator and the former wife, Nina, living in her home was brutally murdered by her husband. Alice is applaud to find out Leo knew before buying the house and kept it from her. She feels that she must leave the home but something is keeping her, Nina's ghost and the private investigator have convinced her it was not the husband and the murder is still on the loose and it has to be someone living in The Circle...but who.

**Possible spoilers**

B.A. Paris is very good at spinning mysteries inside her novels, but I struggled with this one. I enjoyed the premise and her writing style but I disliked Alice as the main character. She spends the majority of the story punishing Leo for keeping the secret from her, but expects him to do whatever she says or needs without question. She is a very selfish character who becomes completely utterly obsessed with the murder, because she happened to share the same name as her sister. At one point or another she thinks that EVERYONE in and around The Circle, is the killer and is lying to her. However, she immediately and unquestionably believes everything Tom, the private investigator, tells her even though he lied to her from the very beginning. The truth about the killer and their motives are a bit forced and slightly erratic. Decent mystery but overall not my favorite.

I received an audio version from NetGalley and really liked the main narrator Olivia Dowd, she was clear and easy to listen too. Thomas Judd offered a small portion of the story which I also appreciated and would be happy to listen to more works from these narrators.

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A nice escape thriller set in a London gated community that smells of lies and secrets.

The Therapist is a domestic thriller in which our main character Alice and her boyfriend Leo move into a beautiful house in The Circle, a fancy gated community in London. Inadvertently, Alice finds out why they had purchased the house below the market value - something terrible had happened inside. Someone, a kind therapist named Nina, had been murdered in the house, which is something Leo had hidden from Alice when he found the house.

As a result of this shocking discovery, Alice becomes obsessed with Nina's murder and finding out what actually happened. But when she tries to ask her neighbors about it, everyone seems to be hiding something. And as Alice and Leo begin repeatedly noticing someone's presence inside their home, it becomes clear that the truth behind Nina's murder has been hidden.

This was the light mystery I needed at this point in my difficult year, just after submitting my Master's thesis. It felt like a nice escape listen with a truly excellent narrator, although certainly not a particularly memorable one - nor a very thrilling one, either. However, the twist and the ending managed to catch me totally off guard in a really good way.

*Thank you to the Publisher for a free advance copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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Leo and Alice meet by chance, or do they? Moving to a new neighborhood together, Alice tries to make friends with others in the neighborhood so she invites them for drinks…here comes trouble.

Leo’s past isn’t what it seems, all of the neighbors know something and they don’t want to talk about it…strange things start to happen and Alice digs into the past and of course discovers the secrets she’s been after.

The book reads a bit slow and some of the plot twist are a little predictable, in the end it’s a 3 star read thriller for me.

I enjoyed the narration, I did feel like it read a bit slow and when you put the speed to anything past 1.75 it didn’t read smoothly. Overall, it was well done, Olivia Dowd and Thomas Judd did a wonderful job.

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I have always been a big fan of B.A Paris! The Break Down and Bring Me Back are just a few of my favorite books of all time! I was so excited to be approved for the Therapist before its release date. I received this as an audio and it was the first time I had tried an audio book. I was not disappointed!

The Therapist is filled with twist and turns, lies and deceit! Just who is telling the truth? I was left guessing throughout the entire book.

Alice is excited to finally move in with her boyfriend whom she has been carrying a long distance relationship with. Alice soon learns not everything is at it seems and learns of a dark secret regarding the previous owner of her new home. Alice is soon led down a rabbit hole of obsession in finding out what had happened and who is telling the truth?

You wont want to miss this one! I highly recommend this psychological thriller to anyone who loves a good mystery.

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When I saw that BA Paris was coming out with a new novel involving a therapist I was SO EXCITED. Behind Closed Doors was one of my favorite thrillers of 2020, and from the blurb, I had high expectations for The Therapist. Unfortunately, it fell really flat for me. The whole premise of the book only could happen if the main character was a gullible, pretty unintelligent woman and boy did Alice live up to that, and it got old fast. All the characters in the book were shallow and not particularly likeable. While the ending was a bit of a shock, it was only because it was so left field. It's not that hard to make a shocking ending when it didn’t tie into the story line almost at all. If you like rich petty people, drama, and deceit with a side of mystery you may enjoy this. Otherwise likely wouldn't recommend.

I enjoyed the narration, but did speed it up to 1.75 easily. It felt too slow at normal speed.

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Alice meets Leo when his car bumps into hers one rainy afternoon. No damage to either car really, but the damage will follow. This is, after all, a B.A. Paris, so if you are looking for a fuzzy, feel-good read, you have come to the wrong address.

Several months later, Leo and Alice, move into a gated, exclusive community. This is Leo’s dream - life with a woman he loves in a neighborhood he could never normally afford. So what’s the catch? It turns out that a woman named Nina was murdered in the house. Her husband was accused, found guilty, and committed suicide. Leo neglected to mention this little detail to Alice before they moved in, and as it turns out, this is not the only little detail he neglected to mention.

Alice really wants to fit in and make friends with her new neighbors. Since she knows nothing about the murder of Nina a year earlier, she doesn’t understand why she’s getting the cold shoulder from all the other women (Nina’s friends) in the neighborhood. In her attempt to warm things up, she sends a message out to the neighborhood whatsapp group, inviting everyone in for drinks. Big mistake! She unwittingly invites trouble.

So begins our story. Alice is shocked to learn that Leo has bought a house where a woman was murdered a year earlier. Worse yet, her own sister died only recently, and her name (coincidentally) was Nina, too. Are any of the neighbors to be trusted? Is her husband to be trusted? Is the private investigator she is falling for to be trusted? What about the estate agent?

Leo gets the boot, and Alice sticks her nose in, all over the place - stirring up trouble as she tries to prove that Nina’s husband was innocent of the crime (now there’s a stretch for you). Alice tears her hair out (literally) trying to figure who really did commit the crime…weird things are happening at home, things are disappearing, or appearing out of nowhere. Could it be the ghost of Nina Past? (which Nina Past?).

Alice ends up fitting in better than she expected and gets a new hairdo in the process! (I am reminded of a few bars from South Pacific, Mary Martin singing “I’m gonna to wash that man right outa my hair….” – and NO I am NOT that old, but my mother had the album which I heard at least a hundred times while I grew up).

This is a fun book with lots of finger-pointing, but I think the murder is an easy tell. This did not distract much from the read and there was a harrowing, nail-biting, hair-raising (sorry about that) ending.

This was a double the fun read – I have NetGally, St. Martins Press, AND MacMillan Audio to thank for the opportunity to alternate reading and listening to ARCs of both the ebook and audio versions of this book. I enjoyed the narration by Olivia Dowd and Thomas Judd.

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This felt like a run of the mill thriller... about 100 pages too long. I did think the twists at the end were ones I wasn’t entirely sure I saw coming. Overall it was fine, nothing ground breaking.

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Thrillers as audiobooks are my favorite, and The Therapist did not disappoint. The Therapist provided a good amount of suspense, anticipation, and surprise. Despite taking place mostly in an enclosed neighborhood with limited characters the story still kept me on my toes. Alice wasn’t my favorite main character (she’s a little dumb for me), but she was relatable. The reader of the audiobook did such a great job as well.

Thank you to St Martin’s Press and NetGalley for granting me a free copy of this audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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This was the first book by B. A. Paris I have read, but I had been told really great things. So while the book was ok I went into listening to it expecting more. The narrator was great and I did feel like she brought the main character Alice to life. But I found the first three quarters of the book to be so slow it was hard to keep listening at times. The ending did pick up with the solution to the mystery but it was pretty predictable. I have to say that while I did like Alice she was one of the dumbest narrators I’ve seen. She would take in some clue and interpret it and I would be staring at the speaker like what do you mean it’s so clearly this! It felt like watching a cheesy horror movie and yelling at the girl on screen not to run upstairs. The premise of the story also felt a bit weak. Alice has just moved in with her boyfriend Leo into a fancy home in a gated community. She starts to make friends and settle in when she is shocked to learn that a murder/suicide occurred in the house and that is why it had been uninhabited for so long. The woman who died shared a name with Alice’s sister who had died in a car accident along with her parents. And this small connection of a shared name caused Alice to become a bit obsessed with the murder.

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3.5 ⭐️‘s
After only seeing each other on weekends for several months, Alice and Leo decide to buy a house that’s conveniently located for both of them. When Leo finds a place too good to be true, Alice isn’t quite as taken with the house, but goes along with his enthusiasm. Something happened in #6 Circle. Something the neighbors don’t want to talk about. As strange things start to happen, Alice becomes obsessed with finding out what really happened and everyone is a suspect!

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B.A. Paris never disappoints with thrillers. I kept thinking about how upset I would be if I was Alice and my partner didnt tell me there was a murder/suicide and that how we got the place. I swear there is always a character in her books I want to punch lol
Great book!

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Another superb psychological thriller from BA Paris with red herrings on every corner. This tells the tale of a neighborhood with some rather unique characteristics. It makes the reader question if anything - or anyone - is as it seems. Is anything as it appears…. Or am I losing my mind? Thanks to NetGalley for the advance read.

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I wasn't sure at the beginning of this book if I would even finish it, but I slowly got drawn into the story involving a paranoid young woman with her own issues and those of her live-in boyfriend and neighbors. This preview was the audiobook version and I enjoyed having the narrator actually be British since the story is based in London. There were enough twists and turns to keep me guessing throughout the book. This was the first book I've read from this author and will likely check out her others.

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I listened to the audiobook version. I was excited to listen to The Therapist by B.A. Paris because I loved her other books. Overall, it was good but predictable and a little slow. Some of the details had some twists and turns. You felt that "thrill" and "suspense" in some of the scenes for sure. The narrator was good but sometimes I got confused when there were dialogues between two or more people as the voices didn't change much.

A big thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced listers copy of The Therapist by B. A. Paris. #Netgalley

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Alice and Leo are in a long distance relationship and only see each other on the weekends. So they could see each other more, they both agree to buy a house and move in together. Leo convinces Alice to move to The Circle, a small gated neighborhood in London. Nothing is as it seems though. In typical B.A. Paris style, it's a slow build up to what is really going on.... that there was a murder in the house Alice and Leo moved in to. Alice becomes obsessed with finding out who murdered Nina. Was it the husband like all the neighbors think? Or was it someone else? Nina starts to point fingers at everything and it just snowballs from there. I don't want to give the ending away, but I'm pleasantly surprised I kind of didn't see it coming. The middle did get a little boring as it was Alice just talking to her neighbors and friends constantly. I'd like to say that both narrators, Olivia Dowd and Thomas Judd did a good job of reading. I enjoyed Olivia's British accent. This book is definitely for those who like B.A. Paris' other books, or those who like mysteries and thrillers.

Thank you to Netgalley, B.A. Paris and Macmillan Audio for allowing me to listen to this ARC.

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Another win for me! I love anything that B.A. Paris writes!
The anticipation of who killed Nina had me wanting to read one more chapter when I said I was going to stop. You can't help but wonder if Alice is crazy or if she is figuring out the mystery. This is definitely a must read!

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B.A. Paris never fails to disappoint. I enjoy going into thrillers without any background of the story; I recommend that you do the same here. All B.A. Paris books that I've read are winners, but The Therapist adds a new twist that had ME paranoid the entire time. All you need to know is that this story is about Alice who moved into a new neighborhood. The suspense, anticipation and twists all had me wanting more!

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